The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs | Ad-Free and Uncut | SHUDDER

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The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs

The Last Drive-in With Joe Bob Briggs

Proving once again that “the drive-in will never die,” iconic horror host and exploitation movie aficionado Joe Bob Briggs is back with a new season Fridays on Shudder TV and Sundays on demand. Every week, The Last Drive-In series offers an eclectic pairing of films, running the gamut from horror classics to obscurities and international cult favorites. And from time to time, special surprise guests will drop in on Joe Bob and Darcy the Mail Girl.


Member Reviews

Awesome Season!

20 hours ago

Joe Bob doesn’t need a cohost. More JoeBob please. Wish they would adopt the Monstervision format. Let the man rant.

1 day ago

JOE BOB For President

1 day ago

No movie this week? I cant think of one bi weekly show streaming or broadcast. A bad timeslot can cancel a program. They shouldve backed off this by now and fire whoevers responsible for the idea. Is this show keeping the lights on at shudder? I doubt it but are they running tldi into the ground to promote the app? I think so. A lot of bad business decisions have been made with this show. Think joebob needs better management and hope hes not pulling a pauly shore by relying on his unqualified fan darcy to save a buck.

1 day ago

Can they not find him a better cohost? She adds nothing to the commentary.

2 days ago