Hugill & Ip Solicitors | Independent law firm in Hong Kong
it's about

independent law firm in hong kong



Welcome to our legal hub for the LGBTQI community, where we publish resources for all your needs: from marriage to divorce, from estate planning to probate, from workplace discrimination to wrongful termination, and more…

We endeavour to build lasting client relationships based on trust, professionalism and discretion

Our clients have diverse issues. Some require immediate attention and speedy outcomes. Others require the building of a long-term partnership between solicitor and client. In all situations and for all our clients, we provide clear practical advice to help achieve the best results.

My Pride Story: Henry Tse

My Pride Story: Henry Tse 600 424 Hugill & Ip

A story about gender identity and the struggle of a brave individual who challenged the Courts for the recognition of the correct gender on his HKID

Velocity | Case Study: Implementing New Technology for Leading Hong Kong Law Firm Hugill & Ip

Velocity | Case Study: Implementing New Technology for Leading Hong Kong Law Firm Hugill & Ip 1200 800 Hugill & Ip

Find out how Velocity helped Hugill & Ip accelerate their growth implementing cloud-first technology to establish a secure, modern workplace

The Importance of Having LGBTQ Role Models in the Workplace

The Importance of Having LGBTQ Role Models in the Workplace 1200 800 Hugill & Ip

This June we launch the HIP pride delving into the significance of LGBTQ role models in the workplace and the immense benefits they bring

Case Analysis: Children of the Family Are Children!

Case Analysis: Children of the Family Are Children! 900 673 Saajandeep Singh

The judgment HCMC 3/2023 [2024] HKCFI 1157 is a welcome development in the laws of Hong Kong which showcases the ever-changing complexities faced by families

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