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Terry Sanders for Santa Rosa City Council SF Chronicle Photo (DIGITAL RIGHTS ACQUIRED)_Ter

Terry Sanders

Firefighter • EMT/Paramedic •  Fire Survivor • Small Business Owner •  Husband •  Father •  Musician •  Longtime resident of Santa Rosa’s 4th District


I appreciate you taking the time to visit this site to learn more about my background and candidacy for Santa Rosa City Council – District 4. As a 23-year firefighter, fire survivor and small business owner during the Great Recession, I have diverse, real-world experience on the critical budgetary and public safety issues facing our community today. Through my wife’s work as a Foster and Homeless Youth Education Services Coordinator for the Sonoma County Office of Education, I’ve also developed a unique understanding of the housing and homelessness crisis facing our young people, and know we must do better—on these and other critical issues facing Santa Rosa today.


This fall, I hope to earn your trust, support and vote to serve District 4 on the Santa Rosa City Council. It’s time for a positive change to lead this city down a better path. As we embark on this journey, I hope we can achieve this goal—together. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at (707) 387-0153 or email me at Terry@VoteTerrySanders.com.


Yours in service,


Terry Sanders, Candidate

Santa Rosa City Council – District 4

Join the Campaign!

I hope to count on your support in this election. If you are already planning to Vote Terry Sanders, please let me and others know by adding your name to my list of endorsements or getting involved with the campaign by placing a yard sign at your home or business, walking precincts with me, calling supporters, and other activities.

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