Stan Lee dies at 95: Praise pours in for Marvel's biggest icon - CNET

Stan Lee dies at 95: Praise pours in for Marvel's biggest icon

Those inspired by his work offer condolences and commemoration on Twitter.

Morgan Little Senior Director, Audience
Morgan leads the teams managing CNET's presence and content across social media, news platforms and more after stints in the marketing world and LA Times. Eventually his last byline on the site will be about something other than Godzilla
Morgan Little

Stan Lee, the man who helped propel Marvel into the entertainment juggernaut it is today, has passed away at the age of 95

After playing an instrumental role in creating beloved characters like Spider-Man, the Avengers, X-Men, Black Panther and more, Lee has become an icon of the comics world, with his reach and influence growing in tandem with Marvel's expansion into its cinematic universe.

As news of his passing spread, those who have worked with Lee or been inspired by his work took to Twitter to honor someone who for decades has been either one of Marvel's driving creative forces, or a public figurehead across films and conventions.

Watch this: Every Stan Lee Marvel movie cameo

Within the world of comics, Marvel's longtime rival DC Comics led the series of eulogies for Lee.

Others took a moment to recognize Lee for his ability to focus on the heroes within us all, regardless of who we are or where we came from.

Stan Lee dies at 95: A look back at his most iconic characters on screen

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