People Are Sharing How Their Friends With Benefits Ended
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    "It Was A Dumpster Fire" — People Are Sharing How Their "Situationships" Ended, And Honestly, It's The Intervention I Needed

    "We broke it off, then started again. Then I realised I couldn’t live without her. We’ve been married 14 years this year."

    In a Reddit post shared to r/AskReddit, site user u/bigbumbabehappy (good for them!) asked: "People who have had a 'friends with benefits' relationship, how did it end?" Here are some of the most-upvoted responses:

    1. "We both married the next people we dated."


    2. "It ended with a wedding and the birth of my daughter."


    "A spouse with health benefits." 


    Bride in a white dress and groom in a black suit raise their hands in joy at their wedding, officiant in the background

    3. "Still friends, no 'benefits.'"


    4. "We broke it off, then started again. Then I realised I couldn’t live without her. We’ve been married 14 years this year."


    5. "She went to a party during COVID which turned out to be a swingers party. I got COVID from an adult event I didn't get to attend. Still salty."


    Man in plaid shirt with surprised expression holding a box, sitting on a couch in a living room setting

    6. "We ended up catching feelings, and now we're navigating this weird space between friends and something more... it's like a rom-com, but messier."


    7. "I caught feelings. They asked me to try and stuff that way down because they needed the connection due to some personal stuff. It was a bad suggestion, but I did that. Months later they caught feelings. Tough luck, 'cause I had shoved it so far down that it was never coming back. I told them, I’m out."

    "Ruined a friendship of 8+ years." 


    8. "We graduated, said 'That was fun,' and happily said goodbyes. Life went on and we didn’t keep in touch. Three years later he texted me to say he was vacationing with some friends in my city. Now it’s nine years later and we are watching Bluey — married with a kid."


    Two actors on a TV set kitchen facing each other, man in striped shirt, woman in floral top

    9. "We were both rebounding off other relationships and we were not meant to be together at all. But we enjoyed each other's company and we cared about each other. We were actually friends. When we ended things, he sang me to sleep and we cuddled all night. Love and care doesn't have to be committed."


    10. "It ended badly. Very badly. We had a relationship that just didn't work."


    11. "It was a dumpster fire. But it taught me a lot and over time I was able to accept my part of the responsibility for it ending the way it did. Now I steer clear of these situations as I know they don’t work for me. Most people don’t get out of these 'situationships' unscathed."


    A distressed young woman with long hair facing a man who is out of frame

    12. "It ended on a non-dramatic note. Still friendly, but just sort of fading away from one another."


    13. "I married him, LOL. We were FWB for about six months before we realised we were actually in love with each other and wanted to do the official thing. We got married about six years later. We've been married for five years now, I still love the guy."


    14. "They’re now one of my best friends with no benefits. I’m a firm believer that relationships can evolve."


    Two characters from a show express distress while embracing, sitting on a car's trunk

    15. "He ghosted me after saying he thought he might want a real relationship with me, got back together with his baby mama, had another baby with her, married her, divorced within a year or two, and throughout all this continued to send me random messages trying to meet up for10 YEARS after."


    16. "It ended horribly when I was informed that she preferred me to her boyfriend. She was cheating on him with me. I walked away and didn't look back."


    17. "It ended fine. I just texted her and said 'I have a girlfriend now,' and she said 'okay, best of luck, you deserve it.'"


    A hand holding a yellow sticky note with handwritten text: "I'm sorry I can't, Don't hate me"

    18. "It ended terribly because I liked her too much. But she was also a liar. I ignored a bunch of red flags. But she also knew how to play me."


    19. "We ended up in a relationship after about a year of being friends with benefits. We're still together after 13 years."


    Two women embracing in a kitchen, one about to kiss the other on the cheek. They are characters in a TV show

    20. "It just fizzled out due to distance and moving on with our lives."


    21. "We are married now, so it worked out great/terribly depending on how you define success in those situations!"


    "Generally, one of the goals in a FWB is for neither party to get feelings for the other. On that basis, I will label this as a 'task failed successfully.'"


    Shout out to r/AskReddit and u/bigbumbabehappy for having this discussion.

    Have you got a perspective you'd like to share? Let us know in the comments below (if you're comfortable, of course!).