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MySims, previously known by the working title The Sims Wii, is a game developed and published by Electronic Arts, as a spinoff to The Sims franchise. It was released for the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Microsoft Windows, and mobile phones.

The art style and gameplay is heavily inspired by Nintendo franchises, such as Animal Crossing. This is the first game in the MySims series, and is followed by MySims Kingdom, MySims Party, MySims Racing, MySims Agents, and MySims SkyHeroes.



MySims has received fairly mixed, but generally decent reviews. It is known for having colorful graphics and cheery and fun gameplay, but criticized for having too much focus on construction and collecting essences. IGN said "The problem is that nearly all of the objectives revolve around the same two tasks: the collection of essences and the construction of houses, buildings and items. All of the Sim management and social interaction elements of the previous games – well, you're not going to find much of that in the streamlined Wii affair". Gamespot praised the Wii game for the construction being intuitive and flexible and for the presentation being cheery and clean. It was also criticized for having longer than usual load times. Its Nintendo DS counterpart is regarded as virtually an all new game in design; However, reception of its control scheme varied greatly.


Main articles: MySims Kingdom, MySims Party, MySims Racing, MySims Agents, and MySims SkyHeroes

Five sequels have currently been released for MySims. MySims Kingdom was released October 28, 2008, MySims Party was released March 9, 2009, MySims Racing was released June 12, 2009, MySims Agents was released September 29, 2009, and MySims SkyHeroes was released September 28th, 2010. MySims SkyHeroes is the last game of the franchise.


  • Castaway-and-MySims

    The game is seen in the shelf under the television.

    MySims (Wii) appears in a television in The Sims 3.
  • MySims was a buyable video game in The Sims 2.
  • Taco Bell gave out MySims (PC) for free in kid's meals during 2010.
  • MySims (PC) was released the exact same day as MySims Kingdom.
  • The soundtracks for Buy Mode and Build Mode in The Sims 2: Pets were intended to be reused in MySims Create-A-Sim, but they were cut from the final release of the game.
  • This is the only MySims title to be released on PC.
  • MySims (PC) is the only game in the franchise (besides the DS games) to be region free and could be played on any system (such as a US game being played in a UK PC).
    • This was changed with MySims SkyHeroes as the PS3 version is region free.
  • MySims (PC) is the 2nd Sim game to require a Service Pack.
  • The 1st bring SimCity Societies and the 3rd being The Sims 3 and The Sims Medieval.
  • MySims (PC) and MySims SkyHeroes are the only games that are not Nintendo Exclusives.
    • MySims Kingdom through MySims Agents are Nintendo Exclusives as they are only released on Wii and DS.


See also[]

External links[]

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