The Meaning Behind The Song: Astronomy by Blue Öyster Cult - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Astronomy by Blue Öyster Cult

The Meaning Behind The Song: Astronomy by Blue Öyster Cult

For many, the song “Astronomy” by Blue Öyster Cult is an enigma, a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Released in 1974 on the album “Secret Treaties,” the song has garnered a cult following over decades. It’s a perfect blend of mystical, mythical, and cosmic elements that has left listeners transfixed. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind the song and reveal the fascinating backstory that fuels it.

The Inspiration for the Song

The inspiration for the song “Astronomy” can be traced back to the early days of Blue Öyster Cult. Eric Bloom, one of the founding members of the band, revealed in an interview with Henry Yates that the song’s origins go back to the band’s college days in upstate New York. The band members would often stay up late talking about astronomy and other cosmic topics, and the song emerged from those conversations.

The lyrics of the song draw on a range of influences, including H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos, the poetry of William Blake, and the works of Aleister Crowley. The song’s lyrics are cryptic and full of symbolism, making it open to interpretation and leading to endless debates among fans.

Interpreting the Lyrics

The song’s opening verse sets the stage for the supernatural elements that follow:

“The clock strikes twelve and moon drops burst
Out at you from their hiding place
Miss Carrie nurse and Suzy dear
Would find themselves a resting place”

The lines suggest that something ominous and mysterious is about to happen. The reference to “Miss Carrie nurse” and “Suzy dear” has led to speculation that the lyrics are about serial killer Charles Starkweather and his girlfriend Caril Fugate. The couple famously killed 11 people in Nebraska in 1958 and became the inspiration for the movie “Badlands.”

The chorus of the song is equally enigmatic, with lines like:

“Ancient shapes were all around us
And the secrets of the start
We heard the ghosts of yesterday
And the strangled cry of a Martian guitar”

Many fans believe that the song’s imagery suggests an otherworldly encounter, with references to space travel (“secrets of the stars”), ancient civilizations (“ancient shapes”), and cosmic forces (“Martian guitar”).

The Legacy of the Song

Despite its cryptic lyrics, “Astronomy” has become one of Blue Öyster Cult’s most beloved songs. It’s been covered by a range of artists, including Metallica, who recorded a live version of the song for their “Garage Inc.” album. The song has also been featured in movies and TV shows, including “Badlands” and “The Sopranos.”

The song’s legacy is a testament to its enduring appeal. It’s a song that captures a sense of mystery and wonder that is timeless. Whether you interpret the lyrics as a reflection of cosmic forces or a simple love story gone wrong, there’s no denying the power of “Astronomy.”


What inspired Blue Öyster Cult to write the song “Astronomy”?

The inspiration for the song “Astronomy” can be traced back to the band’s college days in upstate New York. The band members would often stay up late talking about astronomy and other cosmic topics, and the song emerged from those conversations.

Who were Miss Carrie nurse and Suzy dear in the song’s lyrics?

The reference to “Miss Carrie nurse” and “Suzy dear” has led to speculation that the lyrics are about serial killer Charles Starkweather and his girlfriend Caril Fugate. The couple famously killed 11 people in Nebraska in 1958 and became the inspiration for the movie “Badlands.”

What do the song’s lyrics mean?

The lyrics of the song draw on a range of influences, including H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos, the poetry of William Blake, and the works of Aleister Crowley. The song’s lyrics are cryptic and full of symbolism, making it open to interpretation and leading to endless debates among fans.

Why has “Astronomy” become one of Blue Öyster Cult’s most enduring songs?

Despite its cryptic lyrics, “Astronomy” has become one of Blue Öyster Cult’s most beloved songs. It’s been covered by a range of artists, including Metallica, who recorded a live version of the song for their “Garage Inc.” album. The song has also been featured in movies and TV shows, including “Badlands” and “The Sopranos.”

How has “Astronomy” influenced other artists?

The song’s enduring appeal has inspired other artists to cover it and draw from its cosmic, mystical elements. Metallica’s cover of the song is a testament to its influence and impact on the world of rock music.

What is the meaning behind the line “strangled cry of a Martian guitar”?

The line suggests an otherworldly encounter, with references to space travel (“secrets of the stars”), ancient civilizations (“ancient shapes”), and cosmic forces (“Martian guitar”).

What is the significance of the clock striking twelve in the song’s opening verse?

The reference to the clock striking twelve sets the stage for the ominous and mysterious events that follow.

What is the significance of the moon drops bursting out?

The moon drops bursting out suggest a supernatural or otherworldly occurrence is about to happen.

What is the significance of the ancient shapes in the song’s chorus?

The ancient shapes suggest a connection to ancient civilizations or otherworldly forces.

What is the meaning behind the ghosts of yesterday in the song’s chorus?

The ghosts of yesterday suggest a connection to the past or a reflection of cosmic history.

What is the meaning behind the secrets of the stars in the song’s chorus?

The secrets of the stars suggest a connection to cosmic forces or the mysteries of the universe.

What is the meaning behind the strangled cry of a Martian guitar in the song’s chorus?

The line suggests an otherworldly encounter, with references to space travel (“secrets of the stars”), ancient civilizations (“ancient shapes”), and cosmic forces (“Martian guitar”).

Why do fans consider “Astronomy” to be one of Blue Öyster Cult’s best songs?

The song’s enduring appeal and mystical, cosmic elements have made it a favorite among fans and critics alike. Its enigmatic lyrics and powerful music combine to create a timeless classic.

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