Watch DARLING in the FRANXX - Crunchyroll
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The distant future: Humanity established the mobile fort city, Plantation, upon the ruined wasteland. Within the city were pilot quarters, Mistilteinn, otherwise known as the “Birdcage.” That is where the children live... Their only mission in life was the fight. Their enemies are the mysterious giant organisms known as Kyoryu. The children operate robots known as FRANXX in order to face these still unseen enemies. Among them was a boy who was once called a child prodigy: Code number 016, Hiro. One day, a mysterious girl called Zero Two appears in front of Hiro. “I’ve found you, my Darling.”

ABC Asahi
Japanese, English, English (India), Deutsch, Español (América Latina), Français, Português (Brasil), हिंदी, தமிழ், తెలుగు
English, Deutsch, Español (América Latina), Español (España), Français, Italiano, Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية, हिंदी, தமிழ், తెలుగు
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(2 reviews)20 January 2018
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A Unique and Telling Twist on Our Own Modern Relationships

There is a great deal of depth to this anime, far beyond the surface level cries of 'sexual exploitation' that some are spouting. The society depicted in this anime mirrors our own in a few unique ways. For one, I do not look at the process of piloting the FRANXX as 'male dominance'. The themes evident here are immediately sexual. As such, the male-female duo is not unlike the act of procreation in our world. Much like our world, the female is responsible for generating 'life'. The male plugs into the female and both work together to create a child. In DARLING in the FRANXX, this same duo is creating the energy, or life, to pilot the mech. Indeed, while many may blindly see this as 'male exploitation of women', can you also not say that the male is dependent on the female partner? The plot even says that they must be in perfect resonance in order to function. They both NEED to rely on one another in order to succeed. There are no duplicitous motives, only harmonious ones. Philosophies aside, the animation is top-notch, and Zero Two takes the spotlight as an engaging character that adds much to the movement of the plot. She is sporadic, barbaric, romantic, and unusual, and has both a primal and refined take on 'love'. Her affection for her 'darling' is slightly overbearing, if not excessive at times (blood and saliva seem to be regularly shared to symbolize their connection), but it is also refined as she employs the heartfelt and classic pet name 'darling' to describe her feelings. The way she gazes upon him fondly, caresses his head, and confronts those who might challenge their relationship, is indicative of a more civilized mind. All in all, I look forward to seeing how the merger of these two lost and lonely souls brings them a renewed life together.

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(1 review)10 April 2018
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After episode 13 This show Is in my all time favortis.

This show has a very slow build up exploring relations ships and what it means to be human in a world where humans have stripped themselves of humanity. Kids raised more like machines than people struggle to understand how to relate to each other. World building Is slow and gradual but almost every episode, You get a new puzzle piece of the bigger picture, Prepare to take a while to start putting things together, But it's done very well. The action takes a back seat to characters, This show inst' really about the mecha at all, and the action is more of a backdrop for where the characters are in their relationships, but the writing Is very creative and tells it's story very differently than anything I'm used to. And I always am excited about what surprises the next will bring. Episode Charter development has been pretty great. I didn't like the protagonist at first, he seemed far too stale and passive, but as episodes when in my opinion of him has really changed as I've come to realize that given the environment he was raised in he's actually a very strong and independent individual, steps ahead of everyone around him. Episode 13 was a real treat the brought on some feels and Had some Elfen Lied vibes. (not in the gore and nudity department) but in some very similar mood and concepts. I've noticed many people complaining about the slow pace or the last few episodes being "filler". when to be these episodes were filed with charter development and interesting unique writing. I guess if you're expecting a fast-paced action mecha show then this show just isn't for you. Personally, with each passing episode, my enjoyment of this show is becoming on par with some of my personal favorites such as FMAB Fate/zero and Gurren Laggan.

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(1 review)22 January 2018
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I like it a lot, enough to re-watch multiple times!

I thoroughly enjoyed the first two episodes (all that is available ATM). So much so that I re-watched them multiply times which is pretty out of character for me as I normally can't be bothered to watch something more than once. Darling in the FranXX is a solid ace for me.

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(2 reviews)13 January 2018
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Written in Response to Episode 1 - It is worth a watch

What a strong debut! The show is like Kill La Kill, Gundam 00, and Gurren Lagann all had a baby together, which for me is awesome because it combines concepts from series that I love. Studio Trigger is back in top form with this new mecha anime. It feels like the true successor to both Kill La Kill and Gurren Lagann. I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode. The animation is top notch and the fight scenes are dynamic and flashy. The characters are interesting. My personal favorite is the mischievous mad scientist/top notch soldier 002. The concept of male and female pilot pairs is interesting and original. I plan to tune in to watch it each week and you should definitely give it a watch!

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(1 review)11 February 2019
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Too good to be real for us to watch

This is the only anime, along with golden time, that could have brought me to tears. It was soo sad yet soo happy, so tragic yet soo fruitful. It had everything like rom com combat. just toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.