What is your earliest memory?
A birthday party — either my third or my fifth, I’m not sure — at a house called Kenwood, in Weybridge, Surrey. There’s a picture of dad [John Lennon] at Kenwood, holding an old hoe, and mum [Cynthia Lennon], with her hair all bouffed, and me. I remember my cake was a steam train. I wanted to be a train driver. I loved Saturday morning TV shows, and I fell in love with [train engineer] Casey Jones. He was always solving something.

Who was or still is your mentor?
Certain people have affected my progress and creativity in different mediums. For instance, Timothy White, a dear friend and a famous celebrity photographer, urged me to consider photography, which gave me a completely new lease of life and a new outlet.

How fit are you?
I’m not a fitness junkie but I’m OK and I’m healthy. I’m always active, always moving. I try to eat well. I still have those English moments with sausage, egg, beans and chips, the odd roast. Sadly, they’re few and far between now.

Tell me about an animal you have loved.
Dogs bring so much comfort, they release anxiety. There have been a few. I live next door to one of my best friends. My ex and I had a couple of dogs, and my friend had a dog too. Two of them had a little fun together and lo and behold, about 12 puppies came out of that. We couldn’t bear to let any of them go. You know how animals find you? A little white one, the smallest mutt, Soleil, came to me and clung on for life. I miss her dearly.

Risk or caution, which has defined your life more?
Risk. Jumping at the deep end, even if I’m scared out of my brains, which I normally am. I’d rather be that way than complacent. It’s a challenge and I like it that way.

What trait do you find most irritating in others?
Ghosting. This new mentality that people don’t have any focus any more. Lack of respect in general. And small talk: people talking BS to me.

What trait do you find most irritating in yourself?
Like Dad, I used to have a very sharp tongue. I’ve put a lock on that now.

What drives you on?
If I have a focus and desire to do something, I’ve got to prove to myself that I’m capable of achieving the best that I can do. If I can do some good and spread some positivity, for me that’s what it’s all about.

Do you believe in an afterlife?
I’m spiritual by nature, not religious. I believe there is continuity of energy in some way, shape or form.

Which is more puzzling, the existence of suffering or its frequent absence?
Nobody wants suffering, but suffering allows us empathy. Without the one, you can’t have the other.

Name your favourite river.
I love Paris. The beauty, the architecture, the café culture, the arts. I had one of the most amazing nights of my life travelling alongside the Seine on an electric scooter.

What would you have done differently?
We never know when we’re going to lose someone. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t spend as much time with my mother as I could have. Everything I do now, even with her gone, is to make her proud.

Julian Lennon’s new album “Jude” is released on September 9 via BMG. julianlennon.com

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