Free AI Detector | QuillBot AI
Stay ahead of the game with QuillBot’s advanced AI Detector, capable of analyzing ChatGPT, Gemini, GPT-4, and other AI-generated content.

Free AI Detector

Detect content from AI writing tools like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Google Gemini







1,200 words

of text is likely AI-generated



AI-generated & paraphrased 


Human-written & paraphrased 






1,200 words

Meet our AI content detector tool

Trained to identify certain patterns, our detection tool will flag AI-generated, paraphrased & human-written content in your text.

AI-generated content is likely to contain repetitive words, awkward phrasing, and an unnatural, choppy flow. When these indicators are present, QuillBot’s AI Detector will flag the text for further inspection.

🔍Number of checksUnlimited
✍️Works forBlog posts, research papers & other written materials
💰Pricing100% free

Uses for our AI content detector tool

Preserve the humanness of your writing with our AI text detector.


Blog posts

When you're speaking to an audience that trusts and is familiar with your content, it's important to connect with them, person to person. Use our AI writing detector to identify the percentage of content that is AI-generated to help you update your blog post to include more of your own original content.


Research papers

Everything you write for school or work should come from you, especially something as important as a research paper. With AI Detector, you can be sure the text you turn in is AI-free.



When you're turning in anything for school, your assignment needs to be written by you. Rid your homework of AI content and let your original writing shine.


Work projects

The last thing you want is to turn something in to your boss that wasn’t created by you. Use our AI Detector to update your project with your original work.

Why choose QuillBot's AI Detector tool?

Not all AI content detectors are created equal. Our AI Detector offers feedback paragraph by paragraph, so you know exactly where AI-detected content appears in your text. Plus, our natural language processing technology can identify AI-generated content that has been paraphrased to appear original. Here’s why QuillBot is better than other AI content detectors:

Advanced algorithms

for detecting AI-generated, human-written & paraphrased content

User-friendly interface

and seamless integration

Free for everyone

including free and Premium users

Get real-time content analysis with QuillBot’s AI Detector

Wondering if your text includes AI-generated, paraphrased, or human-written content? When using QuillBot’s AI Detector, there’s no wait.

As soon as you submit your content for analysis, our AI Detector starts analyzing each sentence for repeated words or phrases and an unnatural flow. In a matter of seconds, a percentage indicating the proportion of AI-generated, paraphrased, and human-written content in your writing will be available. It’s fast, it’s ridiculously easy to use, and it keeps your writing human.


AI-generated content often contains noticeable patterns, such as repeated words, awkward phrases, and unnatural flow. QuillBot’s AI content detector tool is carefully trained to understand the difference between human-written and AI-generated content. Training an AI to identify AI-generated content works similarly to training an AI to identify plagiarism or detect grammar errors. It’s all about pattern recognition and repeated testing for accuracy. Our algorithms are so advanced that they can even identify AI-generated content that has been paraphrased to appear more original.
QuillBot’s AI Detector can only detect AI-generated, paraphrased, and human-written text. It can’t detect images, video, or other rich media content.
Our AI writing detector can only identify AI-generated, paraphrased, and human-written content. QuillBot has a host of other tools, including a Grammar Checker, Plagiarism Checker, and Paraphraser that can all help you improve the quality of your writing.
No. Our AI content checker can only inform you of AI-generated, paraphrased, and human-written content. Our Plagiarism Checker can assist with preventing unintentional plagiarism in your writing.
No, AI Detector will simply give you a percentage between 0% and 100% that represents how much AI-generated, paraphrased, or human-written content is in your text.
The AI Detector can currently analyze text in English, Spanish, German, and French.