Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed (2012) - Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed (2012) - User Reviews - IMDb
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A very commendable effort
azanti002929 October 2012
Of the deluge of low budget World War II movies coming out of both Europe and the USA this little indie effort is better than most. I can see where great care has been given here to getting people who sound German to speak German, French to speak French. It may not have been shot in the South of France, but the DOP has spent some considerable care to give the film the warm tones of that part of Europe and the CGI shots blend nicely to convince of this too.

The plot is a little wish washy, men taking part in Dragoon, (The invasion of the South of France, August 1944) end up helping the French resistance on an unrelated mission. The number of characters is kept small and simple and the action scenes are nicely directed. The acting here is earnest, the cast aren't going to win any Oscars, but they don't make the mistake of over selling their performances like so many inexperienced actors would. Everyone here does a good job.

Its a small film and a small story, so don't be expecting Band of Brothers, but its well made with care and love and a great example of how to make a small but interesting film, as opposed to the terrible 'Rhineland' which felt like a bunch of re-in-actors out on a jolly. Here you can tell everyone involved wanted to make a good authentic film with a bit of heart, they succeeded.

If you liked the original your unlikely to be too disappointed, I personally wasn't and this has made it into my WW2 Collection.
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Above average low budget WW II Movie
mickeychasetan8 October 2012
I enjoyed the first Saints and Soldiers movie back in 2003, & was surprised at how good Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed was on the second go around. The acting was very good from the top three GI's & also give top marks to the German officer as well as the cute little French freedom fighter. The reason for my high marks of the film also come the above story, writing & direction of the movie. The combat had good as flow as well, but mainly it was just a top notch story. If you have a chance to see Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed, get it a watch, it was well worth the hour & half of my time.

Again give Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed your time.
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Interesting idea, average film
sicksisters18 October 2012
Overall 'Airborne Creed' is a good film. It is beautifully shot and the main characters are quite convincing (contrary to the dialogues which often are not). All in all the story is fairly decent (although historically inaccurate, to say the least) but also very predictable; they could have got much more out of it. What makes the film average at best is firstly its Hollywoodesque usage of music. The soundtrack is "so heroic and mournful you can almost picture the tears running down the musician's face" (Yahtzee); it forces emotions down the viewer's throat rather than letting them experience themselves. Secondly, the potential of the film's portrayal of good & evil was barely exploited. Why is it that in American films the heroes always die a slow, painful death, whereas for the enemy it is 'one shot, one kill'? It is really not necessary to refuse giving the enemy a face to make the audience understand who/what is good or evil; after all, the story of 'Airborne Creed' clearly shows that the makers were thinking further than this black/white image and striving to add some shades of grey to it. It is a shame they dared not follow this insight consistently.
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Wartime movie about trio of valiant soldiers parachuted into occupied France and without support behind enemy lines
ma-cortes30 October 2013
On August 15, 1944 the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team (PRCT) jumped over the south of France. Their mission was to support and protect the Allied Troops heading to Berlin . Landing in enemy territory , they fell under immediate attack . The combat team of regiment of parachutists is formed by Cpl. James Rossi (Corbin Allred), Sgt. Caleb Jones David Nibley and Cpl. Harland 'Bud' Curtis (Jasen Wade). They must now battle roving German troops and to back to allied territory in their effort to complete the mission and rendez-vous with their unit . The small band of soldiers come across stranded a resistance fighter woman . They decide to help liberate some of the captive Partisans who have valuable information to be delivered to Allied forces . Doing so they'll suffer a lot of dangers and will risk their lives . The group forms a fragile bond as they begin to trust each other . But the constant threat of capture , as well as mounting suspicions of German soldiers posing as US troopers , threaten to tear them apart . As this tiny band must take on the countryside with enemy troops to fight their way back to occupied territory .

Based on actual WWII events, "Saints and Soldiers : Airbone creed" tells the dramatic story of a trio of Allied soldiers trapped behind enemy lines and their mission is to support allied troops marching to Berlin . This is the sequel to the award-winning ¨Saints and soldiers¨ dealing with the Battle of the Bulge and survivors a massacre in Malmedy, in which German soldiers open fire on the unarmed prisoners in a tragic event . ¨Saint and soldiers : Airbone creed¨ has action , crossfire , thrills , warfare feats and dramatic situations . This is a war movie in which predominates the stories and situations of the protagonists on the war itself made , so although there are moments of action and struggle there are also thought-provoking events and some flashbacks recording their life . The story is a typical strategic military adventure where they have to complete an assignment , which is used to move the story filled with interesting ideas and thoughtful dialogues . Good acting from main cast playing three isolated paratroopers who come across a group of French resistants in desperate need, they are Corbin Allred as Cpl. James Rossi , David Nibley as Sgt. Caleb Jones and Jasen Wade as Cpl. Harland 'Bud' Curtis . In fact , this movie is realized in memory of Harland , ¨Bud¨, Curtis . All guns used in the film are authentic and fully-functional, modified to shoot blanks . More than 5,000 blank rounds were used in filming and several war re-enactors volunteered to participate in filming . The good thing is its ambiance and photography, with excellent landscapes and dense atmospheres of war and violence.

The motion picture was professionally photographed and directed by Ryan Little . Ryan was presented with a Student Emmy at the 1999 Academy of Television Arts & Science College Television Awards, for "Best Dramatic Film": The Last Good War . Little has directed a few but acceptable movies such as ¨Outlaw Trail: The Treasure of Butch Cassidy¨ , ¨House of fears¨ , ¨Forever strong¨, ¨Age of the dragons¨ and is filming the third part titled ¨Saints and soldiers : the void¨ .
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War Time Drama
almeidapm22 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Plot: World War II, and 3 airborne soldiers get trapped behind enemy lines after a night drop.

This is a prequel to the movie Saints & Soldiers, but it has no real connection with the characters from the 1st movie. The only things in common is that both are set in WWII and that the movie is more about relationships between enemies than war itself.

This movie was not as good as the 1st one, but still a very entertaining movie. There are no bad people in war only people doing their jobs. The movie really shows how in German side there were good people, as there were in the American side, and in the end nobody really wanted to be there. They just wanted to go home to their families.
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low budget but excellent
chick18925 October 2012
Yes, the film is low budget, and the combat scenes show this, however. the movie follows group of paratroopers who meet local french resistance and set out to free there friends and rejoin the rest of their stick. Then i wont ruin the film for you but the story changes from what i feel was meant to be the real story, but still good none the less. This movie isn't a huge blockbuster gripping film but VERY moving and an emotional movie to watch. If your expecting saving private Ryan don't waste your time, its not like that but still a good movie to watch. I think this movie depicts human nature and the stresses of war more than anything else. Doesn't sound great I know. But watch it. you will be pleasantly surprised.
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The Human Face of World War II
zardoz-1320 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed" opens with this preface. Two months after D-Day the Allied Forces initiated Operation Dragoon. Its purpose was to reclaim Southern France. The 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team was called into action. August 15, 1944. Provence, France 5:03 AM This entertaining but low-budget World War II epic lacks spectacle. Basically, watching this movie is like watching "A Walk in the Sun." You'll spot the CGI scenes because the budget couldn't accommodate the aerial flying shots. Director Ryan Little and scenarists Lincoln Hoppe and Lamont Grey confine the action to fewer than 10 soldiers. Three U.S. Paratroopers, Cpl. James Rossi (Corbin Allred), Sgt. Caleb Jones (David Nibley), and Cpl. Harland 'Bud' Curtis (Jasen Wade) are separated from their troops and make contact with the resistance. A German officer, Erich Neumann (Lincoln Hoppe), wander through this war movie. Eventually, after the Americans and the French Resistance disable a tank, they are left either dead or dying. Neumann encounters a wounded Rossi in the woods. Surprisingly, Neumann takes Rossi to a shed and patches him up. At the same time, Neumann is dying from his own bullet wound. Briefly, these two soldiers have a conversation and approach each other on the level of human beings rather than soldiers. Rossi passes out and awakens when Americans show up. Rossi has always sought a souvenir, specifically a German officer's Lugar pistol, but by the end of "Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed," he has renounced that objective. Consequently, Rossi is the only character who changes over time.

"Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed" takes a personal approach to war. This is the small picture or microcosm. The two biggest scenes involve the capture of two Germans masquerading as Americans and the attack on the German tank. The editing is good, especially when Bud is dying and he believes that his girl back in the states is cradling him when in fact it is a French Resistance woman. Most of the hardware in this little movie looks authentic. Toward the end in a medical unit, we see an American tank cruise through a scene. If you're looking for wall-to-wall World War II violence in the "Saving Private Ryan" mode, you're going to be terribly disappointed. Although it is a low-key actioneer, ""Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed" ranks as an above-average epic with good editing. This would be an example of a World War II movie where a German is presented in a sympathetic light. Nothing really unsavory occurs in this film.
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Humanity can exist in times of war.
hydrogensaver1 November 2012
I want to thank the makers of this film for reminding us that enemies can show great love in times of great strife.

While there is a lot of action in this film resulting in a PG-13 rating, care was taken to make this viewable by the whole family and its rating would certainly have to be considered a mild PG-13.

This film goes far beyond the many mindless war films that simply glorify violence. Anyone watching this film would have a renewed sense of hope that we can live more peaceably together.

Kudos to the filmmakers and keep on doing what you do. Even if you don't have the Hollywood budgets, you make entertaining, truthful and inspiring films I can take my kids to. Thank you.
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No Attention to Detail
kliffnotes24 August 2013
It is just historically inaccurate. The one GI's girlfriend gives him a camera and tells him to send her a photo, every week. Duh,is it a digital camera or a Polaroid? Of course not so where does he get that film developed...Adolf's One Hour Photo? Also, this chick's hair is very modern looking, definitely not a 40's hairstyle. When the GI with the mo-hawk is with his original unit, he is wearing a plain helmet. Later, it sprouts netting. The one guy's helmet has a paratrooper chin strap and the other guy's does not. In addition, the french resistance girl has zip up boots, not authentic to the period. We make a big deal of D- Day and the war in Europe but keep in mind that 69% of the German Army and 90% of the elite troops were deployed on the Russian Front.

OK, enough of the negative. I do feel that the actors tried really hard to do a good job and Lincoln Hoppe had very good intentions, trying to show soldiers on both sides as people, not just stereotypes. As a whole, this is a watchable and entertaining movie. I enjoyed the special features as well as the film.
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Not bad for the budget, but too sanitized
Euromutt1 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Saint and Soldiers: Airborne Creed takes place in southern France during Operation Dragoon in August 1944. Three members of the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team, dropped over a dozen miles from where they're supposed to be, manage to find each other and head off to try to rejoin their unit. Along the way, they encounter Emilie, a female French resistance member who needs their help to rescue some members of her group. Their paths cross, directly and indirectly, that of a German 2nd lieutenant named Neumann.

First, I have to commend the makers on the look of the film: the cinematography is aesthetically pleasing, and clothing, weapons and even haircuts are, as far as I can tell, mostly accurate for the period. The Germans look a bit ragtag (e.g. wearing a mix of boots), but that's credible given that the German units occupying southern France were "minor league," scraped together from reservists and the like. The scenery and vegetation were (to my eye) a bit too western United States rather than southern France, but the makers clearly did their best to pick locations that weren't too obviously out of place (and they certainly did a better job than the producers of To Hell And Back).

The main problem with this film is that it lacks focus: the various stories being told are too insubstantial and insufficiently cohesive to hold the film together, and we're left wondering what the film was really about. Apart from an occasional burst of sadness, none of the characters display much in the way of emotion, probably because the script doesn't give them anything to be emotional about. The two characters with a modicum of back story are written out of the script two-thirds of the way through, though that's in a way fortunate, since they are also the most annoying (not least because they have recurring flashbacks to tell us something that was abundantly clear from their respective first ones and didn't need rehashing).

Moreover, the script is just too sanitized. Nobody swears, hardly anybody smokes (only two rapidly dispatched Germans), and the Neumann character seems to be meant to come off as sympathetic even though at the start of the film, he oversees the execution of Emilie's father and brother. If I had to sum this film up in one word, it would be "anodyne": an hour and half of pretty but eminently forgettable World War II wallpaper.
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A beautiful Movie!
brandon-purdie10 August 2012
Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed is a beautifully crafted WWII picture. Ryan Little delivers a moving film once again with Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed. With solid well developed characters just like in the original Saints and Soldiers. A strong cast of very talented actors bring the story to life. The action is incredible in this film. An all around great film.

This film has very strong female characters in it. This was refreshing as this isn't the norm with WWII films most of the time.

I could tell that the production team gave great attention to detail on this film. Well done.
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Decent portrayal of isolated paratroopers in WW II operation
SimonJack31 October 2014
Operation Dragoon has long been forgotten as a major campaign and Allied victory of WW II. The invasion of southern France at that time was anti-climactic to the D-Day landings at Normandy more than two months earlier. The Allies were pushing the Germans back in the north. The news headlines were filled with the coming liberation of Paris. It would begin in just four days and end a week later with German surrender of the city on Aug. 25, 1944.

Yet, this Allied operation on Aug. 15 was one of the more successful of the war – and least costly to the Allies. Almost 200,000 Allied troops were involved. The operation lasted from Aug 15 to Sept. 14. It routed the German Army Group G from southern France. American and French casualties were about 10,000 each, and German losses were 7,000 killed and 20,000 wounded. About 130,000 Germans trapped by the operation later surrendered.

The resistance to the Allies was much less than at Normandy. The German forces in the area of the assault were less than 100,000 men. Since this had not been a combat front, the Germans didn't use their well-trained and ready combat troops to control the area. So, these mostly were lower tier troops. They included older men, previously wounded, and little trained units from conquered countries. Their weapons and equipment also were sub-standard.

For that reason, the combat scenes in this film, "Saints and Soldiers – Airborne Creed," don't seem so outlandish. The American paratroopers were combat hardened by this time, and they were going against much inferior troops. They would indeed be much more effective in downing the enemy.

This film shows three men from the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team that spearheaded the operation with a jump behind enemy lines. This force was formed from the 517th Parachute Infantry Regiment and other units. The 517th was a late-organized Army unit, formed in 1943 in Georgia. But, it served in some of the tough battles of WW II in Europe. It saw combat in the Italian Campaign, in Operation Dragoon and at the Battle of the Bulge as part of the 101st Airborne Division. The jump of Operation Dragoon was the only combat jump this Airborne unit made.

The unit was part of the 17th Airborne Division when it was deactivated in 1946. The 17th was slated to take part in the airborne invasion of Japan.

This is a good film in the sense of showing some combat encounters, and its development of the three main characters. The script suffered some in its believability for two things. The first was the repeating of the airborne creed a number of times. Once, in discussion between a couple of GIs I can believe. But as a former paratrooper myself, I don't know that anyone ever went around exclaiming the airborne creed as such. And, I doubt very much if GIs in combat would be doing that. So, this film differs significantly in that from, say, "Band of Brothers." And, not one of these GIs smoked. Nor did anyone else in the film. I'm a former smoker myself, and am glad that's something of my past. But the likelihood of three GIs together during WW II who didn't smoke – and then meeting up with resistance fighters and others – no one of whom smoked, is a stretch beyond believability.

Otherwise, the acting, plot, action and technical aspects of this movie were quite good. If nothing else, it's a good film to show GIs wrestling with killing, even in war. And, it's a small record of a WW II operation not shown in any other movie to my knowledge.
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Huge Disappointment
ETO_Buff1 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Because I enjoy Saints and Soldiers, the first film in this trio (it's not a "trilogy" because the stories are not connected), so much every time I see it, I had high expectations for this film. The production team even assured me when I voiced my concerns about their treatment of my beloved Airborne that they "think we got this one right". The first one was so well-made, especially when one considers the shoestring budget upon which it was made. I even made sure that I saw this one in a theater, as I did with the first one.

I was utterly and thoroughly disappointed.

Here's a partial list of problems with this film, and this is where the spoilers start:

1. The film takes place during World War II, which ended in Europe on May 8, 1945. The "Airborne Creed" was created in 1977. Some of us would call the title a 32-year anachronism, so we've already started out on bad footing.

2. Jasen Wade's character, Cpl. Curtis, in the first six minutes of the film, watches a flare go up over the DZ (drop zone). Even non-combat personnel in the Army are trained in basic training to NEVER look at the flare. Okay, now he's blind for ten minutes. Well, he would have been in the real world.

3. Curtis is captured by a squad of Germans. Corbin Allred's character, T/5 Rossi, happens upon the group, but he isn't seen. To rescue Curtis, Rossi tosses two grenades into the clearing where the Germans are about to shoot Curtis. Rossi has been issued special grenades that only kill Germans, so Curtis is untouched by any grenade fragments. He exchanges gunfire with the three remaining Germans and rescues Curtis.

4. Curtis and Rossi are wearing American flag patches on their left sleeves, and no division insignia. Curtis is wearing his above his rank insignia, and Rossi is wearing his below it. The optional flag patch was worn by 82nd Airborne troopers on the right shoulder during D-Day for Operation Neptune/Overlord, and generally discarded within a day or two. Nevertheless, the filmmakers must have felt it necessary to incorporate every Airborne cliché that they could find.

5. The three American paratroopers upon whom the story is centered come into contact with Emilie (Virginie Fourtina Anderson) a member of the French Resistance, who doesn't speak much English. However, during the only scene in which she does speak English, she does so fluently, without an accent, and with a pretty good vocabulary. When I was in France on a family vacation in 2012 and encountered someone that "didn't speak much English" it meant that their English vocabulary was almost as limited as my French vocabulary, and their accent was very strong.

6. In a later scene, Emilie seems to forget that there's a war on, and decides to challenge Rossi to a marksmanship contest. Because he also sees no reason to not waste ammunition and risk giving away their position to any German patrols in a mile or so radius around them, he accepts the challenge. Naturally, the girl in the resistance shoots better than the highly trained professional soldier does, which you couldn't possibly see coming, right? Well, here's the secret: she uses a period-correct Soviet Mosin-Nagant sniper rifle which would not have been in France at that time, and if it had, she certainly wouldn't have been able to find ammunition for it.

7. The group meets up with an American officer and his jeep driver. This is the same scene in which the aforementioned marksmanship contest takes place. After the contest, the officer and his driver are about to drive away when Sgt. Jones (David Nibley) notices a pair of German binoculars in the back of the Jeep. Naturally, that means that the officer and his driver are spies. Why? Because in the world in which this film was produced, no one in World War II ever picked up equipment that belonged to the enemy. During the ensuing interrogation we learn that the American major is actually a German spy, but of course he is trained and hardened and has no intention of revealing any pertinent information. That is, until one of the French Resistance men shoots and kills his partner. At that point, he rolls over so fast it makes one's head spin. He provides full details of his mission (which of course, must all be true, because a spy wouldn't falsify that sort of thing), contact's name, contact's address, etc.

8. In one of the last few scenes before the end of the film, the Americans and the French decide to attack a German tank with small arms and hand grenades. Funny how these three Americans, one of which is a sergeant, seem to be the only ones that missed the training session about attacking an armored vehicle. If they had been to that training, like the rest of the Army, they would have known that those types of weapons are useless against armor. That's why it's armor. One must use anti-armor weapons against it, like an anti-tank weapon (Bazooka), a tank, an artillery gun, etc. If one does not have anti-armor weapons, one does not attack armor. Period.

This one could not have even lived up to even low expectations. It is a totally unrealistic fiasco that even Corbin Allred's strong performance (with the script he was given) could not pull out of the dog house if he had a three-inch thick raw steak hanging from his neck! The filmmakers either did not bother to consult with anyone that knows anything about military tactics, or chose to totally disregard the consultation.
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So Much Potential
hewilson2-72-79686823 November 2020
I rated this movie higher than its average. The film had problems but the story isn't one of them. It is a good story, worth seeing. The problem is the pace. I'm not sure if it is in the direction or the editing but probably both. But it is just slow, plodding and disjointed. It succeeds though on some level due it's themes of forgiveness and redemption and also via outstanding performances by Corbin Allred as Rossi and Lincoln Hoppe as the German officer Erich Neumann. It is worth watching but frustrating because it could have been significantly more interesting.
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PG-13 War Films Should be Banned
trevor-mcinsley12 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The level to which this films dumbs down the horrors of war in order to make the film fit within the PG-13 rating bracket is genuinely offensive. Right from the off when it shows two French men being executed with the bullets hitting the walls behind them without leaving a scratch on either their clothes or bodies it is clear the film takes this ridiculous stance of censorship.

War films should show war for how genuinely horrific it actually is. You can't have people just falling over without a drop of blood when they get shot or the crew of a tank crawling out with just superficial blackening after a frag grenade goes off inside the vehicle. It is just pathetic and in really bad taste.

It becomes even weirder when the film will happily show someone brutally beating a man to death with his bare fists and has the main characters bleeding out and dying long and drawn out deaths. It kind of made it feel like the German soldiers were just expendable robots and aren't even human in the eyes of the PG-13 censorship guide.

This would be excusable if the film actually had some kind of plot or direction but it really doesn't. Halfway through it goes wildly off the rails with a pointless shooting contest and lengthy scene of characters talking about home and blah blah cliché cliché. It was clear very quickly that the two soldiers in the jeep were Germans in disguise yet no one picked up on this until way into their boring conversation. I gave up when they decided to pointlessly attack a vastly superior German force with a tank and half track. The scene seemed to exist solely to facilitate the deaths of all but the two main characters and everyone just kind of went along with the ridiculous plan. The French Resistance were guerrilla fighters known for sabotage - not for standing on a hill out in the open firing at a tank and twenty odd Germans. It's like they all have a death wish or something.

I skipped through the rest of the film after that and saw that it just looked very boring and contrived anyway. Oh and even with my basic French I could tell that the English subtitles were very flimsy and gist like translations which often missed out a lot of detail. I guess that matched the dull script though.

An entirely pointless film.
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A movie made for people who have never been in a real war
fudbot-137-2049126 December 2014
Like it's predecessor, this movie goes too much out of it's way to make the Nazis seem nice and really not the sadistic, racist, war-like psychos they were raised to be. This film even tries to depict the Germans commander who executes French civilians in a sympathetic way....I was like, WTF? The long drawn out shallow exposition in some of the scenes belong more as cut scenes in video games. The characters seem to talk about things, that were not known until after the war, as though they read them in history books. While I do enjoy low budget independent films, but this one and all the others in this series are garbage. Not even close to the low budget HBO series Band of Brothers or The Pacific. If you want a watered down and cheesy look at what war is about then you should watch this.
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Offers unfortunately nothing to be remembered
mrmackayokay25 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Usually I'm a sucker for dramas, thrillers and if all these are combined with WW2, then it has to be something I really like. If it wasn't a movie produced by the American film industry, it could have been a massive hit. Although the concept involves nothing ground breaking, there was a huge potential in the movie that simply wasn't exploited. A different approach of French or German movie makers could have taken it into a higher level.

I'm not sure if I can blame it on the movie, as it's obviously a low-budget one, but it was very disappointing to see crystal clear vehicles and uniforms as they were just taken out of the garage after a little paint-job, and uniforms out of the wardrobe freshly washed and ironed. Related to this, although it was beautifully shot for a national geographic documentary, that didn't really suit to a war-worn France, dark thoughts of a dark age (I'm not saying applying some filters would have solved everything, but would have been useful).

I never was a soldier, never undertook military sciences, but it should be clear even for an infant (that wasn't raised on modern warfare 3) that 4 men cannot line up next to each other in the middle of a field without any cover against a machine gun and a platoon of well trained soldiers, and that's just a single example of how you won't ever behave with a weapon in your hand, how you won't walk in wide open ranges, how you won't approach calm looking abandoned buildings, how you won't rest in the middle of a road with your jeep and 10 men meanwhile the enemy can be near anywhere, and so on. So if that's how Hollywood understands moving quickly and covertly in enemy territory, I don't think they would conquer Europe with this comedy. But this all would not matter, if the strengths of the 2003 predecessor, the characters and the conversations would be alright, and would be emphasized.

Well, we have 3 main characters and 2 support roles, and the movie tries to explain their background a bit, with not much success. We will know a couple of things about each of them, but that's not what I call background, all of them remains absolutely empty, and their (lack of) acting won't help either. Corbin Allred was quite alright however, but Virginie was more like an eye-candy dressed sloppy, instead of a frustrated, bitter, tired resistance member eager for revenge and ready to die. Formally, there were conversations, but again, they were only "talking" without "saying" anything.

So, historical inaccuracy, amateur costumes and items, comedy style military considerations, weak acting and conversations, what else do we have? Well, we're supposed to follow some kind of story.

!SPOLIER ALERT! The story itself is simple, the 3 main characters should take only a few hours of walk back to their lines, but instead of making it quick, they somehow consistently think to risk their life outnumbered or against unknown number of enemies. Hey, guys, you are not heroes, you can't avoid or dodge bullets and you know it! If you want to survive a goddamn war, you don't unnecessarily expose yourself. !SPOLIER ALERT!

I don't say it was a waste of 100 minutes, but it offers absolutely nothing that you will remember 10 minutes after you're done with it, which is really sad, as it had a potential, but unfortunately it remained unexploited.
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More Of The Same
Theo Robertson24 June 2013
This is a prequel to the 2003 film SAINTS AND SOLDIERS . It seems very strange producing a film ten years after especially if it's as quickly forgotten as the original . That said the original S&S was a different type of war film that put a human face on war . The point it made was that wars aren't fought by combatants but by human beings and this prequel follows in the same footsteps

Actually it perhaps follows a bit too slavishly . If you didn't notice the point in the 2003 movie then AIRBORN CREED will remind even the densest viewer . The opening scene features a German officer talking to his young son - while he arranges the execution of two French resistance members . Interesting that he's not some goose stepping dogmatic Nazi ideologue but a normal member of the Wehrmacht . The rest of the film continues in the same vein with the same strengths and weaknesses as the first film . It's never as deep and as profound as it thinks it is and my abiding memory of it is Americans and Frenchmen fighting alongside one another which is not something you see very often in Hollywood war movies
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Here comes the bad nazzi, watch out
pd290520 October 2012
Saints and Soldiers surprised me by the one dimensional shabby characters involved in it and the Hollywood shabby portrayal of German soldiers as monsters. Some good shooting and movie techniques give it nice technical quality.

Clearly the concept of war is unclear to the writer even more than it is to me. If you wish to waste your time on an hour long political propaganda well this is your movie. Even a kid could see that these people never existed and never will exist- recommendation if you feel like watching something which does not involve too much thinking there is the move "6 bullets" with Van Damme. Personally the first ten minutes of this movie felt like an insult to my intelligence after that it gets funny. To the creator of this movie and to all the other Hollywood filmmakers: please stop wasting resources trying to change history and the awareness of young people. And by the way, if Germany had not attacked Russia all of Europe would have spoken German probably.
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Only for WW2 fans
drufuksener14 October 2014
This movie has a nice script,even with its (obviosly) low budget it would have been an above average movie. Nevertheless producers missed a few crucial points and all their work is wasted. Couldn't you consulted a military expert, a retired soldier or someone like this? There is no way a team of 8 soldiers (only 3 professional, 5 resistance) attack an armored unit (which consists of a tank and a half-track), even if they are on high ground. Besides why are those armored units are in desert camouflage? A little more attention please... Anyways this movie is only for hardcore WWII fans. If you are not one of them, don't bother...
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5.5?! You gotta be kidding me!
niller056 January 2014
That this film only holds a score of 5.5 on this site is beyond me... I thought the movie was excellent, especially considering its low budget and short running time.

Be warned that I am a huge admirer of American Airborne troops in WWII, so maybe I am biased when reviewing this film. I guess you will have to be a little nerdy about Paratroopers to really appreciate Sains and Soldiers: Airborne Creed.

With that in mind, I thought the story was compelling, the characters interesting and believable, the score was nice and fitting, and the acting was overall great. The ending was a little unusual (not what I had expected at all), but also original and thought-provoking.

All in all, I thought this was a great movie, and I highly recommend it, especially if you have a little passion for WWII Paratroopers. I almost didn't watch it because of the low score it holds on this website, but I ended up watching it anyway, and it was totally worth it. So don't get fooled by the low score!

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American Paratroopers Separated from Their Units Behind Enemy Lines
Uriah4315 September 2022
This film essentially begins with three American paratroopers becoming separated from their units during a drop behind enemy lines in World War 2. Along the way they encounter a small group of German soldiers and kill everyone except for a German officer named "Lieutenant Erich Neumann" (Lincoln Hoppe) who is allowed to escape by one of the American soldiers. Not long afterward, they also come across a young woman named "Emilie" (Virginie Fourtina Anderson) who is a member of the French Resistance and implores them to help rescue some of her comrades who have been captured by the Germans. Realizing that this is an opportunity to create problems for the enemy, "Sergeant Caleb Jones" (David Nibley) agrees and the three American soldiers follow her to where they are being held. What they don't count on, however, is the presence of even more German soldiers immediately afterward. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an okay film that could have been better if it had ended on a more positive note. Even so, it still managed to fill the time well enough and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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Very Unrealistic Movie... I'm Disappointed
ltewsjr19 October 2012
This movie was a sad disappointment.. The original "Saints And Angels" (2003)was a great World War Two flick. I expected this one to be so much better. It starts out o.k., but soon lets you know that it is low budget. The acting was poor at best. I must admit I didn't watch it all the way through. After the first 40 minutes, or so, I realized that I could be doing something better with my time, like having my teeth pulled. So maybe after I broke the disc into tinny little pieces, the movie got better. This movie is more comical than serious. So, unless you have time and money to waste, watch the original and let this one die a slow and painful death...
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Forget all the historical rhetoric. Who cares? This is entertainment.
festus-2698615 January 2020
Movies aren't necessarily made to be historically correct (anybody seen Star Wars, or Guardians of the Galaxy). This was quite true to the time period. In the end, it was a very enjoyable movie, and presented a "human" side of people. I wish we actually had that in our real lives here in the US. A great movie to help us leave politics WAY behind.
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It Tries Hard
Slarkshark18 November 2022
Have to at give it that much. About the one third mark it got a bit hard to watch, but it breaks through and actually comes out not too bad. Some of the acting is a bit rough and cringe, especially from Bud and his gal. Lincoln Hoppe who plays the German was actually quite good and very convincing. It's a small cast with basic CGI, but good use of props; which makes me give it a solid nod for a film with an obvious low budget.

It's been many years since I watched Ryan Little's original 'Saints and Soldiers', however I remember that one being profoundly better.

Served as my lesser known/low budget war movie for this year's Remembrance Day.
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