Madonna discovering Istanbul’s historic area

Madonna discovering Istanbul’s historic area

Madonna discovering Istanbul’s historic area

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Madonna discovering Istanbul’s historic area

Madonna is seen with her boyfriend Brahim Zaibat during her Istanbul visit.

Daily Hürriyet claimed yesterday that Madonna asked the manager of a restaurant on Istanbul’s SuAda whether the Bosphorus was an artificial lake, during dinner last night.

However, daily Milliyet reported that Madonna had actually asked the manager whether Istanbul’s SuAda Club, an island situated between the two Bosphorus bridges, was real.

The pop music icon was enjoying a late night dinner with her boyfriend, Brahim Zaibat, when she took an interest in the view.

She also reportedly pointed at boats several times during dinner.

Madonna ordered a salad but tasted a variety of dishes, including eggplant salad and several kinds of fish.

The superstar then called her dancers and invited them to join her. A group of dancers arrived at SuAda soon after.

Madonna then headed to the Çırağan Palace at the end of the night, while the crew stopped at Reina for some late night clubbing.

Madonna arrived in Istanbul June 5 with a crowded entourage and heavy equipment, daily Hürriyet reported.

Madonna was set to perform a concert last night at Istanbul’s Türk Telecom Arena.
