How many people do you know that are living their dreams? You'll find that most people are stuck in a rut, doing jobs they hate to sustain a lifestyle they're uncomfortable with. You are most likely in a similar situation where you feel hopeless and lost.

The only thing you lack is setting the right goals and planning to achieve them. A vision board can help you with this. Let's explore what vision boards are, how they help you achieve your goals, and most importantly, why you should create one.

What Are Vision Boards, and How Do They Work?

A vision board is a collage of images, photographs, affirmations, and quotes that help you visualize your goals and dreams.

Most of us have dreams, but they often get lost in the endless stream of our daily thoughts. This is where vision boards come in. They help you to put your focus back on what matters.

When you have a clear vision of what you want, it becomes easier to get into the mindset that will allow you to achieve it. Vision boards serve as a daily reminder of your goals. Ultimately, your thoughts align with them and manifest into actions that lead to success.

Vision boarding might seem like a spiritual fad, but there's a reason it's so popular: it works. Here are six reasons why you should use a vision board.

1. Vision Boards Support the Law of Attraction

Man in gray crew neck t shirt covering his face with his hand

A vision board centers around the law of attraction: the idea that the universe will provide you with whatever you focus on in your life. So, a person that's always thinking about their problems will attract more problems. In contrast, a person who focuses more on the positive aspects of life will find more pleasure and positive events in their life.

Although some of you might not be too interested in the spiritual aspect of the law of attraction, there is a great deal of scientific evidence that suggests your thoughts have an enormous impact on your life.

A study published in Neuropsychologia reported that mental exercises on a particular muscle led to a 35% increase in its strength, while physical exercises on the same muscle resulted in a 53% increase. A control group that did neither physical nor mental exercise showed no notable improvement in muscle strength. This shows the importance of having a positive mindset about your goals.

In short, creating a vision board enables you to better focus on your goals and reinforces thoughts that align with them. It's the first reason you should make a vision board for your next project before working on it. Let's explore a few more.

2. Clarity of Vision

Man Walking on A Clear Pathway

Vision boards can provide a clarity of vision that enables you to succeed and surpass your goals. The process of creating a vision board encourages you to focus on what you want, leaving unhelpful thoughts behind.

What's left is a clear vision of how you want to shape your future. It is easier to focus on and strive for a target when you have a clear path.

3. Vision Boards Help With Motivation

Man Climbing The Mountain In A Challenge

Usually, the first thing a person does when they wake up is scroll through their Instagram or Facebook account. You see an endless stream of news, ideas, and pictures that throw off your focus from the start of your day. Wouldn't it be nice if the first thing you see when you wake up is a visual representation of your goals?

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Visualizing the life you want in the future the moment you wake up gives you a sense of motivation and sets off a stream of thoughts aligned with your goals. Because of that, every action you take brings you closer to achieving your dreams.

Therefore, keeping a vision board right next to your bed is vital. This is the first thing you see in the morning to set the tone for the day whenever you wake up.

4. You Can Hold Yourself Accountable With Vision Boards

Two People Sitting Next To Each Other Calculating Something

A vision board helps you hold yourself accountable. Having a vision board in your workspace will make you notice it more. As you engage with it, you remind yourself of your goals, the life you promised yourself one day you would live.

As a result of this reminder, a sense of accountability develops that pushes you to work harder and take one more step towards your dream.

Now and then, you may not feel motivated or feel like working. You need days like these to remind yourself of the promises you made, and to hold yourself accountable. A vision board can help you do that.

5. Visual Manifestation


Visual manifestation is a powerful tool, which is why thought leaders, like Oprah Winfrey, promote it. Why is that?

Humans are primarily visual learners, which means we retain information better when we visualize it. Seeing a clear visual of your goals helps you actualize them.

These goals are not just vague feelings or thoughts you cannot see. Now, you have added soul to them and brought them to life through pictures and quotes.

There is no doubt about what you want to accomplish and, arguably more importantly, how you want to feel about it because these goals are right there in front of your eyes.

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6. Creating Vision Boards Is a Fun Process

Arrow In a Dart Board

In contrast to other visualization methods like meditation, vision boarding is a lot of fun. You get to let your inner child out and unleash your creativity. One of the best aspects of creating a vision board is having no rules to follow.

You can paste magazine cutouts, write quotes from your favorite celebrities, draw doodles, or whatever your heart desires. All you need is a quiet place to let your imagination run wild.

Start Chasing Your Dreams With Vision Boards

By creating a vision board, you can visualize what you want. Seeing your vision board every day serves as a visual reminder of your goals, which helps motivate you to strive for the life you want. Have you tried creating visual boards? If not, this is the time.

In case you don't feel like taking out a pen to write down a note and paste it to the wall, there are several Android apps that will help you create the most realistic vision boards. However, they will not be as effective at keeping you on track as the vision board on your wall or beside your bed.