2 Ways On How To Unlock Your Phone with IMEI
Oct. 20

2 Ways On How To Unlock Your Phone with IMEI number

IMEI Unlock
Unlock Your Phone with IMEI number

There are numerous advantages to Unlock Your Phone with IMEI. For starters, it allows you to switch to whatever carrier you want, giving you access to a wide range of internet services at the lowest price possible. The majority of people are unable to unlock their phones since they do not know how to do so.  If you’re one of these users, this article will show you how to Unlock Your Phone with IMEI number for free or including a paying method.

How to find your Phone IMEI?

On an Android phone, the IMEI may be found in the Settings menu. Simply hit on About Phone, scroll down to the bottom of the menu, and the IMEI will appear

Unlock Your Phone with IMEI number

The IMEI can also be found in the Settings app on an iPhone. Scroll down to discover the IMEI by going to General and tapping on About and keep scrolling down until you can see the IMEI.

If the phone is Locked, we have an article for you to get your IMEI here
Take down or Save your IMEI number, we will be needing it later during the process of unlocking your phone 

Check the IMEI of the Phone to see if it’s on the Blacklist

Unlock Your Phone with IMEI number

After you’ve obtained your phone’s IMEI, validate that your phone is carrier locked, but more significantly, you can see if your phone has been blacklisted, by doing so. If your phone is found to be blacklisted, you will be unable to unlock it unless it is removed from the blacklist.

1. Unlock Your Phone with IMEI number For Free

Things You’ll Need Before Unlocking Your Phone

Your device’s manufacturer and Exact Model Number

The IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number of the phone

An active Email Address for the Unlock Code Delivery

We Offer Free Unlock Services!

In case your old device is covered by our FREE services, we can unlock your old device without spending anything, you just need to check the exact model and manufacturer of your old phone and we can unlock it for you. Just go to this link : https://www.unlockbase.com/wholesale-phone-unlocking/

Scroll to the bottom where it says “Free Unlock Codes”. 
Here are some of the Manufacturers that we have for free unlock codes for old devices : 

Unlock Your Phone with IMEI number

Just provide the information needed for your unlock request. Wait for us to send you the unlock code for your phone. We will provide you with an unlock code. We’ll walk you through how to enter the code and unlock your phone.

If your device is one of these old models, You can get the code for free, otherwise the second method of the article applies.

2. Unlock Your Phone Using UnlockBase unlocking Service

If you discovered that you don’t meet all of your carrier’s unlock criteria, this is by far the best choice.

Unlock Your Phone with IMEI number

1. Go to https://www.unlockbase.com/unlock-phone/

2. Select or search the manufacturer of your phone that you want to get unlocked

3. Select your cell phone model from the list after getting the right manufacturer of your phone

4. In the first part of the article, we asked you to write down your IMEI Number, Insert your IMEI on the website

5. Select your phone’s carrier. If you’re an Apple User and don’t have any idea what your phone carrier is, you can check it here.

6. Proceed to Check out and give you Account Information to Confirm your Payment. 

Your order will begin to be processed once you have completed the payment. Within 24hrs, you will receive an email confirming that your phone has been successfully unlocked.

7. We’ll then send you an email to inform you that phone is unlocked 

The main disadvantage of this strategy is that you will have to spend money on it. However, the advantages of using UnlockBase exceeds this disadvantage.

The main disadvantage of this strategy is that you will have to spend money on it. However, the advantages of using UnlockBase exceeds this disadvantage. You don’t have to wait 30 days for the unlocking; instead, you only have to wait hours!


There are numerous options available when it comes to unlocking a phone for free using the IMEI number. You have two options: use a direct carrier or pay for the UnlockBase Unlocking service.

In either case, you’ll be one step closer to unlocking your phone and having access to hundreds of internet services.

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