Are You a true Christian? Faith Quiz

Are You a true Christian? Faith Quiz

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20 Questions - Developed by:
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This quiz is designed to explore the depth of your Christian faith and knowledge. Whether you're a steadfast believer or someone on a journey of discovery, these questions will put your understanding of the Bible, Christian beliefs, and moral teachings to the test.
Prepare to reflect on the core tenets of Christianity and assess the strength of your spiritual foundation. Embrace this opportunity to affirm your commitment to the Christian faith or to deepen your understanding of its principles.
As you answer each question, consider it not just as a test of knowledge but as a chance to examine the depth of your personal connection to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Let the quiz serve as a meaningful exploration of your faith journey.
May this challenge inspire self-reflection and a renewed sense of devotion. Let's embark on this journey of faith together. Are you ready? Let's begin!

  • 1/20
    What do you believe about Jesus?

Comments (12)


17 days ago
I am a true Christian. Jesus is our savior, he died on the cross for our sins and is the true Son of GOD.(I also got 15/20 on this quiz but that doesn't really matter), Amen.
37 days ago
True Christian Mastery
fr i don't think i'm a "true Christian"
i'm a true big sinner who deserves to die but Christ choose to die on my place and manifested Himself to me when I still was an annoying atheist Thank You Lord Jesus for your Holy Blood
100 days ago
There are two choices missing in question 2: Why did Jesus die on the cross? 1) he didn't die on the cross (for those who don't believe he existed) 2) he was a criminal rightly convicted (for those who believe he existed but was a historical figure, an integrit who deserved to die according to Roman law.
148 days ago one is condemned to be a non Christian. It sounds like you are blaming your parents to where you are at. And absolutely, I get where you are coming from. Your parents should never have treated you like that. You shouldn't assume that all Christians are the same though. I don't know what your life Has been like. I can tell that you have been through a lot of suffering and my heart feels for you. Please don't assume all Christians are the same. Not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is. They don't know and speak to God in their hearts. You could have a strong relationship with God if you open your heart. It will take a lot of time, but I, who don't even know you, haven't given up on you, and God hadn't either. He will always be there standing with open arms to welcome his lost sheep. Love, maryanne
167 days ago
The test does seem to have some issues with it, as there are some subject matter up for theological disputation. However, most of it is good.
257 days ago
Amen We should fallow and trust Jesus and God forever and always amen even in the hardest of times 🙏
303 days ago
Not really 😅 please don’t hate me I’m not Religious but I love the Community ❤️❤️
345 days ago
I love Jesus 😍💞🙏
847 days ago
Sorry to have ranted in the previous posts, I know there’s really nothing anyone can do, I’m just 😘! I wish I had someone else’s life somedays. If I had a friend to talk to I would, there has NEVER been such a person. I’m too scared to join chat rooms with strangers. Jesus doesn’t count when no one was there to begin with. Don’t judge those last three sentences unless you’ve walked in my shoes first, as I’m the victim of a conspiracy. I’m just here to rant at myself, but I never answer me. 🤧
I wish the right person had come into my life, I don’t deserve what happened to me. That first time & first kiss will always be taken from me & It should have been with the right spouse. I was robbed of everything & missed out on the most important things money can’t buy.
847 days ago
Your Bible does it not say “Do not provoke your children to anger?” And yet you do it ALL the TIME!
I will never walk the earth a Christian because my parents did a botched job. “Raise your children in the way of the Lord and they will not depart from it.” And when I grow up and become sick from an illness not my fault Im abused by one of them? NO, I DON’T THINK SO!

Condemned to walk the earth a non-Christian, not qualified to be a devil worshipper (don’t want to be) and I REFUSE to be a Gypsy.
847 days ago
Oh, that’s right, I’m one of the those people (unfortunate statistics) you Christians would like to forget about and brush under the rug or throw under the bus and forget about because I’m a glitch in your system (the matrix) When someone like me is unfairly mistreated by you Christians let’s praise the Lord while listening to Country Gospel and gossip about me and others like me; say it’s OUR fault when in fact you Christians NEVER ACT like Jesus (all pretend) and yes there is a GLITCH in THE MATRIX (Christians) Unfortunately in real life unlike the movie, we can’t choose the blue pill or the red pill and tune YOU blasphemous Christians OUT! You Christians sin and then I’m told I’m part of YOUR sin. I want NOTHING to do with it, I NEVER asked to be a victim and I NEVER asked to participate, it was pushed onto me, no consent, no agreement. I am NOT part of THEIR sin. Their sin is theirs, and their’s alone.
847 days ago
“I’m the BAD GUY,… DUH?!” Oh, wait! Can’t say that cause Billie “Eyelash” already tagged it in her tune!?
Here’s what I got:
You aren't a Christian. You need to know God and Jesus better - read your bible. You might think you are a Christian but you really don't care about Jesus or what thinks. I encourage you to read your bible and get to know him more. Jesus is AWESOME! Take your relationship with Jesus seriously!
Sorry, can’t read it, I pulled a Marilyn Manson and ripped it up. (After the So- called Christian who gave it to me kicked me while I was DOWN!) Believe me, after being isolated by fellow church goers and my Christian parent sexually abusing me and telling the above mentioned Christian cause I thought they would help they told everyone and shamed me, said it was my fault! It is NOT my fault the parent will not admit to any wrong doing. I’m adult now and stuck cause I got sick after college and have giant gap in employment, no one will let me live down. I went to several docs and no one could help, only made things worse. One doc wanted to know who gave me black eye. I couldn’t tell them parent cause that’s who supports me. They control my finances and everything I do. Cops are on their side. I’ve prayed to God that I find a job so I can start earning to escape my situation and not become homeless. Career counselors told me in college I’m supposed to go be homeless because not a traditional student, but I have previous 4 year degree before that and just went back to school cause I wanted to make things better for myself; not get lost between the cracks again. This is SO HARD for me! 😱 Nothing changes and my siblings want me to lose my inheritance so they get everything. I’ve never slept around but they are total hoes. Parents furious with them but sibling I told already told parent who abused me, now threatening to cut off inheritance. I will be homeless before anything is resolved. I will be homeless for life when it happens and further mistreated and isolated from everyone! 😭🥺🤫