Adi Shamir | American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Adi Shamir

Weizmann Institute of Science
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Computer Sciences
International Honorary Member

Adi Shamir is Paul and Marlene Borman Professorial Chair of Applied Mathematics at Weizmann Institute of Science. He is a pioneer of modern cryptography and has made significant contributions to many of its branches. He is known for inventing secret sharing schemes, identity-based schemes, Zero-knowledge identification and signature schemes, ring signatures, and most notably for co-inventing the RSA cryptosystem. He has also invented a variety of both classical and side-channel attacks on cryptosystems, including differential cryptanalysis, cache attacks, bug attacks, and acoustic attacks.

The awards Shamir has received for his contributions include the Pius XI Gold Medal, the Turing Award, the Israel Prize, and the Japan Prize. He is a member of the Israeli Academy, the National Academy of Sciences, the Academia Europaea, the French Academy of Science, and the Royal Society.

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