Finding Your Brightest Future · Welcome to Owl Nation · Keene State College Skip Navigation

Finding Your Brightest Future

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Trust your gut

You’ll know it when you feel it. There are many different types of colleges but only you know what makes you tick. Explore how the different factors apply to you and your values - and how the right college can bring out the best in you.

Choosing what to study

Make it affordable

Understanding Financial Aid Package

Today's students want a stellar education and job prospects, not astronomical student loans. Keene State offers private school experience at a public-school price, with robust financial aid packages, including scholarships, grants, and loans.

Many students receive a combination of different types of aid. Click on the chart to explore how they work.

KSC by the numbers

undergraduate students

clubs & organizations

average class size

in state

33 states
8 countries

first generation students

Regional College

Varsity Sports

I want to Know More

As you explore colleges think about where you might want to apply, remember that visiting is the best way to get the inside scoop - and it’s fun! Discover Owl Nation through a tour to see where you would live and learn, talk with students and admissions counselors, and get answers to all of your questions. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

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