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    ❝ Eh?❞


    ❝ With glowing hearts,
    we see thee rise.

    Canada, to Russia

    Canada is a country in the northern part of North America and is bordered by the United States, Greenland ( Denmark) and Saint Pierre and Miquelon ( France). Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second-largest country by total area. Its border with the United States is the world's longest international land border.

    Description[edit | edit source]

    Appearance[edit | edit source]

    General[edit | edit source]

    Their body can be all white, but also sometimes the left arm can be red and the right one red; due to the flags stripes.

    Male[edit | edit source]

    Canada is often seen in a plaid button-up and either black pants or jeans. They wear a fur hat with a striped tail coming off the back of it also known as the coonskin cap, iconic of the fur-trade era early in their founding. their outfit reflects the lumberjack stereotype of Canadians (although, it is true that Canadians wear a lot of plaids). They can also be represented with Canadian ranger or mountie clothing.

    They can also be represented with the clothes that Nordic countries usually use (in fact, some European countries consider Canada as one of them despite being in the Americas)

    Their body type is average, though usually portrayed as a beanpole— and they're seen as very weak, or naïve. There are also representations with long incisive teeth (referring to beavers), but this is very rare. There is a lesser known version in which Canada is represented with clothes of the North American indigenous peoples. This last representation is because Canada had adopted the way of life of the aboriginal people, however, most Canadians consider this offensive.

    • (The answers is on the history sections. Go to "British Canada" in history sections but be careful, as it might give you an offensive or different interpretation that is uncommon.)

    Female[edit | edit source]

    Female Canada is often seen with a green jacket, a red plaid button-up, and jeans just like their male counterparts. A less represented version wears a red dress, symbolic of the Red Dress movement, although, this version of Canada can be quite rare to find.

    Personality[edit | edit source]

    Common, agreed personality traits are that Canada is pretty shy, timid and innocent. Even though they're friends with almost everyone, they prefer to stick beside their siblings. they don’t like talking much, and they sometimes don't talk to anyone but America for so long that the other countries forget they exist, (perhaps a reference to the 2009 anime, Hetalia) But that’s the way they like it, Even if the things they've done barely compare to other things the countries around them have done, they're still very ashamed and guilt-ridden. Canada just wants to live in relative solitude, without anyone bothering them. Though, they’ll also break up fights if spotting one, their calmness and understanding a good mediator traight. some people headcanon that when they get depressed or stressed, they go to Jamaica’s house and spend time there, smoking weed. As this is an obvious stereotype, and the headcanon is quite uncommon as seen.

    On the flip-side, there are some things about Canada that aren’t as innocent. Since Canada is so close to America they see the worst in their sibling, and even if Canada has a very little obvious ego, they still have a superiority complex. Sometimes it gets the best of them, and they do a 180, suddenly wanting to be the center of attention (but this is rare). Then of course, despite feeling sorry about it, they mistreat the First Nations for practically fun. In most head canons, this more psychopathic side of them only comes out if they're drunk/high or really emotionally stressed.

    European countries usually consider Canada as one more country in Europe. Mainly, because Canada is the country that shares a culture, history, politics, economy, and society very similar to those of the European continent. Australia and New Zealand are also often seen in this way in Europe, especially in Euro vision, but not as much as Canada.

    Note: British Canada and Nouvelle-France ( New France) are like alters for Canada. Depending on the situation, they manifest in them (flag changes).

    Interests[edit | edit source]

    • Hockey in general, they love to play it a lot at times.
    • Hanging out with Ukraine or the Netherlands
    • Ice-skating
    • Eating maple syrup
    • Playing video games

    Flag Meaning[edit | edit source]

    Canada's flag is two red vertical lines with an 11-pointed (red) maple leaf in the middle. It comes from the national plant (maple tree), national identity, to separate Canada from being a colony. The two red bars are said to symbolize the Atlantic and Pacific oceans on either side of Canada. (Although this may not be correct.)

    Color, meaning HEX RGB
    Red is the color of St. George's cross, symbolizes the UK #FF0000 255, 0, 0
    White symbolizes France #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255

    Preferences[edit | edit source]

    Likes[edit | edit source]

    Dislikes[edit | edit source]

    Canada does not dislike very much things, as they are quite a happy and innocent person. However, these things are exceptions:

    • Their enemies.
    • Bringing up their past

    Nicknames[edit | edit source]

    • Maple
    • Great White North
    • Nada (Usually called this by their sibling, the United States)
    • The last memory of Iroquois Confederacy (They are rarely called by this nicknames)
    • Murderer and Disgrace (by First Nations)

    Other symbols[edit | edit source]

    • Canada's motto is "A Mari Usque Ad Mare" (Latin), in English translations, it is "From Sea to Sea."
    • Their Anthem is "O Canada" Which is their national, but their Royal is "God Save the Queen"
    • Canada's largest city is Toronto and its Capital is Ottawa.
    • The National animal of Canada is the Beaver since it is a symbol of Sovereignty of Canada.

    Etymology[edit | edit source]

    The name "Canada" came likely from Huron-Iroquois word "Kanata", which had meant "village" or "settlement". In 1535, two aboriginal youths of early Canada told the French explorer Jacques Cartier of the route to Kanata. They were referring to the actual village of Standalone, which is the site of the present-day city, Québec.

    History[1][edit | edit source]

    Before colonization[edit | edit source]

    Before colonization, Canada was not Canada. They was a large group of First Nation/Native American tribes, not really a country. In 1000 BCE, Leif Erikson (a Swedish Viking explorer) landed in Newfoundland/Labrador, but for some unknown reason, he and the settlers abandoned their settlements (which are still around today!). The natives lived in relative peace, still having their squabbles and whatnot.

    [Authors Note: there appears to be nothing in canon about whether or not the natives are considered separate from the countries, so this can be up for debate]

    Indigenous Peoples[edit | edit source]

    The Indigenous people were present-day Canada which includes the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. They were the last being of a mixed-blood people who had originated in the mid-17th century to when the first-ever nations and Inuit people had married European settlers. It's term "Aboriginals" was a collective noun as a specific term of art that was used in some of the legal documents; Constitution Act 1982.

    Its first inhabitants in North America were generally hypothesized that people of Siberia were by the way of the Bering Land Bridge that had arrived 14,000 years ago at least. The Paleo-Indian archaeological sites at the Old Crow Flats and Bluefish Caves have been the two of the oldest sites for human habitation in Canada, and it's characteristics the Canadian Indigenous societies which have included its permanent settlements, agriculture, complex societal hierarchies, and trading networks. Some of the cultures within Canada have collapsed by the time the European explorers had arrived in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The cultures that have collapsed only been discovered through archaeological investigations.

    Canada's Indigenous population at the time was the first European settlement to have been estimated with it being between 200,000, and two million, with a figure of 5000,000 accepted by Canada's Royal Commission. The aboriginal Peoples, as a consequence of the European colonization, the population of its indigenous peoples were declined by forty to eighty percent. The several first nations, such as the Beothuk, had disappeared when the Europeans have traveled to the land. Its decline was attributed to several causes, mainly coming from the transfer of the European Diseases. Such as influenza, measles, and smallpox which they had no natural immunity and conflicts over the fur trade, conflicts with the colonial authorities and it's settlers, the loss of the indigenous's lands was given to settlers and the subsequent collapse of several nations self-sufficiency.

    Although not while not conflict, European Canadians' early interactions with initial Nations and Inuit populations were comparatively peaceful. initial Nations and breed peoples contend a crucial half within the development of European colonies in North American country, notably for his or her role in helping European coureur des Bois and voyageurs within the exploration of the continent throughout the North yank fur trade. The Crown and autochthonic peoples began interactions throughout the EU establishment amount, although the Inuit, in general, had a lot of restricted interaction with European settlers. However, from the late eighteenth century, European Canadians inspired autochthonic peoples to assimilate into their own culture. These tries reached a climax within the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries with forced integration and relocations. An amount of redress is current, that started with the appointment of the reality and Reconciliation Commission of North American country by the govt. of Canada in 2008.

    Nouvelle-France[edit | edit source]

    In 1534, France discovered Canada. They was one of their few biological childrens (the rest of their colonies were adopted/kidnapped). France named their child "Nouvelle-France" (eng, New France), after themself. Nouvelle-France was a hub for the fur trade and made most of their money that way. Nouvelle-France had a good relation with most native tribes, except the Iroquois who—rightfully—despised the French and British for claiming their land.

    Nouvelle-France and New England—which would soon be known as the USA/America—were very tense around each other, due to the rivalry of their parents, France and England. But when Nouvelle-France became British Canada, the two relaxed a bit (until 1812 that is).

    In 1713, the Treaty of Utrecht cut most of Nouvelle-France up and gave it to Britain. France was sour about this, how Britain could so horribly hurt their childs. Little did they know what Britain had in mind next.

    In 1754, there was a squabble between France and Britain for Ohio, which escalated into the Seven Years War. In the end, France lost. They lost both their honor and their closest child. Britain killed Nouvelle-France and replaced them with a puppet of their own making. British Canada. A child who would do their bidding and never ask questions, and was not French. This marked the end of Nouvelle-France.

    Nouvelle-France lived from 1534 to 1763.

    British Canada[edit | edit source]

    With the aid of British industrialization, British Canada was more profitable from the fur trade than Nouvelle-France had been. But also more ruthless. They was meant to be a perfect colony, never question their parents, and basically be a mini-Britain. Which, they are.

    In 1812, America—now independent—wanted to expand into their Siblings's territory. But, faced defeat as Britain protected their loyal child. (Many historians argue that neither side won, but in Canadian schools, it's taught that Canada won because we fended off the Americans from taking our land.)

    the war of 1812[edit | edit source]

    The war of 1812 was an important war that kept independent America from invading Canada (then a British colony). president James Madison wanted to invade Canada, but was pushed back time and again. While the war was mostly defensive and produced no real outcome (except keeping the Americans from invading Canada), the Canadians did manage to famously burn down Washington D.C. (which is pretty darn awesome).

    Many historians believe The War Of 1812 was a tie. Both America and Canada can be portrayed to hold no grude between the war till this day.

    WARNING: This section talks about a sensitive topic!

    [TRIGGER WARNING FOR NEXT PART: Genocide against natives, cultural genocide, racism, sexual abuse, and child abuse]

    The First Nations were seen as savage. British Canada and Britain believed they needed to learn "proper etiquette."

    One of the most infamous crimes British Canada ever committed was the Residential Schools. Taking native children and forcing them into schools run by priests and nuns. The native children were stripped of their culture and were forced to be "proper." They were not allowed to speak their native languages, worship their gods or observe their religions, wear their traditional clothes, or do anything but listen to the authorities at the school. They were stripped of their childhood and their culture.

    The children were forced to do intensive manual labor and were allowed very little freedom if at all. Children were molested and raped in these schools by authorities. Many children died from starvation, illness, or were purposely killed. Others died trying to escape. Altogether, 6 000 native children died, of the 150 000 who were put into this system. Several were buried in unmarked graves, without anything to identify. We don't know the sex of about a quarter of residential school deaths. The survivors have had to live on with horrible memories of abuse and the stripping of their culture. After going through this system, many of the survivors were abandoned on the streets or have died due to circumstances relating to living through this system.

    The last residential school closed in 1996. 23 years ago.

    But this is what British Canada thought was moral. I think that gives you a good idea of the kind of person they was. But of course, residential schools continued into Modern Canada's lifetime.

    The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Reserves have little to no access to clean water, depression and suicide rates are extremely high amongst First Nations children, all the native languages except for Inuit, Cree and Anishinaabe are very close to death and one reserve is so polluted that the birth rate has changed, two girls for every boy.

    World War One (WWI)[edit | edit source]

    Canada's involvement in WW1 when the United Kingdom entered the First World War by declaring war on Germany. the declaration of war automatically brought Canada into the war, because of Canada's legal status as a British Dominion. However, the Canadian government had the freedom to determine the country's level of involvement in the war. On August 4, 1914, the Governor General declared a war between Canada and Germany. The Militia was not deployed and instead an independent Canadian Expeditionary Force was raised.

    Canada's sacrifices and contributions to the Great War changed its history and allowed it to become more independent, while also creating a divide between the French and English speaking populations. For the first time in Canadian military history, Canadian forces fought as a distinct unit, first under a British commander but ultimately under a Canadian-born commander. this is ultimately how Canada gained independence from Britain.

    World War Two (WW2)[edit | edit source]

    Twenty years later, WW2 broke out following the invasion of Poland. because Canada is part of the commonwealth (as an independent state), this means Canada was subject to participation.

    The key battles Canada participated in was the battle of Hong Kong, the Dieppe raid, and vampy ridge.

    Canada also supplied food and materials to allied troops, as well as infantry in many battles.

    Present[edit | edit source]

    In 1949 Canada together with USA and ten European States sign an agreement on the establishment of NATO.

    Mass post-war immigration from different parts of the world is changing demographics of Canada. During the Vietnam War throughout the Canada settled thousands of dissenting Americans who opposed their country's participation in the war.

    In the 1960s and 1970s Quebec nationalist movements, fighting for independence from Canada. In 1980, the first referendum on independence was held in Quebec in which the majority of votes were cast in favour of the continued presence of the province.

    After a series of constitutional conferences Canada received its own constitution in 1982, but retained membership in the Commonwealth of Nations.

    Second independence referendum held in 1995 Quebec a result of which the status of the province remains the same again.

    In 1990 Canada joined the Gulf War as part of the USA operations, and also participated in several peacekeeping missions in the late 1990s. In addition, Canada sent its troops to Afghanistan in 2001, but refused to participate in the war in Iraq in 2003.

    In 2005 Canada becomes the fourth country in the world (after Netherlands, Belgium and Spain), which officially legalized same-sex marriage.

    In 2009 the economy Canada has been severely affected by the global crisis.

    In 2011 Canada, along with other NATO members in the Libya Civil War.

    October 17, 2018 Canada legalized marijuana.

    In 2022, the dispute between Denmark and Canada for Hansa Island, decided to divide the island into a ravine that crosses the island from north to south.

    Canada is less of a puppet to Britain but still listens to them. They's constantly trying to make up for things that happened in the past but still muddling it up.

    Canada is very close to their siblings America, and neither of them really hold grudges for the whole 1812 fiasco.

    Canada is now a very peaceful, inclusive country, although they still struggles with native relations.

    Organizations and Affiliations[edit | edit source]

    • United Nations - Canada is one of the founding members of the UN
    • British Commonwealth
    • G6/7/8/20 - The G8 summit is an annual meeting between leaders from eight of the most powerful countries in the world. The aim is to try to tackle global problems by discussing big issues and planning what action to take. The leaders of the countries meet every year in a different member country.
    • NATO

    Politics[edit | edit source]

    Government[edit | edit source]

    " Canada’s style of government is based on the British system, with the national government-run as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.  Canada also resembles the United States in that the country is divided into 13 provinces and territories, all of whom have their own separate governments with unique powers." [2]

    Canada has a technical constitutional monarchy, as the Queen of the United Kingdom is the head of state. The parliament of Canada is located in Ottawa, Ontario, which they split up into two chambers: the House of Commons and the Senate.

    Diplomacy[edit | edit source]

    Geography[edit | edit source]

    Relationships[edit | edit source]

    Family[edit | edit source]

    Friends[edit | edit source]

    Neutral[edit | edit source]

    • Brazil
    • QuebecHow many times do i have to say this. You are not going to get independence. But i do enjoy your maple syrup quite a bit."
    • Greenland - "Kinda edgy for North American, that all i have to say about them."

    Enemies[edit | edit source]

    • China — "Dang, it didn't have to be this way. We could have been neutral at least or good friends but you had to be a jerk with my Half-Siblings USA and your neighbours."
    • Russia — "I told you to stop bullying Ukraine. And you didn’t listen to me! Wait, YOU’RE INVADING THEM?! Gosh darn it, dude! No wonder people think we’re enemies!"
    • Belarus
    • Somalia
    • ISIS - "Is an evil terrorist who has harmed my Capital in 2014! I'll get back at you for that!"

    Former Friends[edit | edit source]

    • RussiaWe're actually good friends although people think that we're enemies with each other but please be nicer to Ukraine. We also enjoy hockey!"

    Former Enemies[edit | edit source]

    Past Versions[edit | edit source]

    Opinions[edit | edit source]

    United Kingdom[edit | edit source]

    Canada is the UK's oldest Childs and first child, and they have close relations. (WIP)

    France[edit | edit source]

    ❝ Parents, my territory used to belong to them!❞

    Canada's thoughts about France

    Canada's parent. France loves Canada very much and regrets how they abandoned them early on ( Nouvelle-France [current Quebec]). The two of them are very close now though and love confusing the rest of the family by speaking only French. Although sometimes they confuse each other since their dialects are so different! (WIP)

    USA[edit | edit source]

    ❝ My beloved older siblings, southern neighbor, and my closest friend! Always support each other in difficult situations. They have helped and supported me when I have became independent! We have very close allied and economic relations. Together we have created NATO to defend Europe, participated in two world wars on the same side and continue to develop our relationship for the better!❞

    Canada's thoughts about United States

    Canada is extremely fond of their siblings, often relying on them for protection despite the fact that Canada is the older siblings, which gets on USA's nerves sometimes but they enjoys looking out for them nonetheless. In many people's headcanons, they are always using rude humour to make fun of one another and this sometimes causes arguments between them. But they probably have the closest sibling relationship compared to all other countries in this fandom.

    Spain[edit | edit source]

    Spain is Canada's Pibling, but Canada feels absolutely no hate for Spain at all for marrying Canada's parent, United Kingdom after divorcing France. In fact, they have a close friendship between them and Spain enjoys Canada's company. In addition, Canada usually sees Spain as a parent figure (Probably, because Canada acquired the monarchical ideals of Spain). (WIP)

    Malaysia[edit | edit source]

    Canada was the first to recognize Malaysia's independence. Canada also regrets that they 'send' their plastic to Malaysia's land.

    Australia[edit | edit source]

    Australia is, something. They're a great person to be around when theiy are not being mean.❞

    Canada's thoughts about Australia

    Australia and Canada get along, that is of course when Australia does not steal their maple syrup, or prank them to oblivion.

    New Zealand[edit | edit source]

    ❝ What can I say, the kids got spirit. They may be a bit out there but they's got good stories❞

    Canada's thoughts about New Zealand

    Ukraine[edit | edit source]

    ❝ My dear friend, you suffered a lot because of Russia and USSR, so i will always protect and support you no matter what!❞

    Canada thought about Ukraine

    Ukraine is one of Canada's closest friends.

    Gallery[edit | edit source]

    Provinces and Territories

    Trivia[edit | edit source]

    • Canada is usually marked down as "Hufflepuff" due to the similarity of heraldry and history with the hogwarts house. This also happens with Spain as "Gryffindor" and Greece as "Ravenclaw".
    • Canada is famous for it's brilliant Hockey, Maple Syrup, and it's brutally cold winters.
    • America and Canada do share a few similar things, but some are different too.
      • 1. They were both formerly inhabited by Native Americans. (1000)
      • 2. Both Canada and America were former British colonies (even though they became independent in different years. America was on July 4th in the 1770s, Canada became independence 100 years after America, July 1st, 1867)
      • 3. Different laws: Canada has highly restricted guns, with many models being banned, and civillians not being able to carry guns, and America has far fewer restrictions, with only a few models banned and civilians being able to carry firearms if they have a permit
      • 4. Chocolate eggs: Canada have Kinder Surprise eggs, America has Kinder Joy. (Not to be confused with each other).
      • 5. Same allies: Canada and America have some common enemies and allies.
    • Very multicultural and open-minded
    • Believes all religions to be true.
    • Canada has one of the lowest corruption rates in the world

    Extra(s)[edit | edit source]

    • Religion:
    • Urbanization:
    • Social Progress Index: in the World
    • Basic Human needs: in the World
    • Social Opportunities: in the World
    • Health & Wellness: in the World
    • Basic Medical Care: in the World
    • Personal Safety: in the World
    • Access to Education: in the World
    • Access to Information: in the World
    • Advanced Education: in the World
    • Personal Freedom: in the World
    • Personal Rights: in the World
    • Freedom of Speech: in the World
    • Tolerance & Inclusion: in the World
    • Women Equality:
    • Tolerance for Minorities: in the World
    • Tolerance for Homosexual: in the World
    • GDP:
    • Unemployment:
    • Currency:
    • Telephones:
    • Mobile Phones:
    • Internet Users:

    Links[edit | edit source]

    References[edit | edit source]

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