


「fever pitch」の意味(noun)




Excitement at the stadium had reached/was at fever pitch.

参考:「fever pitch」の例文一覧

Forsythe quickly makes up for lost time as his vengeance rises to a fever pitch of violent fury.
Life cannot go on at that fever pitch for ever.
There were processions a mile long and at that meeting the mayor was in the chair, and enthusiasm was at fever pitch .
Emotions are, therefore, at a near fever pitch .
He has been worked up to this great pitch, almost fever pitch , of interest, and then the narrative begins to fall away.
We should not raise discussion of this subject to fever pitch in that way.
In advance of this news the gamble in railway stocks, which has doubled some of the prices in the past few weeks, reached fever pitch .
A similar mood took hold in the mid-1990s when calls for an international treaty banning land mines reached fever pitch .
1990 年代半ばに、地雷を禁止する国際条約を求める声が最高潮に達したとき、同様のムードが定着しました。
Firstly, the pressure was raised to fever pitch at a very early stage in the proceedings.
By this point interest in the band had hit a fever pitch and it seemed destined that the band were going to make it big.


読み方は【ˈfiː.və ˌpɪtʃ】です。下記動画を聞きながらˈfiː.və ˌpɪtʃを大声で発音しましょう


「fever pitch」の類語一覧です。順番に覚えましょう!

  • all haste
  • excitement
  • fast forward
  • great haste
  • mad rush
  • rush

fever pitchの実際の意味・ニュアンス(熱狂?熱狂的な?を理解して、正しく使いましょう!

Demonstrations opposing the construction of the new Star Lab’s particle accelerator have reached a fever pitch with five more protestors being arrested.
建設に反対のデモです 新しいスターラボの 粒子加速器の 5人の抗議者が逮捕されて 熱狂に達しています
Demonstrations opposing the construction of the new Star Lab’s particle accelerator have reached a fever pitch with five more protestors being arrested.
新しいスターラボの 粒子加速器の 5人の抗議者が逮捕されて 熱狂に達しています 他のニュースはグレーズで 開催された銃イベントで現金が確保されました
We predicted a multi-pronged approach to the “discovery” of Nibiru, with its entry into the inner Solar System in 2003, and this effort is now reaching a fever pitch.
The behind the scenes war with the COW has reached a fever pitch, the reluctance in the elite, who are furiously angry, visible in steps such as Netanyahu’s recent power grab.
She could reach a level of fever pitch that would put the most hardcore heavy metal rocker to shame.
He left the program for the film industry, starring in films such as Taxi (2004) and Fever Pitch (2005)..
彼は映画産業のためのプログラムを残しました, このようなタクシーなどの映画に主演 (2004) そして、フィーバーピッチ (2005)..
The excitement reaches fever pitch with the entry of a huge zōri (straw sandal) weighing a mighty 350 kilograms.
無病息災の効果があるというヘグラを、遠慮なく顔中に塗られる女性 そして重さ350キログラムの大草履が登場すると、祭りの盛り上がりは最高潮を迎える。
Excitement over young shōgi sensation Fujii Sōta hit a fever pitch when the 14-year-old junior high school player set a record with 29 consecutive wins following his professional debut in December 2016.
No. 24 藤井フィーバー史上最年少の中学生プロ棋士・藤井聡太四段(15)が前人未到の29連勝記録を達成した。
D Inc. was pushing development forward at a fever pitch in a bid to launch next-generation devices onto the market faster so that the company could overcome competition from overseas manufacturers.
Another story of robots during the period of rapid economic growth In the 1960s, Japan was at a fever pitch with its dramatic economic growth.
高度経済成長期、もうひとつのロボット物語 1960年代、高度経済成長に沸き上がる日本。
Due to the elite’s desire to avoid the sliding crust of the Earth during the coming Pole Shift, interest in an escape to Mars has reached a fever pitch.
来たるべきポールシフトの間に地球の横滑りする地殻を避けるというエリート達の欲望のために、火星への脱出への関心は、 熱狂状態に達しています。
Now that the announcement admitting the near presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X, is planned and about to be implemented, negotiations between Heads of State have reached a fever pitch.
Yamazato Elementary School | 長崎市 平和・原爆 Air Raid Shelter Ruins (on the grounds of Yamazato Elementary School) As the war effort reached a fever pitch, an air raid shelter was dug at the Yamazato Elementary School, located about 600 meters north of the hypocenter, in order to protect the lives of the pupils from anticipated air attacks.
山里小学校 | 長崎市 平和・原爆 山里小学校(やまざとしょうがっこう) 爆心地から北へ約700mに位置するこの学校には、原爆で亡くなった教師、児童1300人とその家族の霊を慰め、永遠の平和を願うために、永井隆博士が建立したあの子らの碑や、当時大けがを負った付近の人々が大勢亡くなった防空壕などがある。
READ IN JAPANESE DJ Alamo Spinning The Corner Social Corner Social quickly became the new “in” spot as the newest addition to Harlem’s Lenox Avenue Restaurant Row, and now the “social-izing” has reached a fever pitch with DJ Alamo spinning on Saturday nights.
土曜日の夜、DJアラモと過ごしませんか READ IN ENGLISH ハーレムの住人で元ブランド・ヌビアンのDJアラモがハーレムの人気スポット、コーナー・ソーシャルで毎週土曜日DJを始めました。
The film Fever Pitch was filmed around the Arsenal stadium and along Highbury Hill.
1997年の映画『ぼくのプレミアライフ フィーバーピッチ』 (Fever Pitch) は、アーセナル・スタジアム周辺とハイベリー・ヒル沿いで撮影された。
The atmosphere reaches fever pitch as the bearers come together in a solid mass.
We are at Ellis Park on this historic day where even this early, crowd expectation is at fever pitch because their beloved green and gold has somehow managed to defy all expectations.
歴史的な日の エリスパークです 既に群衆の期待は 高まっています なぜなら敬愛する 緑と金のチームが
Interspersed with interviews with some of the people involved, this video introduces the host city Kazan, at fever pitch for the opening ceremony, and the Panasonic equipment installed at the various competition venues.
When the Expo 1970 was held in Osaka, the number of visitors was the highest record in history. The festive mood of the people was rising to fever pitch.
When anxiety over Communism in Korea and China reached a fever pitch, an otherwise obscure Senator, Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin, launched extremely high-visibility investigations into the alleged network of communist spies in the government.

