Facts About Princess Diana We Just Learned That Made Us Say 'Really?'

Mallory Weiler
Updated May 23, 2024 381.0K views 12 items
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Vote up the facts about Princess Di that are royally awesome.

Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, the "people's princess," has long been missed since her sudden passing in 1997. But before her fatal accident, Princess Diana was known for her respect, thoughtfulness, sincerity, and for ultimately being relatable to the general public. Aside from her ability to woo the people, she was also well-known for her political and professional accomplishments. Her advocacy and support proved critical to her overall approval while a part of the royal family, even if her relationship wasn't as picture-perfect as they had wished.

Despite having the limelight on her constantly, there are still some Princess Diana facts that are lesser-known. 

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    2,823 VOTES

    She Didn't Hesitate To Shake The Hands Of Someone With AIDS

    From Redditor u/_Alvin_Row_:

    TIL Princess Diana, on live TV, shook the hand of an AIDS patient without wearing gloves, challenging the belief that AIDS could be passed via contact. The act was seen as a huge moment for those suffering with the disease.

    Context: Before much was known about AIDS, people were terrified of the disease. Not quite sure just how it spread, most were terrified to even touch those afflicted - but not Princess Diana. On live television, to bring awareness to the new ward dedicated specifically to AIDS treatment, she shook the hand of someone - without a glove - who knowingly suffered from the disease. In doing so, she showed compassion instead of fear.

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    2,089 VOTES

    She Was A Patron Of Over 100 Charities

    From Redditor u/PocColino:

    TIL: Princess Diana was a member and patron for more than 100 charities, many of which are now supported by her two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry.

    Context: At one point, Princess Diana was in fact a partron for more than 100 charities. Included in her charity focuses were HIV and AIDS, landmines, homelessness and poverty, cancer, leprosy, and even the ballet. Whether it was visiting hospitals or schools, or simply speaking to the people about various ailments or concerns, Princess Di was constantly looking to help others. 

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    2,203 VOTES

    She Vacationed At Disney World With Her Kids Like Everyone Else

    From a former Redditor:

    TIL When Princess Diana went to Disneyland she made her sons Harry and William wait in line just like everyone else.

    Context: Many sources claim that Princess Diana and her two young kids William and Harry stood in line like everyone else when they went to Walt Disney World in 1993. That very well may be true, but what we know for certain is that the family took the vacation and had a blast riding the rides, seeing the shows, and just walking around. To stay, they rented out the entire fifth floor of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, and they were escorted through the park, potentially even using the underground tunnels from time to time. Regardless of the normalcy of their trip, it was quite out of character for royals to visit theme parks like Disney World.

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    2,498 VOTES

    Princess Diana's Funeral Broke Royal Protocol

    From Redditor u/Superfluity10k:

    TIL that after Princess Diana's death Prince Charles overruled palace protocol and held a royal funeral for Diana despite her not being part of the royal family at the time.

    Context: After the people's princess passed, there was seemingly a rift between the people and the queen. Furthermore, Diana's ex-husband Prince Charles feared they would be blamed for her early departure and wanted to do everything the royal family could to honor Diana, the mother of his children. The royal family actually broke protocol in four different ways after Princess Diana passed: The Union Jack flag was flown - at half-mast - at Buckingham Palace for the first time in history, Diana's body was transported on a royal flight despite being stripped of her title, her coffin was draped in the Royal Standard flag - again, even though she was no longer an actual part of the royal family, and finally she was given a full royal funeral likely in an attempt to appease the public.

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    2,412 VOTES

    She Specifically Made Michael Jackson Play 'Dirty Diana' For Her

    From Redditor u/TooWahlberg45:

    TIL that Michael Jackson removed "Dirty Diana" from his concert setlist in London for Princess Diana to be respectful, but she asked for him to keep it in the setlist as it was one of her personal favorites.

    Context: Diana and her then-husband Prince Charles attended a Michael Jackson show during his Bad tour in 1988. Since this was the first time they'd be meeting, and he'd be playing in her presence, he chose to omit his hit "Dirty Diana" because he thought it would be disrespectful. During the meet-and-greet before the show, however, Diana made sure to ask if he was playing that particular song, and then insisted he include it in the set. She told him it was one of her favorites, making him switch up the set at the last minute to accommodate her.

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    1,672 VOTES

    She's Related To Winston Churchill

    From Redditor u/godblow:

    TIL Winston Churchill and Princess Diana were from the same aristocratic family, the Spencers. Churchill's last name was officially Spencer-Churchill.

    Context: It's true that both leaders share family trees and were distant cousins. They were both related to Charles Spencer - who was the third Earl of Sunderland in the early 18th century - and his wife Anne Churchill. Winston's full name was even Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, honoring the Spencer family link.

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    1,562 VOTES

    She Was Named After Another Young Lady Who Also Died Young

    From Redditor u/ZoCurious:

    TIL Princess Diana was named after another Lady Diana Spencer, who was also courted by the Prince of Wales and who also died young.

    Context: Diana Spencer does share her name with an ancestor of hers with the same name. The first Lady Diana Spencer lived in the mid-18th century and shares many similarities in life to the Diana Spencer of the 20th century. Both Dianas had been courted by a Prince of Wales, although only one made it to the altar, and both women perished at a tragically young age. The first Diana Spencer unfortunately passed of tuberculosis when she was just 25 years old. 

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    2,268 VOTES

    Her Last Words Were Based In Confusion

    From Redditor u/irishamerican:

    TIL Princess Diana's Last Words were "My God, what’s happened?"

    Context: 20 years after Princess Diana's fatal car accident, a firefighter on the scene opened up about what he saw when he arrived. He reported that she appeared to be okay, with no blood on her, and was conscious, looking at him and saying, "My God, what's happened?" before he lifted her from the car to the stretcher. As he was doing that, she suffered a cardiac arrest and he had to resuscitate her. The fireman fully expected her to live and was shocked to hear she had passed at the hospital.

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    1,318 VOTES

    She Accidentally Said Her Vows Wrong

    From Redditor u/gerryhanes:

    TIL both Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson got the names of their husbands wrong when reciting their marriage vows

    Context: Princess Diana did in fact flub her betrothed's name while she was reciting her vows. Instead of stating his full name correctly as Charles Philip Arthur George, she mixed up some of the names and called him Philip Charles Arthur George. It was a small slip and goes to show how much pressure the young princess must have been feeling with the eyes of the world on her during an already nerve-wracking ceremony.

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    1,131 VOTES

    Diana Wanted To Marry A Heart Surgeon

    From a former Redditor:

    TIL Princess Diana was "madly in love" with a Pakistani heart surgeon and thought about marrying and having children with him.

    Context: It's true that when Diana met the surgeon at the hospital briefly she was immediately infatuated. Hasnat Khan, however, didn't seem to have any particular impression of Diana. After having split from the royal family, the surgeon offered Diana a nice change of pace. Following the meeting, Diana apparently took to visiting the hospital almost daily while Khan was working. Their friendship blossomed into a relationship shortly thereafter, and the two talked about getting married and hopefully having kids together. Unfortunately, the affair ended with a change of heart before Diana passed.

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    1,142 VOTES

    She And Her Siblings Hated Their Stepmom

    From Redditor u/MarsNirgal:

    TIL Princess Diana and her brothers had such a bad relationship with their stepmother that, two days after their father died, they threw her out of their house.

    Context: Diana and her siblings (two older sisters in particular) did reportedly have a rough and tumultuous relationship with their stepmother, Raine Spencer. It's been said she thought very little of the young Diana Spencer. When Diana's father passed in 1992, Raine packed her things and left the estate immediately, but it's not clear if she left of her own accord or by order of the Spencer children. Nonetheless, later in life, Diana and Raine developed a closer relationship, frequently having lunch.

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    1,241 VOTES

    Diana Suffered From Mental Health Issues

    From Redditor u/ScrambledMesh:

    TIL Princess Diana was a self-mutilator. She publicly admitted throwing herself down stairs whilst pregnant and cutting herself with razors, penknives, and other kitchen tools because of her torment over her marriage relationship.

    Context: Diana's health - both mental and physical - was constantly in question while in the royal limelight. According to the author of Diana's biography, the pressure of being in the royal family, in a seemingly distressed marriage, led her to become depressed, anxious, bulemic, and slightly paranoid. Another biographer, Andrew Morton, reported that she even attempted to take her own life on several accounts. Diana didn't attempt to hide her eating disorder, however, and spoke openly about her struggles with the BBC.

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