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#!/bin/perl use CGI; $q = new CGI; $DEBUG=0; #undef ( %sections, $template ); print $q->header if $DEBUG; @cities = $q->param('city'); $bonus = $q->param('bonus'); $class_bonus = $q->param('class_bonus'); $promo_bonus = $q->param('promo_bonus'); $ticket_price = $q->param('ticket_price'); $ticket_price =~ s/[^0-9\.]//m; # Translate illegal to nothing. $bonus_use_min = $q->param('bonus_use_min'); $class_bonus_use_min = $q->param('class_bonus_use_min'); $promo_bonus_use_min = $q->param('promo_bonus_use_min'); $min = $q->param('min'); $min_type = $q->param('min_type'); if( $min_type eq 'k' ) { $min_km = $min; $min_miles = km2miles( $min_km ); } else { $min_miles = $min; $min_km = miles2km( $min_miles ); } if( $ticket_price ) { parseTemplate("template_cost.htm"); } else { parseTemplate("template.htm"); } #added by Tim on 2/2/00 to make the airport codes uppercase foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { $len = length $cities[$x]; if( $len eq 3 ) { $cities[$x] = uc $cities[$x]; } } #end added by Tim 2/2/00 foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { CleanCity( \$cities[$x] ); } foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { $fullCity[$x] = findCity( $cities[$x], $x ); } #undef ( $totalMl, $totalKm ); foreach $x ( 0 .. $#fullCity ) { last unless ( $fullCity[$x] && $fullCity[$x + 1] ); ($code1, $airportName1, $city1, $state1, $country1, $Lat1, $Long1) = split(/\t/, $fullCity[$x]); ($code2, $airportName2, $city2, $state2, $country2, $Lat2, $Long2) = split(/\t/, $fullCity[$x + 1]); my ( @to ) = calDistance ( $Lat1, $Long1, $Lat2, $Long2 ); $rawTotalMl += $to[1]; $rawTotalKm += $to[0]; # Do a check for min distance # and correct if necessary. if( $to[1] < $min_miles ) { $to[0] = $min_km; $to[1] = $min_miles; } $totalMl += $to[1]; $totalKm += $to[0]; do { print "( $Lat1, $Long1, $Lat2, $Long2 ) "; print "From " . $fullCity[$x] . " to " . $fullCity[$x + 1] . "
\n"; print " -- $to[1]

" } if $DEBUG; } # Different bonus miles if( $bonus_use_min ) { $totalBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalMl * $bonus ) ); $totalBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalKm * $bonus ) ); } else { $totalBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalMl * $bonus ) ); $totalBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalKm * $bonus ) ); } if( $class_bonus_use_min ) { $totalClassBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalMl * $class_bonus ) ); $totalClassBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalKm * $class_bonus ) ); } else { $totalClassBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalMl * $class_bonus ) ); $totalClassBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalKm * $class_bonus ) ); } if( $promo_bonus_use_min ) { $totalPromoBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalMl * $promo_bonus ) ); $totalPromoBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $totalKm * $promo_bonus ) ); } else { $totalPromoBonusMl = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalMl * $promo_bonus ) ); $totalPromoBonusKm = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $rawTotalKm * $promo_bonus ) ); } $roundTripBonusMl = $totalBonusMl * 2; $roundTripBonusKm = $totalBonusKm * 2; $roundTripClassBonusMl = $totalClassBonusMl * 2; $roundTripClassBonusKm = $totalClassBonusKm * 2; $roundTripPromoBonusMl = $totalPromoBonusMl * 2; $roundTripPromoBonusKm = $totalPromoBonusKm * 2; # Round Trip distance $roundTripMl = $totalMl * 2; $roundTripKm = $totalKm * 2; # The grand totals. $totalGtMl = $totalMl + $totalBonusMl + $totalClassBonusMl + $totalPromoBonusMl; $totalGtKm = $totalKm + $totalBonusKm + $totalClassBonusKm + $totalPromoBonusKm; $roundTripGtMl = $roundTripMl + $roundTripBonusMl + $roundTripClassBonusMl + $roundTripPromoBonusMl; $roundTripGtKm = $roundTripKm + $roundTripBonusKm + $roundTripClassBonusKm + $roundTripPromoBonusKm; # Get the cost per mile/km. $roundTripCostPerMl = sprintf( "%.2f", $ticket_price / $roundTripGtMl ); $roundTripCostPerKm = sprintf( "%.2f", $ticket_price / $roundTripGtKm ); $totalCostPerMl = sprintf( "%.2f", $ticket_price / $totalGtMl ); $totalCostPerKm = sprintf( "%.2f", $ticket_price / $totalGtKm ); print "

Total Trip: " . $totalMl . " ML" if $DEBUG; do { undef ( $line ); $sections{'results'} =~ s|([\s\S]*?)||; $rotation = $1; foreach $x ( 0 .. $#fullCity ) { my ( $temp ) = $rotation; last unless ( $fullCity[$x] ); ($code, $airportName, $city, $state, $country, $Lat, $Long) = split(/\t/, $fullCity[$x]); $city_code[$x] = $code; # This is a bit of a hack to add the 'to' to the end of a link if needed. if( $fullCity[$x + 1] ) { $to_text = ' to'; } else { $to_text = ''; } $airportName = $city . " Airport" unless $airportName; $loc = ( $state ) ? $state : $country; $temp =~ s//${$1}/g; $line .= $temp; } $city_code_one = $city_code[0]; $city_code_two = $city_code[1]; $sections{'results'} =~ s//$line/; $sections{'results'} =~ s//${$1}/g; printOutput ( "results" ); } unless $DEBUG; sub CleanCity { my ($cityref) = shift; open (STATE, "abriviations.df"); while () { m!^([A-Z]{2})\t([A-Z]*)\t([0-9]*)\t(.+)!; $cit = $4; $cit =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $twoChar{$cit} = $1; # $twoChar{$2} = $1 if $2; $twoChar{$3} = $1 if $3; } close (STATE); $$cityref =~ tr/A-z/ /c; # Translate illegal to space $$cityref =~ tr/ //s; # Squash mult spaces $$cityref =~ s/(^ )|( $)//; # Remove leading and trailing space my ( @parts ) = split ( / /, $$cityref ); foreach $x ( 1 .. $#parts ) # Don't process the first word, start on second. { $ct = $parts[$x]; $ct =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $$cityref =~ s/$parts[$x]/$twoChar{$ct}/i if $twoChar{$ct}; } } sub findCity { my ($city, $index) = @_; $found = 0; return unless $city; print $city, " --
" if $DEBUG; @parts = split( / /, $city ); open DAT, "cities.df" or print "Unable to open data file: $!\n"; @cityList = ; close DAT; if ($city =~ /^[A-Z]{3}$/) { ( $airport ) = grep( /^$city/, @cityList ); chomp ( $airport ); noMatch( $city, $index ) unless ($airport); return $airport; } foreach $part (@parts) { @cityList = grep(/$part/i, @cityList); } toMany( $city, $index, @cityList ) if ($cityList[1]); noMatch( $city, $index ) unless (@cityList); chomp ($cityList[0]); return $cityList[0]; } sub toMany { local ($city, $index, @list) = @_; ($city, @rest) = split(/\t/, $city); undef ( $formentries ); foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { if ( $x eq $index ) { $formentries .= " \n"; } else { $formentries .= " "; } } $formentries .= " "; $sections{'tomany'} =~ s//${$1}/g; printOutput ( "tomany" ); } sub noMatch { local ( $city, $index ) = @_; undef ( $formentries ); foreach $x ( 0 .. $#cities ) { if ( $x eq $index ) { $formentries .= "
\n"; } else { $formentries .= "
\n"; } } $formentries .= " "; $sections{'nomatch'} =~ s//${$1}/g; printOutput ( "nomatch" ); } sub blankField { my ($item, $place, $missing) = @_; my $x = ($item eq 1) ? 2 : 1; ($code, @rest) = split(/\t/, $place); $code =~ s/ /+/g; exit(0); } sub calDistance { local ( $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2 ) = @_; do { print "CD COORD $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2
\n"; } if $DEBUG; my $meters_per_mile = 1609.344; my $dist = &great_circle_distance ( degrees_to_radians( $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2 ) ); # my $km = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $dist / 1000 ) ); # ALTERED BY TIM 072604 (WE WERE COMPUTING FOR NAUTICAL MILES, BUT THEN CONVERTING TO KM USING STANDARD RATIO, NOT NAUTICAL) #my $km = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( ($dist / 1000) * 1.15 ) ); my $ml = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $dist / $meters_per_mile ) ); my $km = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $ml * 1.60935 ) ); #my $km2 = ($dist / 1000) * 1.15; #my $ml2 = $dist / $meters_per_mile; #print( "Conetent-type: text/html\n\n" ); #print( "mile:$ml2 km:$km2 \n" ); do { print "COOR $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2"; print "From calDistance()
"; print "Dist: $dist
\n"; print "KM: $km
\n"; print "ML $ml
\n"; } if $DEBUG; return ( $km, $ml ); } sub great_circle_distance { my ( $lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2 ) = @_; # approx radius of Earth in meters. True radius varies from # 6357km (polar) to 6378km (equatorial). my $earth_radius = 6367135; my $dlon = $long2 - $long1; my $dlat = $lat2 - $lat1; my $a = ( sin($dlat / 2) ) ** 2 + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * ( sin($dlon / 2) ) ** 2; my $d = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a)); return $earth_radius * $d; } sub round_to_3 { my ( $num ) = @_; my ( $lg, $round ); if ( $num == 0 ) { return 0; } $lg = int( log( abs($num ) ) / log( 10.0 ) ); # log base 10 of num $round = 10 ** ($lg - 2); return int( $num / $round + 0.5 ) * $round; } BEGIN { $::pi = 4 * atan2(1,1); } sub degrees_to_radians { my ( @dec ) = @_; undef ( $x ); foreach $x ( 0 .. $#dec ) { print "Dec $x: $dec[$x]
" if $DEBUG; $dec[$x] = $dec[$x] * $::pi / 180.0; print "Dec $x: $dec[$x]
" if $DEBUG; } return @dec; } sub parseTemplate { my ( $file ) = @_; open (TMP, $file) || print "Unable to open teplate file $file - $!"; while () { if ( // ) { $sec = $1; while ( $sections{$sec} !~ // ) { ( $sections{$sec} ) .= ; } $template .= ""; } else { $template .= $_; } } close (TMP); } sub printOutput { my ( $sec ) = @_; $template =~ s//$sections{$sec}/; print $q->header; print $template; exit (0); } sub km2miles { local ( $km ) = @_; my $meters_per_mile = 1609.344; my $dist = $km * 1000; my $miles = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $dist / $meters_per_mile ) ); return ( $miles ); } sub miles2km { local ( $miles ) = @_; my $meters_per_mile = 1609.344; my $dist = $miles * $meters_per_mile; my $km = sprintf ( "%8g", &round_to_3( $dist / 1000 ) ); return ( $km ); }


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