The Meaning Behind The Song: Kicks by Paul Revere and the Raiders - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Kicks by Paul Revere and the Raiders


The Meaning Behind The Song: Kicks by Paul Revere and the Raiders

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Kicks Paul Revere and the Raiders Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil Midnight Ride (1966) February 28, 1966 Rock Terry Melcher

“Kicks” is a strange song coming from the late ‘60s, a period often associated with psychedelic drugs. This anti-drug song is one of Paul Revere and the Raiders’ biggest hits. It tells the story of a girl who uses drugs, and Mark Lindsay is warning her that using drugs will get her nowhere in life and will only lead to ruin.

This song has a personal meaning to me. Growing up, I was always captivated by the catchy guitar riff by Drake Levin and Mark Lindsay’s soulful vocals. The lyrics of “Kicks” resonated with me as a reminder that seeking happiness through external means, such as drugs, would only bring temporary relief and ultimately leave me feeling empty.

The opening verse paints a picture of the girl’s search for answers and escape through a “magic carpet ride.” However, when reality sets in the next morning, she finds herself still feeling uptight. The emptiness inside her drives her to try everything to fill the void, but she still can’t find peace.

The chorus repeats the line “Kicks just keep gettin’ harder to find,” suggesting that the pleasure and escape she seeks through drugs are becoming increasingly elusive. All the “kicks” she indulges in fail to bring her any true peace of mind. The urgency in the lyrics is evident in the line, “Before you find out it’s too late, girl, you better get straight.” The song emphasizes the importance of finding a different path, away from the destructive cycle of seeking temporary highs.

The second verse highlights the futility of her pursuit of a little piece of paradise. Despite her efforts, happiness and fulfillment elude her. The repetition of the line, “You’ll never run away from you,” underscores the message that true happiness comes from within and cannot be found by external means. The lyrics warn that if she continues running away from herself, she will eventually face the consequences.

The bridge of the song offers a glimmer of hope, suggesting that there is another way for her to face the world each day. It implies that finding oneself and seeking alternative forms of fulfillment are the keys to breaking free from the vicious cycle of seeking temporary pleasures.

The thought-provoking lyrics of “Kicks” continue to resonate with listeners today. Despite being released over five decades ago, the song’s message remains relevant. In a world where distractions and quick fixes are readily available, “Kicks” serves as a powerful reminder to seek true fulfillment within ourselves and find healthier ways to navigate through life’s challenges.

Listening to “Kicks” takes me back to my youth when I first discovered this song. It reminds me of the importance of self-reflection and finding meaningful ways to face the world each day. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or tempted to seek instant gratification, I turn to this song as a reminder that lasting fulfillment comes from within.

Paul Revere and the Raiders did a remarkable job combining various elements from popular rock bands of the time into this song. The Beatles’ influence can be heard in the catchy guitar riff, reminiscent of their early hits. The R&B vocals by Mark Lindsay add a soulful touch to the song, similar to The Kinks and The Yardbirds. The overall sound encapsulates the spirit of the 1960s rock scene while delivering a timeless message.

Despite initial skepticism from some listeners during the psychedelic era, “Kicks” managed to climb the charts and remain a beloved classic. Its lasting impact is evident in its continued recognition as one of the greatest songs of all time.

In conclusion, “Kicks” by Paul Revere and the Raiders is more than just a catchy rock song. It carries a powerful anti-drug message, encouraging listeners to seek fulfillment from within rather than external sources. Its timeless appeal and thought-provoking lyrics have allowed it to stand the test of time and remain a relevant and impactful song to this day.+

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