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Grand Theft Auto V Wiki

Franklin Clinton, sometimes referred to as Frank and F, is a character in Grand Theft Auto V. He is one of three playable protagonists.


Prior to the series[]

Franklin was born in South Los Santos, San Andreas in 1988. Franklin never knew his father and his mother succumbed to drug addiction. After his mother died when Franklin was young, he moved in with his maternal grandparents.

During his teenage years, he along with JB sold cigarettes until Franklin's grandfather found out about the scheme. According to Tonya, his grandfather "gave chase to both him and JB all around Los Santos." Franklin attended Davis High School along with Lamar, Tanisha, and Tonya but was expelled after he assaulted a teacher.

Prior to the series, Franklin's grandparents pass away, him and his aunt Denise move into a house in Strawberry, and Franklin, along with Lamar, work in vehicle repossession for Simeon, an Armenian crook.

Events of GTA V[]

Vehicle repossession[]

Franklin and Lamar cross paths with Michael briefly before repossessing two cars and having a race to "test out the cars." After a brief escape from the police, Franklin drives the car to Simeon's dealership. Later, Franklin and Lamar are tasked with repossesing a motorcycle owned by Esteban Jimenez. Simeon claims even though he was curious, did not ask if Esteban was a gang member. The duo head to a Vespucci Beach alleyway where the motorcycle isn't present. A Vagos gang member confronts them both and Lamar shoots him with a concealed SMG. After a shootout, the duo chase down the owner driving away on the motorcycle. The repossession is meaningless when the owner is killed, so Lamar keeps the bike for himself. During the reposession Jimmy's car, Michael (revealed to be Jimmy's father, who was hiding in the backseat) orders Franklin to ram the dealership window at gunpoint. After Franklin is told to run off, Michael beats up Simeon. Because of this incident, and Lamar keeping the bike for himself, Simeon fires the duo.


Lamar brings along Franklin with kidnapping a Balla member named D, for no other reason than that Lamar saw it as an "opportunity." In a white van, the duo pull up to an alleyway on Vinewood Boulevard. When D is confronted, the two give chase when he drives off in a motorbike. D is hit by a bus in Textile City, and with the help of Lamar's dog Chop, is brought in the back of the van. However, they are forced to release him when Lamar makes a call, revealing their location to the police.

Later, Lamar's good friend Stretch is released from prison and they head to a drug deal at a recycling center. The "deal" is revealed to be an ambush set up by D. Stretch shoots Franklin in the head, and the now duo are forced to escape the building from a swarm of Ballas. After escaping the cops, the duo head to Lamar's house.

