Te Panui - 1 March 2024
March 2024 Edition
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Te Panui - 1 March 2024

Western Heights High School


Kia ora Parents, Whānau and Caregivers,

A reminder that Goal Setting Day is on Tuesday 5 March. It is great to see the large number of families that have already booked an appointment. There is still time to do so. Please book using this link:

Goal Setting Day is so that we can work together to identify potential future pathways and set goals for the year. Education is a team effort; strong school/family partnerships are essential to student success.

We encourage all caregivers and whanau to attend. It is an opportunity to also meet with key staff and make those connections. We always look forward to seeing you here.
We are now heading into Week 6 of the term and students should now have settled into their new classes and will be starting to receive feedback on their assessments that they have been working on. We know that having good attendance supports student achievement. Missing classes can not only cause gaps in learning, but it can also cause stress and anxiety for students when trying to catch up.

We currently have many students who have attendance below 80%. This means that they are missing 20% of their learning and gaps are inevitable. I ask for your support in getting your child to school every day possible unless they are sick so that their achievement and wellbeing are not adversely affected.

It was pleasing to see both athletic and swimming sports days take place over the past two weeks. There was a large amount of participation and a great atmosphere on both days. Many records were broken. Some which had stood for over 30 years.

A big thank you to the Physical Education Faculty for their organisation of these two days. Many students have qualified for the respective interschool competitions. We look forward to hearing how they progress over the coming weeks.

- I would like to acknowledge and congratulate our new record holders -

Casey Day who broke an athletics record:
1. Jnr Girls Triple Jump 9.57m (previous 2020 K. Hewitt 9.01m)

Finley English who broke six swimming records:
1. Open 4x25m Medley 1.08.91 (previous 2008 B. Wass 1.10.22)
2. Open 4x50m Medley 2.37.43 (previous 2017 D. Cowie 2.40.28)
3. SB 50m Breaststroke 32.19 (previous 1994 S. Lim Yock 36.05)
4. SB 100m Freestyle 59.16 (previous 2021 A. Greupink 59.53)
5. SB 100m Backstroke 1.08.18 (previous 2007 K. Rollo 1.14.22)
6. SB 100m Breaststroke 1.12.50 (previous 2019 D. Cowie 1.18.21)

Kai Jung-Ishida who broke two swimming records:
1. IB 50m Butterfly 30.31 (previous 2012 C. McNamara 31.41)
2. IB 100m Freestyle 1.00.50 (previous 2023 F. English 1.01.00)

Dylan Greupink who broke a swimming record:
1. IB 100m Backstroke 1.12.34 (previous 2023 F. English 1.14.66)
Ngā mihi,
James Bracefield


Goal Setting Day

Tuesday 5 March, 8:00am – 6:00pm
- all Year levels -

We invite whānau and students to meet with their House Tutor teacher to review the year so far and set goals for the remainder of the year.

Book here:

Understanding NCEA sessions

Sessions will be available in the school library on Goal Setting Day, Tuesday 5 March, explaining how NCEA works for whānau new to the qualification or those who may have questions about how it works.

Session times are 10am, 1:30pm, and 5pm. No booking needed. All welcome.


Chinese New Year

Over the past two weeks, our students have delved into the vibrant tapestry of Chinese culture. From indulging in the flavours of Jiaozi dumplings, to engaging in the intricate art of traditional paper cutting, and even adorning themselves in elegant Chinese attire. It has been a celebration filled with joy and cultural exchange.

Here are glimpses of these cherished moments as we capture the spirit of our Confucius Classroom's Chinese New Year festivities!


Rotorua Accelerando Programme

This is a vocal performance programme for young high school singers in Rotorua. The students attend a 10 day programme from April 17-27 (in the holidays) and weekends throughout the year. Students receive singing tuition individually and in groups with master classes for singing, dance and drama with highly esteemed tutors.

There were 20 places available and six of our students auditioned on Saturday 24 February. All were successful for the programme.

Congratulations to the following students:
  • Holly Anderson (Year 10)
  • Alyah Warmington-O'Neil (Year 10)
  • Jessica Back (Year 10)
  • Kiara Pelasio (Year 10)
  • Melissa Deal (Year 11)
  • Allahzae Marino (Year 13)

Mountain Biking

Every Wednesday night we will be going mountain biking in Term One. This photograph was taken on the Tītokorangi trail during our first week riding. Students pictured are Year 9 to 13. It was an awesome experience and the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Looking forward to many more weekly rides this term.

Waka Ama

Last week we blessed our two new waka:
  • Rotohokahoka Taumata Rau
  • Erana
We would like to thank Sam Baker and his whānau for joining Mr Guy Ngatai in blessing the waka. 'Erana' is named in honour and memory of his mother, Hellen Messenger (Erana Waiomio). Following the blessing, our waka ama students enjoyed a very successful first paddle.

Thank you to Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa who kindly funded our waka.

Representative Success

BOP U18 Tennis
Scarlett Dowland (pictured on the left) represented BOP U18 Tennis in the Intra Regional Teams event, held recently in Hamilton. Scarlett and her team mate (Francis Hazeldine) competed against players from Eastern Districts, Waikato and Western BOP.

Scarlett has represented BOP Tennis in team events for the past 10 years.
Seddon U17 Cricket Team
Congratulations to Liam Du Plessis (Year 13) who enjoyed a successful summer playing various fixtures for the prestigious Seddon Cricket Club. Highlights included playing in front of NZ’s greatest ever cricketer, Sir Richard Hadlee. Read the full report here.


Our sister school Beppu Shosei will be visiting Heights for one week and we are requiring Homestays for them. They arrive on Sunday 9 June and are here until Sunday 16 June. If you are able to host one or two students, we look forward to hearing from you.

Please contact our Homestay Co-Ordinator, Kris Haines: khaine@whhs.school.nz

We are also looking for new families to assist with long term homestays.