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Chris Farley Death pics

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You just made my day.

I don't know why I clicked the link. I've seen these pics so many times over the years and they put me in the shittiest mood but yet I still click the link.

That's an incredible memory your boyfriend will have for the rest of his life.

i would say (in my best armchair psychologist voice) that you click the link out of respect for him. you feel like if you don't you're allowing him to be forgotten. you feel like he deserves to have people remember him and mourn his passing. and so you do. (/end armchair psychology session)

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A little background information...

"His last day was Wednesday December 17th, 1997. He spent it primarily with a hooker called Heidi. Chris hired hookers regularly. Heidi was hired for Farley by a friend for $2,000. She joined Farley at a party in Lincoln Park (in Chicago) at 11 AM. There were drugs going around. Later that day, Heidi took Farley back to her apartment – where they continued to smoke crack and snort heroin. January 2008 Findadeath pal Pete Hertzberg sends this picture, which is most likely the door they used. Chris claimed he’d been up for 4 days, without sleep. They tried to have sex, but Chris couldn’t. Cut to 11 PM – Chris and Heidi were back at his apartment in the Hancock building. She was getting pissed off because she wanted to get paid, and Chris claimed that the friend was supposed to pay her. They supposedly tried sex again, unsuccessfully, and finally at 3am she decided to take off. Farley was clearly inebriated, and as she was leaving his apartment, he collapsed about 10 feet from the door. Heidi claimed she could hear that he was having difficulty breathing. He said to her, "Don't leave me." Figuring he had finally passed out, she snapped a photograph of him lying there and then left.

Chris Farley’s brother John found him the next afternoon. Chris was still lying 10 feet from the door, wearing sweat pants and an open button down shirt. He was supposedly clutching a baseball cap and rosary beads. There was a blood-tinged fluid coming from his nose, and a white, frothy fluid coming from his mouth. John called 911. Chicago Fire Fighters received the call just after 2pm, and Farley was pronounced dead at the scene."


drugs are bad.

u/themanifoldcuriosity avatar

Heidi is worse.

u/Heromedic18 avatar

Straight Heisenburged the dude...

u/the_dega avatar


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u/CtraneS avatar

Gettin real sick of your shit Heidi.

u/ButterThatBacon avatar

Classic Heidi.

u/jxj24 avatar

Well, she's no Susan.

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Heidi, Heidi, Heidi HO... ♫

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u/atworktemp avatar

drug abuse is pretty bad. drugs themselves are not inherently anything. they're inanimate.

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u/TacosForMe avatar

I would have imagined that his apartment would have nicer furniture.

u/ectc avatar

Who's got money for furniture? Cocaine, hookers, and heroin don't pay for themselves!

u/kernelhappy avatar

If it was a nice looking apartment with nothing but a futon and a shitty coffee table I think it would have made more sense. That furniture looks like the kind of hand-me-down stuff you get from an old aunt dying right before you get your first apartment.

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My first thought as well. I imagine seeing that kind of room made by an older couple whose kids have long left the house.

u/ofa776 avatar

When you're that strung out on drugs, you just might not care.

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u/superherocostume avatar

Especially because he's holding rosary beads when he's found. That implies he moved around at least a little between "passing out" (according to the unpaid hooker) and dying.

I remember hearing that his brother planted them in his hand.


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u/TortillaFlatulence avatar

He was 33 years old. So was Belushi. So was Jesus Christ.

Oh for fuck's sake.

u/poonhounds avatar


You rang?

u/poonhounds avatar

R...R..remember when, I said "Holy Shnikeys!" and, like, you said "you rang" your name is, um, Holy_shnikies?

That was awesome.

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u/CaptainObvious411 avatar

Was it the Herbie Hancock building?

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u/DefiantDragon avatar

So what's the white stuff coming out of his mouth?

u/Derpfacewunderkind avatar

"Opiate foam cone" it's a common sign of opiate overdose death.

Relevent section:

Victims of an opiate overdose often exhibit specific characteristics. For example, victims may have a "foam cone," tinged orange or red with blood, around their nostrils and mouth, the most common characteristic of such an overdose. Opiates act as a central nervous system depressant, causing a decrease in heart rate and breathing. This slowing causes fluids to gather in the lungs, inhibiting the life sustaining exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Essentially, victims drown in their own pulmonary fluids. As the fluids gather, victims may expel some mixed with gas bubbles, which then forms the foam cone. Autopsies of opiate overdose victims often reveal that death resulted from pulmonary edema, a swelling of the lungs with a pooling of fluids inside them.

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Yeah, but that picture shows lividity and ridgity so this was taken hours after death.

u/valkyrio avatar

They never said that this set included Heidi's picture. See Flyboy_Will's comment to see the photo she took.

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u/Flyboy_Will avatar

Here's a crappy video that shows the hooker and the photos she took.

Eerie to see that she in the last one she took he's pretty much exactly how he was found. If she only stayed a while longer.

Oh and damn is she homely. Chris Farley deserved a lot better for his final fuck.

It was just irritating... She heard him having difficulty breathing. She saw him hitting his own chest and stressing. I understand that she was likely as strung out on drugs as he was, but that's depressing as hell.

Her idle comment toward the end of "I could have been a hero" grates on my nerves... Could have been, instead just snapped a picture and wandered off.


She didn't know he was dying. He passed out. In retrospect, she wishes she had known and had done something.

Yeah plus it was Chris who kept taking drugs. Its hard to talk with someone that gone. I dont see how this chick can be blamed for what ultimately killed Chris, his own behavior.

u/Lampmonster1 avatar

She wasn't responsible for his actions, but she was responsible for hers. Hell, if she had rolled him on his side he might still be alive. Someone on those kinds of drugs on their back and struggling for air is in need of medical attention and she had some obligation to get him help. She didn't.

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Yea, she's a prostitute and on drugs. Even if someone is dying, self preservation is really the only thing going on in her mind. Chris put his body through a lot of torture and was on a path to continue to do so, if it wasn't this time there would have probably been a next time.


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"hitting his own chest and stressing"

u/kazneus avatar

Actually, thank you for that. I want to leave this thread remembering him for this.

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I was going to comment on the "I could have been a hero" line, too. Glad I'm not the only one that was irked by that. Maybe it was just her wording but it made it seem like she was more concerned about being rewarded than actually saving his life.

She only cares about herself and her image. She could have been the woman that saved Chris Farley. She didn't care about his life, only the result of saving him after the fact she received backlash from people. It's not sincere. Saving him could of got her off the streets, that's all that mattered. She is upset because she missed a golden opportunity in her mind to fix things for herself.

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Disregarding the job, would you work for free? I know I wouldn't. She had fun and left him when he passed out. Who stays around when their friend is passed out, let alone a client? Get your head out of your ass.

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u/cfisk42 avatar

Damn, Chris Farley died on my birthday :(

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u/Madmartigan1 avatar

Actually she stole his watch before leaving.


If you get a chance, read a book by his brother called "The Chris Farley Show".

Snorting Heroin is never a good thing. I've seen Pulp Fiction

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Looks like he has rosary beads in his left hand. It makes me wonder how much time he had. He knew he was in trouble because he must have been praying. Why didn't he use that time to call 911?

u/xBonnyx avatar

I also noticed stained tissues by him, possibly blood, i dunno. Along with the rosary beeds the scene looks odd.


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u/unused-username avatar


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u/tripleaardvark avatar

Maybe the rosary worked, and he's in heaven saying, "Fat man in a little halo."

u/ihateyouguys avatar


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u/Formaldehyd3 avatar

I see a lot of horrifying and gruesome shit on this sub... But hot damn, seeing a man who's work I enjoyed so much, just lying there, dead... That really fucking hurts.

One of a fucking kind.


What pains me more that a energetic, positive and funny person like Chris Farley often hide their pain, addiction and mental health from public.


Tears of the clown, man... Tears of the clown.

u/bopoqod avatar

I'm only laughing on the outside

My smile is just skin deep

If you could see inside I'm really crying

You might join me for a weep.

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I think it's our society's fault, we expect celebrities to be as awesome as they are on camera. Almost not allowing them to be actual people, but actors.

Whenever I see celeb magazines I am sickened by the way our society gets pleasure.

Agree. But it's a 2-way street. celebrities thrive on publicity too.

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Bullshit! A guy dies from obesity, cocaine and morphine overdose, and you proclaim it's society's fault? How about he was a flawed and weak human being?

Cant help but put it out there. You are right he was flawed. But who isnt?

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Phil Hartman would hit me harder than this

u/Dirty0ldMan avatar

The worse part is Farley died because of his unhealthy and self-destructive life style. Phil Hartman died because he loved his wife so much, and she happened to go crazy.


Also, his wife loved cocaine


On a related note, I think drugs were a regular thing among the SNL cast members, at least in the earlier years. I read somewhere that even Chevy Chase had his binges.

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u/horsenamedglue avatar

Phil Hartman died because Andy Dick is an enabling asshole.


Didn't Dick laugh about it too afterwards and get his ass kicked by of all people Jon Lovitz?

u/noreasonatall1111 avatar

Getting your ass beat by Jon Lovitz would be an incredible humiliation for most people.

Unless your name is Andy Dick; then it is just par for the course.

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Yep. All though I can't confirm this...I'm pretty sure Lovitz got Dick on some kind of Hollywood black list because of it too.

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u/goal2004 avatar

No, he died because his wife was fucking nuts. If it wasn't Andy Dick it would've been someone else.

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u/john_smith1882 avatar

I miss Phil :(

u/Dups_47 avatar

No more Troy McClure :(


Or Lionel Hutz.

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Fucking absolutely hate these pictures. Such a sad end to a great person. I could look at spacedicks while eating no-bakes...but this shit just turned my stomach.

u/EyeCWhatUDidThere avatar


This is how he should be remembered

One of the funniest people that ever lived.

Here here! To one of the funniest, greatest person to live!

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u/FaCubeItches avatar

I agree totally. It really is painful to see such a beloved comedian laying stiff as a board at such a young age. I can also stomach a lot of the internet's worst, but this makes me so sad.


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u/SnatchHouse avatar

For me it sort of gives closure. I clicked on it thinking "oh, i'm surprised I never saw this.." just something I always heard about.

u/HotwaxNinjaPanther avatar

Yeah, this is definitely not how he should be remembered.

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I'm getting a tattoo that says, "Don't put my dead body on the internet."

u/slaughterhaus50 avatar

That's the best way I've heard to ensure your dead body ends up on the internet.

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u/Boviced avatar

"I work at a morgue, found this tattoo on one of the corpses. LOL!"

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Holy shit I am fatter than Chris Farley...

u/Cartossin avatar

r/loseit We'll see you there :-)

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I was thinking this the whole time


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u/thedeejus avatar

1000 Karma on his main account and a healthy BMI?

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u/TomorrowPlusX avatar

It's funny what 15 years will do. In the 90's, he was considered hilariously obese. Now he looks like any guy I see walking around.