Wonderlab (Webcomic) - TV Tropes

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Webcomic / Wonderlab

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From left to right: Rose, Catt, Taii

"Welcome to the Disciplinary Team, fresh meat."
— Catt (Episode 1: Dingle Dangle)

Wonderlab was a webcomic released by Project Moon in collaboration with the Korean artist MIMI, serialized from March 27, 2020 to April 9, 2021. It focuses on a branch of Lobotomy Corporation known as O-5681. It's identical to HQ in many ways, but with notable differences. Instead of the Sefirot introduced in Lobotomy Corporation, this branch has "department heads", which are the employees with the most authority of their respective department. Also, instead of 9 departments, this branch only has 5: Control, Safety, Information, Training, and Disciplinary.

This comic in particular focused on the Disciplinary Department, with three employees acting as main characters of sorts: Catt, the captain of the Disciplinary Team. Taii, a Clerk from Training who was promoted to an Agent in Disciplinary after an Abnormality killed a previous employee they were counselling. And Rose, an employee that was hired to work for Disciplinary after the Disciplinary Team got wiped out in the prologue.

At the author's request, the webcomic was taken down from publication as of August 15, 2023.

Wonderlab contained the following tropes:

  • 11th-Hour Superpower: In the final arc, Taii uses the E.G.O. of Staining Rose, known as "Blooming", to go toe-to-toe with A Party Everlasting. Can also be counted as an 11th-Hour Costume Change.
  • Admiring the Abomination:
    • Unlike many members of Lobotomy Corporation, who see the Abnormalities as nothing but dangerous monsters and sources of energy, Taii is very openly fascinated with them throughout the comic, often musing about their origins and purpose; They'd even go out of their way to try and find what makes the Abnormalities happiest while working with them, for both their own happiness, and the happiness of their coworkers. However, Taii will always deny anything more than fascination and gets embarrassed if anyone insinuates them having any sort of romantic inclination towards Abnormalities.
    • Kookie in the White Lake episodes is very openly enamored with the focus Abnormality, even blushing and becoming flustered when Lake calls them beautiful. Though this fascination appears to have died down somewhat after White Lake mind-controlled Kookie via the E.G.O Gift it gave them.
    • Alex (aka Al), an employee from another branch in the "Titania, Nobody Is" arc, expresses thinking that the Abnormalities are beautiful and compliments them. Played with, as they also call said Abnormalities disgusting in the same breath.
  • Aerith and Bob: The comic includes characters with normal-sounding names (Joe, Rose, Finn) and characters with strange-sounding names (Rza, Purin, Toma). The Abnormalities have weird names, but that's par for the course.
  • Agony of the Feet:
    • The Penitent Girl has the ability to possess employees, causing them individual in question to cut off their own feet and present them while kneeling. This typically ends up being fatal for the victim.
    • In the midst of the fight with The Road Home, Catt manages to cut off her feet. However, not only is she still able to move without her feet by floating, she also leaks Black damage from the wounds wherever she goes.
  • Alice Allusion: The entire comic has no shortage of references to Alice in Wonderland. Several Abnormalities are based around some of the characters encountered in the story, the word "wonderland" is mentioned a couple of times (even the name of the comic is based around the term), and the branch number, 5681, is a reversal of the number 1865 (i.e, the year in which Alice in Wonderland was originally published).
    • When Narae is absorbed into My Sweet Home, their appearance (a large house with a jumble of human limbs and features poking out of it) is a reference to when Alice consumes food in the White Rabbit's house, and grows so large that her arms and legs jut out from within it.
    • The Red Queen is inspired by the Queen of Hearts. Similar to her inspiration, she will behead those who fail to perform sufficient management work with her. Unlike her inspiration, however, she actually goes through with said beheadings.
    • The Hookah Caterpillar Abnormality is based on the hookah-smoking Caterpillar. Like its book counterpart, it rests atop a large mushroom, and has a human face on the body of an otherwise normal-looking caterpillar, at least until it breaches. It also emits a lot of smoke, though from its body rather than any actual hookah.
    • The Bottle of Tears, resembling a glass water bottle with a cork made of cake, references the "Eat Me" cake and "Drink Me" bottle that Alice finds and consumes in terms of appearance. Meanwhile, its ability upon eating the cake cork (i.e the bottle cracking and flooding the room with its contents) references the effects of those items, where the cake makes Alice grow large enough to flood the room with her tears, and the drink makes her shrink down to where she's able to swim in the resulting pool.
    • The Staining Rose Abnormality —with how it starts out white, but starts dripping with red as it kills the employee sacrificed to it— appears to take inspiration from the portion of the book where Alice witnesses a group of playing cards painting over white roses with red paint.
    • Gone With A Simple Smile—the pseudo Abnormality meant to represent Catt's lingering humanity—is a reference to the Cheshire Cat, with its vaguely-feline appearance, its perpetual grin, and its ability to vanish in an instant, leaving only its smile behind.
    • A Party Everlasting, the form that Catt takes upon Distorting, bears an appearance based around a typical pop-culture representation of the titular Alice. It's fair-skinned, with its head is covered in long blonde hair topped with a black bow, and its legs possess knee-length white socks with black Mary Jane shoes. Its body, resembling a chipped upside-down teacup, is also colored blue, a color commonly associated with Alice's dress. Accompanying it is a small, rabbit-like creature that acts as A Party Everlasting's heart (a reference to how Catt had metaphorically cut out their own heart to survive their workplace) which is obviously meant to be a reference to the White Rabbit that Alice pursues throughout the story.
  • Alien Blood:
    • While unknown if this is the case for all of them, the Abnormalities seen in the comic don't appear to bleed red. The most common color appearing to be a bright shade of pink.
    • The Servant of Wrath's blood is shown to be bright green in color, as well as acidic.
    • Reddened Buddy's blood appears to be purple in color when Rose cuts it open to save an Agent it swallowed. (The Blue Smocked Shepherd has red blood smeared on their bandages, but it's unclear if this is meant to be their own blood or blood from their victims. As the Shepherd doesn't bleed when defeated by Taii, there is no confirmation on the matter.)
  • Almost Kiss: invoked In Episode 41, Catt almost kisses the Piscine Mermaid, but ends up snapping out of it at the very last moment. (Good thing too, because Word of God states that the Piscine Mermaid absorbs employees with her kisses.)
  • Ambiguous Gender: The genders of just about the entire human cast are not officially determined and are left ambiguous, in keeping with the original game having a similar approach with its Agents, and because MIMI didn't consider the characters' genders important in determining their nature.
  • Ambiguous Situation: It's never shown what happened to Nobody Is or Titania after confronting one another in Episode 34, nor is it shown what happened to them once the branch they were being kept in was buried.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: Mostly made use of with Taii, Rose, and Catt. Earlier episodes had the trio recieve the respective E.G.O of the Abnormalities they had the biggest hand in defeating.
  • Anyone Can Die: Red Shirt Agents aren't the only victims here: Rose, Rza, and the Department Heads (minus Beebi) are Killed Off for Real.
  • Arc Words: "Wonderland".
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: By the end of "Titania, Nobody Is", there are likely still numerous employees trapped underground in the caved-in branch, two powerful ALEPH-class Abnormalities roam free and haven't been properly suppressed, the main trio have no idea what to do with the powerful E.G.O. they have with them, and they lost their clothes because they didn't have time to grab their luggage before having to escape.
  • Artistic License – Gun Safety: Episode 25 showcases Daisy pointing a gun in what is clearly an improper way. Wielding a larger gun in this method with only one hand and zero stability will likely have the gun tilt like crazy—if not outright fly out of your hand—once it's fired. Also, the thumb is positioned in a way where the only way it'd make sense is if either the trigger was meant to be pulled instead of pushed, or if the entire grip was meant to be the trigger (which, even then, would be a problem in its own right).
  • Art Shift: For a single panel in Episode 25, the art style changes into something more akin to a child's drawing.
  • Author Appeal: The fairy tale motifs present through the comic, such as with the Abnormalities.
  • Axe Before Entering: Episode 31 shows a panicking clerk trying to force their way into Catt, Rose, and Taii's room with an axe to escape the breached Abnormalities.
  • Back for the Finale: All of the Abnormalities contained at O-5681 return for the "A Party Everlasting" arc.
  • Badass Boast:
    • Rose to White Lake in Episode 5:
    If your "world" is about being chained to a nest and eating from a feeder... ...Until you're slaughtered for your meat, hide, and everything else just like livestock, then I'm sick of it. If that's the world you want me to live in, then I'll break these wings and walk on my own two feet!!
    • In Episode 6, Shasha gives Taii a very hardcore declaration of the duties of the Disciplinary Team:
    We are savage dogs, we bite and tear everything to protect our master. If that master ever happens to go nuts, we bite sense into them, and we bite hard. When someone loses their mind, it's the Disciplinary's role to bring them back. That's how we protect the weak and inept.
    • Taii delivers two in Episode 53, one before their confrontation with A Party Everlasting and one after:
    Nothing lasts forever! The universe, the light and the dark; everything comes to an end! So we will end this party, and finish this dance! We will save you!

    The heart wasn't in the wrong. That's what I wanted to prove. So I will show it. Even if I'm trampled, snapped, broken, I will stand and speak; that we weren't in the wrong. That in this place, we did our utmost to live with all our hearts. To someday unravel what was twisted.
  • Bait-and-Switch:
    • One of the promo artworks for Wonderlab showcases Parker among Taii and Rose, which would make you think that Parker would be one of the protagonists for the comic. Episode 1, Dingle Dangle, does seem to play this straight, but eventually, Parker gets killed off by the titular Abnormality of this episode. The person that suppressed Dingle Dangle, Catt, ends up taking Parker's place as one of the three main characters.
    • The first panel of Episode 26 shows Beozzi center-frame, with someone off-panel saying "Hello, Captain". Then the next panel shows Beozzi greeting the actual Captain of the Safety Team at the time, revealing that this took place in a time before Beozzi achieved that rank.
  • Beat Panel: In Episode 11, Rose and Taii unwittingly walk into a storage room right where Catt was about to confront Scaredy Cat and The Road Home. Leading to a trifecta of these where everyone present stares at one another, momentarily processing the situation that has formed.
  • Beat the Curse Out of Him: Or rather, Beat the Distortion Out of Them (i.e Episode 53). It doesn't stick.
    • The Disciplinary Team actually makes a job of this rather regularly. If an employee is possessed or similarly taken by an Abnormality, Disciplinary is expected to run to the affected employees and perform the necessary amount of Percussive Maintenance to get them to stop. Such as in the case of Kookie and White Lake, or the employees affected by the Penitent Girl.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Played with. While several characters do appear to have facial scarring due to Abnormalities, any short-term wounds the cast acquires are always healed by the start of the next episode.
  • Beyond Redemption: Catt ultimately re-Distorts because they believe this to be the case for themself. They're unable to forgive themself for what they'd done, and feel they're unable to lean on others for help.
  • Bitch Slap:
    • In Episode 6, Beebi is seen slapping some of their subordinates across the face, while chastising them for not working to improve their Temperance levels.
    • Later on, Taii slaps Catt across their left cheek in Episode 45.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Catt rejects Taii's offers to escape and stays a Distortion, escaping the facility with the Abnormalities. Rza and the Department Heads die defending the facility, but Beebi and everyone else make it out alive. Some time later, Flower has founded an Office with Finn, Taii, and Ella. Taii, now a Fixer, resolves to one day find Catt again.
  • Blood from Every Orifice:
    • Employees fully possessed by the Penitent Girl are shown with blood streaming from their face, both in the act of cutting off their feet and in death.
    • One of the trademark effects of the Hookah Caterpillar's smoke is those who come in contact with it begin leaking fluid from their eyes, mouth, and ears. In the prologue, it's depicted as regular blood, but later appearances depict it as more of a viscous black goop.
    • When being sacrificed to the Staining Rose in Episode 46, Rose can be seen bleeding from their face.
  • Blood-Splattered Warrior: After suppressing the Piscine Mermaid in Episode 42, Catt is covered with blood.
  • Boom, Headshot!:
    • Narae (fused with My Sweet Home) is taken out this way by Taii, with Catt ensuring the Agent's death via a beheading.
    • Later on, Catt's senior is shot in the head after they end up undergoing a panic reaction.
    • Purin takes a nonfatal version of this in Episode 25, where Pygmalion's WHITE-damage bullets pierce their head and send them into a panic. They're fortunately able to recover from this.
  • Busman's Holiday: Catt, Rose, and Taii are given the opportunity in the "Titania, Nobody Is" arc to attend a workshop in another branch, taking time off of their usual work of facing dangerous Abnormalities for an educational venture. Unfortunately, just as they were settling in, they're forced to end up running for their lives from two highly dangerous ALEPH Abnormalities.
  • The Cameo:
    • In Episode 6, a picture of Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary is shown, to compare her to the Blue Smocked Shepherd and introduce the concept of Aberrations. In the same episode, Taii spots a picture of Big And Will Be Bad Wolf on a file talking about its associated E.G.O. suit.
    • The Warm-hearted Woodsman and the Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom are showcased via an informational VHS tape in Episode 10.
    • In Episode 21, Myo of the Rabbit Team makes a brief cameo as the Rabbit Team is called in to suppress Hookah Caterpillar.
    • In Episode 23, the other three magical girls (the Queen of Hatred, the King of Greed and the Knight of Despair) are seen attacking another branch of Lobotomy Corporation. They serve as a means to introduce the fourth magical girl, the Servant of Wrath.
  • Cast of Snowflakes: Even beyond the very distinctive main cast, all of the background employees seen have their own unique appearances that differentiate them from one another, with some of these background characters even making regular appearances.
  • The Cavalry: Once the Hookah Caterpillar goes through its second eclosion, the prepared Department Heads call in the aid of the Rabbit Team, as their agents are unable to deal with such a dangerous Abnormality with their own strength and numbers. Within minutes of arrival, the team guns down the Caterpillar in a hail of gunfire until its ripped to shreds by bullets, leaving it to revert to its caterpillar form.
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: Though Joe rushed to the scene with reinforcements as soon as Catt announces they've located The Road Home and Scaredy Cat, the suppression is finished before backup arrives.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Though there were some gruesome moments here and there, the earlier episodes of the comic were generally light-hearted. Come the Piscine Mermaid arc, however, and things start to take a downward spiral.
  • The Chains of Commanding: Though the Department Heads do have a good deal of influence in their branch, bureaucracy and the dangers of their line of work can end up tying their hands and forcing them to make tough decisions, including choosing when it's necessary to sacrifice certain employees for the good of the rest. This is made most apparent when the Staining Rose is transferred to their facility. None of them want it, but they're not in a position where they can send it back or refuse to open it for fear of retaliation from HQ. Thus their only choice is to knowingly sacrifice one of their own to a gruesome fate to prevent it from killing everyone in the facility.
  • Character Title: Almost every episode of the comic is named after the Abnormality/Abnormalities focused on in that particular episode. The only exceptions are the episodes "Variations" and "Flower".
  • Cheery Pink: Flower and Taii both have color palettes that are heavy with pink (in both hair and outfits), and are two of the most cheerful members of the cast.
  • Chromatic Arrangement: Applies to the secondary Power Trio; Shasha wears primarily red, Joe wears blue, and Daisy has both yellow and green (due to their blonde hair and the green heavily present in their E.G.O.).
  • Clean Cut:
    • In Episode 9, Taii uses their sword to cleanly slice through Tangle before it can leave its Containment Unit.
    • Episode 28 has Joe slice the Hermit in half to temporarily disable her.
  • Collapsing Lair: In the last episode of the "Titania, Nobody Is" arc, the main trio end up needing to make an escape from one of these, due a mass Containment Breach calling for the northern branch's site-burial procedure to be enacted.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience:
    • Like in HQ, each department has a specific color assigned to it. Control is light brown (plus red and green), Info is purple, Safety is green, Training is orange, and Disciplinary is red.
    • The colors of the ties on E.G.O Suits correspond to the damage type of the corresponding E.G.O Weapon. Red ties for RED damage, white for WHITE damage, black ties for BLACK damage, and teal ties for PALE damage.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Most of the long-term employees have embraced some degree of this sort of attitude towards their jobs. They're fairly blase about the horrors of the monsters they work with on a daily basis, and the insanity of those who end up becoming overwhelmed, only really becoming angry or upset when one of their own is killed or grievously injured. This is justified within their workplace, as often its those who are totally unable to adjust who end up dying or losing their minds to the point of no return.
  • Continuity Cavalcade: The final arc of the comic, "A Party Everlasting", features just about every Abnormality who was Put on a Bus for the majority of the series coming back and ganging up on all the employees of O-5681.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • In the finale, Ella and Flower remark how despite receiving multiple requests for a "Distortion Detective", there is already another, more famous Distortion detective.
    • In the same episode, Finn is seen holding up a paper asking for a Grade 9 Fixer to search for a lost cat, referencing another "Finn" who appeared in Library of Ruina.
  • The Corruption: Episode 33 shows off "E.G.O Corrosion", a phenomenon where, if a lower-level Agent tried to put on high-level equipment, they would end up assimilating with it.note  And if Catt's comments relating to the situation are anything to go off of, wearing high-level equipment for a prolonged amount of time can eventually turn the Agent into something akin to an Abnormality.
  • Covered in Gunge: Those rescued from being eaten by Reddened Buddy commonly suffer from this. They escape in one piece, but not without getting coated in blood and the contents of its stomach on the way out.
  • Crash in Through the Ceiling:
    • In Episode 28, Shasha crashes in on the battle with the Servant of Wrath by breaking a hole through the ceiling with their E.G.O. blade.
    • In Episode 49, A Party Everlasting does this to get the drop on Taii, crashing down from an upper floor and nearly landing on top of them.
  • Crash-Into Hello: Taii and Flower first meet in Episode 8. At the time, Flower was carrying a pile of boxes too tall for them to properly see, and Taii was too distracted to see them coming, and so the two crash into each other as a result. Overall, neither are too upset about it; Flower quickly apologizes and Taii helps them pick up their scattered paperwork.
  • Destination Defenestration: During Episode 34, the main trio rush to escape a soon-to-be-buried branch of L-Corp by breaking through the main entrance. Catt's solution for hastening the process? Picking up Taii and hurling them through the glass in order to break it. The latter turns out fine, albeit dazed for a brief moment.
  • Destructive Savior: Though extremely effective at subduing Abnormalities, the Rabbit Team are shown to be prone to collateral damage due to only focusing on Abnormality suppression. This is partially why Shasha and Catt had the Disciplinary Team evacuated beforehand and the former waited until the last minute to call them in.
  • Dies Wide Open:
    • The former Info Team head seen in the prologue is only seen once when deceased, their eyes bulging open after being killed by the Hookah Caterpillar's toxic smoke.
    • The deceased body Penitent Girl's victims is also seen with wide-open eyes alongside a disturbing grin.
  • Disaster Dominoes: Featured in the "Titania and Nobody Is" arc, from Part 3 onward. Titania's fairies have the ability to make flowers bloom from peoples' bodies by spilling nectar from the flowers they carry. A few employees caught witness of this event and panicked. As a result of their collective shutdown, they opened every Containment Unit they went past, instigating a mass Containment Breach. This eventually leads to the branch having to bury itself and every employee within it to keep the Abnormalities from escaping into the City.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Rose expresses this just as they're about to be killed by the Staining Rose, smiling serenely even as they're shown bleeding heavily from their face.
  • Distant Finale: The second half of "Flower" takes place some time after "A Party Everlasting". It shows that Taii, Flower, Finn and Ella have started their own Office, and Taii has become a Fixer, still searching for Catt.
  • Diving Save:
    • In Episode 20, Catt just barely manages to save Rose from dying to the Hookah Caterpillar's smoke by tackling them out of the way, managing to get the both of them into another room (an empty Containment Unit, to be exact) where they can shut the door for safety.
    • In Episode 28, Taii notices the ceiling beginning to crack above them and Rose, and proceeds to tackle the latter just before Shasha falls through right on top of them.
  • Doomed New Clothes: Among the other losses of the evening, Taii complains at the end of Episode 34 that they lost a new set of clothes that they'd worn to the workshop since they had to leave it behind in their escape.
  • Drowning Pit:
    • If an employee angers White Lake, it can retaliate by flooding its containment unit with water from the vases set up for its Insight work.
    • If the cake stopper on the top of the Bottle of Tears is eaten, it will immediately overflow, producing mass amounts of water (along with several pink ribbons with the words "Drink Me") and flooding the room up to the ceiling.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Being a branch of Lobotomy Corporation, O-5681 is responsible for containing entities known as "Abnormalities" and harvesting energy from them.
  • Exact Words: Catt states on multiple occasions that "[they] won't die". And indeed, they're still alive by the end of the story, just in the form of a Distortion.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change:
    • In the past, Catt's hair was a tidy and solid short cut, with bangs that neatly framed their face. By the present, after the Trauma Conga Line that was their early employment, their hair is slightly more unkempt to show how it's affected them. After they begin their downward spiral because of their fears of getting too attached to their teammates, their hair becomes increasingly stringy and disheveled to mirror their emotional state.
    • The surviving members of the Disciplinary Team have significant changes in their hairstyles after the Time Skip to indicate how they've changed since the fall of the Lobotomy Corporation. Taii's hair has grown from a short fluffy cut to going past their waist, Flower's pigtails have grown out from short tufts to be longer and wavier to their shoulders, and Finn has cut off most of their ponytail to be much shorter. The only exception to the rule is Ella, who appears mostly the same.
  • Eye Scream:
    • Shasha's left eye was pierced with Black damage in a prior encounter with the Blue Smocked Shepherd. Which in the immediate aftermath appeared to be leaking some unknown black fluid. Though it appears to remain intact, the iris has turned an unusually bright shade of blue, and the sclera has turned black. To say nothing of the fact that no one knows if had an effect on their brain.
    • Piscine Mermaid gets subjected to this by Catt in Episode 42, via having her eyes scooped out by their E.G.O weapon.
  • Face Death with Dignity: In Episode 51, Shasha sees the onslaught of Abnormalities as "vengeance" against them for failing to protect their subordinates, and decides to allow themself to be killed by one of them, particularly the Hookah Caterpillar. This is before Joe (and later Daisy) makes a last minute arrival and attacks the nearby Abnormalities, at least ensuring that Shasha doesn't die alone.
  • Feet-First Introduction:
    • Flower is first introduced with a shot of their legs, while their face is obscured by a stack of boxes they're carrying.
    • In Episode 49, the first proper look we get at A Party Everlasting is their feet, before the next panel gives a full body view of them. And even before their first appearance, their feet receive several Early Bird Cameos throughout the comic.
  • Fetus Terrible: In Episode 45, Taii accidentally releases a purple, veiny, infantile entity from an unopened Abnormality crate while fleeing from the Department Heads' meeting room. While it does nothing to harm them or Flower, the sight of it is enough to freak the two out. According to Word of God, this entity is the intermediate stage before an Abnormality is fully realized, and while it isn't actually a human infant, its resemblance to one reveals to Taii the unethical nature of the Abnormalities' inception.
  • Flaying Alive: As Repression Work is continuously performed on the Blue-Smocked Shepherd, the Reddened Buddy will take continuous damage to its hide, until it ends up as a skinless monster.
  • Flat "What": In Episode 35, Catt discovers that Rose and Taii—carrying pillows and blankets and wearing PJs—prepared to stay at the corporation overnight to assist in managing the Drowned Sisters, to which Catt can only react with a totally deadpan "What".
  • Foregone Conclusion:
    • As of the first couple of episodes, it's made crystal clear that Catt and Shasha will be the only two living Disciplinary members at the start of the story. Which means that all of Catt's seniors met in the Bottle of Tears episode (save Shasha) are ensured to be dead by that point in time, whether from individual incidents throughout Catt's early days or eventually being wiped out by the Hookah Caterpillar.
    • Given that the ending of Lobotomy Corporation involves Angela stopping the Seed of Light from fully blooming, it's no surprise that this is what happens in Episode 47.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • In Episode 14, when speaking with Catt, The Road Home says that the two of them are of the same kind (or, in the Road's words, "dancing the same dance"). One episode afterward, the Road describes Catt as "the friend who leaves for the wonderland". In Episode 49, Catt ends up distorting into an entity resembling a certain blonde girl who did indeed leave for Wonderland.
    • In the same vein, when Catt has their "Eureka!" Moment in Episode 22, it shows the legs/lower halves of several Abnormalities above a panel depicting four human legs. The same amount of legs as A Party Everlasting (i.e Catt's Distortion form)
    • Catt has more in common with felines than just their name, such as taunting and teasing those they perceive as weaker while calling them rats or mice, and their habit of smiling inappropriately and tendency to seemingly appear out of thin air, combined with the many Wonderland shout-outs, may put some readers in mind of a certain cat in particular. A pseudo-Abnormality representing the last of their humanity is indeed based on the Cheshire Cat.
    • In Episode 20, Rose has a Near-Death Experience with Hookah Caterpillar, where a black sludge ends up leaking from their eyes and mouth due to prolonged PALE-damage exposure. Come Episode 46, and Rose's final moments involve Staining Rose causing them to bleed from those same orifices.
  • Fork Fencing: Catt's weapon of choice throughout the series is a giant golden spoon, which is an E.G.O weapon derived from Bottle of Tears.
  • From Bad to Worse: Catt turning into a powerful Distortion is bad, but the wreckage they bring causes the other Abnormalities to break out too.
  • From Zero to Hero: Taii begins the story as a lowly clerk/counselor from the Training Team. In the game proper, their position would be little more than a background character and potential canon fodder. But after showing their mettle defending themself from an Abnormality and making it onto the Disciplinary Team, they firm their resolve and grow in both power and determination until they're one of the strongest members of Disciplinary. By the time the Corporation has met its end, they've become the one person able to face off against A Party Everlasting.
  • Funny Background Event: In episode 23, the Department Heads are discussing how the rise of the Magical Girls has caused tremors in their branch. In one panel, while Daisy is talking in the foreground, Shasha can be seen just behind them, silently taking a small piece of rubble to the top of their head. Complete with Wingding Eyes.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: One of the responsibilities of the Disciplinary Team is to stabilize and subdue any agents that end up panicking or breaking down from the stresses of the job (usually with some sort of smack to the head or a blow with a weapon, depending on how bad their mental state is), in order to keep them from escalating into hurting themselves or others.
  • Getting Eaten Is Harmless: Averted. When Rose and other agents get Swallowed Whole by the Reddened Buddy Abnormality, they come back out in one piece if they're cut out in time. But they still have to deal with the consequential injuries of being submerged in stomach acid, however briefly.
  • Gratuitous English: The comic's original language is Korean, but even then, there's several bits of English lying around in background elements, with a prominent example being the name of the soda brand, "Suck my !Enegy!"note .
  • Gratuitous French: Daisy refers to themself as "La Mignonne" meaning  in Episode 51.
  • Hold the Line: When Piscine Mermaid breaches, Dal and a few members of the Safety Team prepare to confront her in front of the infirmary in an attempt to prevent her from infiltrating it and worsenin' the patients injuries. Thankfully for them, Catt is already mid-brawl with her, so Dal is able to teleport them both away with their E.G.O. before an actual fight can begin.
  • Hollywood Acid: The Servant of Wrath's Acid Attack is this to varying degrees. In some cases, it will be able to merely dissolve unnecessary rubble while leaving the infrastructure of the branch untouched. In more severe instances, however, it's capable of cleanly eating through flesh and metal alike.
  • Hope Spot: Taii manages to free Catt from their Distorted state. However, Catt re-distorts, deciding that they're not ready to be saved just yet.
  • Hypno Trinket: Kookie is gifted a small tiara by White Lake in Episode 5. Unfortunately for them, this turns out to be an item that allows White Lake to take control of them in order to be its "protector".
  • Hypocritical Humor: In episode 26, Beebi scolds some of the team captains for chatting in the hallways, but they immediately change their tune and demand to go with them upon learning they're making plans to get chicken.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Taii engages in one with Catt/A Party Everlasting in Episode 53, using the Staining Rose E.G.O set that Shasha had given them.
  • Lack of Empathy:
    • Initially, Catt would frequently display a disregard for the wellbeing of others, seeming to only care about keeping people from dying because it's their job to do so, and will often make fun of others and make poor taste jokes even when they're already upset. Justified on Catt's part, however, as they made a conscious effort to distance themself from their emotions as a survival mechanism from their early days in the Corporation, where they watched as most of their seniors either died or succumbed to madness. This is to the point that they become distressed upon realizing that they're beginning to care for their new teammates.
    • Information Head Suho doesn't exactly regard the emotional wellbeings of their fellow employees. Even after the breach of the Servant of Wrath, where most of Beebi's Agents ended up being converted into staves (or, in Beozzi's case, the Hermit herself) before being killed off, they have a mostly blank expression on their face while noting that Beebi's expression "suggests a negative emotion".
    • Similar to Angela, Manual is this as well, seeing Agents as little more than means to an end, and when playing footage of Hookah Caterpillar's previous breach, coldly comments about how said Agents are "no more" and that the Manager's Office is "safe as ever".
  • Lampshade Hanging: At the end of "Titania, Nobody Is", Taii and Rose note that there are likely people still trapped in the depths of the other branch, and titular Abnormalities remain unsuppressed, with a distinct possibility they could dig their way out and wreak havoc upon the nearby population should they manage to breach the surface. This event proceeds to never be brought up again by anyone in the comic.
  • Like Cannot Cut Like: During the Hookah Caterpillar breach, Ella's E.G.O. weapon is noted to be ineffective at dealing with the Abnormality, both of which happens to deal the same type of damage (i.e PALE).
  • Loafing in Full Costume: During Finn and Ella's visit to the Bloom Office, Taii—suited up in their awakened E.G.O—can be seen entering the room with two bags of food in each arm, which implies that they regularly perform errands like grocery-shopping while wearing their E.G.O.
  • Lost in Translation: Slightly averted. In the official translation, Taii refers to Catt as "Catt-nim" after being properly introduced, despite Korean honorifics being present nowhere else in the translation, which leads to Catt asking if Taii called them "Catt-nip". The translation notes clarify that this was done since there would be no alternative to the pun unless the honorific was included in this particular case.
  • Irony:
    • In Episode 8, Rose tells Taii that if anything were to happen to Taii, Rose would rush to save them, but during Episode 20, Taii ends up being the one to save Rose after the latter got attacked by Hookah Caterpillar.
    • Alex/Al from the "Titania, Nobody Is" arc claims that there can't be such a thing as an Abnormality having a husband. By the end of the arc, the Abnormality "Nobody Is", has taken on the identity of "Oberon", and thus filled the role of husband to Titania. While using Al's physical appearance after assimilating them, no less.
  • Lap Pillow: After Pygmalion's defeat, Beebi and Beozzi run up to the site and find a recovering Purin resting their head on Daisy's lap.
  • Meaningful Echo: During Episode 35, while the main trio were speaking about things they did during their childhoods, Taii mentions that everyone leaves traces of themselves during their life, and that those traces will never disappear even after their death. Come the Epilogue, and Taii echoes this thought during the last page, emphasizing their goal of one day finding and restoring Catt back to their humanity, along with the implication that Taii plans to do this with other Distortions as well.
  • Mega Maelstrom: In the Epilogue, the Party Everlasting opens up a portal within the pink liquid it has created, before proceeding to jump into it, alongside all of the Abnormalities accompanying it.
  • Mercy Kill: Catt performs one on new transfer Parker after they're tricked into leaping directly into the clutches of Dingle Dangle's roots.
  • Mission Briefing: In order to prepare Agents for their work with new Abnormalities, either a Department Head or a Team Caption will ensure proper management by relaying various bits of information about the Abnormality, such as its name, a few of its notable traits and abilities, and what kind of works it responds best to and/or produce the most Enkephalin from it.
  • Mistaken for Servant: In Episode 1, Catt, the Captain of the Disciplinary Team, gets mistaken for a lowly clerk by the new recruits for the Disciplinary Department. They're all proven very wrong by the end of the episode, especially Parker.
  • Monster of the Week: Wonderlab introduces Abnormalities in this sort of manner. Some Abnormalities will only have a single episode or two dedicated to them while others have several episodes. note 
  • Monster Organ Trafficking: Branch O-5681, like other branches of Lobotomy Corporation, is tasked with harvesting Enkephalin from the Abnormalities they contain and turning it into energy.
  • Mood Whiplash: In Episode 16, Shasha has a very serious moment where they chew out Catt for not waiting for backup before confronting Scaredy Cat and The Road Home, potentially endangering the much lower leveled Rose and Taii. They give the trio an intense glare as they remind Catt that both of their junior's lives are essentially in their hands. But later on, Flower to cheerfully pops up with a stack of pizza boxes for the department's Agents the moment Shasha is out of the room, apparently purchased for the lot of them by Shasha themself.
  • Morning Routine: Demonstrated with Catt, Rose and Taii to establish what their home life is like and how they start their days.
    • Catt sleeps in a dormitory inside of their workplace and wakes up at 6 AM. Two separate episodes show them doing stuff such as watching cartoons and doing stretches.
    • Rose lives in a giant house, has a healthy breakfast, and jogs to work. A maid is even shown giving their goodbyes to Rose as they leave the house, wishing them a safe trip.
    • Taii's routine shows them waking up in their cutesy bright pink bedroom and putting on their work clothes with a smile.
  • Morton's Fork:
    • Episode 43 marks the arrival of the Staining Rose to Facility O-5681. The Department Heads are shown to be very terrified of the rose after reading over its Managerial Methods, and would rather not deal with it. At this point, they could either reject the rose and deal with resulting punishment issued by HQ, or accept the rose and try to deal with it in the best way they can. They go with the second option.
    • Speaking of the Staining Rose, it gives you the choice of either constantly sacrificing Team Captain-level Agents to it in order keep it satisfied or having it inflict Agents with a contagious disease that will spread until the branch's entire workforce is coughing up red rose petals.
  • Multi-Part Episode: The comic is formatted to showcase around 9-10 pages per episode. Thus, some Abnormalities will have 2 (or more) episodes dedicated to them.
  • The Needs of the Many: The Staining Rose Abnormality necessitates that a single Agent meeting its requirements give their exclusive attention to it to keep it appeased, or else it will cause the deaths of every employee in the branch. By the end of its process, the Agent set to tend to it is doomed to die.
  • No Name Given:
    • The former head of the Information Team was killed off in the prologue without a proper introduction, which includes not being named. The same applies for the person temporarily placed in the role until Suho took over.
    • The former captain of the Safety Team (seen in episode 26) only appears for a few panels in a flashback and is never given a name. Given the kind of workplace they're in, and the fact that Beozzi is captain by that point in the story, it's not hard to imagine what happened to them.
  • Noodle Incident: During Suho's introduction in Episode 9, Beebi begins to recall a previous encounter the two had during "that work", but Suho interrupts them before they can finish their thought. What work Beebi was referring to never gets elaborated on.
  • Not Your Problem: After the Magical Girls' ritual failed due to the Servant of Wrath not showing up, the Queen of Hatred, King of Greed, and Knight of Despair began attacking other facilities in the area. However, it's summarily declared that the situation is out of O-5681's hands, and thus let the other branches handle the fallout on their own.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Rza, upon realizing Beozzi threw them a fake toy version of the Servant of Wrath's E.G.O. gift, rather than the genuine item.
    • The Department Heads collectively experience this reaction once they receive the Staining Rose and learn what it does.
  • Only One Name: No character in Wonderlab is indicated as having a family name. Anytime one character addresses another, it's always with their given name.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Piscine Mermaid appears as an armless, pink-skinned mermaid with what appears to be water for hair, and given that Repression Work involves throwing salt into the water it resides it, it's possibly a freshwater fish. The mermaid will beg for love from the Agent working on it, and if it's love is refused, it'll breach containment, turning into a giant monstrous version of itself with broken heart irises, a set of fins, and a gaping mouth exposing its teeth.
  • Outside-Context Problem: Due to the fact that Distortions were a fairly new phenomena within the comic's timeline, nobody knows how to specifically deal with a Distorted Catt coming to wreck the facility.
  • Painting the Medium:
    • Depending on the species of the person/entity speaking, the text bubbles are styled differently. For instance, regular humans get the standard white bubbles with black outlines, Abnormalities (and A Party Everlasting) get black bubbles with white, sketchy outlines, and Manual's speech bubbles are grey and square-shaped.
    • In Episode 48, something (presumably Carmen) tries to communicate via the screens on the Manager's office, but the text is rendered in a way that it's hard to make out what is being said.
  • Power Trio: Rose, Taii, and Catt serve as the three protagonists for this comic.
    • Daisy, Joe, and Shasha act as a secondary Power Trio, the three having known each other since Daisy was still a junior for the latter two and continue to remain a closely functional unit.
  • Product Placement: Characters are sometimes seen buying food from HamHam PangPang, which is an actual café in South Korea. Perhaps not coincidentally, it is a café created by Project Moon themselves.
  • Production Throwback: The blue E.G.O suit that Taii holds for a panel in Episode 33 is a reference to Michid Popova, a character featured in one of MIMI's previous works, Heavy Snow. Meanwhile, the fish-patterned E.G.O Rose holds is a reference to the Goldfish Princess from Mazzirong.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: In Episode 8, this is done by Rose when Taii brings up the possibility of being friends with a particular Abnormality (i.e Tangle) instead of running away and being attacked while managing other Abnormalities.
    Rose: Abnormalities! Are, NOT, your, friends!!
    Taii: Waah!! Yeah, you're right!! I was just putting it in easier terms!
  • Rock–Paper–Scissors: Whenever an Abnormality is split between Disciplinary and Control, the respective heads of said departments, Shasha and Joe, engage in a game of rock paper scissors, and whoever loses will have that Abnormality shipped to their department.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: Both Taii and Flower have shades of pink hair, and are among the kindest, most cheerful members of the cast.
  • Rule of Symbolism: The final panel of Episode 46 depicts a single blue rose. In the language of flowers, one of the meanings of a blue rose is "a desire to obtain the unobtainable". In Rose's case, it represents their desire to obtain the affection of the cold-hearted Catt.
    • The blue rose also represents hope and fighting against all odds. In Episode 53 and the epilogue, Taii's awakened E.G.O, which uses the Staining Rose's E.G.O as a base, has blue roses as a common motif. In this case, the blue roses represent Taii managing to awaken Rose's soul within the E.G.O and restore Catt's humanity (even if only temporarily), as well as their hope to one day find and restore Catt again.
  • Safety in Indifference: Catt appears to have taken up this mindset after they adjusted to working for Lobotomy Corporation. After seeing so many people die, lose their minds, or lose their minds and then die, it's easiest and safest for them to remain unattached to their fellow teammates.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • As stated in Episode 2, the other Control Team transfers (save Ella) decided not to stick around in Disciplinary after witnessing said department's Team Captain brutally maim one of their colleagues while trying to suppress Dingle Dangle.
    • After the Abnormalities of the sister branch have breached containment in "Titania, Nobody Is", Rose, Catt, and Taii unanimously decide that their best course of action is to vacate the premises as quickly as possible, rather than attempt to fight without any E.G.O to support or protect them.
  • Self-Destruct Mechanism: Demonstrated in Episode 34. When a branch outside of HQ becomes completely compromised by Abnormalities, the site will proceed to bury itself to stop said Abnormalities from escaping into the world, with the energy collected being transferred to the main branch.
  • Series Continuity Error:
    • In Episode 6, a photograph of the Blue Smocked Shepherd shows them missing their right eye with the left eye intact, as a mirror to the Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary. However, this gets flipped around when the Shepherd is later seen proper, with the left eye being missing instead, and the right eye being intact.
    • Despite My Sweet Home getting sent to another facility, it returns in "A Party Everlasting" with every other Abnormality.
    • From the same arc, the hearts on A Party Everlasting's teacup body are drawn upside-down in it's first proper appearance in Episode 49. In subsequent appearances, however, the hearts are drawn right-side up.
    • Catt is shown to be wearing a standard suit all during Episode 48, but when Taii briefly un-Distorts them in Episodes 53-54, they're shown to be wearing their usual E.G.O suit (i.e, the one taken from The Road Home).
  • Shout-Out:
    • Many Abnormalities introduced in this story are based around fairy tales and story books.
      • The Road Home and Scaredy Cat are based on Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. They're related to the Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom and Warm-hearted Woodsman introduced in the Lobotomy Corporation game.
    • In Episode 7, Catt watches an old-looking cartoon involving a cat chasing a mouse.
    • The words that Flower uses to describe the Red Queen in Episode 7 are directly based on the lyrics of the song Red Queen, a collaborative effort between Korean musicians IU and Zion.T.
    Flower: The Abnormality without an expression, the infamous one everyone's scared of. You know that thing too, right, Captain Catt!
    • In Episode 8, Taii is shown to have styled Tangle's hair in a manner akin to Sailor Moon's signature hairbuns.
    • Episode 10 sees the characters having a discussion about where the Abnormalities come from and how they're supposedly 'extracted' at HQ, wherein Finn jokes about if they're "veins of ore [they] can mine and craft from rocks".
    • From the Servant of Wrath arc, the characters of Beozzi and Dal (respectively) are homages to Sakura Kinomoto and Tomoyo Daidouji from Cardcaptor Sakura.
    • In Episode 53, the scene where Taii pulls a blade out from their chest is an homage to Revolutionary Girl Utena.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: A running theme among the main characters is that they often make a change to their normal clothing in response to events that heavily affected them. Usually done after they've been granted E.G.O. made from Abnormalities they've faced.
    • Taii's first personal encounter with an Abnormality is when they stumble into the fight against My Sweet Home, and end up aiding the effort of putting it down for good. Later on, Taii is given one of the E.G.O suits extracted from it once they're promoted to being a Disciplinary Agent. They wear this E.G.O up until the final arc, where they swap it out for Staining Rose's E.G.O, which ends up serving as the base for the E.G.O Taii manifests upon their awakening.
    • Though Rose changes their uniform once in the series to the same set of E.G.O. from My Sweet Home that Taii wears, their first significant change is after their encounter with White Lake. When they declare their resolve while ripping out the feathers from wings that White Lake tried to morph their arms into before defeating it. After its defeat, Rose is granted White Lake's E.G.O. suit.
    • Catt initially dons the E.G.O. of Dingle Dangle after defeating it in Episode 1, but they shift costumes again after The Road Home breaches containment and is subsequently defeated, wearing its E.G.O. from that point on. After this point in the story, Catt begins their character arc where they begin to deal with their issues with attachment and begin to bond with Rose and Taii as friends.
  • Slippery Skid: Occurs in Episode 24. Catt, in a rare moment of gracelessness, takes a slip on a pool of soapy water and lands flat on their back. This pool was left behind by Taii, who was working with Flower to clean up the acid left by the Servant of Wrath.
  • Slumber Party:
    • In the "Titania, Nobody Is" arc, Rose and Taii treat sharing a dorm room with Catt like having a sleepover, complete with watching movies and indulging in late night snacks. At least until it's cut short by the site-wide containment breach.
    • In Episode 35, Rose and Taii decide to stay at O-5681 overnight and assist Catt in their overtime shift of managing the Drowned Sisters at night. The former two essentially treat the whole deal as a makeup slumber party after their aforementioned time at the northern branch got cut short.
  • Sole Survivor:
    • Catt and Shasha are the only survivors from the Disciplinary Team of the Hookah Caterpillar's first breach in the facility.
    • By the end of the story, Beebi is the only Department Head that managed to escape the collapsed facility, since the others had died while fending off the Abnormalities that A Party Everlasting had breached.
  • Sticks to the Back:
    • Catt keeps their E.G.O. weapon attached to their back for easy removal in the event of a fight breaking out. A slight aversion, however, as certain panels show that their E.G.O. suit has a small loop in the back that they use as a holster.
    • Shasha keeps their E.G.O. weapon sheathed to their back when they carry it around. Unlike the above example with Catt, however, there is no indication of how they keep it attached.
  • Suicide by Cop: Attempted in Episode 21. Suffering from a great amount of emotional distress after causing Hookah Caterpillar to breach, Rose attempts to goad Catt into killing them with their E.G.O weapon by punching the latter in the back. Catt doesn't go through with this, however, instead choosing the punch Rose in the torso before walking away.
  • Suicide by Sea: During their breakdown in Episode 22, Catt attempts to invoke a variation of this by eating the cake on top of the Bottle of Tears, thus activating its abilities and allowing Catt to quietly drown within the water that promptly floods the unit. However, since Catt was too physically and mentally strong to be killed by the Abnormality at that point, it wound up a Bungled Suicide instead.
  • Super-Deformed: When shown on the monitors in the Manager's office, the characters will all be depicted in a chibi-esque style and given snow-white pale skin, regardless of their actual skin tone. Like in the original game, this is the work of the "Cognition Filter", a mechanism installed into the facility's cameras so the Manager won't go insane from constantly watching employees be brutally murdered by various Abnormalities.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: As it turns out, being swallowed alive by a massive beast like Reddened Buddy doesn't leave one unharmed in the aftermath. Though Rose survives being eaten alive, they still end up getting burned by the stomach acid, so they have to go to the infirmary for treatment.
  • Symbolic Serene Submersion: A dark version of this trope comes into play during the flashback that is the Bottle of Tears episode, where Catt attempts suicide by activating the Bottle of Tears's latent ability. Past-Catt then gives an unsettlingly calm smile as they serenely float in the water produced and resign themself to their fate, symbolizing the beginning of Catt's attempts to abandon their heart and let all their emotions wash away from them.
  • Three Plus Two: The Department Heads dynamic is closest to this. Daisy, Joe, and Shasha are all close to one another and make up a Power Trio in their own right, as Shasha and Joe acted as mentors to Daisy until their promotion to Training Team's Head.. Beebi, as the youngest Department Head, presumably joined the company later on and doesn't share the same kind of bond with the original three. Then there's Suho, who only joins the Department Heads sometime after former Info Team's Head died in the prologue. Beebi does imply that they and Suho knew each other prior to Suho's promotion, but they get cut off when bringing it up and never explain further.
  • Total Party Kill: The story begins with characters being transferred from the Control Team to the Disciplinary Team, because every single Agent (save Team Captain Catt and Department Head Shasha) died during the recent breach of the Hookah Caterpillar.
  • Vacation Episode: The "Titania, Nobody Is" arc features the main trio travelling to a branch up north to participate in a conference pertaining to the Magical Girl mishap that occurred in the previous arc.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye:
    • The previous head of the Information Team is killed in the prologue. We never knew their name.
    • Parker, as well. They were introduced and killed in Chapter 1.
  • Wham Episode:
    • Episode 4 of "Staining Rose" reveals that employees are sacrificed to the rose as a way of satisfying it, with one of those employees being Rose.
    • Pretty much all of "A Party Everlasting" and the first half of "Flower" counts. Catt goes to confront the Manager over the suffering taking place in O-5681, only to discover that said Manager was Dead All Along. As a result, Catt hits a Despair Event Horizon, which is when they hear a "beautiful voice" (i.e, Carmen) call out to them. When Taii returns to the corporation to try and find Catt, they are attacked by Catt, who has become a Distortion. The now-Distorted Catt then proceeds to wreck the facility in such a way that causes nearly all the Abnormalities to breach containment and start attacking the employees. Eventually, Taii arrives on the scene, decked out in the E.G.O. of Staining Rose, before engaging in an "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight with Catt, which seems to return the latter to normal. ...Except it only lasts for a short period before Catt ends up re-distorting, as they and the Abnormalities accompanying them leave the facility via a portal.
  • Wham Shot: In Episode 48, when Catt goes to personally confront the Manager concerning the death of Rose and the plan that the Manager had for the employees of Lobotomy, they're greeted with the sight of the Manager's corpse, which had been practically mummified by this point, alongside a bottle of sleeping pills, and a stack of papers, which includes the Manager's suicide note.
  • What a Senseless Waste of Human Life: The aftermath of the Servant of Wrath's breach is regarded as this by the Department Heads. They lost far too many lower level agents during the Servant's Breach for it to be considered acceptable even within the bounds of the Lobotomy Corporation.
  • Whole Episode Flashback: Episode 22 details Catt's backstory, and how they came to be such a ruthless, emotionally distant person.
  • Wingding Eyes: Various examples occur throughout the comic, such as in Episode 14, where The Road Home gains spiral pupils (accompanied by stars circling around her head) after becoming dizzy from spinning in the air.
  • World of Technicolor Hair: There are various human characters, such as Taii, Ella, and Suho, that sport unnaturally-colored hair alongside characters like Daisy or Catt, who sport more natural colors like blond or black.
  • "You!" Exclamation: Once Titania notices Nobody Is, it calmly has one of these.
    Titania: It's you. My nemesis. My beloved devil. The abhorrent name of the one who stole my child. Oberon.
    Nobody Is: ...Is that who I am...?
  • You Shall Not Pass!:
    • Done when Alex attempts to hold off Nobody Is so Rose, Taii and Catt can escape the Workshop. Alex is assimilated into Nobody Is, but the trio manage to escape.
    • After a Distorted Catt causes all of the Abnormalities in the facility to breach, Rza and the Department Heads (minus Beebi) resign themselves to battling against the Abnormalities as a way to buy Beebi and the survivors time to escape. They all end up going down with the facility, but they resign themselves to this fate, agreeing to go down fighting.
