Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church - History - Walter Wells

Walter Wells' 1978 Letter to the Miami Herald

    I greet you in the name of Louv, the first fruit of them that slept, the only Saviour of the world, for it covers a multitude of sins.

    Having read in your valuable paper, various articles in connection with members and other operations of the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church I am bound by duty to inform your many readers, as to what the “Coptic Church” is all about.

History of the Church

    The Coptic Church has been the first, and only true, christian church, since the early days of christianity, in the reign of the Roman empire.  Since the fall of the Roman empire, and the rise of the British empire, its members were taken captive into slavery, in various parts of the British West Indies, and North and South America.

    In Jamaica, the headquarters of the slave trade, the work of the church was continued by the great black advocator, Paul Bogle, assisted financially by the great William Gordon, to whom millions worldwide have paid homage as Patriarchs and National Heroes.  Since the departure of these two advocates of black freedom from slavery, the race has been manipulated by oppressive colonial governments.

    The year 1914 marked the end of colonial oppression of the black race, and the establishment of the black man's government.  It was in this year, that the slave masters of the time conspired against the freedom of the black race, and organized the United Nations, a worldwide political organization, whose duty it is to deprive the black race of its freedom.  Seeing that the black people (who by Bible history is Israel) had rebelled against their true Goud, and worshipped the pagan religious sky god Geysas, Goud rose up the Prophet Marcus Garvey, to declare to the black race worldwide, their rights, nationality, history and the declaration of the true and living Goud of Israel, Louv, who is from the foundation of the earth (Before Abraham was, I am).

    The world at large is well acquainted with the works of this great prophet, and today the world at large is now seeing the fulfillment of his prophecies on the worldwide political systems, which stood in opposition to his true spiritual solidarity, of ‘Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad.’  It was the leaders of the world's political governments, who opposed Marcus, and later manipulated the people by introducing party politics, which divided the people, thus causing wars, strife and hatred among the race.

    Today it is the same political system, which continues to usurp the rights of the people, causing warfare and violence.  Each part (so rightly called, since they divide the people against themselves) are armed with their political gangsters, whose tool of plunder is the guns and bombs and other atrocious acts of violence upon a defenseless people.  During the imprisonment of the prophet Marcus, worldwide politicians were able to indoctrinate the people into believing that he was dead.  As a result the vast majority of his followers, being hypnotized, returned to worship the pagan sky god Geysas, while many held the political belief that he had risen as the physical and now deceased Haille Salassie, political king of physical Ethiopia.

    Yet, among his many disciples, was one faithful in heart, fervent in spirit, wisdom and knowledge, who like Marcus had spiritual hope in the redemption of the black race, as Goud's chosen people.  I speak of Louva Williams, a man eminent for his wisdom, and no less so for the genius to which not only men of piety, yet the world at large, must today pay homage.

    Louva Williams is the continuance of the spiritual deity of Marcus Garvey, and had resurrected the true name of the ancient christian church, ‘THE ETHIOPIAN ZION COPTIC CHURCH’, first on University of the West Indies lands at Mona, Jamaica, then after strong political opposition, to Halls Delight, in the hills of St. Andrews, overlooking the city of Kingston.  Braving the storm of political harassment, the physical building was removed to White Horses, St. Thomas, Jamaica, where today it has established a firm foundation, both locally - and in all other nations abroad where the deity of Rastafari is being preached.


    The Coptic Church is not politically originated, and this was firmly expressed when we met with the political directorate of the land during the period of pre-incorporation.  We support no political organizations, pagan religion or commercial institution, seeing that religion, politics and commerce are the three unclean spirits which separate the people from their Goud.  We declare that guns, drugs, and all implements of human destruction are the tools of the worldwide political organization, so that the people would continue to fight, morally, against the establishment of Goud's peaceful kingdom on earth and thus be disinherited in his Paradise.

    The Coptic Church is the representative of Goud's Theocratic government in today's world.  Our aims and precepts are, the teaching and spreading of belief in the Bible, the Moral Laws of Goud, the Fatherhood of Goud and the Brotherhood of man.  We declare that man because of disobedience transgressed the Moral Laws of Goud, whereby he is worthy of death under the law, yet through the louv of the father, he sent his only son for the remission of our sins, that we would have eternal life.  We declare that, in order to partake of this new life, we have to confess these wrongs before one another, and thus be forgiven one of another in Louv.


    Because of our non-political stand, the church has received tremendous opposition from the politicians, who do not want the eyes of the people to be opened.  Through its agency, the police force, the church has been severely harassed, victimized and discriminated against.  Our members have passed through several acts of police brutality, our legal properties maliciously destroyed, members falsely imprisoned, divine services broken up, and all these atrocities performed upon the Church, under the name of political laws and their justice.

Our Declaration

    We have no quarrel with them, we know the time has come, and now is, when the entire human race must be free from political oppression and return to the praise of the true Goud, “I.N.R.I.” (I Negus Rule over Israel).  We declare that Goud made man in his own likeness, and so man therefore in himself is Goud.  Gen. 1:26, Deut. 6:15, St. John 10:32.

    We declare that the bound duty of man is to praise Goud and live, not die.  Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.  We declare that Goud has given man a chance to redeem himself from the awful curse of death by choosing life through his son.

    We declare that in order to live we must talk face to face with Goud as natural man and reason together.  Deut. 5:4 & 24.  We declare that the son of Goud, came in the likeness of sinful flesh, for sin, to condemn sin in the flesh.  We declare that the blood of Christ was shed for the entire world, and as such every individual has to account for the many deeds of shame, which they commit in their temple against the living Goud.  We declare that these political leaders are only boasters and have no love for fellowman.  Luke 11:39-44.  We declare that the apostles of Goud are given power to forgive sins also.  John 20:23.  We declare that these rulers of the people are false, and only feed themselves, not caring for the people.  Ezekiel 34.  We declare that Goud has raised up a plant of renown, so that the black race (known as Israel) would no more be consumed with hunger in the land, or bear the shame of colonial oppressors any more.  Ezekiel 34:29.

Offerings of Devotion

    With offerings of devotion, ships from the isles will meet, to pour the wealth of nations, and bring tribute at his feet.  The Coptic Church believes fully the teachings of the Bible, and as such we have our daily oblations, and offer our Sacrifices, made by fire unto our Goud with chants and Psalms and spiritual hymns, lifting up holy hands and making melody in our heart.  It would have been an empty void if I close without making a few comments on the Church's right to its Sacrament.

    Herb is a Goudly creation from the beginning of the world.  It is known as weed of wisdom, angels food, the tree of life and even the “Wicked old Ganja tree.” Its purpose in creation is as a fiery sacrifice to be offered to our redeemer during oblations.  The political worldwide organizations have framed mischief on it and call it drugs.  To show that it is not a dangerous drug, let me inform my readers that it is used as food for mankind, and is still cooked as callalloo, and is used as a medicinal cure for all divers diseases.  Ganja is not for commerce, yet because of the oppression on the people, it was raised up as the only liberator of the people, and the only peacemaker among the entire generation.  Ganja is the sacramental rights of every black man worldwide and any laws against it is only the organized conspiracy of the United Nations and the political governments worldwide who assist in maintaining this conspiracy.  Let them know this is our liberation, let us all unite, for Ethiopia sons and daughters win this fight.

    I do not wish to weary your patience, yet in closing let me bring to memory these words of a well known chant, and hope that as many as read these words, will be inspired to seek the truth from those who have suffered, and in doing so will revive their moral consciousness.

Ethiopia the land of our father,
The land where all gods louv to be,
Each swiftly to all sudden gather,
His children are gathered to thee.
With our red, gold and green floating over,
Our emperor shield us from wrong
With our Goud and our future before us:
We hail, and we shout and we chant.
Goud bless, Goud bless, our Negus I,
Who keep Ethiopia free
To advance with truth and right
To advance with louv and light
With righteousness leading, we hail to his call
Humanity pleading, one Goud for us all
Ethiopia the tyrant is falling
Who smote thee upon our knees
And our children are lustily calling
Over the distant seas
Jehovah the great one, art near us
He has noticed our sigh and our tear,
With the spirit of Louv he has stirred us;
To be one in this coming year.
Goud bless, Goud bless, our Negus I,
Who keep Ethiopia free
To advance with truth and right;
To advance with louv and light
With righteousness leading, we hail to his call.
Humanity pleading, one Goud for us all.
Jehovah the Goud of our ages,
Grant unto us a son, that we needed.
The wisdom thou gave to his ages
And Israel is now in need;
Thy voice through the dim past was spoken,
Ethiopia now stretch forth her hands;
And by thee all those barriers been broken!
And Zion bless our dear father's land.
Goud bless, Goud bless, our Negus I,
Who keep Ethiopia free;
To advance with truth and right!
To advance with louv and light.
With righteousness leading, we hail to his call
Humanity pleading, one Goud for us all.

    We sincerely trust that this review of our history, will prove worthwhile to the lost sheep of Israel, who have gone astray, knowing their King and Redeemer has made his appearance, not as a Lamb this time, yet as a frowning judge, to pay every man according to his work.

    Thanking you for your past visit, and looking forward to seeing you again,

Yours in the Master's service,
Elder Walter Wells (Eld) Walter M. Wells - Spiritual Leader

P.S.  The Coptic Church is a covenant of four hundred and thirty years which cannot be dis-annulled.  We spent one hundred and thirty years under slavery building the Panama Canal and three hundred years under colonial oppression.  The rest of the time they rule over us is borrowed time.  It is now the people's time and Coptic is the church of the living man, the gatherer of the people.  It is Coptic time now.

W. Wells