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食評 (19)
等級3 2023-09-21
25 瀏覽
聖安娜餅店香港網絡分店很多。見多數喺商場、屋村商場。最出名嘅係佢個蛋撻及椰撻👍但今次我要介紹嘅係全蛋排包共有5片。只要下載app做會員每個月都有coupon送的。今次見到優惠只需$15。全蛋排包,十分適合做早餐或快餐. 深受學生及家長嘅歡迎。可口鬆軟🤤😃簡單而美味的食物🎉🎊 繼續閱讀
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I showed my son the many cakes on Saint Honore's cake catalogue and he picked this cake for his birthday. Maybe because he loved the blue colour or because he wished he could travel during this pandemic? When we picked this cake up, it was kept in a super big box which was disproportional to the cake itself, making it not so convenient and heavy to carry around. 小熊遊世界什果蛋糕 at $388The above photo was taken after taking away the chocolate plate.The cake itself was quite pretty, basically in line with the photo shown on the website. There were 2 layers with a lot of coloured chocolate circumferencing the cake and a lot of small chocolate boats. Flavour-wise, it was a mixed fruit cream cake made of sponge cake topped by some fresh blueberries and strawberries. Retail price was $228 per pound and you could get a discount at a VIP price of $193.8 per pound. Minimum weight was 2 pounds. It tasted alright - not particularly yummy but not too bad. It was not as good as another mixed fruit cream cake we ordered last time maybe because there was less cream inside but most cream was on the surface. Anyway, it was acceptable given the looks and the price. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-08-08
481 瀏覽
-表演一下如何一程車ko晒😆💕《聖安娜冰皮月餅》以前食過佢嘅水果味冰皮月餅👈🏻今次試吓佢個脆脆系列🤲🏻🥮聖安娜脆脆冰皮月餅 ($133)呢個價錢我係覺得勁抵😌🤲🏻入面有8個獨立包裝🙋🏼‍♀️口味分別有🥜至脆粒粒杏仁 🍵至脆京都抹茶紅豆🍘至脆芝麻松子🍮至脆雞蛋布丁🍠至脆粒粒紫薯🍳至脆香滑奶黃🍫至脆比利時朱古力☕️至脆朱古力咖啡覺得最好味係粒粒杏仁☺️勁香!而且杏仁同焦糖味的脆脆好夾!其次就係雞蛋布丁🍮🙋🏼‍♀️我覺得佢啲脆脆做得好好味!全部都係焦糖味嘅脆脆☺️🤝絕對會回購!反而有啲想知⋯⋯下午茶食晒一盒冰皮月餅正常嗎😂 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-07-02
304 瀏覽
媽媽生日我就去了聖安娜訂了一個健如松柏一磅蛋糕。寓意健康長壽🍑,送給長輩之選。蛋糕比較偏淡,材料全部都是用雜果、草莓及桃。手工精緻,不過忌廉就偏多,是唯一缺點。但賣相一百分,大家都吃得很開心😊 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-03-13
301 瀏覽
今天是侄女的生日,哥哥買了一個蛋糕給她的女兒!這個蛋糕無論大人及小朋友看見都非常之開心,除了蛋糕以外,還附有兩包m&m给客人為蛋糕作裝飾,這麼有心思真的值得一讚!侄女見到這個圖案蛋糕非常開心,最開心的事,她可以自己佈置這個蛋糕的圖案,雖然只是一個簡簡的一個蛋糕,但是大家都已經很滿足!當然這個蛋糕非常之好食,每一口都有香濃的朱古力及脆脆。 最神奇的就是m&m配合蛋糕一起食的時候會有說不出的感覺! 繼續閱讀
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