A Catholic Priest in Mississippi : Prayers of the faithful - 12 May 2024 - The Ascension of the Lord

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Prayers of the faithful - 12 May 2024 - The Ascension of the Lord

Introduction: Today, we hear Jesus tell us as his disciples to go out into the world to proclaim the Gospel message to every creature. In ascending to heaven, it becomes possible for Christ to be with the Church always and everywhere, rather than in just one place and time. As a Church, we continue our celebration of the risen Christ during the Easter season. 

Lord Jesus, you are the eternal Son of the Father: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, your presence fills the universe: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you guide us home with you into bright glory: Lord, have mercy.

PRIEST:  Now, let us present our prayers for our needs and the needs of the world to the God who sent us his son, our Lord Jesus Christ:

1. For God’s holy Church throughout the world, that we might give glory to God just as Jesus Christ has done. We pray to the Lord. 

2.  That the leaders of our country proclaim justice and peace without regards to race, nationality, and religion. We pray to the Lord.

3. That those who celebrated the sacraments of initiation this Easter season may grow in their faith and understanding, we pray to the Lord.

4. For those who are persecuted for their religion, may they receive new life and new opportunities. We pray to the Lord.

5. For those who are graduating from high school, college, or other institutions this spring. We give thanks for their accomplishments and we pray for them as they undertake new challenges. We pray to the Lord.

6. For the sick and shut-ins of our community, for those in the hospital, hospice, and nursing home. We pay to the Lord. 

7. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life. We pray to the Lord. 

8. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts, for our prayer intentions spoken and unspoken, we pray to the Lord.

PRIEST:  God of all, we believe that we shall see the good things that you have in store for us in the land of the living. Hear the sound of our call, have pity on us and answer us, through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord forever and ever.  AMEN. 

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