Julain Date Converter - CalendarLabs
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Julian Day

Modified JD

Julian Day (w/o Time)

Modified JD (w/o Time)


Julian year

Julian Month

Julian Day

Normal / Leap Year



Greogrian year

Greogrian Month

Greogrian Day

Gregorian to Julian Date Convertor

The Julian Date system follows a continuous count of days starting from January 1, 4713 BC. The Gregorian calendar, which is widely used today, is a solar calendar with 365 days and an extra day every leap year.

What if you wish to convert Julian date to Gregorian or vice versa? Using formulas can be Herculean, so we would like you to use our online date converters for conversions between Julian and Gregorian dates. CalendarLabs makes determining the Julian and Gregorian dates for today or any date a breeze. Here is how you can do it.

Enter the Gregorian date, hours, and minutes and click ‘Calculate,’ the tool will generate the corresponding Julian date in many formats, including the modified Julian date.

The modified Julian date is a modification of the Julian date to facilitate chronological calculations by subtracting 2,400,000.5 days from the Julian date. The MJD or the modified Julian date gives the number of days since midnight on November 17, 1858, corresponding to 2,400,000.5 days after day 0 of the Julian calendar

You can also use the Gregorian Calendar to Julian Calendar converter to determine the Julian year, month, day, and weekday. Further, if you want to convert a Julian Date to Gregorian Calendar, you can do so on the same page. Input the Julian date in the designated field, and you can generate the equivalent Gregorian year, month, and day.

Remember to bookmark our page for easy conversions between Julian and Gregorian dates. Also, share our page with your friends and family so they can make the date conversions effortlessly.

Let’s talk a bit about the Julian Calendar: The format of the Julian date is a combination of year and a relative day number within the year called the ordinal date. Julius Caesar introduced this calendar in 450 BC, and the Romans used it. The Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar in the 16th century.

Astronomers use Julian dates to keep track of time, and ancient artifact age calculations are also based on Julian dates. Not only that, nearly all Eastern Orthodox churches use Julian dates to calculate the dates of movable feasts.