Sexual Health, Diversity and Safer Sex | LIEBESLEBEN
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Your love life is yours. Protect it.

LIEBESLEBEN helps people to take care of their sexual health – with verified information and practical advice on all your questions about sexual orientation and gender identity, safer sex, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Your love life is yours. Protect it.

LIEBESLEBEN helps people to take care of their sexual health – with verified information and practical advice on all your questions about sexual orientation and gender identity, safer sex, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Your love life is yours. Protect it.

LIEBESLEBEN helps people to take care of their sexual health – with verified information and practical advice on all your questions about sexual orientation and gender identity, safer sex, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Sexual health – it's about you

Sexual health – this may sound a bit dry and not that interesting at first glance... But sexual health is about you and your sexuality, your own well-being and your quality of life. That's why LIEBESLEBEN talks openly about all the topics that move you – from dating to coming out to HIV tests. This way LIEBESLEBEN encourages you to also talk about it just as openly. Because everyone has their own love life, their own desires and expectations. And everyone should be allowed to express them openly.

LIEBESLEBEN therefore provides you with a lot of information – in German and in other languages. Here you will find everything related to sexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity and the protection against conversion therapy in English.

For more sexual and reproductive health topics, visit zanzu, another online portal of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), which has plenty of information in many other languages.

If you have questions or a personal concern, contact the counselling service of LIEBESLEBEN. They have many answers for you – in different languages. The counselling team can give you addresses of counselling centres in your area that also offer services in different languages.


You may have come across LIEBESLEBEN in the public space – for example on large posters, ads, postcards or online. Because LIEBESLEBEN offers many different services and measures. And they are always proofed and of a high quality. LIEBESLEBEN has as an incentive of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) an offical mandate to promote sexual health. The BZgA is an authorithy of the German Federal Ministry of Health. It is responsible for health education and health promotion on behalf of the government.

And by the way: LIEBESLEBEN also informs you on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. There you can find the latest news about sexuality and health.

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