She-Hulk (Marvel Vs. Capcom 3)

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The cousin of Bruce Banner, Jennifer Susan Walters was a small and somewhat shy daughter of Los Angeles County Sheriff William Morris Walters and Elaine (nee Banner) Walters (who died in a car crash when Jennifer was seventeen). Operatives of Nicholas Trask, a crime boss who had crossed paths with her father, shot and seriously wounded her on a day that Bruce Banner happened to be in town for a visit. Since no other donors with her blood type were available, Banner provided his own blood for a transfusion; as they already shared the same blood type and DNA, his radioactive blood, combined with her anger transformed Jennifer into the green-skinned She-Hulk when the mobsters tried to finish her off at the hospital.

As She-Hulk, Jennifer possesses powers similar to those of her cousin, though at a reduced level. She also possesses a less monstrous, more amazonian appearance. Initially, the transformation to her She-Hulk form was triggered (as with Bruce Banner's) by anger. Like her cousin Bruce, his counterpart, the Leader, Doc Samson, and most other persons mutated by exposure to Gamma Radiation over the years, her mutated form was originally explained as being molded by her subconscious desire to look like the ideal woman. She eventually gains control of her transformations when Michael Morbius cures her of a lethal blood disease. As a criminal defense lawyer, she defended Dr. Michael Morbius in his trial for his vampiric killings.

Eventually, Jennifer decides that she is going to retain her She-Hulk form permanently -- preferring the freedom, confidence, and assertiveness that it gave her compared to her more timorous and fragile "normal" form. After her brief solo career, she joined the Avengers. This led to her being transported to Battleworld by the Beyonder and her participation in the Secret Wars, most notable for sparking her long standing rivalry with the newly empowered Titania. After the heroes returned to Earth, she temporarily replaced the Thing as a member of the Fantastic Four.

During her tenure with the Fantastic Four, She-Hulk had to prevent a radiation leak in a downed S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. This radiation exposure had a drastic effect on Jennifer: she could no longer transform back into her original human form. However, this was an agreeable turn of events for her, since she preferred being She-Hulk, and it was revealed much later that the block was purely psychological. Shortly after that, she appeared before the Supreme Court, where she battled Titania again.

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Marvel Vs. Capcom 3


Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

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Page Updated:  Sep. 21st, 2023

Even as a Marvel fan since the 80s, I never cared much for She-Hulk. However, she is one  of the earlier examples of "RULE 63". I think the best super-heroine designs are the ones who are 100% original and not directly following in the footsteps of male characters, but there are some exceptions.

She-Hulk was an unexpected addition to MVC3, with Marvel aiming to "promote" this character for future content (more on that later). She-Hulk as a character might've peaked in MVC3... her best appearance anywhere, perhaps. Her super where she throws a car at her opponent is pretty great. Overall, I think She-Hulk lacks the excitement and flash that other Marvel characters have (especially in fighting games)... which is why I wasn't too thrilled by her MVC3 appearance. Rogue would've been a better choice (obviously), but doing Rogue right in MVC3 would've taken more work (and Capcom was lazy) so She-Hulk was the easier option. As it turns out, Marvel did have plans for She-Hulk... that atrocious failure of a show on Disney+. Another victim of terrible writing and virtue signaling.

Fighting  Style  /  Moveset
Personality  /  Charisma
Outfit(s)  /  Appearance
Effectiveness  in  series
Overall Score


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