Draw Radius Map | Measure Circle Google Map | Google Map Radius Calculator

Measure Circle / Radius on a map

Draw a circle on a map anywhere in the world using this Google radius map calculator. Start by either searching by address or using the map controls to navigate to your chosen location. Then click a position on the map and drag your cursor to draw the circle.

When the circle is created you can move the circle by dragging it to another position. This online mapping tool measures the area of a circle and calculates its measurements in square meters (M²), square kilometres (KM²), square feet (FT²), square miles (MI²).

It also calculates the circle radius distance in meters, kilometres, feet and miles. We hope you find this radius calculator helpful. If you have suggestions on how we can improve this mapping tool, please get in touch.


Draw a Circle to Start

Circle Area

Draw a Circle to Start
