Down By Law
Down By Law

Dave Smalley update...

Last year, Dave Smalley faced a daunting battle with cancer, but we're grateful to share that he is currently cancer-free. Despite this victory, the journey through treatments and recovery has been challenging, and in fact, Dave has recently been back in the hospital with some complications on his road to full recovery. Although he's on the upswing, there are still challenging times ahead, including physical rehab.

Obviously his medical diagnosis, hospital stays, and ongoing treatment have created quite a financial burden for him and his family. To assist him in this journey, his children have set up a GoFundMe to help alleviate the mounting medical bills and increasing financial needs. Your donations (as well as any sharing of this info or the link) are immensely appreciated.

Also check out the fundraiser shirt that the artist Chris Shary has created to help donate to the cause as well.

Thank you for your support.