Screwed (Movie, 2011) -
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Screwed (2011)

Drama | 110 minutes
2,91 73 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Reg Traviss

Stars: James D'Arcy, Noel Clarke and Frank Harper

IMDb score: 5,6 (2.305)

Releasedate: 3 June 2011

Screwed plot

"Everybody Serves Their Time"

Sam (James D'Arcy) is forced to take a job as a prison warden after returning from a traumatic mission in Iraq. He soon befriends his hardened colleagues, but the violence and desperation he witnesses soon push him into a world of drink and drugs. As a result, he becomes increasingly estranged from his family. After a confrontation with prison officials and a fatal shooting of a colleague, he realizes that the guards are just as corrupt as the inmates themselves. He becomes embroiled in a potentially deadly cat-and-mouse game, while a prison rebellion erupts.

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