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Tom Cruise and Scientology: Separating Fact From Fiction

The massive success of "Top Gun: Maverick" has some Hollywood types crediting Cruise with bringing folks back to theaters after the pandemic.

The massive success of "Top Gun: Maverick" has some Hollywood types crediting Cruise with bringing folks back to theaters after the pandemic.

What Is Scientology?

Some nations, like Italy, South Africa, and Australia, consider Scientology a religion. In France, they call it a cult. The German government perceives it as a threat to democracy. Other countries view it as nothing more than a money-making con.

No matter what you believe about the controversial church of Scientology, though, there's one thing that creates a consensus: namely, that actor Tom Cruise is its undisputed celebrity face around the world.

The Religion of Tom Cruise

When he joined the religion over 30 years ago, Cruise was its prized golden child. Church leaders were counting on his soaring star status to attract young followers who aspired to be rich and successful like him.

Today, Cruise is in his early sixties. After several high-profile stumbles that damaged his career and tarnished his good-guy image, he now refrains from discussing his faith during interviews.

However, make no mistake, his devotion is stronger than ever. While many titillating rumors have circulated about his long history with Scientology, the following answers set the record straight.

Those in the religion believe Cruise can move inanimate objects with his mind and leave his body at will.

Those in the religion believe Cruise can move inanimate objects with his mind and leave his body at will.

7 Questions About Tom Cruise and Scientology

  1. How did he first become involved with the religion?
  2. What does he find so appealing about it?
  3. Why has he married women outside his faith?
  4. What's his relationship with Scientology leader, David Miscavige?
  5. Has his involvement in Scientology hurt his career?
  6. What's his relationship with his daughter, Suri?
  7. What does the future hold?

Each of these inquiries is answered below, providing context into Cruise's long history with Scientology and why he remains so devout.

1. How Did Tom Cruise First Become Involved With Scientology?

The actress, Mimi Rogers, introduced Tom Cruise to the religion when they started dating in 1986, and the two eventually married. Mimi's father was a friend of Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and helped build the church in the 1950s.

Mimi was born into the religion and grow up with its practices. She has since left the faith.

Because Cruise's star was on the rise at the time of their meeting, it's possible Mimi targeted the sexy, young actor. Cruise had skyrocketed to fame after starring in the teen blockbuster, Risky Business, and was a hot property in Hollywood.

L. Ron Hubbard and Courting Celebrity

L. Ron Hubbard's strategy to promote Scientology included bringing celebrities into the fold. He believed they would shine a light on the religion and make it highly appealing to potential members.

He even created Project Celebrity which offered rewards to those who recruited famous people. Scientology reportedly tried to recruit high-profile stars such as Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Will and Jada Smith, U2's Bono, David and Victoria Beckham, and Brad Pitt.

Elvis reportedly said of the religion: "There's no way I'll ever get involved with that son-of-a-bitchin' group. All they want is my money." Ironically, his ex-wife, Priscilla, and only child, Lisa Marie, were Scientologists for decades.

Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief

For those intrigued by the religion and its celebrity devotees, I highly recommend Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief (2013). It's a fascinating read that details Hubbard's early strategy to court the rich and famous. Author Lawrence Wright writes:

"When L. Ron Hubbard created the Church of Scientology, he decided to make its headquarters in Hollywood, because he had a very perceptive notion that there is something that all Americans do worship and it's celebrity and the capital of celebrity is Hollywood. He set out very early to make it a Scientology town."

2. What Does Tom Cruise Find Appealing About Scientology?

In most religions, members get treated the same regardless of their economic and social status (or, at least, that's the goal).

Scientology sets itself apart by unabashedly giving preferential treatment to its celebrity followers. It even has set up Celebrity Centres for "artists, politicians, leaders of industry, sports figures and anyone with the power and vision to create a better world."

Scientology Privileges Celebrity

It's not surprising aging stars such as Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and the late Kirstie Alley embraced a universe where they're placed high above everyone else despite poor box office receipts, cancelled television shows, and panned performances.

While Tom Cruise has clout in the movie business, it's paltry compared to what he enjoys within Scientology. In that bubble, he's treated like a demigod who—after thirty years of practice, study, and huge amounts of fees—has achieved the status of Operating Thetan VII.

Tom Cruise Has ... Superpowers???

Cruise now allegedly has superpowers that include moving inanimate objects with his mind, leaving his body at will, and controlling the behavior of both animals and humans. It's also been reported he now ranks high in the religion's leadership.

Hubbard, although deceased, is still considered number one as the faithful await his return. David Miscavige, the current leader, is number two, and Cruise is number three.

Actress Leah Remini, a former long-time Scientologist and now an outspoken critic, says Cruise is beyond reproach within the religion. She remarked: "Being critical of Tom Cruise is being critical of Scientology itself. You are a person who is anti the aims and goals of Scientology. You are evil."

3. Why Did Tom Cruise Marry Outside His Faith?

Cruise's first wife, Mimi Rogers, was born into Scientology. However, wives number two and three, Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes, were both raised Catholic. This begs the question: Why would someone as devout as Cruise choose to marry women outside his faith?

Penelope Cruz and Sophia Vergara

Once again, the answer is found in L. Ron Hubbard's plan to expand Scientology by recruiting celebrities who, in turn, would attract new followers. In the period between marriages two and three, Cruise dated actresses Penelope Cruz and Sophia Vergara.

If he had been able to recruit either of these women into his religion, it would have been a tremendous accomplishment as they were considered “trophies.” Cruz from Spain and Vergara from Columbia would have brought attention to Scientology in their homelands, two countries where the religion hoped to expand.

Katie Holmes

It's been widely reported that Scientology played a significant role in finding Cruise a third wife. His matchmakers vetted popular young actresses such as Scarlett Johansson and Jessica Alba for the job. Ultimately, Cruise and his team settled on Katie Holmes, an actress 16 years his junior, who could bring a younger, hipper crowd to the faith.

4. What's Tom Cruise's Relationship With Scientology Leader, David Miscavige?

Like many superstars, Tom Cruise has battled gay rumors for decades. Therefore, it's hardly surprising some have suggested his close relationship with Scientology honcho, David Miscavige, is something more than best buddies.

Fiercely Heterosexual

Those acquainted with the men, however, say neither one of them is gay but rather fiercely heterosexual and ultra-macho. The two love to spend time with one another in manly pursuits such as parachuting, riding motorcycles, working out, gambling, and smoking Cuban cigars.

Moreover, Miscavige keeps a close eye on Cruise, knowing the actor is key to Scientology's success. The duo worked together to open a new $50 million movie studio in Hollywood. They collaborated on Scientology Media Productions with the goal of controlling their religion's message and spreading it far and wide to followers.

Celebrity Bromance

While some speculate that Miscavige is in awe of Cruise's celebrity status, former Scientologists say it's the other way around with Cruise worshiping Miscavige and pouring on the praise. He said this about the church's leader:

"I have never met a more competent, a more intelligent, a more compassionate being outside of what I have experienced from (studying L. Ron Hubbard). And I've met the leaders of leaders. I've met them all."

5. Has Tom Cruise's Involvement in Scientology Hurt His Career?

With Top Gun: Maverick (2022) about to pass $1.5 billion in box office, it's fair to say Tom Cruise's financial health is not a concern. However, his promotion of Scientology at various points in his career has damaged relationships within the industry.