Roosevelt High School Yonkers, NY

Roosevelt High School Yonkers, NY Alumni

What is this site?

  • Roosevelt High School Messages Send messages to alumni
  • Roosevelt High School Alumni View RHS Alumni Profiles
  • Roosevelt High School Memories Share your memories
  • Roosevelt High School Photos Share photos with others
  • Roosevelt High School Alumni Discuss past activities

Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at®. If you don't see your class's yearbook, check out our yearbook page.

Famous Alumni

David Halberstam Class of 1951

Pulitzer Prize awardee. Famous author. Deceased


Create a Roosevelt High School Yonkers, NY memorial for an individual alum that has passed away.

There are currently no memorials for Roosevelt Yonkers, NY alumni.


The RHS alumni site is made so that students and teachers from the Yonkers high school can reconnect with those that they met while attending high school. You can also find out what other graduates are doing now, share memories with other alumn, upload pictures from RHS and find other alumni. If you are an alumn of Roosevelt you should register now in the alumni directory. We also encourage you to interact with the rest of the alumni on this site. You can find old friends, share photos and stay updated on the latest school news.


Latest Updates from Roosevelt High School Alumni

Walter Tice has someone searching for them.
Susan Greehan has someone searching for them.
Doris Andrews has someone searching for them.
Marcus Patterson has someone searching for them.
Plus many more
Most recent: 3 days ago
Someone visited Mike Ford's profile. 14 days ago
Someone visited Allen Griffel's profile. 14 days ago
Someone visited Ronald Valentine's profile. 14 days ago
Jay Benanav registered as a RHS Class of 1969 alumni.
Jay Benanav added photos to their personal photo gallery.
Jay Benanav updated his profile picture.
Most recent: 14 days ago
John Hyater updated their profile picture.
John Hyater registered as a RHS Class of 1958 alumni.
John Hyater added photos to their personal photo gallery.
Most recent: 26 days ago
Someone visited Joan Madden's profile. April