Green Porno: A Book and Short Films by Isabella Rossellini | Goodreads
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Green Porno: A Book and Short Films

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"I was always fascinated by the infinite‚ strange and ′scandalous′ ways that insects copulate."

− Isabella Rossellini

When Isabella Rossellini and The Sundance Channel set out to make a series of short films for the internet about the sex lives of animals‚ they had no idea what was in store.

GREEN PORNO‚ the colorful‚ indescribable‚ wonderfully odd shorts became a sensation on the internet‚ receiving over 1.3 million views and major national publicity including CNN‚ David Letterman‚ The New York Times Magazine‚ Wired and the Wall Street Journal. The overwhelming success of the shorts led Sundance to commission a second GREEN PORNO series which is to focus on marine animals: shrimp‚ squid seals etc. (The first series focused primarily on insects)

Co−director Jody Shapiro has taken 125 arresting film stills of Isabella dressed in animal costumes which are the centerpiece of the book‚ along with narrative text describing the "love making" process of each animal. Each chapter will also include a quirky‚ freakonomics style one−sheet that includes surprising facts about each species. GREEN PORNO also includes a DVD of both GREEN PORNO series which are not available for sale elsewhere.

Provocative‚ hilarious‚ and truly one of a kind‚ GREEN PORNO is a great gift−−for readers of Michael Pollan and fans of independent film alike. Isabella has committed to promoting the book at the time of publication.


"Shocking‚ whimsical‚ entertaining"−Shine

"[Rossellini] plays the male of each species in splendidly kitschy home−made costumes‚ while explaining the procedures in a humorous running commentary"− Telegraph

"Bright colors‚ goofy leotard−based costumes‚ undulating foam rubber−it′s hot stuff."−Playboy

"Magical" − The Flog

"Rossellini′s subjects carry the weight of a fierce‚ natural morality."− Border Crossings

"A funny and insightful study of the curious ways various bugs "make love." − Hot Docs 2008

"Rossellini has really done the unexpected"− The Auteurs

176 pages, Paperback

First published August 1, 2008

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About the author

Isabella Rossellini

22 books25 followers
Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini is an Italian actress, filmmaker, author, philanthropist, and model. Rossellini is noted for her brief career as a Lancôme model, and for her roles in films such as Blue Velvet and Death Becomes Her.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for Joel.
564 reviews1,806 followers
July 6, 2011
What is screen legend Isabella Rossellini's best performance? Is it...

A) Tortured lounge singer Dorothy Vallens in David Lynch's surreal dark-side-of-suburbia masterpiece Blue Velvet

screen capture from Blue Velvet of Rossellini singing

B) Devious Soviet double agent Katya Derevko, alias "The Sparrow," on TV's Alias

screen capture from Alias of Rossellini in military uniform

C) Jack Donaghy's lustful ex-wife Bianca on 30 Rock*

screen capture from an episode of 30 Rock


D) Beer baroness Lady Port-Huntley in Guy Maddin's surreal musical The Saddest Music in the World

black and white screen capture from Saddest Music in the World of Rossellini with glass legs filled with beer

The correct answer is, of course, E) Whatever the hell this is

screen capture from Green Porno short film with Rossellini dressed in a whale costume made of paper with a very long whale penis

If the pictures in this book aren't enough for you, it also comes with a DVD of short films. "Why?" you may ask. "Why would this beautiful, talented actress, the daughter of filmmaking legends, create a series of YouTube videos in which she has sex with paper maché animals?"

But Isabella Rossellini does not answer. Instead she hands you a tulip, kisses you on the nose, and lights a cigarette.

*Oh dammit Johnny, you know how I love my Big Beef & Cheddar!


Facebook 30 Day Book Challenge Day 30: Favorite coffee table book.
Profile Image for Joshua Nomen-Mutatio.
333 reviews949 followers
March 27, 2010
A one star review of this book stated, "If you want to see Rossellini dressed up in a paper barnacle costume with a long paper penis, then maybe this is the book for you." And then asked, "Honestly, who really wants to see that?"

Yes, I do want to see that. Honestly.

Thanks again for this, karen!
Profile Image for Paula.
Author 2 books233 followers
November 3, 2009
You are KIDDING me. Isabella Rossellini + gigantic paper sculptures + a reenactment of the you-had-no-idea-how-bizarre reproductive practices of marine creatures = four librarians standing reading this book over my shoulder, and each one saying:
"Go back to the beginning - WHAT is this book?"
"Is it a kids' boo- whoops, no, guess it isn't! That's one BIG penis!"
"Isabella Rossellini is aging beautifully."
Profile Image for DB.
56 reviews36 followers
September 30, 2009
Wouldn't have anticipated this in book form, but let me say! The included DVD makes it all make sense. Plus, then, hey presto, you've got your favorite Isabella-Rossellini-in-a-fish-suit-making-a-sex-face still photos bound in one delightful volume! So much win!
Profile Image for Gabriella.
335 reviews
September 4, 2018
The copy I got didn't come with the DVD, so I have yet to watch the film that comes with it - though I recall watching a series she had on Netflix a couple of years ago? (According to Google, the Netflix series may have been Isabella Rossellini's Green Porno Live!) But I've ordered another copy of this book, just so that I can have the DVD that it is supposed to come with.
Even though I haven't gotten to watch the accompanying short films, I love this book. The beautiful art! Everything made of paper sculptures! When you really look at the pictures you see that it is not just the fish or the food that is made of paper, but the pots and pans in the background and the entire stove...they're all brilliant paper sculptures! You get to look at wonderful art, and learn about animals, and their sometimes quirky-to-us sex lives. What's not to love about this book? I think it's genius. I love the concept, the information, and the way she presents it. So fun, creative, and unique! Anyone who appreciates art, sex, and/or animals - give this book a read.
Profile Image for Carrie Adair.
148 reviews59 followers
December 20, 2017
Isabella Rossellini dresses in costume and explains how sex happens in several species of sea creatures. The photographs are placed effectively to show drama and effect. The book cleverly teaches you about sexual reproduction in certain sea creatures while also showing some of the negative effects of over-fishing. It's not a particularly wonderful book, but it is clever and colorful. It also comes with a DVD of short films about the same subject.
120 reviews
April 9, 2021
Delightfully quirky + educational romp in the sea, focus on sexual reproduction of underwater creatures. Bonus: DVD with book. Another from the "read/re-read every book on the shelf" effort.
Profile Image for SmarterLilac.
1,376 reviews61 followers
December 30, 2011
I started to skim this in a local bookstore, and was going to put it back after a few pages. But I decided to finish it. Rossellini accomplished a rare feat here, in getting me to read a strange, abrupt look at environmental damage to the oceans. I learned new terms I'd never heard before, like bycatch and sequential hermaphrodite, and I learned that the Argentinian hake has suffered a population reduction of seventy percent in the last ten years.

I also smiled at her clever use of chapter titles, including the hysterical, 'Why Vagina,' and its amusing comment: 'Sperm is cheap; eggs are precious.'

I might have to watch the films now.
Profile Image for Sara Latta.
112 reviews22 followers
January 3, 2010
My husband got me this book (with DVD) for Christmas. It's science, it's sex, it's seriously entertaining. My only complaint is that while the short films come in two sections, the reproductive habits of insects and the reproductive habits of marine life, the book only covers the latter. Isabella Rossellini is brilliant here. It's not a kid's book, although I'd give it to interested young adults.
Profile Image for Lee Anne.
855 reviews84 followers
February 8, 2010
Fleshy and beautiful (and refreshingly Botox-free) nutjob Isabella Rossellini makes short films in which she dresses up in felt and paper costumes and enacts the sexual practices of various animals. This is a companion book, focusing on sea creatures.

Not only is this book awesome, but I kept my eye on it on the clearance table at work until I bought it for $1.93 ($2, with 10% off with my mom's Member Card, plus tax).

It comes with a companion DVD; for a sample, check out youtube.
Profile Image for Lori.
66 reviews3 followers
November 19, 2011
Who says Science isn't fun? This delightful, slightly obscene little book and DVD are absolutely wonderful with their colorful explanations of the often unusual ways in which propagation takes place in the natural world.
Rosselini is marvelous and often startling, wearing a variety of costumes while magically transforming into insects and sea-life who must go through intricate machinations to be certain their species will survive
Profile Image for Venus.
499 reviews4 followers
September 24, 2009
This is the ultimate example of Celebrity publishing. Not only is it strange, but Isabella Rossellini looks terrible in it. I don't really feel like it deserves any stars, but there you go. If you want to see Rossellini dressed up in a paper barnacle costume with a long paper penis, then maybe this is the book for you. Honestly, who really wants to see that?
Profile Image for Erin.
14 reviews1 follower
January 14, 2010
It took me a while to get into it because of the oddness of the idea (and the shock value of seeing Isabella Rossellini dry-humping construction paper sea creatures), but once that was in the past I was really impressed by the creativity and the execution of the idea. Who knew something that had previously seemed so blandly scientific was in fact so outrageous and shocking? ;)
Profile Image for Jordan.
355 reviews2 followers
August 1, 2014
Can I keep a copy in my future classroom? Because I want to keep a copy in my future classroom. Do parents need to be informed of Rossellini's papier-mâché penis forest?

I should probably ask my professor.

Buy this title from Powell's Books.
Profile Image for Christiane.
95 reviews24 followers
November 23, 2009
This is a fabulous adult picture book, very informative, funny, and filled with amazing facts that I never knew regarding animals and their sexuality.
Profile Image for d4.
352 reviews201 followers
December 7, 2009
I only read the book and haven't had the opportunity to view the included DVD so I don't feel qualified to add a rating. I do admire the concept though.
Profile Image for Nina.
Author 3 books13 followers
January 6, 2010
Wow. Isabella Rossellini is even stranger than I imagined. I love the short films and the book that accompanies them. The book is really that, though, an accompaniment. A vessel for the DVD.
Profile Image for Emily.
854 reviews23 followers
February 8, 2010
I wish some of my favorites would have been in this book, like the spider or the snail, but the whale and the "Why Vagina?" kind of made up for it.
Profile Image for daniel jasiak.
5 reviews1 follower
March 7, 2011
Great strong power and vision for the création
Forget our basic stuff and be happy with this part of art / strong/modern/ and real
Great Isabella R !
Profile Image for Brett.
413 reviews1 follower
March 14, 2011
The book form of Isabella Rossellini's short films seems a little indulgent and unnecessary. The short films are great and stand on their own, while the book feels like an easy cash-in.
Profile Image for Brandon.
94 reviews11 followers
April 13, 2012
Ordered some take-out fried chicken and started/finished this book while waiting for my name to be called. So, not a heavy read. Cute. Book is an afterthought to the short movies.
Profile Image for Ofer Albanese.
15 reviews
April 28, 2014
So bizarre, so wonderful, so utterly Isabella. The DVD is a bonus experience all its own.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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