Y&R recap: Victor Knocks Out Jordan, Kyle Rescues Harrison, Belle Appears

Y&R Recap: Victor Knocks Out Jordan, Kyle Rescues Harrison, and Traci’s Startled Seeing Ashley’s New Persona, Belle

Wed April 24, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Daniel comforts his sister, Traci and Jack discuss options for helping Ashley, and Nikki tries to lure Jordan out.

Tuessday’s recap: Mamie offended Lily, Jordan’s accomplice revealed everything, and the Board voted against Nate.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on April 24. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Nikki goes to an alley to meet with Jordan. She starts yelling that she’s on her own and taunting her, accusing her of being a coward like her sister.

nikki calls for jordan in alley

At the red door motel, Jordan asks Harrison if he likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. That’s what she raised Claire on.

harrisona nd jordan with pbj

She thinks about how he must have been able to have anything he wanted on demand.

That’s almost enough to make her weep.

When he won’t eat the sandwich, she tells him it’s time to learn one of life’s lessons.

Revenge never comes cheap.

jordan not pleased with harrison

He slaps the sandwich away and accuses her of being a witch.

harrison knocks plate away

She tells him his mom and dad don’t love him or want him anymore.

He better decides to be nice to her because she’s all he’s got.

Her phone tings.

It’s a message from Nikki saying that she’s waiting.

jordan listens to messages

Jordan is sure this is a trap. Looking at Harrison, she thinks she has all the leverage.

No one else knows where the “brat” is.

Smiling, she thinks about all the fun she could have torturing Nikki and forcing her to get drunk.

jordan considers the options

She decides to meet her and takes off, ordering the kid to keep his mouth shut and not try anything.

harrison told to stay quiet

Jack returns to the Abbott estate and worries to Tracy about how slowly this is all going.

jack and tracy talk harrison

She says Jordan won’t win this time.

He asks about Ashley’s therapy session. She says it didn’t happen.

Traci explains that their sister was nervous on the way over.

She tries to keep her calm.

traci tells jack what went wrong

When they got there, Ashley was suddenly calm and focused.

In the waiting room, she snapped at her for hovering and then left for the ladies’ room and never returned.

All her calls are going to voicemail. They can’t keep up with all the mood changes and the weird ways she talks.

The longer she doesn’t get treatment, the longer it will take for her to get well again.

jack and traci talk sister running off

He tries calling their sister and leaves a message promising they are not judging her and begging her to come home.

They don’t know how to protect her or get her the treatment she needs.

Traci is shocked when he suggests they might have to commit her.

traci can't keep up with the changes

It kills him to consider it but how much choice do they have.

She says they need to find the part of her that wants help.

She’s never seen their sister so fragile and desperate.

Jack says that forcing the issue might be the only answer.

jack is desperate for options

Traci worries it will only alienate her further.

He’s open to any alternative.

Traci suggests the problem may be having to sit down with a stranger and start from scratch.

She thinks they should get her into therapy with her friend in Paris.

traci suggests they get the guy from paris

Jack agrees that could work.

First, they have to find their sister.

She offers to go and search her favorite spots while he stays and waits for news about Harrison.

She’s sure this must be pushing him to his limits.

Jack says nothing is too much when it comes to family.

traci and jack plan next moves

Traci says he sounds like their father.

That’s the nicest compliment she could give him.

They hug and she promises to be in touch and will track down the therapist.

traci jack hug

Once she leaves, Kyle explains that he checked out some security footage and it had Jordan on it as well as her car.

They hope this is getting them closer to finding Harrison.

Jack tells him not to approach Jordan on her own and let the authorities handle it.

kyle calls with update

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Daniel finds his sister on the patio of Crimson Lights and lectures her for not returning any of his calls and texts.

daniel meets summer at crimson lights

It’s been radio silence from her while she always lays into him if he doesn’t respond immediately.

She tells him it’s Harrison and it’s bad.

As she sobs, he holds her.

daniel hugs sister

She fills him in and he tries to wrap his head around what’s happened.

There’s a massive team searching but no one trusts each other.

Chance is trying to make sure things are done by the books but Jack and Victor could be dangerous.

Kyle keeps defending Claire.

Her brother says they can figure out her role later and they should just focus on Harrison.

daniel can't wrap his head around this

Taking her hand, Daniel tells her she can do this and she just needs to stay strong.

She didn’t want to dump all of this on him when she was freaking out but today she needs her brother.

He asks if their mom knows.

He offers to run interference and stop her from making things worse.

daniel and summer talk mom being helpful

Summer says she obviously wants to do something but is holding back and being supportive.

That’s been a relief.

Daniel says maybe it’s time to believe she’s changed and asks what he can do.

His sister wants him to keep her company.

summer needs some company

He’s not going anywhere and suggests she say a prayer.

It can’t hurt.

He gets her a giant muffin and urges her to eat it.

summer and muffin

She gets a text and runs.

When Traci goes to the GCAC to look for her sister, she bumps into Danny.

danny bumps into traci at gcac

They are happy to see each other.

He apologizes for cancelling on her and suggests they have a cup of tea or something before he has to take off.

He sees she’s frazzled and offers her his shoulder.

danny asks traci for drink

She agrees to stay for a minute as long as they only talk about happy things.

As they have tea, he fills her in on the battle between Christine and Phyllis. It makes her laugh.

He wonders what she’s trying so hard not to talk about.

She admits her family is going through a rough patch but she can’t talk about it.

When she mentions she’s searching for Ashley, he offers to help. She turns him down.

Danny tells her he loves her and gives her a hug.

Wearing a red dress, Ashley’s latest alter “Belle” saunters into the jazz lounge.

With a Southern accent, she orders a shot of tequila and licks her hand.

ashley orders drink

After she downs a shot and sucks a lime, she seeks Jack calling but says he will have to wait.

bartender smiling at ashley

She calls the bartender to hit her again and checks out his backside.

After telling him she’s single, she talks about how wonderful she’s smelling.

That’s because she’s wearing the parfum Femme magique and she created it herself.

Giggling, she says she may have named it after herself.

ashley flirting with bartender Y&R

Gliding over to the piano, she tells the man sitting there to play.

As he does, she grinds against the piano and coos.

He keeps playing and she tells him how great his hands are.

ashley listening to piano

Throwing her arms up, she declares that she’s cutting loose after being caught in “three hearts and a cot.”

She starts to vent about how she’s been trapped when all she wants is a pleasant solution.

She loves that everyone has free will there.

Everyone has a vote on what she does and that’s no fun.

She doesn’t see what difference it makes if she can’t remember this or that because she’s having fun.

ashley ccos about freedom

Running her hands through his hair, she tells him not to stop the music.

As he plays Scott Joplin, she starts hooting.

Traci walks in, spots her, and her jaw drops.

traci shocked to find ashley

Kyle arrives at the red door motel.

When he calls through the door to Harrison and gets a reply, he kicks the door open.

Harrison runs into his arms.

kyle finds harrison

Back in the alley, Nikki gets a text from Victor about Jordan, asking her to come immediately.

She texts back to say she’s in the middle of something.

nikki gets text from victor

She calls out for Jordan again.

Jordan eventually pops up.

jordan arrives in alley Y&R

As she calls for Nikki, Victor eventually pops up behind her and knocks her out with chloroform.

victor knocks out jordan

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