No Voter I.D. because…

North Carolina justices sweep away district, voter ID rulings

To obtain a driver’s license, you have to show forms of identification:  a birth certificate, a passport, a utility bill, etc.  To vote, it’s a free-for-all.  Anybody with a pulse can vote…and in some cases, even that isn’t necessary.

It’s well known, Nixon lost the 1960 General Election by a narrow margin, credited to ballot-box stuffing for the winner John Kennedy.

It is 2024 and we, as a nation, still have no voter I.D. card.  It’s obvious why.

In 2020, Biden would win every swing state with the infamous Covid ballots – voter dumps without proof of verifications as to who was voting or where they came from.  Counterfeits ballots.

2024.  Some 18 million illegal aliens have invaded our borders, courtesy of the Biden-Obama doctrine.  Will they be allowed to vote?  What’s to stop them?  We our living in a  lawless country.  Despite what the MSM broadcasts, they are not “pilgrims”.  They are young men of military age.  Many are from the Middle East and Northern Africa – Muslim nations.  These people have no intention of assimilating.  They are jihadists.  This is Obama’s revenge on the United States.  He is the front man for the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group.  For those who have read Obama’s autobiography “Dreams from my Father”, (ghostwritten by Bill Ayers), you’ll discover Obama is a hater of Western colonist powers.  He is a foreign-born Marxist-Muslim punishing America for perceived past wrongdoing.

Protestors and government supporters clash in Yemen - News - Region - Emirates24|7

The Democratic Party is willing to put up with this criminal behavior as a means for more power.  If the Republican Party is out-numbered by the millions of illegals entering the USA, the Dems are fine with it.  But, like a Frankenstein monster, the future does not bode well for us.  As we have seen in Europe, it’s being overrun by Muslim immigrants who rape and murder their way across the Western world.  All of this done to win an election.

Germany New Year’s Sexual Violence Cases Reveal Misogyny’s Control On Public | Youth Ki Awaaz

Text © 2024 – EricReports

Is Biden being eased out?

Biden: 81 years old and doesn’t look a day over 90.

Biden is a walking-talking gaffe.  No one knows what he’ll do or say next.  If re-elected, by early-mid 2025, you’ll see less and less of him and more and more of, as Biden calls her, “the black Indian”.

Meet the mother of Kamala Harris, Shyamala Gopalan- who flew from Chennai to USA and became ...

Will Biden go away quietly?  Depends on his condition.  Dems are afraid one day “Creepy Joe” will blurt out the truth one day about the rigged election.  Or…

Does Biden actually believe he won?

How self-aware is Biden?  Back in 2020, Biden was told “for the good of the country” there’d be some voting irregularities designed for his eventual victory.  And he was fine with it.  Now, I think Biden has talked himself into believing he won.

Many insiders have called  Biden’s 2021-2024 term, Obama’s 3rd term.  Many of the controlling forced behind “Sleepy Joe” will do the same for the new faux Pres. Kamala Harris.  (Will she be controlled?)

If the DNC is running a propped-up illusionary democracy, all future Democratic presidents will be beholden to the criminal system that put them there.

Text  © 2024 – ERN

They All Laughed

They All Laughed (1981) - Posters — The Movie Database (TMDB)

Director Peter Bogdanovich’s “comedy” has become primarily known as the third and last film Dorothy Stratten appeared in.  1980’s Playmate of the Year was killed by a shotgun blast to the face by her husband/manager Paul Snider, who then killed himself.  Bogdanovich, the survivor of the lover’s triangle was left alone to edit his film.

Backstory.  “They All Laughed” was written for Audrey Hepburn by the director himself and meant to be a throwback to the screwball comedies of yesteryear.

Earlier in 1979, after meeting and falling in love with Miss Stratten, Peter would rewrite the script, making her character central to the two stories happening simultaneously.   (Audrey Hepburn and Ben Gazzara’s roles were shortened to make room for the Dorothy Stratten-John Ritter story.)

PLOT.  Three detectives, (Ben Gazarra as John Russo, John Ritter as Charles Rutledge and Blane Novak as Arthur Brodsky) investigate two seperate cases.  Russo is hired to find out if Audrey Hepburn’s character (Angela Niotes) is having an affair.  Rutledge is investigating Stratten’s character Dolores Martin.

What Works, What Doesn’t

It’s always good to see Audrey Hepburn again.

They All Laughed (1981) - MUBI

Ben Gazzara with Audrey Hepburn

This would be one her last film roles.  It’s too bad she doesn’t have much to do, except play off a morose Ben Gazarra, who was going through a divorce at the time.  [A year earlier, they had their own affair while filming “Bloodline” (1979).]

Bloodline (1979)

Dorothy Stratten has an undeniable screen presence.

Dorothy Stratten

Whether she can act or not is beside the point:   she is playing herself.  Besides stunning good looks, she knew how to move and that is not a little thing.  Graceful, tall, lean and voluptuous, Bogdannovich artfully uses her to her best effect.  It’s unfortunate others used her for their own ends.

John Ritter’s comedic timing is perfect for the film.

with John Ritter

His scenes with Stratten and Coleen Camp (as C & W singer Christy Miller) are the highpoints.  The standout, laugh-out-loud moments are the rolling rink sequence with Dorothy –

and the “touch assist” massage he gets from Coleen Camp.

John Ritter with Coleen Camp

As comedies go, “They All Laugh” is unusually long and complicated.  It may take several viewing for the average viewer to figure it out.

For Dorothy’s fans, it’s a must.  She would never be more gorgeous and like a flower be cut down in her prime.


Text © 2024 – EricReports

Election ’24-Before It Happens

Trump vs. Biden 2024 will be all-time ugly — and the media's making it worse |

Faux Pres. Biden said he’d be happy to debate Trump.  Yeah, right.  Biden knows the MSM is 100% in the bag for him.  He also expects to win any swing state by the same method of 2020 – stopping the ballot-counting and then re-starting it with counterfeit drop-off ballots.  This idea fails if Trump is too far ahead.  Even the crooked DNC can’t steal a landslide victory.


1.) 2024 is a repeat of 2020.  Trump wins – and there is no way possible he can’t win with the economy the way it is – but, Dems steal it again by claiming a narrow victory in the state of Pennsylvania.  (Corrupt state officials have already promised it to Biden.)

2.)  Trump wins and the Dems go ape shit.  They’re planning to say the Trump win is a steal.  (Not sure how that happen since Dems control the election process.)  Dems will do what they do best:  riot and protest.  The MSM calls it “exercising their 1st Amendment rights.”  When the Republicans do it, it’s called an “insurrection”.

Soros & Democrats - Representation For Sale2nd Night of Trump Protests Brings 29 Arrests in Oregon - The New York Times

Bernie supporters - Protests at the 2016 Democratic National Convention - Pictures - CBS News

3.)  Trump and/or Biden don’t run.  Biden may suddenly drop out because of his vegetative mind or he may just die of old age.  As Tucker Carlson has predicted, Trump may be assassinated:  a victim of the deep state.  Replacements:  VP Kamala Harris, Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom, FL. Gov. Ron DeSantis or whoever Trump picks as his running mate.

Text © 2024 – ERN

Reincarnation (Who Were You)

You may be reincarnated.

Who were you?  Were you a man or a woman in a past life?  Does karma predetermine your destiny?  Will you be rewarded or punished by this life’s actions?

Reincarnation is in the Bible.

Jesus is Tempted by Satan, Luke 4, verses 1-8, New King James Version.

1 Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit [a]into the wilderness, being [b]tempted for forty days by the devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry.

And the devil said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.”

But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, [c]but by every word of God.’ 

[d]Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

And Jesus answered and said to him, [e]“Get thee behind Me, Satan! [f]For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ 

In verse 5, Satan offers Jesus power over the world, not at one time, but for all time.  How would this be possible in just one lifetime?

Matthew 16, verses 13-16

13 When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”

14 So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

The disciples show their belief in reincarnation.  While Jesus is not reincarnated, he does not refute their belief in reincarnation.

Have you ever met someone before and it was as if you already knew them?  Do you have a special talent that no one taught you, but you knew?  Are you able to learn languages quickly, faster than other people?  In your dreams, do you visit places you have never been before as somebody else?   Your best allies and worst enemies may play roles in your current life.

Reincarnation, Wheel of fate, Cycle of Souls, Samsara J.W. Connelly | Sacred geometry ...

Text © 2024 – EricReports

Elvis Death

The last photo of Elvis Presley taken at the gates of Graceland.

August 16, 1977.  The first person to see Elvis Presley dead was his fiancée Ginger Alden.  It had been six hours since she had last checked on him.  (Elvis former girlfriend Linda Thompson would not have let this happen.)   Elvis was found face down in front of the toilet.  Ginger assumed he had fallen into a drug-induced sleep.  Turning his head to see his purple face and his tongue caught between his teeth proved otherwise. on Tumblr: 39 Years Ago Today: Elvis Presley died in his upstairs bathroom at Graceland (FOLLOW LINK IN BIO TO SEE HIS BEDROOM & BATHROOM...

The head of Elvis’s security force Joe Esposito was called in.  Turning Elvis over, a gasp of air escaped.  Joe, too, wrongly thought his boss might still be alive.  The fact was Elvis had been dead for over two hours.  Rigor mortis had already set in.

An ambulance was called.  Joe tried CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.  The household staff became alert to the emergency.  Worst of all, so did Elvis’s daughter Lisa Marie who tried to run in the bathroom.  Ginger blocked her, locking the door.

The ambulance team was told by Elvis half-brother Rick Stanley that it might be an overdose.  (He should know.  He, along with Elvis’s dentist administered the fatal medications.)  It took five men to place Elvis on the gurney.  The King had ballooned to 255 pounds.

Elvis’s doctor, Dr. “Nick” Nichopoulos and Joe Esposito boarded the ambulance.  Ginger, who had finally made up her mind to go, had the back of the ambulance door shut in her face.

Dr. “Nick” feverishly worked at reviving the corpse that rocked the world.

Meanwhile, back at Graceland, Ginger consoled eight year old Lisa saying that her Daddy would be all right.  Others prayed.

Adrenalin was injected into the heart in a futile attempt to resurrect the fallen King.  An ambulance worker said it looked like Elvis was already dead.  These desperate attempts at life soon faded.  Elvis Presley – the King of Rock and Roll was pronounced dead from cardiac arrhythmia at 3:30 p.m.

The last jumpsuit that fit him – the Aztec sun design


Col. Parker with Elvis

Col. Tom Parker would continue to manage Elvis’s legacy, collecting 75% instead of 50%.  This would continue until Lisa Marie reached maturity; whereupon, it was revealed that the Colonel had been scamming the Presley family for over thirty years.

Ginger Alden was shut out from the Presley family after appearing in an exploitation film titled “Living Legend:  The King of Rock and Roll”.  In 2014, she would write a book about their affair titled “Elvis and Ginger”.

Elvis with Ginger, Dec. 1976

Elvis’s father Vernon Presley, age 63, died two years later from a heart attack.

Elvis’s father

Lisa Marie Presley, age 54, would die from a bowel obstruction, the end result of bariatric surgery.

Elvis’s daughter

Benjamin Storm Presley Keough, Elvis’s only grandson would die at the age of 27 from suicide.  (Death by gunshot.)

Elvis’s grandson

Text © 2024 – EricReports

Elvis Suicide (Part IV)

Elvis ex-wife Priscilla and his half-brother Rick Stanley have either said or implied that Elvis Presley killed himself with a deliberate drug overdose.  Their theory goes that Elvis saved up his medications (known as “attacks”) and then took them all at once.  Is there a hole in this theory?  Possibly.

Elvis and Ginger Alden (1977)

Elvis’s girlfriend Ginger Alden was sleeping in the next room.  Wouldn’t she save him if awakened?  (Except, she didn’t.)

Additionally, I don’t believe Elvis would want to die by a toilet or commit suicide with his daughter Lisa Marie in the house.

The Turning Point – 1976

Col. Tom Parker and Elvis argued over the amount of money he way paying his new backup group named *****.  Parker said they weren’t worth $100,000, only $50,000.  “El” said he would pay them whatever he wanted.  In truth, ***** was being paid extra for supplying the “King of Rock ‘n Roll” cocaine.  Elvis’s bodyguard Red West attacked a member of the group, saying he would break one of his bones for each drug transaction he made in the future.  Soon after, Red was reprimanded by his boss Elvis in front of Sonny West.  After a long discussion, Elvis finally told Red, “I need it, man.  I need it.”

Written by his bodyguards shortly after they were fired.

August 1, 1977.  The scandal book “Elvis – What Happened?” had been released, detailing the years of drug abuse.  The “King” had plans to deny all by writing his own book and by marrying Ginger.  Unfortunately, his appearance in “Elvis in Concert” only proved what the book was saying:  that his life had become a train wreck.

Elvis 1977

In my opinion, the drugs taken on Aug. 15-16 1977, had a culminative effect.  The steady buildup of nearly a dozen drugs (Codeine, Quaaludes) built up in Elvis’s system, causing a fatal reaction.  Did he plan it that way?  I don’t see proof.  Like most addicts, “El” was in denial and thought he had it under control.  It was only a matter of time before it killed him.

Text © 2024 – ERN

Christine Chubbuck – Death by Loneliness

Christine Chubbuck (1944-1974)

On  July 15, 1974, news reporter Christine Chubbuck committed suicide, on air, by shooting herself in the head.  Her following statement took place after reading the news:  “In keeping with Channel 40’s policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts and in living color, you are going to see another first.  An attempted suicide.”

Actress Rebecca Hall as Christine Chubbuck

“Christine” is a 2016 film, a docudrama detailing the last days of Ms. Chubbuck.  Actress Rebecca Hall had only fifteen minutes of surviving video left to work with.  (The video was from “Suncoast Digest”; the Sarasota, Florida news program she hosted.)

How accurate “Christine” is, is something only Ms. Chubbuck would know.  Her fellow co-workers would detail what happened, but ask yourself, if your life was put on film by those who knew you, would they get it right?

PLOT.  Christine Chubbuck, 29, works for a small TV-news station.  She seems to strive for excellence, yet can’t get along with her boss…or anyone else.  She has few friends, no boyfriends, no social life and feels unfulfilled.  She lives with her mother who has a boyfriend.  The mother can’t help, except to offer advice or a return to psychiatric care.  (Christine had attempted suicide four years earlier.)

A trip to the doctor finds a cyst on her ovaries.  The doctor tells her she needs an operation, leaving Christine with only a few years left to conceive.

Christine’s love interest is a fellow newscaster, who as it turns out, is having an affair with her best friend.  When she finds out, the die is cast.

Much can be said about this true story.. that it’s emblematic of modern women with a career, but no love life or family of their own.  In the world we live in, some people can’t survive or adapt to modern times.

For me, those who knew Christine failed her.  They didn’t give of themselves.  They weren’t available.  Why she took herself out in such a public way – live and on television – only Christine can answer.

Christine (2016) - FilmAffinity

Text © 2024 – EricReports

The Crow Aftermath

Haunted Lake View Cemetery Seattle | hubpages

Following Brandon Lee’s sudden death, the filmmakers originally did not want to complete “The Crow”.

Shortly before his death, Brandon Lee would do his last interview contained on home video.

$18 million had already been p0ured into the troubled production.  To the press, it was told the movie would be finished because “Brandon would have wanted it that way.”  In reality, it was done because too much money had been invested.


Eight days remained on the shooting schedule.  Most of what was missing was Brandon Lee’s portrayal of Eric Draven BEFORE his character was killed.  Fortunately, enough of the backstory was filmed for it to make sense.  Director Alex Proyas would cut this down t0 a series of montages.  The role of Shelly Webster (played by Sofia Shinas) would be reduced.

Consequently, “The Crow” would be mostly about the returned-to-life avenger and not the indie rock star and front-man for the band called “Hangman’s Joke”.

Digital and CGI effects were in their infancy back in 1993.  Nevertheless, through clever editing, rotoscopes, doubling and CGI, what wasn’t filmed with Lee was done with the art of special effects.

The cast and crew had mixed feelings about finishing “The Crow” without Brandon.  A few of the crew quit.  The Lee family decided it was the right thing to do, so the public would get to see him in his star-making role.

The studio that was signed on to distribute it – Paramount – backed out.  The up-and-coming Miramax (headed by Bob and Harvey Weinstein) saw its potential.  “There’s no such thing as bad publicity,” said Harvey Weinstein.  “The Crow” would be released on May 13, 1994, reaching #1 at the box office.


The soundtrack album would achieve similar success.

Actress Rochelle Davis (Sarah) asked if an hour and a half movie was worth someone’s life.

Rochelle Davis as Sarah in “The Crow”

On the VHS version of “The Crow”, Brandon Lee’s said without equivocation that he would do the same thing as Eric Draven . . . This kind of violence was justified.  It would be cut from the Blu Ray edition.

“The Crow” and its sequels.

Text © 2024 – EricReports

The Crow – The Ultimate Snuff Film

Brandon Lee - The Crow movie poster - 11x17 Trendy Movie Posters - Picture 1 of 7

On March 30, 1993, actor Brandon Lee was fatally shot on the set of “The Crow”.   After a great deal of controversy, the film was completed with a body double and digital effects.  Upon its 1994 release, it received praise, especially for Lee’s final performance.

Brandon Lee starred in “The Crow” (1994) – his last film.

What Went Wrong?

Over the years, numerous conspiracy theories have developed. leaves nothing off the table.  Let us deal with the facts of evidence.


A box of live ammo was brought on set to be used as a prop.

While this ammo was removed and placed in a car, crew members were aware of its existence.


Live ammo was used to make homemade blank cartridges.  

For a 2nd unit scene, blanks were needed for a closeup of a gun firing.  The same aforementioned crew members retrieved this live ammunition and made their own blank cartridges by screwing off the tip of the bullet and tapping out the primer (gunpowder.)  Residue of the gunpowder was left over, enough for the tip of the bullet to be ejected into the barrel of the gun when it was fired.  No one was injured yet, but the bullet’s tip was left behind in the barrel.


No gun expert (armorer) was used for the fatal scene.

While “The Crow” used armorers for earlier sequences that contained semi and fully automatic weaponry, none was used for the .44 caliber revolver.  This was done to save money.


A prop-master was used instead of a gun expert.

The prop-master in question was young and inexperienced.  Two weeks would go by before the fatal scene with Brandon Lee.  In that time, the gun had not been checked or cleaned.


Michael Massee, the actor who fired the gun at Brandon Lee, wasn’t told to point it away from Lee.

Michael Massee

Cost-cutting measures, inexperienced crew members, 18-hour work shifts and constant pressure to finish the movie in eight weeks, led to an unsafe set where somebody was bound to get hurt or killed . . . and that’s exactly what happened.

Actress Sofia Shinas, who played Lee’s fiancée Shelley, stated that she had a premonition someone would be hurt during filming.  She just didn’t know who.

Sofia Shinas


Brandon Lee (as Eric Draven) enters through an apartment doorway holding a bag of groceries.  Inside, his fiancée Shelley (Sofia Shinas) is being attacked by a gang of thugs.  Funboy (Michael Massee) wildly swings his arm in the direction of Lee, firing the .44 Magnum.

The scene continued on until its conclusion.  Those who witnessed it believed Lee was acting when he fell down.  But, a witness said they heard him say “Cut” and make a hand gesture to stop the scene.  Afterwards, he never regained consciousness.  Lee would die on set, then be revived by a medic performing CPR and an emergency tracheotomy.

Rushed to the hospital, Brandon Lee would die on the operating table early the next morning.  The .44 Magnum tip would be found at the base of his spine.  By the time Lee’s mother and sister arrived he was already dead.

Eliza Hutton and Brandon Lee were engaged to be married the following month.

Officially, the last scene was examined by police and then destroyed.  (If that is true.)

The film company Carolco was fined for carelessness.  Lee’s family received an out-of-court settlement.

It was decided to complete the film: “In honor of the memory of Brandon Lee.”


Before filming, threats were made by anonymous sources not to make this movie.

Brandon Lee had planned to investigate what really caused the death of his father, Bruce Lee, who died in 1973, from an allergic reaction to Equagesic.  Bruce Lee’s last incomplete film “Game of Death” contains a scene where his character is shot on set.

From “Game of Death”

The Beautiful Dark Of Life Lyrics - Atreyu | LyricsminVector All-seeing Eye, Eye in the Sky with Light Ray, Symbol of the Masons, Illuminati ...

The Illuminati is an upper echelon that secretly controls government and business with ties to Satanism.  (Blood sacrifice.)  Often times, their crime is hidden in plain sight.  How much more obvious can it be made to kill your victim on camera, on film, with everybody watching?

Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee – Like father, like son

Family Curse.  Because Bruce Lee taught the martial arts to non-Asians, the Chinese triad placed a curse on the Lee family.  Bruce Lee would die under mysterious circumstances at the age of 32.  Son Brandon would die of a gunshot wound – age 28.


Since then, “The Crow” has continued to make money with sequels, a TV series and on home video.  A 4K release is coming this year.

Brandon Lee comments in the “Extras” section of “The Crow”.  “We do not know when we will die.  How many times will we experience a certain event – an event that helped shape our lives?”

Those who were on set said Brandon was having the time of his life before he died and believed “The Crow” would be a new beginning for him.  In a way, it was.

Durge 1988 - YouTube

Text © 2024 – EricReports

“Rust” Verdict

Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed seen in mugshot after involuntary manslaughter conviction sees her face 18 months in prison for the death of cinematographer shot by Alec Baldwin | Daily Mail Online

Armorer Hannah Guiterrez-Reid was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the 2021 shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of the unfinished film called “Rust”.  Hutchins would be fatally shot while discussing/rehearsing a scene with actor/producer Alec Baldwin, who claims he did not pull the trigger.

Halyna Hutchins stands in front of the Illuminati eye.

Earlier, the gun had been used for target practice; however, the defendants maintain they don’t know how or why a live round was used instead of a blank cartridge.

Alec Baldwin’s trial is set for July.

Alec Baldwin on the set of “Rust”

Text © 2024 – ERN

Oscar Predictions

Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer stands in front of the ignited "Gadget" nuclear bomb.

Best Picture – Oppenheimer

Best Actor  – Cillian Murphy for Oppenheimer

Best Actress – Emma Stone – Poor Things

Best Supporting Actor – Robert Downey, Jr. – Oppenheimer

Best Supporting Actress – Da’Vine Joy Randolph – The Holdovers

Best Director -Chris Nolan – Oppenheimer

Best Song from “Barbie” – “What was I made for?” (Sung by Billie Elish)

Dems Can’t Win

Michelle Obama won’t run in 2024

There’s little to no chance of former First Lady Michelle Obama running for the Presidency in 2024 for one good reason.  The Democrats are about to have their fat asses handed to them on a silver platter.  The big M.O. knows it.  Trump is winning in every major poll and is even making inroads with people under 30 and blacks.  If the Republicans can’t win against the vegetable Biden, it’s time for them to turn in their penis.

The biggest loser of 2024 is Nikki Haley.  A fake, propped-up candidate and a tool of the left.  She was designed to somehow steal it from Trump.  What a joke.

VP Kamala Harris loses, even if she inherits the Presidency from the fossil.  They’ll say she wasn’t duly elected and they would be right.

It was pure, dumb luck Biden was chosen (not elected) as President:  the Covid ballots, the riots and the other candidates being forced to quit.  It was pretty much handed to him.

2024 is another story.  We’ve seen what he can do, which isn’t much, except for eating ice cream.  If you’re happy with a crumbling economy, open borders and lost wars, vote Biden.

Dems and the MSM still try to portray illegal aliens as Mexicans looking for work.  I wish that were true.  The new immigrants are from North Africa and Arabic (terrorist) countries.  How’d that happen?

Obama, the closet President

People may expect miracles from Trump.  As President, if he deports the terrorists who are sneaking across our borders, stops printing money indiscriminately, lowers fuel prices, stops giving handouts to grifters, puts our nation’s interests first and stays out of any unnecessary wars, we’ll be all right.

Text © 2024 – ERN

Nikki Haley Quits



Following Super Tuesday, where Nikki Haley lost every state except Vermont, the fake propped-up anti-Trump “Republican” candidate has officially dropped out of the 2024 Presidential race.  Biden commented that he hopes those who voted for Haley would vote for him.  Was there any doubt?

It’s no secret RINO Nikki Haley was being funded by Democrats to ruin Trump’s nomination.  Top Democrat donors were the only ones keeping her campaign going.  (Reid Hoffman gave $250,000.)  Some far left wackos voted for her in the primaries.  It wasn’t enough for her to win.

Haley’s role model and reason for running, she said, was Hillary Clinton.  Would a Republican say that?

Her main talking point was that Trump can’t beat Joe Biden.  And she could?!

While I still believe VP Harris will run, if Biden runs and wins, it is solid proof the Dems stole it in 2020.  Biden has the thinking power of a cheese ball.  There’s no way possible for him to win in 2024 without cheating and the left know it.

Text © 2024 – EricReports

Oscars – Past & Present

Oscar The Oscars GIF - Oscar The Oscars Oscar Winner - Discover & Share GIFs

In recent years, the Academy Awards (nicknamed “Oscars”) have become increasingly irrelevant.  New rules of “woke-ism” have been created to ensure that the “right” films win.  Who is the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts & Sciences to tell me a movie is better because it agrees with their ideology?

In the past, the show was more watchable, had more “movie stars” and seemed more important.  There have also been some good choices.  Examples, below…

Sandy Dennis for “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (1966)

Peter Finch for “Network” (1976)

Timothy Hutton for “Ordinary People” (1980)

George C. Scott for “Patton” (1970)

Charlton Heston for “Ben-Hur” (1959)

Cliff Robertson for “Charly” (1968)

Liza Minnelli for Cabaret (1972)

Eileen Heckart for “Butterflies are Free” (1973)

Poor Choices and those who should have won…

1965’s Oscar winner for Best Actor: Lee Marvin for “Cat Ballou”

Probably the best example of Oscar’s hugest blunders would be in 1965.  Lee Marvin won that year for “Cat Ballou”, a “comedy” western.   For me, it should have been either Rod Steiger for “The Pawnbroker” or Richard Burton for “The Spy Who Came In from the Cold”.

Rod Steiger for “The Pawnbroker”

Richard Burton for “The Spy Who Came In from the Cold

Goldie Hawn won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for “Cactus Flower” (1969)

The better choice that year was Catherine Burns for “Last Summer” (1969)

Glenda Jackson won “Best Actress” twice  for “Women in Love” (1970) and “A Touch of Class” (1973)

Carrie Snodgress should’ve won for “Diary of a Mad Housewife” (1970)

Ellen Burstyn should have won for “The Exorcist” (1973)

Paul Scofield in

Paul Scofield won Best Actor for “A Man for All Seasons” (1966)

Richard Burton should have won for “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (1966)

Dustin Hoffman won Best Actor for “Kramer vs. Kramer” (1979)

Peter Sellers should’ve won for “Being There: (1979)

Diane Keaton won for a Best Actress Oscar for “Annie Hall” when she should have won for….

“Looking for Mr. Goodbar” (1977)

Cloris Leachman won Best Supporting Actress for “The Last Picture Show” (1971)

The better choice: Ann-Margret for “Carnal Knowledge” (1971) or…

Barbara Harris for “Who is Harry Kellerman and why is he saying those terrible things about me?” (1971)

Jack Lemmon won Best Actor for “Save the Tiger” in 1973.

Marlon Brando should have won for “Last Tango in Paris” (1973)

Dustin Hoffman won Best Actor (again) for “Rain Man” (1988)

The Oscar should’ve gone to Jeremy Irons for “Dead Ringers” (1988)

What about those performances that weren’t even nominated?

Jack Nicholson and Shelly Duvall for “The Shining” (1980)

Dustin Hoffman and Susan George for “Straw Dogs” (1971)

Malcolm McDowell for “A Clockwork Orange” (1971)

Mia Farrow for “Rosemary’s Baby” (1968)

Genevieve Bujold | Geneviève bujold, Classic film stars, Old movie stars

Genevieve Bujold for “Obsession” (1976)

John Wayne for “The Shootist” (1976)

2024 prediction:  the big winner for this year’s Oscars will be “Oppenheimer” (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor.)

Hilarious Cartoon Shows HARD TRUTH About Evolution of Oscars

Text © 2024 – EricReports

DOJ declares Biden – “Elderly man with a poor memory…”

How Joe Biden will float to victory.

Feb. 8, 2024.  Department of Justice Special Council Robert Hur announced that criminal charges would be dropped against (faux) President Joe Biden, because a jury would not convict him based on his “poor memory”.   In the report, Biden was faulted with recklessness in his handling of classified documents he brought to his home and stored in his garage.  (To be used for his autobiography.)  Biden would read off this “Top Secret” information to his ghostwriter in violation of Federal Law.

It was also commented on that Biden couldn’t remember when his son Beau died or what years he was vice-president.

Biden would fight back in an ill-advised press conference, wherein he appeared, as previously described – old, forgetful, confused and cantankerous.

50 Most Fantastic Joe Biden Memes - Funny Pictures –


Under normal circumstances, Biden would be removed from office based on the U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment.   But, the DNC has significant clout as does First Lady Jill Biden, who wants her husband to run and win again.  Reportedly, “Dr.” Jill hates Trump and while knowing her husband is in the advanced stages of senility, pushes him to continue as President, when he is no longer capable.  It’s clear Biden’s (Obama’s) inner circle is running the show.

Also, isn’t it a foregone conclusion that if the same apparatus that won it for Biden in 2020, would do the same for him in 2024?

To make it seem less obvious, the cheaters will allow Trump to win more swing states than last time.  Make it a squeaker.  Biden wins by one state, e.g. Pennsylvania.

The MSM is 100% in Biden’s camp.  When Biden is declared the winner – history repeats itself all over again.

The DNC, Biden, Obama, and others involved will continue on with the second biggest steal of the century.

What are the Republicans going to do about it?  Another January 6th?  Don’t think so.  An investigation?  They did that last time.  The so-called investigation found that there was cheating, but not enough to change the election, which is an oxymoron.  If you admit there was cheating, why don’t you say how much?  Is it because you don’t know or don’t want to say because it would destroy the system?

As the deep-state swamp was forced to accept Obama as President, even though he is foreign-born, likewise, they were forced to accept the stolen 2020 Election, to save the system.

The best chance Trump has to win is if Biden has a stroke and is a total vegetable.  Trump vs. Kamala Harris.  Something, the DNC fears and dreads.

Kamala Harris responds to Trump calling her 'nasty' - CNN Video

Text © 2024 – EricReports

Boogeyman Michelle Obama

Monster Creature GIF by Death Wish Coffee - Find & Share on GIPHY


With former Pres. Trump leading in all of the polls, pathetic Devilcrats have to stay relevant by insisting that Obummer’s “First Lady” is going to save the day by running for President.


One.  Michelle Obama has not said one time that she wants to run for President.

(Dems source:  Fake news stories from “insiders” that swear Big M.O. told them she’s running.)

Two.  Michelle Obama has skeletons in her closet.

There’s a lotta stuff out there about Moo-chelle that she doesn’t want normies to know about.  Mrs. Oboo prefers to be the silent power behind the throne.

Three.  VP Kamala Harris

Word-salad Queen Kamala isn’t going away and has no intention to.  She was chosen because she checked off all the PC-boxes back in 2020.  Woman of “color” (colored woman?), far-left, fast mouth, foreign without being too foreign (like Mombasa-born Barack.)

Four.  No experience.

Michelle Obama has never held public office.  While some may say the same for Trump, that was before, not now.  Trump was the 45th President of the United States.

Five.  What makes you think Michelle Obama could win?

I’ve heard all the hype, that M.O. could win sleepwalking.  Maybe before, not today.  People are fed up.  Border crisis, inflation, losing wars, lost of prestige worldwide, far-left policies that never work, false promises that never pan out.  The American people want Donald J. Trump.  Yes, Michelle O. could do better than Biden.  Anybody could do better than Biden.  That’s faint praise.

Text © 2024 – EricReports

TRUMP, the 14th Amendment & the 2024 Election

Pres. Trump’s tweets on January 6, 2021, when the Democrats claim he was planning an insurrection.

Former President Donald J. Trump is on the precipice of being the Republican nominee for President except for one thing:  he may not be allowed to run.  Forget about the Presidential papers at Mar-a-Lago, forget about how the January 6th speech was “an incitement to riot.”  These are all Democratic talking points.  Trump’s opponents are using the 14th Amendment to disqualify him from running again.

14th Amendment – Section 3

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Q.  Was there any serious attempt for an insurrection?

Supposedly, Trump and his lawyers told VP Mike Pence not to ratify the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden.  If this had occurred, it would not have prevented Biden from become President, it would have delayed it.

State of Mind – Intent

If Trump believed he won the 2020 Election, than it was not an insurrection.  If there is proof of evidence that he knew or did not believe he won than Trump could be barred from running for office. has numerous articles naming the reasons why Pres. Trump would believe the 2020 Election was stolen, despite the MSM saying “it was the first election in U.S. history that was above board with no cheating.”

For those who recall it, Biden won every swing-state with the notorious Covid-inspired “drop-off ballots”.  They were not absentee ballots which require proof of address.  These easy to counterfeit ballots were cooked up by those who wanted Trump to lose.  (Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was one of them.)

Thousands and thousands of these ballots contained Biden’s name only.   Tell me, when you vote, do you only mark down one candidate?

In some districts where Biden was losing, the voting was stopped.  When it resumed, all of a sudden, Biden began winning.  New ballots magically appeared, most, if not all, for Biden.

AP-NORC poll: Most Republicans doubt Biden's legitimacy | AP News

Eventually, it will be up to the Supreme Court to decide if any insurrection took place and if Trump was a part of it.


Ron DeSantis and Nikki Halley are waiting on the sidelines, just in case Trump isn’t allowed to run.  (Gov. DeSantis has quit and endorsed Donald Trump.)

It is rumored Biden plans to hand over his primary votes to Gov. Gavin Newsom after the Super Tuesday primaries, i.e., call of the campaign for “health reasons.”

Finally, if Biden dies or becomes incapacitated, VP Kamala Harris becomes the 47th POTUS.

Text © 2024 – EricReports

2023 – A Sucky Year

Israeli Leader Vows to Intensify Gaza Attacks on Hamas - The New York Times


In Pictures: Palestinian solidarity rallies around the world | Israel-Palestine conflict News ...

Lead story of the year:  October 7.  “Palestinian” savages invade Israel, killing 1400+.  The progressive left go insane and side with Hamas.

Hawaii volcano: Man hit by lava in first serious Kilauea injury - BBC News

Hawaii burns – Government sleeps.

The IRS May Reschedule the Death of the US Dollar - Humans Are Free

Economy goes six feet under.

Matthew Perry Seen Relaxing In Jacuzzi In Last Insta Post Before Death

Matthew Perry found drowned in his hot tub.

Lisa Marie Presley Gets Dramatic With Cape Dress at Golden Globes 2023 – Footwear News

Lisa Marie Presley dies from a colon obstruction.

Cartoon Offers Hilarious and Never Before Seen Insider's Tour of Joe Biden's Brain

Biden’s continual mental decline.

How To Watch 'Sound Of Freedom' (2023) Free Online Streaming Here's Where

“Sound of Freedom” surprise summer hit offends the left who, I guess, support sex trafficking.

Donald Trump speaks with IOC chief to voice support for 2024 Los Angeles bid

Trump leads polls to win in 2024, despite being indicted.

Hunter Biden's Flirty Text Messages With Chinese-American Assistant Leaked

Hunter Biden text implicated fake Pres. Biden in bribery.

Raquel Welch

Raquel Welch, Hollywood’s last sex symbol, dies.

Text © 2024 – EricReports