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Andy Bailey is Joe Pritchett's former manny (male nanny), Phil Dunphy's former real estate assistant, and Haley Dunphy's ex-boyfriend (see Handy). and Beth 's ex- fiancé. Andy is notably the only character who is not a member of the family to be featured in talking head interviews.

He grew up in Utah, and before Gloria offered him a job, he worked for another family as their Manny. Andy becomes a quick friend to the whole Pritchett-Dunphy family, except for Jay who considered Andy to be a weird man like Phil, ("The Help"); however, in "Connection Lost," Jay tells Claire that Andy is a good guy, just like Phil. Andy and Haley first meet in "A Fair to Remember" and quickly start a hate-then-love relationship which unwinds in "The Wedding." It is later revealed that he has feelings for Haley after asking if Haley meant anyone in particular when she told him that he deserved better when she said in genral he left the weeding venue. In "The Cold," Haley and Andy share their first kiss.

Andy and Haley become close friends who spend a lot of time together. They attend a carnival ("Closet? You'll Love It!") and a Radiohead concert ("American Skyper"), get cronuts together ("Connection Lost"), and even help each other prepare for job interviews that help them to secure job positions ("Queer Eyes, Full Hearts"); however, both secretly have stronger feelings than just friends for one another. When Haley visits Andy in the hospital before his appendectomy surgery, and believing Andy is unconscious, Haley confesses he has a shot with her ("Closet? You'll Love It!"). A couple weeks later, Andy couldn't stop thinking about Haley. he decided to have the big talk with her about what she had told him in the hospital, but unfortunately she was then dating a doctor she met on that same day ("Grill, Interrupted").

Later, she tells Andy that she isn't looking for anything serious, so Andy decides against telling her how he really feels. Without knowing how Haley really feels about him and due to Phil's encouragement, Andy decides to propose to his girlfriend, Beth, in "American Skyper." After Phil realizes that Haley and Andy have feelings for each other, he calls Haley so she can stop Andy's proposal ("Summer Lovin"). By the time she gets to the beach Andy likes, it's too late. She had to watch heartbroken as Andy proposes to Beth. A couple months later, Andy is accidentally told that Haley tried to stop his proposal when he overhears Phil and Claire talking. He becomes so distressed at hearing this news that he ends up eating his emotions and gains a lot of weight. A few months later, and after Andy has already lost the extra pounds, he runs into Haley at Phil's Sexy, Sexy House. They almost kiss on the couch before they hear other intruders and hide. When everyone leaves and it's safe for them to come back out, they blame their almost kiss on the sexiness of the house. Once Haley exits the house, she immediately runs back in to give Andy a passionate kiss, which he willingly reciprocates.

In "Clean Out Your Junk Drawer," it's revealed that they had sex, which leads to them having an affair since Andy is still engaged to Beth. In "White Christmas," Andy and Haley can't keep their hands off each other and they end up getting caught "putting their pants back on" in a locked closet. Phil tells Andy that if this is something real, it's time for him to step up and be a man and tell Beth the truth. When Andy goes to break things off with Beth, she tells him that she has been cheating on him with two other guys for the past few months. Andy and Beth break up, leaving Andy free to officially start dating Haley. Also, it was revealed in this episode that Andy passed his real estate license test after Haley helped him cram.

In "The Storm," Andy tells Haley he wants to slow things down a bit between them in order for them to catch up emotionally to where they are physically so they don't burn out. He says he wants to wait for the perfect moment so they can start their relationship right. Haley points out that the perfect moment is the one they are currently experiencing outside in the rain. They then share a romantic kiss out in the storm. In "Express Yourself," Haley tells Andy, "I love normal Andy. Tomato-soup-and-grilled-cheese Andy. Still-in-bed-by-11:00 Andy. Uses-the-word-tummy Andy." She goes on to say, "I like the me I am when I'm with you." In "Double Click," Andy's cousin Evan offers him his dream career as a real estate agent, but he'd have to relocate back to Utah. Phil and Haley tell Andy to take the job so he does. As they say goodbye to each other at the airport, Andy tells Haley he doesn't regret a single minute he spent with her and Haley tells Andy he is the first man she ever loved.


Before the Show[]

Before dating Haley, Andy was engaged to his long-distance, U.S. Coast Guard girlfriend, Beth, who he had dated for 10 years. When Andy was 14 years old, his father died of cancer, leaving Andy the man of the house ("The Help"); sadly, it was Andy who had to pull the plug on his father in the hospital ("American Skyper"). In "Rash Decisions," Andy tells Phil that he was born two months premature and weighed only three-and-a-half pounds.


Andy is described as a gentleman, with similar interests to Phil Dunphy. In "Other People's Children," it is shown that Andy has a lot of the same traits and shares a similar sense of humor as Phil. Andy and Phil share a fondness for doing British accents. Andy also has excellent comedic timing.

Season Summaries[]

The Help
Gloria first meets Andy at the park playing with some children. He introduces himself to her and says he is a manny. The woman he works for, Joan, is rude to Gloria. Andy says it's because Joan thinks Gloria is going to steal her husband since he is always looking at her. Gloria says she would never steal another woman's man, and especially not Joan's fat husband. Andy tells Gloria that Joan's husband is not fat anymore since Andy helped him lose 30 pounds. He prides himself as kind of a chef. Gloria is so impressed with how good Andy is with the kids, his healthy cooking skills, and that he helped his employer lose 30 pounds that she offers him a job as Joe's manny, thereby purposefully stealing him away from his mean employer, Joan. However, Andy doesn't win over Jay and Manny as quickly. Jay compares him to Phil by saying, "He's a weird man, like Phil, only I have to pay for him." Manny says he doesn't want that kind of energy in his house. Eventually, the two of them fire Andy and Gloria gets upset because they made her hire nannies she didn't like and she's the one that spends most of her time at the house. Andy effectively calms an angry Gloria down, which prompts Jay to hire Andy back on the spot.
A Fair to Remember
Andy encounters Haley for the first time. She has come over to her grandfather's house to drink his beer and sunbathe by his pool. She lies to Andy claiming she is Alex, but Andy instantly sees through it when she confuses him being a manny with him claiming to be her uncle Manny. Andy warns Haley he is going to call Mr. and Mrs. P to tell them where the two missing beers went. He even tries to get proof by taking a picture of Haley out by the pool, drinking one of the beers. Haley calls him a perv and Andy tries to get the beer out of Haley's hand, which causes her to drop it. Shards of glass fall into the pool and Andy is forced to go in to retrieve them since Haley refuses to do so. Haley teases Andy about the existence of his U.S. Coast Guard girlfriend. Andy insists she is not imaginary and says it has not been a pleasure meeting Haley. However, when Andy cuts himself on glass he is getting out of the pool, Haley holds his finger to put some pressure on it. Haley asks him why he is a manny anyway, to which he replies that he likes kids and he's saving up for college. Later that night, unbeknownst to each other, Haley calls Gloria to confess she had a couple of beers by the pool and broke one of them, and Andy lies to Jay, saying he had a sip of beer by the pool after Joe went to sleep and a bottle broke. Andy lied in order to take the blame for Haley and protect her from getting into trouble. However, Jay doesn't care because when his kids were small he used to drink beers after they went to sleep. Andy says, "Thanks" and then smiles and adds (in reference to Jay racing upstairs to have sex with Gloria), "And, be careful up there." Jay replies as he exits, "We're not that close." Andy nods in understanding.
And One to Grow On
Joe calls Andy "Dada." Jay says he is unaffected by this since Joe pees in his own face and laughs. Later when Andy is decorating for Joe's party, Andy tells Jay that he wants the same playful banter that Jay has with Gloria in his own relationship.
Other People's Children
Phil offers to help Andy make a video love letter as an anniversary present for Andy's girlfriend Beth, who Andy says he barely ever gets to see. Andy accepts enthusiastically. While the two are making the video at the Dunphy house, Haley waits for her lunch date who is running a few hours late. Andy says her date's behavior is so rude and that a real man would be more considerate of her time. She mockingly counters with, "That's why every year People magazine names the most considerate man alive." Andy tells her to make fun of him all she wants, but when she grows up, she'll find out what qualities make up a real man. Phil then shows up to apply makeup to Andy's face. Later, Haley steps in as the stand-in for Beth. Andy lifts Haley up and holds her in his arms and looks deep into her eyes as he recites how much he loves his girlfriend. The look on Haley's face confirms she is beginning to fall for the nice guy. When Haley's rude lunch date finally arrives, Haley tells him off by saying she would rather wait for someone who would walk through a blizzard for her and who only honks to support the troops. Later, Haley watches Andy lovingly as he and Phil re-enact the movie "Gravity." She tells Alex that there is something about Andy and Alex says he is just like dad, which then grosses Haley out.
The Wedding (Part 1)
Haley agrees to drive Andy to the airport. He is planning to go to Utah to visit Beth. As they drive, Andy tells Haley that she is funny, pretty, and smart in an original way so why shouldn't a guy feel lucky to love her. Although she pretends to shrug them off, Haley is secretly flattered and touched by his sincere compliments. When Andy's phone rings, he asks her to answer it because he doesn't want to put their lives at risk since he's driving. Haley reads a text that his flight has been delayed and also sees a text from Beth telling Andy that it's over. Andy says he'll wait for a taxi to pick him up at a coffee shop and Haley tells him she'll grab a coffee with him. As they sit in the coffee shop, Haley takes a picture of Andy and Andy compliments her by saying that it is honestly the best picture anyone has ever taken of him. Andy asks if he can send the picture to Beth and Haley decides to broach the subject of the text message she read and whether or not Andy is sure about getting on that plane. Andy tells her that Beth does this from time to time because she just likes the drama. Andy doesn't want to discuss it anymore and gives Haley the keys to his car. Haley leaves.
The Wedding (Part 2)
Haley comes back to the coffee shop to talk to Andy. His flight has been delayed again and the wedding has been moved due to a fire. Andy flirts by saying the fire explains Haley's smokin' dress. Haley then invites Andy to hang out at the wedding since he's just sitting around. He replies that he isn't dressed for it, but, if he was with her, nobody would even notice him. Haley tells Andy that he deserves better than Beth before she heads back to the wedding. Later, Andy calls Haley to ask if she meant anyone in particular when she said he deserved better. She lies and tells him that she was speaking generally and that the hardest part is just figuring out what you want. Andy says that's what he thought and they say goodbye to each other disappointed. Unbeknownst to Haley, Andy pulls away in a taxi that he was waiting in right outside the house.

The Cold
Haley and Andy talk about what happened between them the day of the wedding. They both agree that they are better off as friends. Andy says it would have been a disaster if they had kissed and that the kiss would have affected Haley more than him. Haley seems offended so Andy clarifies by saying that kissing her would have rocked his world since she is so pretty and out of his league, but he still insists that it would have hit her harder. Haley tries to prove Andy wrong by planting a kiss on him in the disguise of a hug. However, it seems Andy is proven right as Haley appears to have been extremely affected by the kiss.
Queer Eyes, Full Hearts
Andy and Haley help each other prepare for job interviews. Andy interviews with Phil who hires him as his real estate assistant. Claire confronts Andy about what Haley told her about them sleeping together, but Andy assures her that nothing inappropriate is happening between him and her daughter. When Haley comes home and tells them she landed a job working as the assistant to fashion designer Gavin Sinclair, Andy hugs her and tells her he never doubted her.
Rash Decisions
Phil helps Andy prep for his first open house by quizzing him and having a mock open house. Luke becomes jealous of the relationship between his dad and Andy because lately they have been spending a lot of time together playing catch, going to the mall, getting a portrait taken at Sears, and sharing YouTube videos with each other. Phil even promises to teach Andy how to tie a tie; when Andy warns Phil that his neck is extremely ticklish, Phil chases him out of the room trying to tickle him.
Connection Lost
Haley's family comes to the false conclusion that Haley has married Andy in Vegas because she is pregnant with his baby. In reality, Andy and Haley had gotten cronuts together and Andy posted a picture of the two of them on Facebook enjoying the dessert and smiling happily at one another. Haley had forgotten her phone in Andy's car, which he then drove to a friend's wedding in Vegas.
Closet? You'll Love It!
Andy and Haley attend a carnival together with Haley's new boyfriend. Beth texted Andy saying she couldn't make it because she was too tired from Coast Guard training. Andy tries to win Beth a stuffed penguin and Haley tells him if he really wants to impress her he should try for the big stuffed elephant instead. Andy says the penguin is just as good. Haley seems to be enjoying this time with Andy more than she is with her boyfriend. The boyfriend seems to be a third wheel, not understanding Haley and Andy's jokes and shared sense of humor. Andy keeps having sharp pains in his abdomen, which Haley teases is from him stuffing his face with all the fried food he's eaten that day. However, Andy ends up in the hospital later with appendicitis. Haley rushes to the hospital to be with him before his surgery because she doesn't want him to be scared and alone. When she thinks Andy is unconscious, she tells him that if she is his elephant, he has a shot. Beth then arrives and Haley leaves hurt. Andy opens his eyes and watches as Haley exits.
Grill, Interrupted
Andy says he tried to go on with Beth, but hasn't been able to stop thinking about Haley. He says he is going to have the big talk with Haley when he sees her. However, when Haley arrives at her grandfather's house, she now has a new doctor boyfriend whom she met the same day she visited Andy in the hospital. Andy tries to talk to Haley a couple times about what she said, but every time they are interrupted by Haley's new boyfriend. Haley's boyfriend asks Andy if he will help him write a card for Haley and Andy agrees. Andy tells him to write what he feels and, unbeknownst to Haley's boyfriend, Andy recites his own feelings for Haley. Later, when Haley is about to leave, she asks Andy to read her the card because her boyfriend writes like a doctor. Despite his reluctance, Andy reads the card. Haley is disappointed that her boyfriend seems so into her because she just wanted something fun; she wasn't looking for anything serious. Andy is disappointed that Haley feels that way about relationships so he replies that it's good that she figured out what she wants before anyone got hurt. She thanks Andy and kisses him on the cheek in farewell. Andy, looking crestfallen, watches Haley walk out the door.
American Skyper
Andy helps to set up the iPad for Phil to Skype with his family for Alex's graduation celebration. Andy says he only had to plug him in, which was a nice reversal from when he had to pull the plug on his father in the hospital. Beth is also at the house. She is being passive-aggressive towards Haley because she seems jealous of Haley's relationship with Andy. She even sets Haley's hair on fire at one point during the day. Andy tells Haley that Beth is very concerned about her, asking him where Haley works, where she goes at night, and whether she hikes alone. Later, Andy confides in Phil about how Beth has been sending him signals to propose, but that he is conflicted because there is another girl whom he has a serious connection with, he just doesn't know how she feels. Phil advises Andy to propose to Beth if he truly loves her. Haley confides in her dad about how she thinks Beth is after her because Beth thinks Haley is in love with Andy. Phil asks her if she is and Haley says "no" and then goes on to say that she cares about him, he makes her laugh, and she likes spending time with him. Phil asks if she thinks about Andy when he is not around. She replies, "Sometimes I see something funny and I think, 'Oh, Andy would love that; I wish he were here so I could share it with him.'" Phil replies, "That sounds like love to me." With tears in her eyes, Haley says it doesn't matter anyway because he's in love with someone else. Andy knocks on the door and enters the room as Haley wipes her eyes. He has come to say goodbye. Haley and Andy hug, and Phil, who is watching them, realizes based on Andy's facial expressions that Haley is the girl Andy was talking about earlier. Phil tries to tell them that they love each other and that Andy is making a huge mistake by proposing to Beth, but they cannot hear him as the sound on his iPad has gone off. Andy leaves with Beth to head to the beach where he is planning to propose to her that day. Haley closes the front door behind them and stomps off upset and frustrated.

Summer Lovin
Phil is on the phone with Cameron. He tells Cam he wants to talk to Haley and that his message is urgent. Cam throws his phone to Claire who puts it on speaker phone for Haley and the whole family to hear the message. Phil reveals that Andy is planning to propose to his girlfriend, Beth. Everyone thinks this is cute until Phil tells them to stop thinking that it's cute because Haley and Andy love each other but don't know it. When Haley asks Phil why he thinks Andy is in love with her, he tells her that he saw it in the way that Andy hugged her goodbye; he knows what the look of love in another man's eyes looks like. Since Haley knows what beach Andy likes, she races to the beach to stop Andy from proposing to Beth. However, this plan goes awry when Claire stops Haley to ask her if she is sure about what she is about to do and whether Andy will be a short-term thing or a long-term relationship. Haley says she doesn't know and asks shouldn't they get the chance to see what they are. Haley then turns back around to see Andy down on one knee proposing to Beth; before Haley can stop them or even walk up to them, Beth says yes. Haley then realizes that their fate has been decided for them. A couple of months later, we see a depressed Haley who seems to have been crying quite a lot since the incident. Phil plans on stopping Claire and Haley's pity party and ends up taking the Dunphy family (excluding Alex) out to the movies. Phil sees Dylan and calls him over, which results in the reconciliation of Haley and Dylan's on-and-off relationship. A couple of months later, we see Andy visit the Dunphys with some completed paperwork for Phil. Haley walks into the kitchen to see Andy. Andy and Haley then have an awkward encounter; they are now both in relationships. Dylan then greets Andy as "Haley's boyfriend" letting him know they're back together. After Andy leaves, Phil and Claire discuss how Haley rushed to the beach to stop Andy's proposal as she had feelings for him. Andy accidentally overhears them when he comes back to return Phil's pen. Andy says he's fine and then questions aloud how crazy life is because he had feelings for Haley and, at the same time, Haley had feelings for him and he had no clue. Andy then grabs a cupcake that he had declined earlier and shoves it into his mouth and grabs a second one as he walks out of the kitchen, eating his feelings. In September, an overweight Andy attends a Pritchett-Dunphy family get together. Haley overhears her Mom and Dad discussing how Andy found out that Haley tried to stop his proposal and it is the reason Andy got fat. Haley wonders if she should talk to him about it and they tell her it's her decision to make. Haley ends up talking to Andy, but he questions why she is bringing all this up now. She asks if he has feelings for her and he replies he is engaged, which Haley says is not an answer. This leads to them sharing insults about each others' significant others. Andy and Haley agree it was a good thing they never got together and stomp off angrily in opposite directions.
The More You Ignore Me
Haley and Dylan run into Andy and Beth at the movies. There are no other seats together so Haley is forced to sit next to Andy. Haley says it has been awkward between them ever since Andy got engaged. The zombie movie hits too close to home for Haley because the movie couple seems to be in the same situation as Andy and Haley (the only difference being that Andy and Haley have no zombies to contend with). After the movie, Haley and Dylan go out for burgers and beers with Andy and Beth. Haley pulls Andy aside to ask him why he wasn't as affected as her by the movie. He tells her that if he had watched that movie a few months ago, it would have been really hard because he was pretty hung up on her, but it's all good now since he started seeing Beth in a whole new way. Haley says that makes sense, but she is visibly disappointed. After leaving the restaurant, Beth suggests they invite Haley and Dylan to the wedding and Andy says that is a good idea. At the same time, Haley breaks up with Dylan because she feels like everyone in the world is moving forward and they are moving backwards. Dylan exits the car upset.
Phil's Sexy, Sexy House
Andy walks in on Haley, who he originally thought was Phil, in the bathroom of a house Phil is selling as she attempts to drain a bathtub she'd neglected to drain the day before. He offers to help her clean up. When he tries to help her drain the tub, they slip and fall into the bathtub together. Their clothes are soaked so they have to take them off and put on robes as they wait for their clothes to dry. As they wait, Andy asks why Haley was taking a bath at the house anyway. She replies that she wanted some time to herself since she lives in her parents' basement, broke up with Dylan, and ate too much at Thanksgiving. Andy seems visibly interested in the fact that she and Dylan broke up. Haley tells him they broke up after running into Andy and Beth at that movie; she just thought they seemed so good together that she wanted that. Andy assures her that he and Beth are not perfect and that things come up when planning a wedding like how Beth doesn't want him to have a bachelor party. Haley says he should live it up and Andy agrees saying he should have one crazy adventure before getting married. When Andy sits down on the couch beside Haley, he accidentally sits on the remote that turns on different sexy features of the house, like starting a fire for them, turning on some music and mood lighting, folding the couch back into a bed, and opening a wine cabinet. As Andy and Haley lie facing each other on the couch-bed, they start to lean in for a kiss, but they are interrupted by Mitch and Cam arriving at the house. Andy and Haley hide in the laundry room before they are seen. After everyone leaves, Andy and Haley reappear from their hiding place, now dressed in their clothes instead of the robes. Andy tells Haley he feels bad because he felt like something could have happened between them if everyone hadn't showed up. Haley blames their almost moment on the house and Andy willingly agrees with her. Andy also tells her that he got his one last crazy adventure before getting married. She says she's glad and it was fun before saying bye to him. Andy lets out a long breath he had been holding as Haley exits the house. Haley then immediately rushes back into the house and leaps into Andy's arms to give him a passionate kiss that he enthusiastically reciprocates.
Clean Out Your Junk Drawer
Haley tells Alex that she had sex with Andy when they were alone at the sexy house Phil was trying to sell for his client. She texts Andy to meet up so they can talk. When they meet up in Haley's car so they can talk, Andy says he feels really guilty about what happened. Haley says she is trying to be a better person and, ironically, he is one of the reasons why, but a better person does not hook-up with an engaged person. She says it is not goodbye forever because he works for half her family, but, when they run into each other from now on, they'll keep their clothes on. Andy agrees and tells her, "You know if things were different" and trails off, to which she responds sadly, "I know." When Alex calls Haley later to see if she ended things with Andy, Haley lies and says she did. She is really taking the phone call while in bed with Andy after having just had sex with him again. They both appear to be feeling guilty for what they just did and Andy quickly lays face-down a picture of Beth on his bedside table.
White Christmas
Gloria invited Andy to celebrate Christmas with the family at a cabin because Beth has to work. Nobody knows that Haley and Andy are secretly having sex. After Phil confuses Andy and Haley staring into each others' eyes as a staring contest, Phil gives Andy an old gold blazer that used to be his as a present for passing his real estate license test that Haley helped him cram for. When things start to heat up between Haley and Andy a second time, Phil interrupts them again to help Andy get some firewood. Later, Andy finds the key to the secret room and Haley says she'll meet him there in two minutes. Lily hears noises coming from the locked room and when she realizes it's not Luke and Manny, she screams. This alerts everyone to come and help her. Phil pushes open the door to the room as Haley and Andy are putting their pants back on. After the children are told to go outside and play where snow would be, Claire asks Haley and Andy how long this has been going on and if this is the first time. Haley lies and says yes, but Andy says no and confesses that they have been having improper relations. Gloria appears with a surprise for Andy; Beth is here. Claire pushes Haley back into the secret room and Phil says he wants to talk with Andy. Phil tells Andy if this is a fling, it's over, but if this is something real, then it is time for him to step up and be a man and talk to Beth. Before Andy is able to break things off with Beth, Beth tells him that she has been cheating on him for a few months now with two other guys. They then break up and Beth leaves the cabin. Haley is upset because Andy seems hurt that Beth cheated on him. Gloria tells him to stop moping and be grateful that Haley likes him because she is a stone-cold 10 and he's a Utah 7. As the "snow" falls outside the window and Gloria proclaims it to be the perfect Christmas, Andy puts his arm around Haley's shoulder and she strokes his hand as they smile softly at each other.
The Storm
Haley tries to greet Andy with a hug, but Andy just gives her a pat on the arm. Haley is confused with Andy's behavior towards her since they started out so hot and heavy. She guesses that Andy is probably feeling neglected so he's acting cold since she has been so busy the last couple weeks. In reality, Andy is trying to slow things down with Haley so they don't burn out. He wants to get to know her more emotionally. Haley tries seducing Andy in Joe's room with wine, but Andy suggests he make them some tea to help them open up emotionally. Haley is confused why Andy is rejecting her because she claims everybody wants her. Then she spots Beth's Coast Guard uniform in Joe's closet and jumps to the conclusion that Andy is still in love with his ex. (Andy really has Beth's uniform out because he's sending Beth back her things and had the uniform pressed because he loves his country.) Haley runs down the stairs and throws Beth's uniform at Andy who is carrying two cups of hot tea. He puts the cups down and chases a hysterical Haley outside into the storm. Haley asks him if he is still in love with Beth because he won't kiss her or touch her anymore. Andy says, "There is no Beth; there's only you." He then tells Haley why he's been acting the way he has, that he wants to slow things down a bit in order to catch up emotionally to where they are physically so they don't burn out. Haley argues that they are not going to burn out because she liked him way before they ever hooked up. Andy tells her he wants their relationship to be as good as their affair. He points out that they haven't even gone on a romantic first date. He just wants to wait for the perfect moment so they can start their relationship right. He wants it to be something special and magical, like in the movies. Haley replies, "What do you want me to do? Chase you through an airport? I think we got it." With that, Haley makes Andy aware that they are currently experiencing one of those magical cinema moments right now out in the rain. They laugh at this realization as they lean in to share a romantic kiss out in the storm.
Express Yourself
Andy and Haley are having dinner at Elwood Grill. Andy decides to order the chilidog because his deceased father had bought him one at his first baseball game. Haley says that’s weirdly sweet and comments that it’s cute that Andy’s hair never moves, like a LEGO. They’re then interrupted by a guy named Tom who recognizes Haley from when she danced on top of his van at Coachella. Haley introduces Andy as her boyfriend to Tom and, after Tom leaves, she apologizes to Andy. Andy tells Haley that he knows she’s a little wilder than him, but that’s one of the reasons he fell for her; it’s exciting. Andy suggests that they forget about dinner and a movie, and instead do what Wild Haley would do. Haley says they can start at this western place where she knows the bartender and, if Andy hangs back, she can get them free drinks all night. In Haley’s interview, she says she wants to give up her partying ways, but if that’s something Andy liked about her, then she doesn’t want to disappoint him. In his interview, Andy admits he’s not usually so quick with party talk and he always had this fear that Haley would think he couldn’t keep up with her; he wants to just survive the night and not barf on his dad’s old church shirt. At Slim’s bar, Andy and Haley do alcoholic shots with a couple named Clint and Bianca. Haley asks Andy if he drank his shot when it was still on fire. Andy replies that it’s an old habit; it’s how he used to eat his marshmallows. Clint says he’ll give Haley 20 bucks if she’ll make out with Bianca. Haley does it, but says she didn’t enjoy it because Bianca is a smoker and has wandering hands; it’s all a part of the Wild Haley experience. Haley, Clint, and Bianca cheer Andy on as he rides a mechanical bull, which he falls off of after 12 seconds. When Haley, Clint, and Bianca rush to Andy, Andy lies and says it was so fun and that’s why he was screaming. Clint and Bianca excitedly ask if Andy and Haley want to go to Vegas with them, despite the late night hour. Andy lies and says he loves that idea and Haley, who wants to please Andy, agrees that it’s a great idea and that she was scared that they were done. Unbeknownst to Haley, Andy is in pain from the mechanical bull ride. The next time we see Haley and Andy they are in Vegas playing Roulette. Andy pretends that he loves gambling; he says it’s the best: “You hand your hard-earned money to strangers and pray it comes back.” Andy says to Haley that he knows he had a lot to drink, but that’s not Bianca anymore with Clint; he doesn’t want to believe Clint sold her. When Clint asks them if they want to get really crazy, Haley blurts out frightened, “People know where I am!” Clint goes all-in on one number. Andy guesses that’s no scarier than when that glow-stick broke in his mouth so Andy goes all-in too. Haley tells Andy that’s a month’s rent. Andy is surprised that the black chips are not $1 chips and tries to take them back, but the croupier won’t let him. Haley starts to freak out and asks Andy why he’s doing this. Andy is surprised she’s asking because he thought she loves Wild Andy. Haley says, “No, no! I love normal Andy. Tomato-soup-and-grilled-cheese Andy. Still-in-bed-by-11:00 Andy. Uses-the-word-tummy Andy.” Andy tells her that he’s been doing this whole thing because he was afraid she’d get bored and dump him if he couldn’t keep up. Haley replies that she knows he can’t keep up, but that she’d rather slow down. She says, “I like the me I am when I’m with you.” Andy replies that he wishes she would have told him that about a minute ago. He says the stress of the gambling is murder on his tummy. By the time the sun has come up the next morning, Andy and Haley are back at Elwood Grill having breakfast. Andy assures the waitress that they got this and then asks Haley if she’s got a nickel or a dime. Haley says she doesn’t. Andy then pulls out a big wad of $100 dollar bills from his pocket and apologizes to the waitress as he hands her one because she’s going to have to make change. Andy and Haley giggle over their newfound riches before they’re interrupted by a text message from Haley’s parents saying they’re heading to Paris.
Double Click
Andy wants Phil’s advice about whether or not he should take a job in Utah that his cousin Evan, a real estate developer, is offering him after the VP is leaving to start his own company. Before Phil can give Andy his advice, they’re interrupted by Alex and later Luke. Andy comments on Luke’s good mood saying that there’s only one reason a teenage boy is ever like that and that’s because The Harlem Globetrotters must be in town. Later that afternoon, Andy and Haley are waiting for the valet to drive Andy’s car back to them. Andy thinks the valet probably slid the seat back because of his “weirdly short arms.” When his car arrives, Andy gets a phone call from his cousin Evan about his earlier job offer. Haley uses the money from Andy’s wallet to pay for the valet and then waits in the car. Andy tells Evan he still doesn’t want the job. Due to a technical difficulty, Haley overhears the rest of Andy’s phone call while she’s waiting in the car. Evan can’t believe that Andy is turning down his dream job, an actual career back home, because of a girl. Evan then says, “This Haley must be something special.” Haley seems stunned about what she just overheard. The cell connection is lost so the call is dropped. When Andy joins Haley in the car, he exclaims, “I knew it!” because his seat has been slid back by the valet. A couple hours later, Andy comes over to Haley’s house because she said she wanted to talk. He came over right away due to how paranoid he says he can be. Haley suggests they talk in her room, but before they’re able to leave the kitchen, Phil stops Andy to give him the advice Andy wanted earlier. Phil tells Andy to take his dream career in Utah because if their bond is as strong as they think it is, then they will find their way back to each other. Haley, who had been listening, tells Andy, “What he said.” Andy’s face falls at Haley’s words. Later that day, Andy and Haley are at the airport so Andy can make his flight to Utah. As they approach the security line, Haley tells Andy that he can come back to visit and she’ll go to Utah to visit him. Andy agrees that this is not “goodbye goodbye.” Haley says they’ll leave the drama to a couple they see across the room who are currently saying an emotional goodbye. In mocking tones, they joke about what the other couple is saying to each other. Andy says, “I don’t regret a single minute I’ve spent with you.” Haley says, “I think you’re the first man I ever loved.” As they speak those words, they both realize they mean what they are saying, so when they speak again their tones are much more sincere and genuine. Andy says, “Not a single minute” and Haley says, “You really are the first.” They share a goodbye kiss before Andy walks towards the security line. Andy turns around to see Haley walking away in the other direction. When he turns back around to face the security line, Haley turns around to see Andy walking away. Both are visibly saddened by this farewell.



So far, none of Andy's family have appeared on the show; however, the audience has heard the voice of Andy's cousin, Evan, in "Double Click." His family members are listed below.

Mr. Bailey[]

Mr. Bailey is Andy's father.
When Andy was 14 years old, his father died of cancer, leaving Andy the man of the house. This is stated by Andy in Season 5's "The Help".

Rash Decisions
Andy tells Phil that he never passed up an opportunity to hang with his dad, but "lucky for him he died before" Andy's "rebellious teenage years."
American Skyper
Andy awkwardly tells the whole Pritchett-Dunphy clan that he had to pull the plug on his dad in the hospital.

Express Yourself
When Andy decides to order a chilidog when having dinner with Haley, he tells Haley that his dad bought him a chilidog at his first baseball game. Andy concludes by saying, "May he rest in peace."

Mrs. Bailey[]

Mrs. Bailey is Andy's mother. So far, Andy hasn't mentioned anything about her.


Evan is Andy's cousin. In "Double Click," Andy speaks with his cousin, Evan, on the phone. Evan is a real estate developer in Utah (where Andy is originally from). He called Andy to offer him a career working in real estate with him back home in Utah.


Andy has made friends with the Pritchett-Dunphy family on the show, but he doesn't hang out with all of them. Listed below are the important relationships he has made.


Claire likes Andy more than other boyfriends Haley has had in the past, especially more than Haley's ex-boyfriend, Dylan.

Queer Eyes, Full Hearts
When Andy shows up at the Dunphy's house, Claire refers to him as "Joe's babysitter" and Andy corrects her by saying that he is Joe's "manny," but that "it's confusing in that household because of their son, Manny." Andy adds, "I'm trying to get traction with bro-pair." At first, Claire wasn't sure she liked Haley and Andy spending so much time together because Haley had lied to Claire by saying that she and Andy were having sex. Claire wanted Haley to focus on getting a career right now, not on boys. Later, Claire confronts Andy about what Haley told her about them sleeping together, but Andy assures her that nothing inappropriate is happening between him and her daughter. He tells her that he and Haley have been helping each other prepare for job interviews and that is where Haley is right now as they speak. When Haley returns home after getting the job, Claire agrees with Phil that "sometimes a boy can be a good distraction." She tells Phil that Andy might be exactly what Haley needs right now and that she is sensing a little heat between the two. However, when Haley and Andy tell Claire that they are really not together because Andy has a girlfriend, Claire is visibly disappointed.

Summer Lovin
Claire (who doesn't like that Dylan is back in their lives) tells Phil that she thinks "Andy is great" and that she wishes she hadn't said anything to Haley on the beach because then Haley could have stopped Andy's proposal so she might have been with Andy now instead of with Dylan.


Andy developed a fast friendship with Phil. They share many similar interests and have a similar sense of humor. Andy was Phil's real estate assistant until Phil told Andy to pursue a real estate career back home in Utah.

Other People's Children
This episode marks the first time Andy and Phil interact with one another. Phil helps Andy come up with an anniversary present for his girlfriend, Beth. As they make the video love letter for Andy's girlfriend, a fast friendship starts to develop between the two men. They end up having such a good time together that they decide to reenact the movie "Gravity" just for fun. Alex points out to Haley that Andy is "just like dad."

Queer Eyes, Full Hearts
When Andy addresses Phil as "Sir Mr. Dunphy," Phil jokes that's his British name. Andy and Phil laugh over Phil's joke. Later, Andy approaches Phil for a job. He tells Phil that he loves being a nanny, but he can't do it forever. He just didn't know what the next chapter should be until he met a guy named Phil Dunphy who loves what he does and provided for his family. Phil is so flattered and impressed by Andy, he hires him as his real estate assistant on the spot.
Rash Decisions
Phil spends so much time with Andy that Luke ends up getting jealous. Phil and Andy go to the mall together and get a free portrait taken together at Sears, they play catch together, and Phil promises Andy he'll help him tie a tie. After doing a mock open house, Phil chases Andy out of the kitchen by threatening to tickle his neck (Andy is extremely ticklish there). Andy also sends Phil a video of a teacup pig playing a piano.
Connection Lost
When Phil thinks Andy eloped with Haley in Vegas because he got Haley pregnant, he exclaims that he could kill him, but that would be robbing his grandchildren of a really great father. He says Andy is a good kid who thinks "shucks" is the "s-word."
American Skyper
Andy helps to set up the iPad for Phil to Skype with his family for Alex's graduation celebration. Later, Andy wants Phil's advice on whether or not he should propose to his girlfriend, Beth. Andy confides in Phil that he has feelings for another girl (Haley) who is not his girlfriend.

Summer Lovin
Phil calls Haley to tell her that Andy is planning to propose to Beth. A couple of months later, an engaged Andy visits the Dunphys with some completed paperwork for Phil. Phil tells Andy, “you’re something else” and tells Claire to get him a cupcake for a job well done. After Andy leaves, Phil and Claire discuss how Haley was at the beach the day of Andy’s proposal so she could try and stop it. Andy, who has returned to give Phil back his pen, overhears Phil say that Haley was in love with him. Andy assures Phil and Claire he is fine, but he seems to be in distress over this new information.
White Christmas
Phil gives Andy (as a present for passing his real estate license test) a gold blazer he saved from his first job working at a big real estate firm. When things start to heat up between Haley and Andy for a second time that day, Phil interrupts them to help Andy get some firewood. He calls Andy his “bro.” Later, Phil catches Andy and Haley together in a locked closet after they obviously just had sex. Phil tells Andy he wants his blazer back from him and wants to talk with him alone. Phil warns Andy that Haley is his daughter so if this is a fling, it's over, but if this is something real, then it is time for him to step up and be a man and talk to Beth.
Double Click
Phil is so impressed by Andy's initiative with his work that Phil says he wants to make a unisex cologne fragrance called "Initiative" inspired by Andy. Andy says this topic is fun and he wants to return to it, but first he wants Phil’s advice about a job he was offered in Utah. Before Phil can give Andy his advice, they’re interrupted by Alex and later Luke. When Andy comes over to the Dunphy house again later that same day to talk with Haley, they are interrupted by Phil who wants to give Andy the advice he asked for earlier. Phis says, “Listen, if you’re not taking that job in Utah because of me, you’re making a mistake. I love you and me together. But it would break my heart if I was the reason you gave up this dream career opportunity because honestly, I don’t know how much of a future there is here. But, if our bond is as strong as we think it is, we’ll work our way back to each other.”


Jay first meets Andy in Season 5's "The Help" when Andy is hired by Gloria to be Joe's new nanny. Jay didn't quite like Andy at first. He even fired him before immediately hiring him back. Jay eventually does come around to liking Andy. In "Connection Lost," Jay tells Claire that "Andy's a good guy, just like Phil."

The Help
Initially, Jay didn't want to hire Andy as Joe's nanny because he thought Andy was a weird man like Phil, except he has to pay for him. After only working for the Pritchett family for a few days, Andy is fired by Jay, which upsets Gloria. Andy is able to calm a loud and angry Gloria down, which prompts Jay to immediately rehire Andy.
A Fair to Remember
In order to protect Haley from getting into trouble, Andy lies to Jay and tells him that he drink a beer by the pool after Joe went to sleep and a bottle broke. Jay is not bothered by this because he used to have a beer after his kids went to sleep. Andy says, "Thanks" and then smiles and adds (in reference to Jay racing upstairs to have sex with Gloria), "And, be careful up there." Jay replies as he exits, "We're not that close." Andy nods in understanding.
And One to Grow On
When Joe calls Andy "dada," Andy tries to assure Jay that Joe is just making sounds. Jay tells Andy that he doesn't mind that Joe calls Andy "dada" because Joe once peed in his own face and laughed. Later, Andy tells Jay that he wants "that kind of playful banter" in his relationship that Jay has with Gloria.
Other People's Children
Jay invites Andy to watch a sports game with him on TV, but Andy can't stay because he has to make an anniversary gift for his girlfriend, Beth.

Connection Lost
Jay tells Claire that Andy is "a good guy, just like Phil."

White Christmas
After Andy tells Haley that he still has the respect of her family, Jay approaches Andy to tell him that "Joe is making his bathroom face." Andy then has to leave the room to take Joe to the bathroom.


Andy meets Joe in Season 5's "The Help" when he is hired by Gloria to be Joe's new nanny.

And One to Grow On
Andy states that Joe is as "smart as a whip" when they play peak-a-boo. Besides playing with Joe in this episode, Andy decorates for Joe's 1st birthday party. Joe calls Andy "dada" in front of Jay so Andy tells Jay that Joe is just making noises and maybe doesn't even know what the "d-word" means.

The Cold
When Andy playfully arm wrestles Joe and Haley walks into Joe's room, Andy tells Haley he let Joe win. Later, Andy tells Joe that he is going to make him a bubble beard during his bath-time.
Grill, Interrupted
Andy is seen reading to Joe when Haley walks into Joe's room. Later, after giving Joe a bath, Andy complains to Joe about Haley's new doctor boyfriend. A jealous Andy tells Joe that he could be a doctor because he still has the white coat from when he worked at the Clinque counter.
American Skyper
Gloria tells Andy's girlfriend Beth that she is Joe's "new favorite." Andy says, "I used to be his favorite until I told him I get paid to hang with him. I just thought he had a right to know." Later, Andy is seen holding Joe's hand at the beginning of the episode. Later, Andy changes Joe's clothes. Haley teases Andy that he dresses like a child and Andy notices that he and Joe are wearing similar shirts. He asks, "Why does this keep happening?!" Andy leaves to get Joe another shirt and when he comes back he says, "It's weird. I have this same shirt!"

White Christmas
Jay tells Andy that "Joe is making his bathroom face" so Andy leaves the room to take Joe to the bathroom.
The Storm
Andy tells Haley that Joe hates it when people play with his blocks.


Gloria was very keen on Andy when she met him in "The Help; she wanted him to be Joe's new nanny. However, Jay didn't like Andy right away so he tried to convince Gloria to get rid of him. Jay and Manny eventually fired Andy, but Andy convinced Jay to rehire him when he gave Jay and Gloria lessons on their feelings. Jay hired Andy back because Andy was able to convince Gloria not to yell as much.

And One to Grow On
Gloria is impressed with the banner Andy painted for Joe's 1st birthday party.
The Wedding (Part 1)
Andy informs Gloria that he is going to miss his flight to Utah so Gloria asks Haley if she can drive Andy to the airport.

Connection Lost
Gloria tells Claire that Andy is a really good boy when Claire is unnecessarily freaking out over Haley going to Vegas to elope with Andy.
Closet? You'll Love It!
Gloria gets a phone call informing her that Andy is in the hospital with appendicitis. A concerned Gloria tells a worried Haley the news.
American Skyper
Gloria tells Andy's girlfriend Beth that she can stay (at Alex's graduation party hosted at Gloria's house) and that she is now Joe's "new favorite." Andy says, "I used to be his favorite until I told him I get paid to hang with him. I just thought he had a right to know."

White Christmas
Gloria invites Andy's fianceé Beth to celebrate Christmas with Andy at the cabin she rented. When Andy is upset over Beth cheating on him, Gloria says to him, "Andy, stop moping and be grateful that Haley likes you. She's a stone-cold 10 and you're a Utah 7."


Andy meets Manny in Season 5's "The Help" when he is hired by Gloria to be Joe's new nanny. Andy tries to get Manny to exercise by pretending he left his phone upstairs and then asking Manny to retrieve it for him. Like Jay, Manny doesn't like Andy at first either. After Andy leaves the house, Manny says in reference to Andy, "I don't want that type of energy in my house." Later, Manny and Jay fire Andy, but then Jay rehires him. Andy then immediately tells an annoyed Manny, "You better drink that smoothie because we're going on a run!"

Summer Lovin
An overweight Andy is seen talking to Manny outside on the deck of the Dunphy house when Phil and Claire show Haley what Andy looks like after he found out about Haley trying to stop his proposal.
White Christmas
When Andy lies and says he and Haley "were just looking for dinner napkins" in the locked closet, a disbelieving Manny says, "Where? In her shirt?!"


Luke has been shown to be jealous of Andy's friendship with his dad. He thought Phil was trying to replace him with Andy.

Rash Decisions
When Phil starts spending a lot of time with Andy, Luke becomes jealous. He tries to undermine the mock open house Phil set up for Andy. In the end, Phil tells Luke that he could never replace him.

Double Click
Andy comments on Luke’s good mood in the morning saying that there’s only one reason a teenage boy is ever like that and that’s because The Harlem Globetrotters must be in town. He also comments on Luke being a "hungry dude" when he observes how many pancakes Luke is stuffing down his throat.


Alex seems to relate with Andy in a way because in "The Wedding (Part 2)" Alex says to Haley, “Here's the thing about nice, quiet dorks like Andy. You get over us much faster than we get over you.” She must see herself as a "nice, quiet dork" like Andy.

Other People's Children
When Haley tells Alex there is something about Andy, Alex replies, "Yeah, he's just like dad." She watches Andy and her dad reenact "Gravity" and is stunned by their dorky sense of humor.
The Wedding (Part 2)
Alex thinks it's hilarious that Haley has feelings for Andy because he is totally not her usual type and that he doesn't seem like a real person. She says, "He's like a muppet." Later, Alex (out of concern about Andy maybe getting hurt by Haley) warns Haley, “Here's the thing about nice, quiet dorks like Andy. You get over us much faster than we get over you.”

Grill, Interrupted
Andy asks Alex if Haley is coming to her grandfather's house and Alex tells him, "The last time I asked Haley about her plans, she said, 'I'm going to Cabo and you're not. Ha ha!'" Andy replies, "She's the best!"

Love Interests[]


Beth was Andy's long-distance girlfriend who he dated for 10 years. She is a member of the U.S. Coast Guard. Throughout Seasons 5 and 6, Haley and Andy see sparks fly between them, but Andy doesn't do anything because of Beth. However, in Season 7, after only a few months of being engaged to Beth, Andy and Beth break up because they are both cheating on each other; Andy with Haley and Beth with two other guys.

A Fair to Remember
Andy tells Haley that he has a long-distance girlfriend back home in Utah, who is in the U.S. Coast Guard and who he has been dating for 8 years. Andy refers to their relationship as being a "pre-engagement."
Other People's Children
With the help of Phil, Andy makes a video love letter for Beth as an anniversary present. He tells Phil he makes her something different every year. Andy tells Haley that Beth's unit of the U.S. Coast Guard consists of her, 2 other women and 37 men. Haley comments that the men in Beth's unit are "37 super-in-shape dudes."
The Wedding (Part 1)
Andy plans to fly to Utah to win Beth back after she sends him a text message saying that "It's over." Andy tells Haley that Beth does this from time to time and that "she just likes the drama." He tells Haley he doesn't need her advice because he's been in this relationship off and on for 8 years so he kind of knows what he's doing.
The Wedding (Part 2)
Haley tells Andy he "deserves better" than Beth. The comments Haley makes about Beth (about how she used to be like her by keeping guys on the hook) seem to get through to Andy. Later, he chooses Haley over Beth when he takes a taxi to Cam and Mitch's wedding to meet up with Haley. However, when Andy asks if Haley meant anyone in particular when she said he deserved better and Haley lies and says she was speaking generally, a disappointed Andy has the taxi pull away and head to the airport.

The Cold
Andy tells Haley he was just confused about Beth the last time they saw each other on the day of the wedding so he hopes he didn't freak her out or something.
Queer Eyes, Full Hearts
Now that Andy is Phil's real estate assistant, Andy tells Phil and Claire that he can finally start saving up to get Beth an engagement ring.
Closet? You'll Love It!
Andy wins Beth a stuffed toy penguin at a carnival he attended with Haley and her new boyfriend. Beth couldn't make it because she is too tired from Coast Guard training all morning. Haley complains to Andy about Beth because she can't believe Beth can't drive a couple hours to come and see Andy. Later, when Andy is in the hospital, Haley comes to check in on him. Haley believing Andy is asleep tells him how she really feels, but then Beth shows up to see how Andy is doing. They introduce themselves to each other before a heartbroken Haley says she should get going.
Grill, Interrupted
Andy, (who was actually awake when Haley visited him in the hospital) says he tried to go on with Beth for a couple of weeks, but he couldn't stop thinking about Haley.
American Skyper
Beth visits Andy while he is taking care of Joe at Jay and Gloria's house. Beth is jealous of Haley's relationship with Andy so she sets Haley's hair on fire and acts passive-aggressive towards her all day. Andy asks Phil his advice on whether or not he should propose to Beth if he has feelings for someone else. Phil tells him to propose to Beth so Andy decides he will do it that day at the beach at sunset.

Summer Lovin
Andy proposes to Beth at the beach at sunset; unknown to him Haley is there to try to stop him because she has feeling for him and wants to date him. Haley ends up not going through with it because she is stopped by Claire who makes her hesitate for a brief moment, giving Andy just enough time to propose to Beth. Beth and Andy become fiancées to each other; meaning there is no chance for Haley and Andy.
The More You Ignore Me
Andy and Beth run into Haley and Dylan at the movies. After they go out to dinner with the other couple, Beth asks Andy if they should invite Haley and Dylan to their wedding. Andy says he loves that idea.
Phil's Sexy, Sexy House
Andy tells Haley that Beth and him are not perfect and that things come up when you plan a wedding. For instance, Beth's Mormon uncle doesn't want them to serve coffee at the reception and Beth doesn't want Andy to have a bachelor's party. Andy ends up cheating on Beth with Haley.
Clean Out Your Junk Drawer
Andy tells Haley he feels guilty for cheating on Beth. They agree that it won't happen again, but later Andy and Haley are shown in bed together after having sex. Andy looks over to see Beth's picture on his nightstand so a guilty-feeling Andy turns it over face-down.
White Christmas
Gloria invites Beth to spend Christmas with Andy at the cabin she rented. However, when Beth arrives, Andy has just slept with Haley. Phil tells Andy if what he has with Haley is something real, then it is time for him to step up and be a man and tell Beth the truth. So, when Andy goes to break up with Beth, Beth admits to Andy that she has also been sleeping with other people. She states that she has been cheating on him with another guy and that she has actually been cheating on that guy too with another guy; meaning she has slept with two other guys while she and Andy were engaged. Beth and Andy end their relationship and Haley and Andy become a couple. They are currently still together.
The Storm
Andy tells Haley he is sending Beth's things back to her and he got her Coast Guard uniform pressed because he loves his country. He tells Haley, "There is no Beth. There's only you."


see ("Handy")


Mentioned by Andy in "The Escape"


Season 5[]

  • Andy: “Life isn’t easy. Sometimes we just need a little help. Getting your confidence back. Getting on the same page. Getting out of your own way. Or just getting moving! And, I’m pleased as punch to be the one-”
    Jay: “Okay, this is tough enough without all the yammering!”
    Andy: “Sorry. Whoo!”
    — From "The Help"
  • Jay: “There's my boy.”
    Andy: “I know you're talking to Joe, but that still feels really good to hear.”
    — From "Other People's Children"
  • "You are funny, and you are pretty, and you are smart in an original way, so why shouldn't a guy feel lucky to love you?" - Andy to Haley in “The Wedding (Part 1).”

Season 6[]

  • “There’s a lot of heat coming off of this. Girls do not get over this guy.” – Andy talking about himself to Haley in "The Cold.”
  • “Dear Haley, I know how eyes work, but I never knew how they sparkled until I met you. I know how hearts work, but I never knew they could sing until I met you." – From “Grill, Interrupted.”
  • "There's this other girl and I feel like I have a serious connection with her, but I just don't know how she feels." - Andy to Phil about Haley in "American Skyper."

Season 7[]

  • "There is no Beth. There's only you." - Andy to Haley in "The Storm."
  • Andy: "Maybe we should wait for the perfect moment so we can start our relationship right. Something special and magical, like in the movies."
    Haley: "What do you want me to do? Chase you through an airport? I think we got it."
    — From "The Storm"
  • Andy: "I don’t regret a single minute I’ve spent with you."
    Haley: "I think you’re the first man I ever loved."
    Andy: "Not a single minute."
    Haley: "You really are the first."
    — From "Double Click"


  • Andy shares the same surname as Claire's Season 3 antagonist Duane Bailey.
  • Andy mentions in "Summer Lovin" that he had feelings for Haley before and during his proposal to Beth, his ex-fiancée.
  • Andy is terrified of flying; he hates everything about it, except for the food ("The Wedding (Part 1)"). He shares that fear with Claire.
  • When Andy and Beth broke up he kept Beth's Coast Guard uniform because he was getting it pressed.
  • In "Grill, Interrupted," Andy says to Joe that he used to wear a white coat when he worked at the Clinique counter.
  • Andy wanted to become a real estate agent- just like Phil is, which he achieved. He got a dream career opportunity in Utah.
  • Andy has a cousin named Evan who works as a real estate developer in Utah.
  • Andy's dad died of a disease that rhymes with answer (presumably cancer) when Andy was around 14 years old, as mentioned in "The Help".
  • Andy is the only character who is not a member of the Dunphy-Pritchett family who is interviewed throughout the series.


Please go to here for color coding.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Total
Season 1 0
Season 2 0
Season 3 0
Season 4 0
Season 5 6
Season 6 7
Season 7 9
Season 8 0
Season 9 1


ved Modern Family  characters
Main characters
Phil DunphyClaire DunphyHaley MarshallAlex DunphyLuke DunphyDylan MarshallJay PritchettGloria PritchettManny DelgadoJoe PritchettMitchell PritchettCameron TuckerLily Tucker-Pritchett • [PETS]: LarryStella
Recurring characters
Frank DunphyDeDe PritchettJavier DelgadoPepper SaltzmanSalAndy BaileyRonnie LaFontaineAndrewLonginesRonaldo