ASL signs for MOTHER

MOTHER in sign language

Printable ASL sign for MOTHER
Printable ASL for "mother"

This word entry shows ASL words (signs) for "mother" and variants, a time-lapse video of the baby/toddler naturally acquiring the ASL word, and more vocabulary.

ASL signs for MOTHER

"How do you say 'mother' in American Sign Language?" There is a couple of variations.

Definition: A woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.

Pronunciation/articulation: Thumb of dominant "5" hand taps twice on the lower cheek near the mouth. The palm is loosely facing left if right-handed.

This signword is generally translated into "mother" in English, and sometimes "mom".

Pronunciation/articulation: Fingers of the dominant "5" handshape flutter with the thumb on the side of lower cheek near the mouth.

This signword is generally translated into "mother" only in English, not "mom". This sign is used with some particular compound signs or some particular contexts or meanings, such as MOTHER EARTH.

Sometimes, like hearing people using other terms than "mother", Deaf people also have other signs, such as MOMMY or MUM.


Old ASL for 'mother'
Old ASL for 'mother'

"Mother -- Starting with the sign for 'woman' bring hands in same way as for 'father'." (1910) Ref

"NOTE: There is also a common sign for ['mother'] made by merely placing hand as indicated and then opening fingers, [...] the thumb is left at the end of the jaw near the chin and the fingers opened."

"MOTHER -- 1. Make the sign for female. 2. Move both hands fingers closed to the left and upward. 3. Spread out the finger. (1923) Ref

Baby Signing MOTHER

The time-lapse video of phonological acquisition shows how the baby "Juli" acquired the ASL signword "MOTHER" naturally with some details in a native ASL-signing environment ("mother finger" as opposed to "mother tongue") as an example.

Even though the "5" handshape is one of few unmarked handshapes in the 50+ chart, thumb is one of some difficult phonological aspects in sign language at early age (during the first two years from birth).

The "1" handshape is also one of the unmarked handshapes. She began with this handshape, then "A", and finally then "5" with the thumb in contact. Signing hearing and deaf children may process in their own ways. For example, another ASL-speaking toddler of Deaf parent used the "5" handshape with the palm in contact with the cheek before the thumb is used.

In term of the movement, the infant Juli started with what is appeared to be the movement away from the face rather than toward the face. See the difference between age 1;2 and 1;5 (both same handshapes but different movement).

Though, many Deaf ASLian parents may use the handshape "1" for (what is equivalent to English as) MOMMY or "mum" with their kids. Instead, the mother used the regular ASL sign ("5" handshape) all the way; watching Juli's development had been interesting.

In case you're wondering what she signed at the end of this video. She uttered in ASL, "MAKE HEART FOR MOTHER". Notice the handshape error for HEART ("6" handshape instead of the correct "open 8").

Signing at age 4 in the video above with the, aww, mouthing "mama". The signword MOTHER must be her all-time favorite. :D See how her little eyes twinkled.

Based on studies in linguistics and neuroscience, as well as my documentation, language acquisition in sign language shows that signed and spoken language are on the similar timeline. Language is amodal (neuroscientist Dr. Petitto).


Related signs: FAMILY, MOTHER-IN-LAW, MOTHER's DAY, GRANDMOTHER, biological mother.

Opposite: FATHER.

Written ASL

[Note: ASL writing is not an official standard. This sign language writing remains in a state of open space to allow room for experiment, evolution, and improvement.]

ASL writing for MOTHER

Contributed by ASLwrite.

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