Visit of the German ambassador to the UK in EU NAVFOR headquarters | EUNAVFOR

Visit of the German ambassador to the UK in EU NAVFOR headquarters

Sep 22, 2010 - 11:39
On 21 September 2010, EU NAVFOR welcomed in its headquarters his Excellency Georg Boomgarden, German ambassador to the United Kingdom, and Lieutenant General Rainer Glatz, Commander of German Joint Commitment Staff.

On this occasion, his Excellency Georg Boomgarden and Lieutenant General Rainer Glatz have been briefed on the current situation in the Horn of Africa and on the evolutions in the operation since its beginning in December 2008.
They both expressed their high satisfaction on the achievement of EU NAVFOR mission so far, and confirmed they shared EU NAVFOR’s concerns for the future development of the operation.This visit was also an opportunity for General Rainer Glatz to visit the German staff members working in EU NAVFOR’s headquarters.

Germany has been a key contributor in EU NAVFOR operation since its beginning, with the regular participation of warships and Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircrafts.
