Stephanie W. Jamison | American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Stephanie W. Jamison

University of California, Los Angeles
Language scholar; Educator
Humanities and Arts
Literature and Language Studies
Jamison is the ranking scholar of the oldest texts of the Vedic period and has made important contributions in Classical Sanskrit and the later Indian vernaculars. Her chief interests lie in historical morphology, lexical studies, textual interpretation and poetics. Her studies are models of keen thinking and methodological clarity. She has made notable advances also in the study of women in ancient India, the interplay of myth and ritual, Old Indian law and other social aspects of religion. Jamison published, with Joel Brereton, an annotated, scholarly English translation (2014) of the complete Rigveda (the first after 100 years), an indispensable contribution for historical linguists and students of Indian religion. It is already the cited standard.
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