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This article is about the TV Series character. You may be looking for her Comic Series, Novel Series, or Road to Survival counterparts. For other pages with the same name, see: Judith

I knew it, Dad. I knew you were still out there. I just never wanted you to feel alone.
―Judith to Rick, after reuniting with him.[src]

Judith Grimes is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Television Universe. She is a main character in The Walking Dead and a minor character in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live.

Judith is the daughter of Lori Grimes and Shane Walsh, and the half-sister to Carl Grimes. The product of an affair, Shane was killed by Lori's husband, Rick Grimes. Lori later died during a caesarean section performed by Maggie Rhee to save Judith's life. Despite not being their biological child, Rick and his second wife Michonne adopted Judith as their own. After arriving at the Alexandria Safe Zone, Carl died from a zombie bite and Rick disappeared from a bridge explosion. Michonne had gotten pregnant before Rick's disappearance and gave birth to Judith's adoptive brother, R.J.

Six years later, Judith and R.J. continued to live in Alexandria with Michonne. During the war against the Whisperers, Michonne found evidence of Rick's survival and location. Upon insistence by Judith, Michonne left to find Rick and bring him home. Daryl Dixon then became Judith and R.J.'s parental guardian. After the fall of Alexandria, Judith and her family relocated to Commonwealth, where she remained with her brother one year after the defeat of the Milton regime and Daryl's departure to search for her long-lost parents. After the defeat of the Civic Republic Military, Michonne managed to find Rick and brought him home to Judith and R.J. nine years after his disappearance, finally reuniting their family.


Judith appears to be a kind, intelligent and caring young girl, mature beyond her years who is more than willing to protect others from harm, as shown when she protects Magna's group from a horde of walkers. Even in her young age, Judith appears to already be very adapt with weapons and fighting against walkers, most likely having been taught how to use them by Michonne Grimes, as she is seen carrying a katana.

According to Negan, Judith is just as much of a badass as her brother and is able to tell when someone is lying to her to the point that Negan never even tries. Due to Michonne's attempts at sheltering her, Judith has developed a bond with Negan who shares stories and helps her with her homework. Judith tells Michonne that while she knows that Negan is not her friend, she is sympathetic with his lonely situation while Negan affords Judith a great deal of respect in return. Judith has Michonne's fiery spirit and determination and as pointed out by Negan, hates taking things lying down just as much as Michonne does. Like Negan, she has a sarcastic sense of humor.


Judith Grimes is the second child born to Lori Grimes and is the first infant depicted having been born during the apocalypse. Her parents express hope that she will not live in constant fear as they do, and they wish that she will accept the post-apocalyptic world as the way things are without referencing the way things used to be.

From the moment Lori discovers that she is pregnant with Judith, questions arise as to who the baby's biological father is. Lori has an affair with Shane, Rick's best friend, prior to her discovering that Rick is still alive. Rick later revealed that he knows that Judith is not his biological daughter, but he loves her regardless and is willing to protect her at all costs.

Judith was born on June 20, 2011 in the West Georgia Correctional Facility. She was not immediately named upon her birth, and it took the group several days to decide on one. Carl suggested they name her "Sophia", after his late friend Sophia Peletier, and is nicknamed "Lil' Ass Kicker" by Daryl Dixon. Carl ultimately decided to name Judith after his third grade teacher, Judith Mueller.

TV Series[]

Season 3[]

"Killer Within"

Judith is successfully delivered via an emergency cesarean section by Maggie Greene, though this results in Lori's death due to blood loss and shock. Judith, in the few minutes after she is born, is silent. She is quickly awakened by a few quick, light taps on the back from Maggie. Carl is forced to shoot Lori in the head to prevent reanimation. Judith, Carl, and Maggie exit the prison, and Rick notices Maggie holding the baby without Lori's presence. Rick begins to sob upon realizing that Lori did not survive.

"Say the Word"

It is revealed that the baby is a girl. Daryl, Maggie, and Glenn Rhee offer to retrieve formula so that the baby will survive. Maggie and Daryl depart the prison and travel to a daycare center, where they discover formula, as well as other essential baby supplies. When they come back, Daryl feeds the baby and asks Carl if he has decided on a name yet. Carl goes through the names of all of the deceased women of their group. Daryl then jokingly suggests the name "Lil' Ass Kicker".


Rick first acknowledges her as his child to the first caller on the phone. He finally is seen carrying her after returning to the group for a second time.

"When the Dead Come Knocking"

Carl talks to Rick about the baby's name, and Carl tells Rick about how Daryl calls her "Lil' Ass Kicker", which Rick finds amusing. They finally decide on "Judith" after Carl's third grade teacher, Judith Mueller.

"Made to Suffer"

Judith briefly appears in this episode being cradled by Beth Greene as Carol Peletier, Carl, and Axel look on. Axel uses Beth's good handling of Judith as an excuse to hit on her, which an anxious Carol pulls him aside and reprimands him for.

"The Suicide King"

Judith appears in the episode being cared for by Beth while Rick, Michonne, Glenn, and Maggie are in Woodbury. Judith's cry appears to trigger Rick's psychosis. While Beth talks with Carol, Judith begins to cry again. Carol holds Judith before placing her in a box (a makeshift crib) with "Lil' Ass Kicker" written on the side.


Judith appears being fed by Maggie, while Beth is talking to her.

"I Ain't a Judas"

Judith is held by Carol and Andrea as they both talk about what happened to the group and their future plans. In the ending, she appears again being carried by Rick, while he is talking to Daryl and Hershel Greene about Andrea and his plans to get more weapons for the confrontation with Woodbury.

"This Sorrowful Life"

Carol is seen putting Judith in her playpen during her last conversation with Merle Dixon.

"Welcome to the Tombs"

Beth is seen holding Judith as the group prepares to defend the prison from the outside. During the attack, Judith is held by Beth, who is with Hershel and Carl hiding outside the prison in the woods. When they finally meet up with the rest of the group inside the prison, Beth takes Judith to Rick so that he can kiss her on the forehead.

Season 4[]

"30 Days Without An Accident"

Judith appears briefly in this episode. She looks more grown up, hinting that it has been a couple of months since she was born. It is shown that even if she is not Rick's biological daughter, he has adopted her as his own.


Judith is shown with Rick in the beginning of the episode. Beth takes care of her while the zombies attack Cell Block D. Rick tells everyone they cannot go near Judith because they could get her infected. Michonne seems bothered by her presence. Later, Judith vomits on Beth. In reaction, Beth asks Michonne to hold her, to which Michonne sternly replied, "No." However, Michonne then gives in and takes her uneasily. After a few seconds of Beth being gone, Michonne breaks down emotionally and holds Judith close to her.


Beth is seen in the Administrative Building with Judith. She is holding Judith when Maggie walks in to talk with Beth. Later on, before going on the supply run, Daryl calls Judith the 'Lil' Ass Kicker' again.

"Too Far Gone"

During the attack, Judith is carried out by the prison children but is left on the ground unsupervised. After Rick and Carl reunite at the prison courtyard, they notice Judith's baby seat empty and bloody. However, Tyreese Williams, Lizzie Samuels, and her sister Mika manage to save her. The reason for her baby carrier being bloody is unknown. Her desperate father and brother, though, assume that she is dead.


Judith is seen in the arms of Tyreese after the attack, and she cannot stop crying. After Tyreese hears a scream from the railroad, he leaves her with Lizzie. Lizzie covers Judith's mouth to stop her from crying during a walker attack, but Lizzie slips into a shell-shocked state and nearly suffocates the baby before the baby is saved by a newly returned Carol. Judith is last seen traveling with Tyreese, Carol, Lizzie, and Mika along some railroad tracks.

"The Grove"

Judith appears throughout the episode, often in the safety of either Tyreese or Carol in a baby carrier, which the two take turns wearing on their backs. While Tyreese and Carol are clearing out the cabin at the pecan grove, a walker suddenly falls over the first-story railing of the house. Unable to kill it (because she believes that walkers are still "alive"), Lizzie freezes up in fear with Judith in her arms as the walker lunges quickly toward them along the ground. Eventually, it is shot in the head by Mika, saving Lizzie and Judith's lives. Later on, in order to prove to Tyreese and Carol that walkers are not different from living people, Lizzie kills Mika by stabbing her, taking care to preserve her brain so that she will "come back". After she is discovered kneeling by Mika's body, she tells Tyreese and Carol that she had intended to do the same thing to Judith before Tyreese and Carol returned. However, Judith is seen off to the side of Mika's corpse, alive and lying on a blanket. Though saddened by Mika's death, Carol focuses on the situation at hand and dissuades Lizzie from harming Judith, telling her that, "She can't even walk yet," and would therefore not make a very good walker. Lizzie agrees. Knowing that Lizzie is dangerous, Tyreese offers to leave with Judith and part ways with Carol so that Carol could carry on with Lizzie. However, Carol disagrees with the idea and reluctantly kills Lizzie with the safety of the three of them in mind. After Lizzie and Mika are buried, Carol and Tyreese continue to proceed towards Terminus with Judith in the tow.


Judith appears in this episode via flashbacks from the prison, mostly seen being held by Beth. Judith first appears when Rick wakes up from his sleep, and Beth comes into his cell with Hershel to get Judith. Later on, Judith is seen held by Beth while watching Carl and Patrick rearranging blocks and guns. In the final flashback, Judith is seen sleeping while being held by Beth in the prison yard.

Season 5[]

"No Sanctuary"

Judith is still in the care of Tyreese and Carol. As Carol, Judith, and Tyreese approach another Terminus sign, a walker appears at their back, which makes Judith cry. Carol quickly dispatches the walker just in time to notice that a large herd is heading their way. Tyreese, now carrying Judith, and Carol hide in the woods, so as not to attract the herd's attention. Just when things start to turn into a bad situation for them, gunfire is heard, attracting the walkers and leading them away from the group. After taking a small cabin from a Terminant named Martin, Carol leaves Judith with Tyreese so that she can rescue the others. Afterwards, Martin tells Tyreese that either he himself dies, Tyreese dies, or the baby dies if Carol does not return. Tyreese negates this saying, "Nobody is gonna die today." Three walkers come out from the woods and distract Tyreese, which Martin uses to his advantage. He jumps up and grabs Judith's head, threatening to kill her if Tyreese does not go outside where the walkers are waiting. Tyreese goes outside so that Martin does not kill Judith. After a brief struggle with walkers, Tyreese returns and severely beats Martin, saving Judith. After rescuing the others, Carol brings Rick and Carl back to the cabin, where they reunite with Judith, joyfully hugging her. She is last seen being carried by Carol as the group leaves the site of Terminus to an unknown location, a place Rick says is 'somewhere far' from the now overrun, ransacked Terminus.


Rick's group continues on their journey away from Terminus when they come across Father Gabriel Stokes, whom they save from a group of walkers. He takes the survivors back to his church, where they plan to stay for a while as they stock up on supplies. After scavenging the nearby area, the group enjoys a feast, and Rick uses the time to spend with Judith. Abraham Ford makes a speech, where he talks about his desire for Rick's group to join him and about Rosita Espinosa on their mission to escort Eugene Porter to Washington, D.C. Judith makes a noise during his speech, and Rick interprets this as her consent, lightheartedly saying that if Judith is in, then he is, too.

"Four Walls and a Roof"

When various members of the group go missing, several survivors go out to search for them. They eventually find Bob Stookey, who has been kidnapped by Gareth and the other surviving residents of Terminus. Rick leads a group out to confront Gareth and deal with them, while several others stay behind. Judith is among them, who is being cared for by Tyreese. After Rick's group leaves, the Hunters turn up and break into the church. Judith cries and gives away the group's hiding place, but before Gareth and his people can do anything, they are captured and slaughtered by Rick and the others.

The following morning, the group says their goodbyes to Bob, who is dying from a bite on his shoulder. Judith sits on Rick's lap as he has one final talk with Bob. Bob thanks Rick for taking him in at the prison and advises him that the nightmare will end, but it does not have to end who they are. He tells Rick to look at Judith and see for himself that the world will someday change. He passes away shortly after.


When Daryl returns from Atlanta with the news that Carol and Beth are being held in a hospital, Rick and several others prepare to go on a mission to save them, but they fortify the church before they leave. Rick holds Judith and gives her a kiss before handing her to Michonne, who is staying behind with Carl and Gabriel. Judith begins to cry as Rick leaves, and Carl strengthened the front door.

Unbeknownst to Michonne and Carl, Gabriel sneaks out of the church shortly after.


Gabriel returns to the church after sneaking out and begs to be let inside as a herd of walkers are after him. Carl lets him in, but the walkers pour inside. Michonne attempts to hold them off, but there were too many, leaving them with no choice but to escape and abandon the church, while Carl carries Judith. They circle around to the front and shut the walkers inside.

Just as the front door begins to give way, Abraham and his group, who had left a few days previously, return with a firetruck and block the door, preventing the walkers from escaping. The group reunites and Michonne reveals to an elated Maggie that Beth is alive and that Rick and the others have gone to rescue her. They all decide to go help out.

Judith is presumably with Carl in the firetruck as the group arrives at the hospital, where they reunite with Rick and the others, and Maggie breaks down into tears upon seeing Daryl carrying Beth's corpse.

"What Happened and What's Going On"

Judith appears in this episode by means of a hallucination Tyreese has as he is dying.


The group takes turns carrying Judith throughout their walk, especially Carl and Rick. When they reach the barn, they keep Judith close. When walkers attack, Carl puts her on the ground and then goes to help. The next morning, when Maggie wakes up, she sees Judith awake in Rick's arms while he is sleeping.

"The Distance"

Judith is crying due to hunger when Aaron offers them applesauce he has bought with him. Rick is not sure as to whether or not it is poisoned and orders Aaron to eat it first. Aaron says that he does not want to eat the applesauce because he has bad memories of them, but Rick forces him to. Judith rides in the RV during the first leg of their journey to Alexandria. She then rides in the car with Carl, Michonne, and Rick during the second leg. When they arrive, Rick picks her up and starts walking toward the gate.


Rick holds Judith while entering the safezone. There is a cot set up for Judith in their new house. During Carl's interview with Deanna Monroe, he is seen holding Judith. The next day he takes her for a walk in a pram, chatting with two elderly residents.


Judith is seen being taken to Deanna's house party. She is held by Jessie Anderson at one point, and when she attempted to pass Judith back to Rick, he kisses Jessie on the cheek.


Judith is briefly seen on the screen of her baby monitor in the kitchen while Carol makes the casserole for the Monroe family as they mourned for the loss of their son Aiden.


Judith is seen being carried by Carl inside of the garage at their house, while her older brother is playfully showing her around.

Season 6[]

"First Time Again"

Rick lets Morgan hold her while they discuss Carter.


Carl is pushing her in her stroller through Alexandria when he talks to Father Gabriel. Later, Carol is seen keeping an eye on her. She leaves Carl behind to take care of her during the Wolves attack. However, Carl leaves Judith alone while he searches for Enid.

"Heads Up"

Carol drops Judith off at Jessie's house as she is going after Morgan.

"Start to Finish"

Judith is in Jessie's house upstairs on a cot for most of the episode. When the group leaves to walk through the herd, Carl puts her under his cloak to mask her smell.

"No Way Out"

As the group stops for a moment to have a discussion about what to do, Gabriel suggests to take Judith to the church for safety. Rick accepts, and Gabriel leaves with her. Later in the church, Gabriel gives Judith to Anna so that he can go out and help Rick put down the walkers. Michonne later takes Judith after they finish clearing out the Safe Zone and watches Rick looking after Carl.

"The Next World"

Judith is seen playing on the floor in Rick's bedroom while Rick gets ready to leave with Daryl.

"Knots Untie"

Judith stays in Alexandria with her brother after Rick and the group decide to leave to see Paul's community.


Judith remains asleep in her room as Rick and Michonne lay in bed talking to each other.

Season 7[]

"The Day Will Come When You Won't Be"

Judith appeared in Rick's dream sequence at the dinner table with other Alexandrians.


Judith is in her crib when Rick picks her up and holds her and was also present at the church in her stroller. Later, Rick expresses his thought to Michonne that Shane is the father but he loves Judith and she is his child.

"Sing Me a Song"

Negan enters Judith's bedroom and lifts her out of her crib. He sits on the porch with Carl while cradling Judith in his arms. He contemplates killing Rick and Carl, and kisses Judith on the nose.

"Hearts Still Beating"

Judith is seen with Olivia at the table.

"Say Yes"

Judith is shown playing and being babysat by Tara, who debates the pros and cons of telling Rick about the guns at Oceanside. She listens as Tara is torn by her promise to keep its location a secret.

"The First Day of the Rest of Your Life"

Off-screen, Judith was transported to the Hilltop. She sits on the ground while Maggie and Jesus talk. Shortly after, Judith stands up and is carried away by Enid.

Season 8[]


Judith is seen playing with chalk on the sidewalk being minded by Barbara. Rick comes over and kisses Judith on the head as he's going to leave to the Sanctuary.

"How It's Gotta Be"

Judith is first seen being looked after by Barbara and Michonne kisses her as she leaves her. Later on in the episode she is in the sewers with the rest of the group, being held by Daryl.


In a flashback to his time after being bitten, Carl spends time with Judith and takes a Polaroid with her. As Carl is dying in Alexandria's sewers, Daryl promises to take Judith to the Hilltop so that Rick and Michonne can stay with Carl. Before Judith leaves, Carl says a final goodbye to his sister and passes his trademark hat onto her.

In the future envisioned by Carl for Rick, the six-year old Judith runs through Alexandria to Negan who is tending the gardens alongside the Alexandrians. Judith warmly greets Negan who returns the greeting and picks Judith up.

"Dead or Alive Or"

Judith is being looked after by Tobin and Barbara as they and the other Alexandrians travel to the Hilltop.

Later, Judith is being carried by Daryl as they arrive at the Hilltop and Daryl tells everyone about Alexandria's downfall and Carl's death.

"The Key"

Judith reunites with Rick when he and Michonne arrive at the Hilltop.

She is later seen briefly with Barbara and Gracie.

"Still Gotta Mean Something"

Judith is seen very briefly, playing with stuffed animals as Rick stares at his hat and contemplates going after the escaped Saviors.


As Rick reads Carl's letter, Judith is walking and holding hands with Michonne.

Season 9[]

"A New Beginning"

During the year and a half that passed since the end of the war, Judith has been raised by Rick and Michonne and the three live as a happy family in a rebuilt and thriving Alexandria.

Rick, now with shorter and grayer hair, happily watches Michonne paint with Judith. They go outside the walls to see a flock of birds in the field.

The next day, when Rick is at the Hilltop, he mentions to Maggie that Judith still remembers her as her "Aunt Maggie".

"Warning Signs"

Judith is taken by Rick to see Siddiq, so he can do a check up on her. Afterwards, Judith spends a family day with Rick and Michonne playing, having a picnic and reading stories.

"The Obliged"

Judith spends time reading stories with Michonne and accompanying her as she works on her communities charter.

"What Comes After"

In Alexandria, Judith talks with Michonne about shells before they are interrupted by Scott. Scott tells Michonne that Maggie is there and Judith reacts happily "Aunt Maggie!".

Six years later, Magna's group take on a herd of walkers. They quickly get overwhelmed but are saved when the walkers around them get shot from the trees. Magna and her group escape into the woods to find an older Judith, around 9 years old, armed with Rick's revolver and a katana. They introduce themselves and ask what her name is. She picks up her hat and introduces herself as Judith Grimes.

"Who Are You Now?"

In the woods, Judith leads Magna's group to the others, who are looking for her. Wanting to take them in, Judith declares she won't return to Alexandria until they accept them. The others reluctantly agree.

In Alexandria, Magna's group arrives at the gates and Judith assures them they'll be safe. They get escorted inside, where Gracie runs over to Aaron. Rosita updates Siddiq on Yumiko's condition and he escorts her to the infirmary. Magna tries to tag along but is stopped by D.J.

Michonne arrives on horseback and doesn't look pleased to see the new arrivals. She frisks Magna and asks Eugene why they're here. Aaron claims it was his call but Michonne reminds him it's not his call to make. "I decided," Judith tells her. Michonne scolds her but Aaron says they're here now and they should decide their fate together, while Gabriel suggests they vote tomorrow. Michonne agrees and instructs her people to put them in holding. She leaves as her sheriff figurine falls out of her pocket and Judith picks it up.

The next day, Judith is present when Magna's group are questioned by the Alexandria council. Later, in their house, Judith overhears Michonne pretending to talk to Rick, but Michonne catches her and tells her to do her homework and that they will train later.

A while later, Judith sits outside of Negan's cell and reads off a math problem to him about two planes on a collision course. He stops her and asks if she's ever seen a plane and she says no, so Negan suggests she worry about problems that apply to the real world. Judith then tells him that Michonne wants to make Magna's group leave but she doesn't want them to. Negan uses an anecdote from his childhood about a seemingly nice stray dog that turned violent, meaning just because someone looks nice doesn't mean they are. Judith brushes it off and says the numbers don't care if someone's good or bad on the inside. Negan smiles as she leaves.

At night, after Michonne finishes talking with Magna, she closes the door and then turns around to find Judith on the staircase with her father's gun. She says her dad would have wanted her to do what she did, and Michonne agrees. She tells her she'll understand one day why she's making Magna's group leave. Judith reveals she knows Michonne still talks to Rick and Carl while she's beginning to forget their voices, shocking her. As Judith leaves, R.J. runs up to Michonne and asks for food.

The next day, Magna's group prepares to leave by thanking everyone for their hospitality, with each one appreciating Judith the most. Michonne rides up and says she's going to instead escort them to Hilltop with Siddiq.


At dawn, in Alexandria, Judith spots Negan, wearing normal clothes, scaling the fence to escape, but stops him with her gun. He laughs and suggests they just go their separate ways, but she doesn't budge. Negan climbs down and Judith reminds him there's nothing out there for him. He promises not to hurt anyone, even in self-defense. Judith finally relents and allows him to keep her compass in hopes that it will help him find his way, but promises that if she sees him again she'll shoot.

Later, on the road, Judith watches as Negan drives his bike and shoots at it, making him crash. She says a lot of people are looking for him. He gives her back the compass and says he wants to return to Alexandria because she was right, there isn't anything out there for him. Judith then escorts him back to Alexandria.


In Alexandria, Judith spies on Michonne's meeting with Negan but is caught by her mother, making her run away. Later, at their house, Judith is questioned by Michonne about it and she says sometimes she talks to him out of sympathy. Michonne calmly explains why that's a bad idea but Judith argues he actually listens to her. Michonne firmly demands she not go near him because he's a monster and if he got out he would continue to be a monster. Judith reminds her he did get out and wasn't a monster, proving he has changed. Michonne says people don't change but Judith responds, "You did", leaving her speechless. Michonne then sends her to her room.


In Alexandria, Judith plays with R.J. and Gracie on the community streets when Michonne comes out of her house and orders her to keep her brother safe as she goes over to the guardpost. Later, by the lake, Judith tells Daryl she's happy he helped Lydia and suggests they could all defeat the Whisperers if they came together since it's what her dad would have done.

In the past, at Alexandria, Jocelyn's kid group enjoys a bonfire with a younger Judith and the community kids. In the present, at night, Judith watches as Daryl and the rest prepare to leave for the Kingdom. After they leave, she looks at Michonne with disappointment.

In the past, Judith is taken captive by Jocelyn's group alongside the other community children. In the present, Judith is at dinner with her family. She refuses to eat and goes to her bedroom. The next morning, Judith leaves a note to her mom saying she had to go to help their friends and leaves Alexandria in search of Daryl.

In the past, Judith is rescued by Michonne and happily embraces her. In the present, Judith kills a walker in the woods but before she can be bitten by another, she's saved by her mom. They sit by a log and Judith tells her she remembers how the kids were nice to her but Jocelyn was bad. She then tells Michonne that loving someone means keeping them safe and asks why they stopped loving Daryl, Maggie, Carol, and the King. Michonne says they haven't, and the two hug again.

In the past, Michonne and Daryl return to Alexandria with Judith and the kids as the parents rush up to greet them. Judith runs to Rosita and happily hugs her. In the present, Michonne tells Judith how she changed Alexandria's mission to protect their own so she can keep her kids safe, but she admits she was wrong, and that they have to protect the people they love.

In the woods, Michonne and Judith ride off towards the Kingdom and pick up Daryl, Connie, Henry, and Lydia along the way.

"The Calm Before"

Judith and the group arrive at the Kingdom as the fair starts. Carol and Ezekiel marvel at how much she has grown and ask if she remembers them. Judith claims she does since she has drawings of them from when she was a child. Suddenly. Tara spots Lydia among the group. "The plan was to bring Henry…just Henry" Tara says angrily to Daryl.

Inside the theater, Judith listens as the leaders reunite and decide to grant asylum to Lydia in Alexandria, send some soldiers to Hilltop to guard against any potential attacks from the Whisperers and to re-establish the charter. She then sees as they all sign the charter.

At the fair, Judith plays the dunkee both with Eugene. She also watches as Jerry plays around with his children and is left to be looked after by Nabila. At night, Judith and Jerry's family attend the theater and watch the movie.

The next day, Judith listens from the crowd as Siddiq delivers the tragic news regarding the fate of the missing residents from the fair, tells them how brave everyone was in their final moments and how he was intentionally kept alive to tell this very story. He encourages everyone to remember the fallen as brave heroes and to honor them.

"The Storm"

Several months after the fair massacre, in Alexandria, Judith takes shelter from the storm with the residents in the church. She tells Negan to watch his language as he makes a joke, but then comments to him that she's worried about Dog, who she lost despite Daryl asking her to watch over him. Later, Judith pulls a blanket over herself and her brother to keep them warm, before Gabriel decides they're moving to Aaron's house. They all tie a rope around themselves and head out into the blizzard.

In the middle of the path, Judith hears Dog barking in the distance and chases after him, forcing Negan to race after her at the risk of his own life. A while later, she is found freezing by Negan. He puts Judith on his shoulder, grabs Dog's leash and gives her his coat to stay warm. He then ties up his injured leg and carries her and Dog away.

The next day, after the storm is over, Judith runs over to Michonne and hugs her as she and the others return to Alexandria. She then plays with the group in a snowball fight.

Sometime later, Judith converses with Ezekiel on the radio and listens as he says just because they lost their house doesn't mean they lost their home. She then tells him she has to do her homework and signs off.

Season 10[]

"Lines We Cross"

Some months after the blizzard, Judith and the Coalition form a militia in order to train the several residents of the communities to face any future treats. She takes part in a training exercise on the Oceanside beach. As Ezekiel and Jerry methodically release walkers from a shipwrecked boat, Judith and the other militia work together as a unit to take out the walker threat. Later on, Judith and R.J. play with some shells that R.J. found. As they dump out their seashells in the sand, a Whisperer mask falls out. Judith gets scared and informs the rest of the group.

A while later, Judith tells R.J. the story about Rick blowing the bridge to save his friends. "He died and went to heaven," Judith tells R.J. about "the brave man" in her story. Michonne walks up to hug them, telling them she'd do anything to protect them. Suddenly, an explosion rings out and everyone looks up to witness streaks of fire cascading from the sky. Judith then stays at the camp looking after her brother as the adults deal with the situation.


While the Alexandria residents face against waves of walkers pouring onto the community gates over the next 49 hours, Judith stays at her home looking after her brother. When Michonne checks on them in the morning, Judith reminds her mother it's not safe to go to sleep.

The next day, Judith keeps looking after her brother when Michonne arrives to sleep with them. As they lay together in bed, Michonne explains to Judith that it is safe to sleep for now.

"Silence the Whisperers"

Judith and her family dine together and share a laugh as they are joined by Daryl. The following morning, Judith accompanies Michonne to visit the Hilltop to help out the community after a tree has fallen down. On the way, Michonne tells Judith never to take enemies by their word. Judith suggests the Whisperers are probably trying to tire them out like R.J. does before he goes to sleep. Suddenly, Michonne spots Ezekiel riding on his own and tells Judith and the group to continue while she investigates. Later that day, the group catches up and they continue their travel to Hilltop.

That night, Judith and the convoy arrive to help the Hilltop residents fight off the invading walkers. While fighting, Judith takes out walkers by herself to the proud smile of her mom. The following morning, Judith listens to the council meeting where Michonne announces she will be delivering supplies to Oceanside after receiving reports of potential Whisperer activity. She becomes surprised when Michonne says she will accompany her. Later that day, Judith and a group prepare their convoy and head out on their journey towards Oceanside.

"The World Before"

Judith and the group continue their journey towards Oceanside when they stop briefly after Scott comes across recent footprints on their path. When Luke says he is going as a representative of Hilltop, she jokes that he really wants to see Jules and then asks him what he was whistling before. He explains he was whistling one of his favorite songs and writes it down for her in a book where she is documenting everything that happens to them for the future. When Luke suggests stopping at a nearby library along the way to look for more books, Judith convinces her mother to accept after complaining that she has already read almost every book back in Alexandria.

When the group heads inside the library, Judith finds a Russian-English dictionary she gives to Luke for Eugene to understand the satellite parts. As Michonne tells her daughter they can read a book together, she is called over the radio by Magna. Upon hearing Luke screaming for help, she and the group find him in the music section where he explains he was saved by a man before he fled. Judith then remains in silence as her mother informs him of Siddiq's death.

Later that day, the group arrives at Oceanside where Judith witnesses as the residents bring the man that saved Luke to the camp and accuse him of being a Whisperer. While the stranger begs he simply wants to get back to his family, Judith watches as the group debates what to do with him. When walkers suddenly invade, she helps take out the threat and slashes the man in the leg to stop him from escaping. Judith then calls out to her mother who proudly congratulates her.

That night, Judith reads a book from the man's backpack when he suddenly wakes up. He claims the book is for his daughter and attempts to stop her from reading it but falls due to being tied up. Judith tells him to be careful with his stitches and then leaves when her mother arrives to question him. A while later, Michonne tells Judith her plan of helping the man get back to his family on a naval base in exchange for weapons to destroy Alpha's horde but says she needs to go alone. Judith understands her mother's decision and they hug.

The next day, Judith listens as Michonne informs the group of her mission and gives them a radio to contact her if they need to. She also tells Judith she can contact her at any time and reminds her to be good with her uncle Daryl until she returns. Judith then bids her mother farewell before she and the rest of the group travel back to their communities.


Judith watches as a Whisperer named Mary arrives at the gates of the community in the morning to inform everyone that a group has been trapped in the cave with Alpha's horde before she is knocked out by Rosita and placed in the cell. Sometime later that day, she goes to the stairs outside of the building like she used to do to talk with Negan and starts a conversation with Mary by asking her name and wondering about her life before meeting the Whisperers.

After Mary explains she doesn't remember much because she was brainwashed by Alpha, Judith says she thinks that had Mary stumbled across her parents first, she would have turned out better, and claims that she doesn't look like a monster to her. When Beta attacks Alexandria that night, Judith looks over her brother and helps Mary by letting her inside her house for safety. They hide inside a room and she shoots through it, managing to hit Beta in the chest. The next day, Judith and her brother are among the group that departs towards Hilltop in wagons.

"Morning Star"

As the children climb into the wagon, Judith expresses a desire to stay and fight, but Daryl is quick to rebuff her. He then spots Carol and Ezekiel arriving, but doesn't go to greet them. The caravan doesn't make it far before they hit a roadblock and discover Felix and Penny (the scouts they sent earlier) dead. Daryl identifies this as one of Negan's tactics and concludes that all the other roads will be blocked, too, making a retreat impossible.

The caravan returns to the Hilltop, with Daryl informing the others of the situation. Luke suggests calling Alexandria for reinforcements, but Dianne thinks that neither Alexandria nor Oceanside can get to them in time. Earl is confident that Hilltop is prepared, and tries to rally everyone for the upcoming conflict.

Before the battle, Daryl notices Judith sitting on the sofa and wonders why she isn't with the other kids. Judith insists that she can fight. Daryl says that he knows she can, and apologizes for Judith seeing the bodies of Felix and Penny earlier that day. Judith dismisses them as "just walkers", which she has killed plenty of. Judith claims that she isn't scared, but when Daryl says that he might be, she says that she might be scared for R.J., her mom, and Daryl. Daryl assures her that there is no shame in that, since she knows what she's fighting for. Judith reveals that she repaired the wing on Daryl's vest. Daryl thanks her for the gift, before making her promise that if Ezekiel comes looking for her, she goes with him, regardless of whether she knows where Daryl is. Judith promises after some hesitation, and the two hug each other goodbye.

"Walk With Us"

Judith fights with the Coalition to defend the Hilltop, expertly taking down several walkers with her sword. However, during the fight, Judith impales a Whisperer through the gut with her sword as he comes up behind her, causing Judith to stare in shock at the man as he begs for her help as he dies. Earl arrives and takes Judith and the other kids to safety.

Hiding in a shed, Earl reassures Judith and the other kids that they will soon be reunited with their parents before entering another room. Following after Earl, Judith is shocked to discover that Earl has been bitten and is preparing to commit suicide by impaling his head on a railroad spike driven through a table. Earl rejects Judith's offers to say with him as he dies, telling her that he needs Judith to protect the other kids.

After Earl's suicide, Judith enters the room to check up on him, discovering that Earl had failed to impale his head on the spike. Reanimating, Earl growls at Judith who quickly puts Earl down. Arriving moments later with Ezekiel and Jerry, Daryl finds Judith crying beside Earl's corpse and comforts her.

"What We Become"

Michonne radios Judith, who says that she's been trying to reach her. She apologizes and informs her daughter that she found three people on the island, whom she is bringing home. R.J. joins in on the call to say hello to his mother, but Judith tells him they need to use codenames for security, so R.J. chooses "Little Brave Man" as his codename, much to Michonne's delight. Michonne asks about Rosita, before switching the topic to the Whisperers. Judith informs her that the Whisperers are finished, as they eliminated most of the horde, while Alpha can't hurt them anymore. Michonne then reveals that she found something that belonged to the "Brave Man", and where he might have been recently. Choking back tears, Judith asks if Rick is still alive, but Michonne doesn't know. Judith then urges Michonne to go find Rick if she thinks he is alive. Michonne initially declines, reasoning that Judith and R.J. need her right now, but Judith is insistent, telling Michonne that Rick could be trying to come home and might need help. Michonne accepts her mission, and tells Judith that she will try her on the walkie for as long as she can. They then say their goodbyes.

"The Tower"

Judith is among the Alexandrians to relocate to the abandoned hospital being referred to as "the tower". Judith approaches Lydia, who is petting a cat. Judith offers condolences for her mother's death, but Lydia tells her she doesn't have to do that. When asked, Lydia denies that she misses her mother, and tells Judith that not everyone gets to have a mom like hers. As Judith leaves, Negan observes from a distance.

In the woods, Judith downs a lone walker, just as Daryl discovers her. When he finds out Judith is alone, he tries to take her back to the Tower, but Judith protests that she hates it at the building, as it smells of cat urine, and wants to learn to do what Daryl does instead. Although Daryl is initially resistant to this idea, he eventually agrees to let her tag along. Daryl explains that he is walking the perimeter and looking for anything out of the ordinary, and if he spots something, he retreats and radios it in. He warns Judith that there is no room for mistakes, which she acknowledges.

In the woods, Daryl coaches Judith to spot things that don't belong. She notices a piece of skin on the side of a tree, and correctly identifies this as coming from a walker. Daryl notes that the Whisperers could be rounding more walkers up, and instructs Judith to stay behind him. It isn't long before they come upon a small group of walkers, led by the same Whisperer Beta threatened earlier. Daryl shoots the Whisperer with his crossbow, injuring her. As the Whisperer runs off, Daryl and Judith dispatch the walkers and quickly give chase.

Judith and Daryl track down the injured Whisperer to a small ditch. The Whisperer begs Daryl to pull the arrow out of her shoulder, not wanting to die in that manner. Daryl orders her to drop the knife and asks where the rest of the Whisperers are. She quickly reveals their whereabouts, but also that she was going off on her own. When asked why, she claims to have had no choice, revealing that Beta lost his mind after the survivors killed Alpha. Finally, Daryl asks if the Whisperers know the survivors' location, but the Whisperer doesn't know, although she assures Daryl that Beta will keep coming for them. Daryl proceeds to aim his crossbow at the Whisperer's head, as the latter pleads that she wants to "walk after". Daryl repeats his previous question, but the Whisperer genuinely doesn't know. With that, Daryl shoots the Whisperer in the head. Shocked, Judith tells Daryl that he didn't have to kill the Whisperer, but Daryl rationalizes that she didn't have any information and was going to die anyway, so it was better for it to happen quickly. Judith protests leaving the Whisperer, and hypothesizes that she could have a family, but Daryl gently drags her away.

As they are heading back, Judith stops and once again expresses discomfort at them leaving the Whisperer in a ditch. She asks what would happen if Daryl was lost and no one could find him, or R.J., or her mom. When he asks where this is coming from, Judith states that she simply wishes for everyone to be back together again. Daryl assures her that he radioed Michonne and told her not to come, even though he didn't get a reply. Judith claims that it doesn't matter, as she talked to her mom after the fire, and is worried that Michonne might not come home.

Daryl asks what Michonne said, but Judith just says that she went to help some people she met along the way. Judith didn't want to tell Daryl about this, as she was afraid that he'd leave, too. Daryl assures Judith that he won't leave, but refuses to promise anything, as he maintains that he can't lie to Judith, and doesn't know what's going to happen in the future, no more than anyone does. Daryl, however, goes on to state that there are a lot of people back at the Tower who would do anything for her, and will one day need her to do anything for them. Finally, Daryl assures Judith that, while nothing can take the place of a loved one lost, it doesn't mean that everything that follows is going to break your heart. He then embraces her.

"A Certain Doom"

Judith and the group are seen making it back to the Tower. At the exit, Daryl says goodbye to Judith through the separating door. Gabriel tells the other to go, as the Whisperers are smashing down the final barricade. Judith realizes Gabriel isn't coming, but he explains that someone needs to stay behind to keep the Whisperers from cutting the rope. When Judith asks if Rosita knows about this, he instructs her to tell her "Eres mi media naranja", claiming that she will know the meaning behind the phrase. With that, Judith and the others descend down the elevator shaft, leaving Gabriel to face the attacking Whisperers.

After the war is over, Judith spots Maggie as the rendezvous point and hugs her after being reunited for the first time in years.

"Home Sweet Home"

Out in the woods, Judith and Maggie are clearing out walkers together. After putting down a zombified Whisperer, Maggie asks Judith about Michonne and what she told R.J. Judith says that she showed the night sky to R.J. and told him that his mother was looking at the very same stars. The pair join Lydia and the others on the road. When the others pull the cart away, Maggie is suddenly confronted with the sight of Negan, helping the other survivors as a free man. He awkwardly greets her, and assures her that he didn't escape. Judith watches in silent as Maggie walks away without saying a word.

Season 11[]

"Acheron: Part I"

Judith runs over to greet Daryl when he returns to Alexandria.


Judith plays cards with Gracie, R.J. and Hershel. While they play, Gracie's stomach grumbles and Judith tells her that she is hungry, too. When Hershel asks Judith if she is ever afraid when her mom goes away she makes light of the situation, and tells him that grown-ups are always running off and she jokingly mimics their parent's goodbye speeches and makes Gracie laugh. Hershel somberly notes that the adults say the same thing before the apocalypse, but can't promise to come back safely nowadays. Judith says it's just to make the children feel better.

Later that day, the children are given horsemeat to eat. Judith is visibly reluctant to eat it but she still attempts to encourage her brother to eat some. Hershel assures the children that it isn't that bad, or better than spiders at least, which makes Judith grimace.

"Out of the Ashes"

Judith leads a drill to teach the children how to wield swords. During it, she notices that Gracie is concerned about something and turns around to see a gang of teenagers taunting a walker through a hole in the wall. Judith confronts them and demands that they stop, threatening to get Rosita if they don't. This angers Vincent and he shoves her to the ground and taunts her by saying that she is a baby and her mother abandoned her. Having enough, Judith stands up and points her sword to his throat and threatens him to repeat what he said. Gracie intervenes and convinces Judith to put her sword down, the two girls glare at the bully still calling Judith names. Judith then walks away with tears in her eyes.

Later that day, she returns to her house and discovers the keepsake that she made with Carl as a toddler is destroyed. Judith accuses Vincent of breaking her handprint, but lets him walk off when she doesn't have any proof. Judith is touched when Gracie, R.J. and Hershel come over and offer to help put it back together.

Outside, she sits on the porch and cries because she misses her family. Rosita notices this, and comes over to comfort her by telling her a story of her childhood. When the two go to Rosita's house to gather material to fix the broken board they hear Eugene radioing Alexandria.

"For Blood"

As the storm rages in Alexandria, Judith hugs the other children and attempts to comfort her brother by reminding him of one of their mother's sayings. Judith somberly agrees with R.J. when he confesses that he wishes their mom was with them. After Aaron asks for volunteers to fix the walls damaged by the storm and control the blaze as the windmill caught fire, Judith offers to go help and Carol convinces her to stay behind. Judith notices that Gracie is upset that Aaron is going out into the storm, and goes over and offers to stay with her which makes the other girl feel better.

When Judith hears Gracie confess that she wishes that she were more like Judith because she's never afraid, she denies it, and explains to her friend that her mother just taught her the ways to channel fear into strength and tells Gracie that she can do it. too. Judith smiles at Gracie when she starts practicing with her katana and feeling more confidant. Virgil compliments Judith and tells her how proud Michonne would be of her, and that he notices how she carries herself just like her mother through her skills as a swordsman and caring for the other kids. This makes Judith happy, but she misses her mother and is disappointed when Virgil doesn't know where she went.

Judith notices Gracie getting a little too close to the window while practicing her swordplay, and tries to warn her, but the girl is suddenly grabbed by a walker through the window paneling and drops the katana. Judith runs over to picks up her sword, and slices off the walker's arm, and stabs it to save her friend. Judith is then directed by Rosita to blow out the candles. The walkers continue to build up and nearly break down the door which causes Rosita to run outside and into the storm. Judith watches at the window in admiration with Gracie as Rosita kills all the walkers in the yard, when Rosita returns Judith agrees to stay away from the windows.

However, despite Rosita's effort the walkers keep coming and the Alexandrian's need to evacuate upstairs. Judith tells R.J. to go with Hershel upstairs while she tries to aid an Virgil in climbing them, but Dianne quickly comes to take him off her hands. It's then she notices that Gracie had disappeared, and calls for her, following her voice into the basement which is now flooding. Judith asks her friend why she is down there and Gracie explains her that she wants a weapon to fight with like Rosita and Judith. Judith breaks off a handle of a broom and hands it to Gracie, and they both race upstairs but are confronted with walkers inside the house, this forces them back into the basement where they are trapped between rising water and walkers threatening to break down the door.

"No Other Way"

Dianne tells Rosita and Lydia that Judith and Gracie never made it upstairs. Rosita tells her that they will find them after they deal with the walkers in the house.

In the basement, Gracie tells Judith that the door holding back the walkers won't hold, but Judith tells her that it will. Judith adds another bar to the door to prevent the walkers from breaking it down, then her and Gracie starting looking for more tools to use. The walkers break down the door and the girls stand on a table to escape them. Judith tells Gracie they need to get to a window, then kills a walker with her sword.

Judith kills another walker when it grabs Gracie's leg, but she accidentally drops her sword into the water below. Now weaponless, Judith holds on to Gracie and kicks walkers away with her feet.

Aaron jumps through the window and starts killing walkers, and Judith and Gracie head towards the window. Judith tells Aaron that more walkers are coming, and he helps her and Gracie climb out through the basement window. Judith tells Aaron that she will get help, but he instructs her to get Gracie to safety first, and the girls leave.

After Aaron escapes, he asks Lydia about Gracie and Judith, and she tells him that the girls are okay.

Later, when Maggie's group returns to Alexandria, Judith runs up to Daryl excitedly and hugs him. Her and R.J. take apples from Daryl's basket.

When Lance Hornsby gives his speech to the Alexandrians, she can be seen sitting between R.J. and Barbara.

"New Haunts"

Judith, R.J., and Daryl walk through a haunted house in the Commonwealth. She holds her brother's hand and he hides behind her when a man dressed as a walker emerges from behind a door. Daryl tells the "walker" that they've had enough and Judith smiles at the man as the three leave. She tells R.J. that he was "very brave". Jerry gives her a witch costume and she puts it on.

Later, Judith gets a "witch's hat" cookie from Carol and talks with a young Commonwealth resident named Mei, who asks her if she's "one of the new people". Mei tells her that there's probably nothing Judith is afraid of, since she lived in the "wasteland" before moving to the Commonwealth. She also tells her that she has a "cool name" when she introduces herself as Jude. Judith waves at Daryl who is playing with R.J.

Judith and Mei flip through records outside of a store, and Mei suggests that Judith buys the album "Rock 'n' Roll" by Motörhead. When she tells Mei that she doesn't have any money, Mei questions the fact that she doesn't get an allowance, and Judith doesn't respond. Princess comes out from the store and asks Judith who her friend is, and Judith introduces her to Mei. Mei buys the album for Judith, and Judith asks for the receipt, so she can have a "reminder of a good day".

Judith and R.J. are drawing on the floor when Daryl arrives home late from work. Judith asks him if he "got lost out there" and he tells her there was a long line at the kitchen. She tells him that she made a new friend and shows him the record that Mei bought her. Judith asks Daryl for an allowance, and he asks her if she can wait until his new job settles. When Daryl asks her if she wants to stay in the Commonwealth, she tells him that she does, as long as her mother knows where to find them.

3 days later, Judith and Daryl look at their outfits in the mirror. Daryl tells her that she looks "awesome", and she replies that he looks "official". He gifts her a record player, and she hugs him excitedly. The two use the record player to listen to "Eat the Rich" by Motörhead.


Carol walks Judith and R.J. to school, and Judith tells her that she'll "make sure R.J. gets to his classes on time today". She gives Ezekiel a high-five and says goodbye to Carol before walking into the school with R.J.


Judith’s voice can be heard in the beginning of the episode, describing the stories she's been told about when the world fell.

Judith is drawing with R.J. and Gracie, with Carol watching over them as Daryl and Aaron are still on the mission. She tells Carol that her pancakes are burning, then looks at the photos that Kelly took of the Commonwealth. She asks Carol when Uncle Daryl and Uncle Aaron are coming back, and jokes with Carol that Daryl doesn't know how to cook "unless there's a campfire". Carol tells her that Daryl and Aaron will be back soon.

Judith, along with R.J. and Gracie, is hidden by Carol when Shira and Roman search the apartment for the children. Later, when Carol hears a knock on the door, she tells Judith, Gracie, and R.J. to go hide in the bedroom.

Jerry helps Judith, R.J., and Gracie run away from Shira and Roman by hiding them on a balcony. Judith hugs Gracie and R.J. while Roman lingers below.

"A New Deal"

Judith reunites with Daryl, Maggie, Aaron and Gabriel after Carol made a plan with Pamela Milton.

Judith is present when the group starts to pack their belongings to head back to their original communities and see Aaron, Jerry, Lydia and Elijah off as they leave for Oceanside.

Daryl takes out Rick's gun and hands it to Judith, but she states she doesn't want it and hands it back. Daryl is confused but takes it back. Judith then brings up when her mom said she'd hang her sword up for good and feel like she didn't need it anymore and believes if she keeps the gun, things will go back to the way they were. Daryl says that things will get better once they get back home, but Judith continues to go on, saying that it's still broken and that there are still people who need help at the Commonwealth. She then says it's the same thing as what he, Rick, and Michonne did with Hilltop, the only difference being he's running away rather than fighting. Daryl gets frustrated and tells her to stop. Judith walks away and hugs Gracie, who is upset because her father is leaving.

At Judith's apartment, Daryl is finishing packing up and can't find her. He asks R.J. where she is, but he promised to keep her location a secret. Daryl goes out to look for her with Carol's help.

Rosita and Gabriel discover Judith hiding out at the Commonwealth church going through some books.

Daryl finds Judith in the church and goes to talk with her. She tells him she wasn't trying to worry him. Daryl understands that she just wanted to be alone and that he also had a spot where he went to be by himself, a river behind his house where he would stay and wait until his abusive father went to sleep. She says that sometimes being alone is good, with Daryl adding it gives you time to think. Daryl apologizes for scolding Judith earlier and says he doesn't know what he's doing but is trying his best, wishing things were the way she wanted them to be. He says he'll hold on to the gun for a while and asks if they're good. Judith says they are before the two get up to go say goodbye to their friends.

Daryl, Carol, and Judith arrive as the Founders Day activities go on. Judith sees her friend Mei and Daryl beckons her to go have fun. Judith and Mei gleefully watch a wrestling match.

During the speeches, Judith watches as the crowd begins to turn on the Milton's when a recording of Sebastian Milton's cynical and entitled view of the Commonwealth and its people and his disgust for the poor is played. She becomes caught up in the chaos when a herd of walkers breach and start attacking civilians, and is lost in the crowd and separated from Daryl. Judith watches in horror as she sees one walker eating a body before approaching her. However, Daryl shoots him with Rick's revolver. Judith asks for the gun, saying the civilians need their help. Daryl complies, drawing his knives, and tells her they work together.

Judith comes across Sebastian Milton, who had been bitten by a walker on the neck. She puts that walker down by shooting it in the head as Sebastian chokes on his own blood before dying. Judith watches sadly next to Daryl as Sebastian's speech continues to play in the background on a loop.


While unseen, Daryl has Judith evacuated from the Founders Day celebration and presumably goes to check on her to see if she's ready before they depart from the Commonwealth.

"What's Been Lost"

While unseen, Judith is abducted on Pamela Milton's orders, alongside the other children and almost every other Alexandria, Hilltop and Riverbend resident living at the Commonwealth.

"Outpost 22"

While unseen, Judith is now a prisoner of the Commonwealth and living at the Outpost 22 labor camp, which is formally known as The Alexandria Safe Zone.


While unseen, Judith is no longer a prisoner and is reunited with the adults of her group after Alexandria is retaken from the Commonwealth.


In a reclaimed Alexandria, the Coalition recover their various weapons from a large crate full of weapons confiscated by the Commonwealth. Recovering her katana and Rick's Colt Python, Judith muses about her family's fight for survival and a new beginning and the cost that comes with it. Judith recalls how she never got to know her mother Lori, how Carl dreamed of a day when they'd all live in peace, how Michonne tried to hang up her sword and how Rick was searching for mercy. Judith looks at the Coalition charter that Michonne had written before putting it in her bag along with a drawing she had made as R.J. joins her. Judith keeps thinking about something that Michonne had told her, a secret saying that Michonne had used to share with Rick that was like a good luck charm, one that is for Judith and R.J. too. Recognizing that it was one of many things that she was afraid to say out loud, Judith muses that they didn't know when they started this, that this would be the day that everything changed forever. Judith gives her little brother her hat, the same way that Carl had passed it down to her before his death.

Ezekiel says goodbye to Nabila, Aliyah and Gracie while Daryl promises R.J. that they will be back soon and orders him to look after Judith. However, Judith tells Daryl and Carol that she's coming too over Daryl's objections. Judith reminds her friends that this isn't the future that Carl wanted and it's not what Rick and Michonne fought for, not yet at least. What they're doing could help everyone, maybe everybody everywhere, not just them. Judith wants to be a part of making what her family believed in real. Carol recognizes that while everyone else has been focused on the present for a long time, Judith has been thinking about the future which is a good thing and something that they could all do a little more of. Daryl agrees on the condition that Judith stays right with him, and he leaves R.J. in Nabila's care while they're gone.

On the railroad tracks, the Commonwealth's train smashes a walker to bits. Inside, observed by Daryl, Carol, Maggie and Judith, Rosita pours over a map of the Commonwealth with Gabriel, telling him that once they get inside, they will move the former prisoners into hiding and, as they hopefully get Mercer on their side to take out Pamela, she and Gabriel will go to get Coco back. Gabriel notices that they're going in through the lower ward and wonders why they're not going in through the Estates instead. Rosita points out that with more money, the Estates have more patrols, meaning that they don't stand out as much in the lower wards. They're going to use an access road that will allow them to hit the children's home from behind. Gabriel smiles at Rosita and promises her that they will get Coco back which is his faith in Rosita talking and Rosita is glad that Gabriel is with her.

A concerned Judith tells Daryl and Carol that she hasn't heard from Michonne in a long time. While Judith had tried to reach her mother a few times, she was unsuccessful. Carol reassures Judith that there could be a lot of reasons for that and Michonne can take care of herself better than just about anyone that Carol knows. Daryl promises Judith that both Rick and Michonne would be very proud of their daughter. Judith asks if Carl would be proud of her too and Daryl nods while Carol tells Judith that she and Carl are a lot alike. Judith remembers that her brother had died saving people and she wishes that she'd had more time with Carl and that they have more time to just remember everyone that they've lost along the way. Carol promises that they will, and Daryl promises that, when this is over, he will tell Judith every story that he remembers about all of the people that loved her before pulling Judith into a hug.

Outside of the tunnel entrance, four Commonwealth soldiers patrol while the Coalition forces hide nearby. Negan tells the others that they are sitting ducks and Mercer isn't coming and they can't wait for him. Carol agrees that it's time for a new plan, but Princess is sure that Mercer is gonna show up. Daryl states that they're running out of time and Carol decides to head around and try to find another way to slip in. Maggie suggests that they could take the four guards, but Rosita warns her that if those guards go missing, the clock is going to start ticking on them. Judith draws the others attention as one of the guards notices something and starts heading their way. However, Lieutenant Rose calls in with orders from Mercer for the guards to report to the East Gate immediately to deal with the incoming herd. Lieutenant Rose confirms that that includes Tunnel H and he reassures the soldiers that the tunnel is locked, and they've got it covered on the other end. Complying with his orders, the guards move out. Breaking the lock on the door, the group makes their way into the tunnel.

The Coalition forces emerge from the tunnel in the seemingly-abandoned Union Station. Daryl quickly deduces that something isn't right, and he notices that the outer doors are all chained shut. Realizing that it's a trap, Daryl yells for everyone to get down as Pamela's private forces, situated on the station's balcony, open fire, killing Tyler and two former prisoners standing near him as everyone else dives for cover.

A gunfight erupts between Pamela's forces and the Coalition with Rosita desperately trying to get the doors open. One Alexandria resident crawls towards a hiding Connie, Kelly, Magna and Dianne, but he is shot in the head and killed by one of Pamela's men before he can reach them. As the gunfight continues, Pamela herself emerges and grabs a gun from one of her men who is killed by the Coalition. Pamela takes aim at Maggie, but Judith notices and shoves Maggie out of the way just in time, saving her life. Instead, Pamela accidentally shoots Judith, seriously wounding the young girl. Daryl desperately attends to Judith as Pamela watches in horror and the others increase their fire, killing a few more of Pamela's men. Yelling that "you did this," Pamela retreats to her office. Looking for a way out, Daryl spots a fire extinguisher near Ezekiel and signals him to throw it. Grabbing Rick's Colt Python from Judith, Daryl shoots the fire extinguisher, creating a smokescreen.

In Union Square, Yumiko and Max observe the heavily guarded doors to Union Station from across the street. Hearing twigs snapping, Yumiko spots a hooded Eugene sneaking around a train car, armed with Brooks' rifle and she tells Max that they are going to go around. Inside, under cover of the smokescreen, Daryl and the others manage to break the chains sealing a side door. As a trooper approaches the doors, Eugene ambushes him and knocks the man out with the butt of his rifle. Magna finally breaks through the doors, and everyone is reunited with Eugene, Yumiko and Max before quickly making their escape.

The Coalition races through the streets towards the hospital with Daryl carrying the unconscious Judith. Commonwealth vehicles drive up and block their path in multiple directions, forcing them to fall back. Carol realizes that the soldiers aren't following them as they begin to erect barricades in the streets. Loudly yelling and firing their guns in the air, Commonwealth soldiers lead the herd in their direction before closing the barricades, penning the herd and the Coalition in. Spotting a walker climbing over something, a shocked Negan asks "what the fuck?" As walkers close in from multiple directions, Luke and Jules emerge from the herd, causing Kelly to nearly shoot them before Connie stops her sister. Fleeing down a side street, Carol spots an alley near part of the herd and everyone attacks the walkers, clearing a path for Daryl to flee down the alley towards the hospital with Judith. Waking up for a moment, Judith calls out "daddy?" and witnesses her friends and loved ones struggling to hold back the herd before passing out again.

"Rest in Peace"

Carrying the badly injured and half-conscious Judith, Daryl bursts into the Commonwealth Hospital, desperately yelling for help. Daryl lays Judith down on a stretcher and continues looking for help as the dazed Judith witnesses two Commonwealth soldiers rushing by carrying a box of medicine. Encountering Daryl, the two men knock him unconscious and leave. Judith spots the herd approaching the hospital and stumbles to her feet and begins closing the still-open doors. Struggling against a walker, Judith manages to brace the doors shut with a desk before passing out on the floor next to Daryl.

Later, a bandaged and bruised Daryl regains consciousness in a bed with Carol at his side and Magna's group nearby desperately trying to save Luke's life, having amputated his bitten leg. Getting to his feet against Carol's objections, Daryl checks on a pale and unconscious Judith who is lying on a nearby stretcher, noting with concern that Judith has lost a lot of blood. Looking at their friends' desperate attempts to save the dying Luke, Carol informs Daryl that all of the doctors, nurses and medicine are gone, taken by Pamela Milton to where she's holed up in the Estates, leaving the rest of the Commonwealth to fend for itself. Daryl decides that they need to get to the Estates, but Carol informs him that there's too many soldiers and they're hoping to find somebody who can get them in without a fight. Daryl suggests that Mercer can help as he knows people on the inside and Carol tells him that Max thinks so too and that there's a team after him while some of the others are looking for the missing kids with everyone planning to meet back at the hospital. Daryl hates the idea of just waiting, but Carol corrects him that they're going to take care of Daryl and Judith while the others are gone.

Near death from the bite and blood loss, Luke has his friends remove a harmonica that he's kept from his pocket and Yumiko promises him that they'll keep the music alive for him. With his last words, Luke asks everyone to promise him, and they all do so. Luke dies in his friends' arms as they all sob at losing him. Taking a knife from Kelly, Magna stabs Luke in the head to prevent him from reanimating and the group sobs over his corpse. Watching the others' grief, a determined Daryl decides to give Judith a blood transfusion, explaining that he's a universal donor and that Merle had used to make him sell his blood when he was a kid as a way of making money. Carol helps Daryl set up the transfusion as they watch the others cover Luke's body in a sheet. Hearing loud noise and shouting, Carol and the others leave to sweep the hospital for walkers and to make sure that the others are okay while Daryl remains with Judith.

A confused Judith wakes up and panics that she's going to die when Daryl informs her that Judith's at the hospital. Daryl tries to reassure Judith, but she feels like she's going to die, worrying that "Mom's gonna find Dad and we're gonna be together. We're all gonna be together," but at the moment it feels like she's going to die instead. Although visibly shocked by the implication that Rick's still alive, Daryl reassures Judith that she's going to be fine. Judith starts to quote something that Michonne had used to say to Rick, but she passes out again as banging and screaming sounds in the background. Reentering the room, Carol tells Daryl that walkers have breached the hospital and they have to go. As Daryl tries to wake Judith up, Rosita calls in with the news that her group is in the alley behind the hospital, but they wrecked their ambulance going through the herd which is now surrounded by walkers.

Daryl begins wheeling Judith's stretcher out, but stops after seeing walkers pounding on the glass at the front doors of the hospital. Disconnecting the blood transfusion, Daryl barricades Judith in the room and rushes to help in the lobby where walkers drag Adrienne outside and devour her while the group barricades the doors again. Looking at the numerous walkers outside of the windows, Carol and Daryl shocked to see a variant walker breaking the glass with a brick while Connie spots more walkers coming down the hallway from the other direction. The variant breaks through the glass and is immediately stabbed in the head by Carol, but more walkers break in from the other side and drag a man outside and devour him. With walkers converging from the three sides, the group attempts to fight them off, only to have more walkers break through the barricaded door as well. Racing down a clear hallway, the group grabs Judith's stretcher while Magna radios the others to warn them that the hospital has been breached and they're leaving out the back. The group races through the hospital towards an exit as walkers close in on them from multiple directions.

At night, outside of a loading dock, Mercer observes a crowd of desperate Commonwealth residents demanding to be let into the Estates. Mercer reassures Maggie that they will be able to move soon while Aaron tells Ezekiel that he saw people on the higher floors and rooftops begging for help, but he wanted to make sure that Lydia was safe first. Ezekiel reassures his friend that he did the right thing. Hearing screams in the distance, both men are determined to do more, but they need to take care of Judith first. Lieutenant Rose arrives in another truck and reports to Mercer that they're all set: everyone is in the back and there's no one to check. The doctors have set up a safe house, but they have to hurry. Mercer calls for everyone to go, stating that they need to get Judith to Tomi. Everyone boards the truck with Princess, Max and Dianne pushing Judith's stretcher.

At the safe house in the Estates, Daryl lays Judith on a bed and Tomi immediately begins tending to her. Tomi informs Daryl that Judith is in a fragile state, but he did a good thing by giving her blood. Tomi promises to do what he can and enlists Ezekiel's help. Ezekiel orders the others to clear the room, promising to get them when Judith is stable.

Her injured arm now in a sling, Judith wakes up as Daryl and Carol watch over her, much to their relief. Judith admits that she doesn't feel great, but she's fine like Daryl had promised her. Daryl asks if what Judith had said about Rick and Michonne was true, and Judith reveals that it's why Michonne had never returned. Daryl and Carol are stunned by this, and Judith apologizes for not telling them earlier, having been afraid that Daryl would leave too if he knew that Rick is still alive somewhere. Daryl reassures Judith that he's still there, before they are interrupted by shouts outside and two gunshots. Looking outside, Mercer sees a man trying to climb the wall, only to be shot by Commonwealth soldiers on Pamela's orders. Mercer tells the others that the soldiers are shooting anyone that climbs the gates and grabs a gun, unwilling to just stand by as people are dying. Mercer informs the Coalition members that the truck is gassed up with enough reserves in the rear to get them home. Mercer and his men can sneak them out the back as Mercer believes that this isn't their fight or their people. "Yes, they are. And so are you," states Ezekiel. Addressing the others, Ezekiel tells them that "you may not think this place is worth saving, and I get that, given how they treated us. But it's worth it to me. The people are worth it, and I'm not gonna allow them to fall without a fight. Not today. I'm with you. Who else?" Aaron immediately agrees, stating that they can do more than just save themselves and they need to. Following Ezekiel's lead, everyone agrees to fight to save the Commonwealth.

At the gates of the Estates, the crowd desperately begs Pamela to be let in, amongst them Mr. Martens, Mrs. Martens and Mei. On a balcony, Maggie lines up her shot on Pamela, but Negan tells her to hold on as Mercer and his loyalist forces move in, ordering Colonel Vickers and her men to lower their weapons. Pamela orders Vickers to arrest them, but the Coalition forces join Mercer's troops from another angle, creating a standoff. Pamela accuses Mercer of being a traitor, but Mercer states that she's the true traitor and lists Pamela's crimes: disappearing hundreds of citizens, leading the dead to their doorstep, shooting a child and now leaving thousands to die.

The banging on the gates grows more frantic as the herd begins to approach the Estates, meaning that the people will die if they're not let inside. Gabriel moves towards the gates despite Vickers orders to stop. Gabriel announces that they're opening the gate and letting everyone inside, threatening to kill anyone who tries to stop him. Vickers threatens to shoot him, but Carol warns her that they will fire back if she does. Pamela orders her men to shoot Gabriel as he reaches the gates and one of them points a gun at his head. Suddenly, Daryl yells for them to stop. "What the hell you doing?" Daryl demands. "We all deserve better than this. You built this place to be like the old world. That was the fuckin' problem." Pamela states that if she opens the gates, the dead will get in too, not just the living. Daryl tells her that if she doesn't, Pamela will lose everything anyway. "We got one enemy. We ain't the walking dead."

Realizing that Daryl is right, Vickers orders everyone to lower their weapons and give Gabriel the key to the gates. Everyone stands down and Vickers defers to Mercer's command who places Pamela under arrest for high crimes against the people of the Commonwealth. As everyone rushes to help let the people in, Maggie informs Negan that Pamela is getting arrested and Negan tells her that prison is a fate worse than death for someone like Pamela, causing Maggie to relent in shooting her.

The crowd rushes in just in the nick of time, amongst them Jerry and Elijah, before the gates are closed, keeping out the herd. Elijah reunites with a relieved Lydia while Jerry desperately looks for his family before Ezekiel reassures his friend that they're safe back in Alexandria and that they will get back out there to help the people that still need their help. Approaching the gates, Pamela notices a zombified Lance Hornsby, Carol's arrow still in his neck, at the front of the herd, reaching through the gates. Pamela approaches Lance, baring her neck and intending to have Lance bite her as a form of suicide. Judith begs Pamela not to go through with it as it's never too late and they have to help everyone still out there. Before Lance can bite Pamela, Maggie shoots him in the head with her sniper rife, putting Lance down. Maggie states that it's time to take the Commonwealth back.

With the variants being too dangerous to just lead away, Mercer outlines a new plan as everyone rushes to carry out his orders. As they need to get a vehicle out of the Estates, a mixture of Coalition forces, Commonwealth soldiers and Commonwealth residents, led by Aaron, rush out of the Estates, armed with melee weapons and riot shields with the aim of drawing the herd away and clearing a path, although Mercer warns them not to engage the walkers more than absolutely necessary. Working together, the group holds the line against the herd while Mercer calls in that the vehicle is out of the back gate and on its way to the town square, asking them to let him know when they're clear. Magna reports that they've diverted the walkers and its clear as it's going to get, ordering them to move out. As the combined group continues to fight the walkers, the truck by through the cleared path to the fuel depot where Vickers, Ezekiel, Jerry, Dianne and several Commonwealth soldiers collect the fuel. Max reports in that they've got fuses running to the private sewers under the Estates and they'll finish wiring the rest once they get the fuel back while Princess goes to start the PA system to draw all of the walkers to the Estates.

Using Pamela's record player, the song "Cult of Personality" is blasted throughout the Commonwealth from the Estates, drawing all of the walkers overrunning the Commonwealth towards it. Elijah helps set up speakers throughout the Estates as Jerry, Ezekiel and Lydia pour fuel down into the sewers and the walkers fighting the forces outside of the Estates begin moving towards it as well. Mercer brings out some dynamite which Eugene and Yumiko help to wire up to drums of fuel placed throughout the Estates and Connie helps to wire up more speakers, unharmed by the loud music due to her deafness. As Max helps to coordinate the efforts, Mercer calls in that they're prepared to open the gates and to let him know when they're ready. Max calls in that they're good to go before she joins the others in retreating to the rendezvous point, the two women acknowledging that they're dead if this plan fails. The gates are opened and the herd floods into the Estates. Once the song ends, the fuses connected to explosives inside of Pamela's house are ignited, detonating the fuel in a chain reaction that obliterates the Estates and the entire herd, saving the Commonwealth.

In Alexandria, everyone enjoys a celebration and feast, joined by Mercer, Max and Tomi. Judith gives Dog some of her food and Yumiko raises a toast to Luke. Looking out the window, Daryl sees Negan walking away and the two men exchange a smile and a nod, parting on good terms. Yumiko turns to Magna, telling her "same" and Magna kisses her, the two women resuming their romantic relationship. Sitting down, Rosita smiles as she watches the celebration before becoming somber. Noticing Rosita's somber mood, Gabriel joins her, and Rosita tells him that she just wants to remember this perfect moment. In a whisper, Rosita reveals her bite and impending death to Gabriel. Noticing Rosita's behavior and crying, Judith realizes that something's wrong with her and becomes upset, apparently deducing the truth.

A year later, at Ezekiel's speech as the new governor of the Commonwealth, Judith spots Elijah and Lydia and greets her friends who now work as couriers for the combined communities while continuing to date each other. Lydia, who has a prosthetic left arm now, hands Judith a package that she says is supposed to be a surprise before she and Elijah walk off together. Inside, Judith finds her old compass that she had given to Negan and a letter from Negan reading "Judith, this has always helped me find my way. I'm returning it to you now in the hope that it can guide you to your dreams. Thank you for letting me use it."

In Alexandria, Daryl and Carol, who is now wearing her hair short again as she did before Rick's disappearance, look at the old memorial wall of the people that the community had lost. Alexandria has been fully rebuilt and is thriving again with the residents enjoying everyday life together. Aaron, Gabriel, Coco, and Gracie greet Lydia, Elijah, Judith and R.J. and Lydia gives Gabriel a package from Father Grant and his old congregation. Daryl and Carol join them while Jerry and Nabila, walking through town as their daughters play outside, smile at them. Aaron admits that he never thought that they'd get back to any of this, although he had hope. Aaron calls them all very lucky, but Gabriel corrects Aaron that it's effort rather than luck. They have a lot to be proud of in their family, community, and future.

The group from the Commonwealth next visits a rebuilt and thriving Hilltop where Maggie and Hershel watch as Adam plays. Carol asks Maggie what she had wanted to talk about, and Maggie reveals that she wants to talk about the future. "There's a lot out there to find out about. And I think it's time we did."

At the side of the road, Judith, R.J. and Ezekiel join Daryl and Carol as he prepares to depart on his motorcycle. Daryl hugs the kids and R.J. promises him that he will be good while Judith promises to keep an eye on Dog for him. Daryl asks Judith to keep an eye on Carol and promises her that if he sees or hears anything about Rick and Michonne while he's out there, he will find them both and bring them home. Calling him Uncle Daryl, Judith states that Daryl deserves a happy ending too and Daryl promises to come back. Daryl hugs Ezekiel goodbye and he leads the kids to the top of the wall to watch Daryl's departure. Daryl and Carol hug and admit that they love each other before Daryl drives off on his motorcycle through the Commonwealth gate, setting off through the countryside on his new journey.

Looking out over the fields of the Commonwealth, Judith tells her brother that "we get to start over. We're the ones who live."

The Ones Who Live[]

Season 1[]

"The Last Time"

As Judith sits on the steps of a house wearing Rick's old Colt Python and her katana, she hears her mother's voice come through her radio and picks it up.

In a field nearby, Rick and Michonne emerge from the helicopter and rush to greet their children, having finally returned home, although Rick hesitates briefly after having been away for so long and missed so much of Judith and R.J.'s lives. Sobbing, Judith hugs her father, telling Rick that she knew that he was still out there, "I just never wanted you to feel alone". Rick admits that he thought that he was, before realizing that he wasn't. Judith tells Michonne that she got her back and Michonne reminds her daughter that Judith told her to. Meeting his father for the first time, R.J. asks if he's the Brave Man which Rick and Michonne confirm. Touching R.J.'s hat, which had once been Rick's before he'd passed it down to his children, Rick tells his son to call him Dad. R.J. states that he knew that Rick would come back, that he believed it. Rick and R.J. hug for the first time which turns into a group hug of the reunited Grimes family as CRM helicopters fly overhead, carrying supplies to help other communities in need.

Daryl Series[]

Season 1[]

"L'âme Perdue"

An unconscious and injured Daryl Dixon floats tied to an overturned rowboat as it moves towards land. Daryl recalls Judith telling him that Daryl deserves happiness too.

Later, as Daryl lies unconscious, he flashes back to promising Judith, who tells Daryl that he deserves a happy ending too, to find Rick and Michonne and bring them home and saying goodbye to Carol before setting off on his journey.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Judith has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Judith's relationships, read here: Judith Grimes (TV Universe)/Relationships




TV Series

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Season 10

Season 11

Daryl Dixon

Season 1

The Ones Who Live

Season 1

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁
Season 4 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁
Season 5 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁
Season 6 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁
Season 7 👁 👁 👁 👁
Season 8 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁
Season 9 👁
Season 10
Season 11 👁
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season 1
Season 2
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season 1
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Judith Grimes, please visit Judith Grimes (TV Universe)/Gallery.


  • Robert Kirkman stated: "If you've watched this show, it's definitely much more likely that it is Shane's baby, but you never really know."[3]
    • Andrew Lincoln in a 2018 interview even claimed that Judith is not Rick's biological daughter but that he considers her his own.
      • Even further this is confirmed on the show during Rick's dream as Shane asks Rick "How's my little baby girl doing?"
    • As of Carl's death in "Honor", Judith has no known surviving blood relatives.
  • Judith is the first of thirteen known children in the TV Series to be born into the apocalypse, the others being two unnamed infants living at the Kingdom, her best friend Gracie, Hershel Rhee, her brother R.J., Ezra, Aliyah, Mariam, Adam Sutton, Socorro Espinosa, Celeste, and Rosie Porter.
    • Out of them, Judith is the only one whose birth was shown on screen.
  • Judith is, so far, one of the only seven known characters to be played by several different actors and actresses, the others being Michonne, Hannah, Mike, Terry, Paula and Hershel.
    • However, she's the only one to be portrayed by multiple actresses at the same time.
    • On Talking Dead, it is revealed Judith has 6 different sets of twin actors, plus a stunt doll for when the scenes were considered too unsafe for her actress.
    • As of "What Comes After", Judith has been portrayed by 8 different sets of twin actors and 2 child actresses. This means she has 18 actors, the most of any character. The last set of twins, Chloe & Sophia Garcia-Frizzi, are the first ones to make it an entire season.
  • She is the youngest character to have killed someone, in this case Lori Grimes, at the age of barely a few seconds old; albeit indirectly caused.
  • Judith is the first recurring female character in the TV Series to both appear in and survive three or more seasons without ever being added to the main cast.
  • Judith's first word was said in "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life", being "Mama".
  • After the death of Sasha, Judith is the only character introduced in Season 3 to not die in the TV Series.
  • As of the episode "Honor", she is the current owner of Rick's hat, following the death of her half-brother Carl Grimes.
  • As of the episode "What Comes After", she is the current owner of Rick Grimes' Colt Python revolver.
    • Aside from a Colt Python, Judith also uses a Katana as a weapon of choice.
  • Judith sees members of Rick's group as family members to her, such as seeing Maggie, Carol and Rosita as her "aunts" while Daryl and Aaron as her "uncles".
  • Judith is one of two characters, the other being Paula, who has been portrayed by more than one actress in the same episode. In this case, the episodes were "Mercy", where she was portrayed by Kinsley Isla Dillon and Chloe & Sophia Garcia-Frizzi, and "What Comes After" and "Scars", where she was portrayed by Cailey Fleming and Chloe & Sophia Garcia-Frizzi.
  • Judith and R.J. are the first adoptive siblings to appear in the TV Series.
  • Judith is seventh most-appearing character on the TV Series, having appeared in 88 episodes so far.
  • Judith is the fifth main character to outlive her comic book counterpart, with the first being Shane Walsh, second being Carol Peletier, the third being Tyreese Williams, the fourth being Beth Greene, the sixth being Morgan Jones, the seventh being Abraham Ford, the eighth being Rosita Espinosa, the ninth being Ezekiel Sutton, the tenth being Alpha and the eleventh being Gabriel Stokes.
  • Judith shares many similarities with Clementine from The Telltale Series:
    • Both are/were nine years old during the apocalypse.
    • Both lost their parents (Judith's biological father was killed by her future adoptive father while her biological mother passed away during her birth; Clementine's parents died in Savannah, Georgia shortly after the outbreak).
    • Both were mature far beyond their years.
    • Both were efficient in using firearms at a young age.
    • Both owned walkie-talkies to talk to their loved ones.
    • Both killed their first human in an act of self-defense and were emotionally affected by it (Judith killed a Whisperer during the assault on the Hilltop while Clementine killed the Stranger (Determinant) to protect herself and Lee).
    • Both were deeply traumatized when they had to put someone they knew out of their misery (Judith killed Earl Sutton after he turned while Clementine killed Lee (Determinant) to prevent reanimation).
    • Both kept their father's former hat in a way to honor them.
    • Both are/were taking care of a young boys named after fathers: Judith takes care of her adoptive brother named Rick Jr. (R.J. for short) when Clementine was taking care of a boy named Alvin Jr. (A.J. for short). Also both R.J. and A.J. look alike and have many similarities.
    • Both were shot in the left shoulder.
    • Both have dark brown hair and brown eyes.
  • She is one of thirteen characters known to speak Spanish in the TV Series.
  • In an interview, Cailey Fleming confirms that Gracie is Judith's best friend.[4]
  • Judith's codename is "Shoto" which is Japanese for short sword.
  • Judith holds the longest lifespan of any child in the TV Series, lasting 155 episodes for nine seasons.
    • Her brother Carl held the previous longest lifespan with 108 episodes. She surpassed him in "The Storm".
  • Judith is one of six characters to survive the TV Series who died in the Comic Series, the others being Rick Grimes, Carol Peletier, Gabriel Stokes, Ezekiel Sutton, and Maxxine Mercer.
  • During her final scene in the series, Judith is the same age that her brother Carl was in his very first scene in the series.
  • Judith is one of four main characters in Season 11 who appears in all eight episodes of part three. The others three are Negan Smith, Daryl Dixon, and Ezekiel Sutton.
  • Judith has the last line in the TV series and the first line in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.
  • In "Deux Amours" of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, Daryl lists Judith as one of his friends that he misses in America when Laurent asks Daryl about his friends. Laurent later names Judith in his prayers since Daryl doesn't pray.
  • In the alternative ending scene that featured an older Judith as a recruiter for the Commonwealth, she was portrayed by Britt Baron.

International Dubbers[]

Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech Karolína Křišťálová (young)
Linda Křišťálová (older)
Karolína Křišťálová:
Rachel Ward
Lydia (young)
French Claire Baradat Meghan Chambler
German Angelina Yarkova (young)
Noa Sarah Hadad (older)
Hungarian Szűcs Anna Viola N/A
Italian Sara Tesei N/A
Japanese Suzuka Kimura Beatrice
Portuguese Leticia Celini Mika Samuels (5)
Spanish (Latin America) Noelia Lestani N/A
Spanish (Spain) Sandra Villa N/A


  1. 1.0 1.1 'The Walking Dead' Episode 8x11 Synopsis Revealed on comicbook.com:"[Rick] has his extended family," [Andrew] Lincoln said. "He's not Judith's father but he's her dad."
  2. Lockdown
  3. Natalie Abrams, The Walking Dead Bosses on Two Big Deaths: "It Was Not an Easy Decision", TV Guide, (November 4, 2012).
  4. The Walking Dead: Cailey Fleming Breaks Down Season 11A Finale, Teases Final Episodes on Comic Book Resources.com