核桃提子全麥包 - 專欄 - Annie Leong Look & Cook 東周網【東周刊官方網站】
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主頁  > 專欄  > Annie Leong Look & Cook 2010 年 05 月 04 日


梁許安璞(Annie Leong)於2005 年4 月開始撰寫這個專欄,隨後更出版了《安璞.滋味.知美》及《安璞.滋味.知緣》兩本烹飪書。憑着她對食物的極端執着與狂熱,對任何菜式都鍥而不捨地解構烹調技巧及製作完美食譜,深得忠實讀者的擁護。梁太於2007年10 月成立了www.cookwithannnie.com 網站,透過網站的討論區,與會員直接互動,交流各式各樣的題材、疑問和意見,也為她帶來更多刺激的新方向。梁許安璞熱情傾注的非凡入廚之旅,就只等你開卷一讀! annie.leong@singtaonewscorp.com


吃一口香脆的核桃提子全麥包多士,實在是清晨的最佳選擇。塗上一層薄薄的牛油,配以一杯香濃咖啡,絕對是完美的組合。這個食譜也是大廚Karen的創作,她在紐約的法國烹飪學院麵包課程身兼導師及指導統籌,又經常為《Martha Stewart》雜誌,撰寫有關飲食及其他題材的文章,現居於紐約布魯克林區。


烘焙名師Karen Bornarth

繼示範過土耳其薄麵包、軟麵包等製作後,烘焙名師Karen Bornarth今次炮製港人愛吃的健怡麥包。

核桃提子全麥包 / Whole Wheat Bread with Walnuts and Raisins

材料(份量:2個麵包)Ingredients(Yield:Two loaves)
高筋麵粉 298克298g bread flour
全麥麵粉 298克298g whole-wheat flour
冷水 405克405g water, cool
鹽 12克12g salt
鮮酵母 9克9g yeast, fresh
提子乾 90克90g aisins
核桃(焗脆) 90克90g walnuts, toasted


Roast the walnuts in a 400℉(206℃)oven for about 15 minutes or until they are fragrant. Allow to cool completely and reserve. Soak the raisins in an equal amount of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drain off the water and allow the raisins to cool completely before using. Reserve.
Hold the bowl steady with one hand, and combine the flour with the other ingredients, except the raisins and walnuts, with the other hand.
Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface. Knead the dough until it has a smooth, elastic quality.
Fold the nuts and raisins into the dough, in thirds, like a business letter.
Knead until the raisins and nuts are evenly distributed into the dough.
Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl(glass, ceramic or plastic are preferable to metal). Turn the dough to oil both sides and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Leave the dough to ferment at room temperature(ideally between 73℉ and 78℉, 22℃ to 25℃)away from draughts.
After one hour, gently press on the dough to release the gas that has built up during fermentation. Give it a fold by pulling one edge of dough gently away from the sides of the bowl and fold it to the middle. Repeat until all of the edges are folded in. Turn the dough over and cover it again with plastic.
After one more hour at room temperature, turn the dough out of the bowl onto a lightly-floured table. Using a scale and a metal bench scraper, divide the dough into two 600 gram pieces.
Preshape the pieces by gently pressing on them and then pulling the edges to meet in the centre, as if you were forming a pouch. Turn the pouch over and round it gently under your palms, using your fingers to tuck the dough under and into itself. Place the pieces seam-side down on the table and cover them loosely with plastic.
10.讓麵糰在室溫內發酵1至1 1/2小時(最好能控制在華氏73至78度,攝氏22至25度),避免受風吹。麵糰會脹大一倍。用剪刀剪一個十字在麵糰上。
Leave the loaves to rise at room temperature(ideally between 73℉ and 78℉, 22℃ to 25℃)away from draughts for approximately 1 1/2 hours. The dough should double in size. Then use a pair of scissors to cut a cross on the top of the dough.
Preheat your oven to 450℉(230℃). Bake the loaves at 450℉(230℃)for 20 minutes. Lower the oven to 400℉(206℃)and bake for another 20-25 minutes.
Remove from the oven. Allow to cool for 5 minutes and then transfer loaves from the pans onto a cooling rack.



To test the readiness of the dough, press gently into the loaves with a fingertip. If the indentation you make springs back at you slowly, then the loaves are ready to bake. If the loaves still feel very springy, and the indentation springs back immediately, then you must wait longer. If your fingertip simply sinks into the dough, then you have waited too long and the loaves must be baked immediately.