The Meaning Behind The Song: Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi

The Meaning Behind The Song: Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi is a name that has been known for their rock music for over three decades. Among their many hits, “Wanted Dead or Alive” has remained one of their most iconic songs. Released in 1986, the song has a deep meaning and holds special importance for both the band and their fans.

The Formation of the Song

The song’s formation dates back to 1985 when Bon Jovi was touring and performing across the United States. During their tours, the band members came across a lot of fans who aspired to be like them and live the life of a rockstar. The band’s lead singer, Jon Bon Jovi, saw an opportunity in this, to create a song that would capture this emotion, and eventually, “Wanted Dead or Alive” was born.

The song’s lyrics describe the struggles of a rockstar, the highs and lows that they encounter in their lifestyle. The lyrics talk about traveling, performing, and the sometimes-lonely life of a rockstar. The chorus of the song goes “I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride, I’m wanted dead or alive”, which reflects the band’s life on the road and their experiences as a rockstar.

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

The lyrics of “Wanted Dead or Alive” hold a deep meaning. The song talks about the life of a rockstar, and how it’s all about the journey, not the destination. It highlights the struggles of being a celebrity, and how sometimes it can be quite lonely, even when surrounded by hundreds of fans.

One particular line of the song goes “Sometimes I sleep, sometimes it’s not for days”, which reflects the band’s hectic touring schedule, where sometimes they may not get enough time to rest or sleep. Another line of the song goes “I’m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride”, which refers to the tour bus that the band uses to travel from one venue to another.

The Inspirations for the Song

The inspiration for “Wanted Dead or Alive” came from many sources. Jon Bon Jovi was particularly inspired by the legendary American singer Bob Dylan, who was known for his prolific lyrics that talked about the common people’s struggles. The song was also inspired by the movie “Easy Rider,” which portrays the life of a biker who travels across the United States.

In an interview, Jon Bon Jovi said that the song’s lyrics were based on his personal experiences as a musician, and the inspiration he got from the people he met on the road. He said that the song was not just about his band but about the dreams and aspirations of every person who wanted to be a rockstar.

The Reception of the Song

“Wanted Dead or Alive” was an instant hit, both in the United States and worldwide. The song was nominated for several awards, including a Grammy for Best Rock Performance. The song’s music video, which featured Jon Bon Jovi riding on a horse wearing a cowboy hat, became an iconic image and helped the song gain more popularity.

The song has remained an essential part of Bon Jovi’s concerts and is still a fan favorite, even after over three decades since its release. The song has also been covered by many artists, including the American country singer Chris Stapleton.

The Legacy of the Song

“Wanted Dead or Alive” has become a cultural icon, representing the struggles and aspirations of a rockstar. The song has inspired generations of musicians who aspire to live a life full of adventure, travels, and stardom. The song has also inspired many people who are not in the music industry but have dreams they want to achieve.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Jon Bon Jovi said that “Wanted Dead or Alive” was not just a song, but an essential part of his band’s legacy. He said that the song had become a symbol of the band’s journey, their adventures, and their struggles.

The Final Thoughts

“Wanted Dead or Alive” is more than just a song; it’s a representation of the life of a rockstar and the struggles that come with it. It’s a song that has inspired generations of musicians and people who aspire to achieve greatness in their chosen fields. The song’s legacy is a testimony to the band’s talent and their ability to create music that stands the test of time.

In conclusion, “Wanted Dead or Alive” is a masterpiece of music that captures the essence of the life of a rockstar and their journey to stardom. The song’s lyrics are powerful and meaningful, and it has become an important part of Bon Jovi’s legacy. The song continues to inspire generations of people who aspire to live a life full of adventure, dreams, and aspirations.

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