'I Am Slowly Shutting Down' Gareth O'Callaghan On His Terminal Illness

'Physically, I am slowly shutting down' Gareth O'Callaghan on his illness


Former RTÉ broadcaster Gareth O'Callaghan has only just celebrated his 60th birthday, but it comes with a bittersweet feeling.

Gareth revealed that for his birthday, he and his wife Paula sat out in the back garden of their Cork home and listened to music, as the former DJ attempted to live in the moment, something he tries to do more now.

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In March 2018 Gareth was diagnosed with an incurable neurological disorder, multiple system atrophy (MSA), leaving him not knowing how long he will live.

The 60-year-old outlines his latest battle in his new book, What Matters Now: A Memoir of Hope and Finding a Way Through the Dark, which is released this week.

Gareth and Paula.

In the book, Gareth opens up about his pain on a daily basis, and how he deals with it, from taking Sinemet, commonly used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s, and also spending two hours inhaling molecular hydrogen.

As well as outlining how he is physically feeling, Gareth also talks about how he is trying to grieve for a life he will no longer have, as his condition worsens, and the not knowing how long he will have to live.

Speaking to the Independent, he says: 'Slowly, pieces of that physical life I have always felt are being taken away and being made impaired. Physically, I am slowing shutting down.'

He continued to say that he now allows himself to feel all the feelings of grief, as this has helped him to survive emotionally despite not being fit and healthy.

Broadcaster and journalist, Gareth O'Callaghan with Gay Byrne(L) in Dublin. Pic: RollingNews.ie
Broadcaster and journalist, Gareth O'Callaghan with Gay Byrne(L) in Dublin. Pic: RollingNews.ie

He says: 'I grieve for each feeling inside that reminds me I am no longer on the road I once was, but I also remind myself that this is a new road which must be travelled and experienced to continue to live fully.'

Despite having a difficult life, Gareth admits it all changed when he met Paula Delaney in 2015, as he says that he believes she was sent to him, admitting he might not be alive now without her.

Gareth O’Callaghan childhood abuse RTE DJ depression
Gareth O’Callaghan. Pic: WikiPedia

The pair married in September 2020 and despite his illness, Paula explains she is there for her husband 'for better or for worse,' as she tells the publication, 'I don’t ever focus on a time that he won’t be here

Gareth hopes that by this time next year, he will still be leading a good life and he tries not to look beyond that, as he has come to peace with the fact his illness will give him a shorter life.

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