World's Scariest Ghosts Caught on Tape

World's Scariest Ghosts Caught on Tape

2000, Mystery  -   111 Comments
Ratings: 6.81/10 from 150 users.

World's Scariest Ghosts Caught on TapeEveryone has heard ghost stories, but what if those stories were true?

Hosted by James Coburn, this show investigates some modern ghost tales in which possible evidence of the supernatural has shown up in photographs, audio recordings and on video.

Can there be a natural explanation for these phenomena, or are they proof that something is out there?

The show features "real" investigations of "real" ghosts. It includes Peter James' (the psychic, not the novelist) investigation of the "Polaroid House" ghost from the home in Glendale, California that was built on sacred Indian ground.

The ghost communicates by providing answers to questions on Polaroid film for all to witness.

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Mark Ford
Mark Ford
3 years ago

Youse know the typewriter 1 is just a ghost writer right hahahahaha

Mark Ford
Mark Ford
3 years ago

The wire round his neck is nothing but a bs story for t.v thats all

5 years ago

I had a real experience happen back in 2001 after allowing an Ouija board to be used, nothing happened with the board but a week later during the day I had a cd playing in my stereo and the volume was turned all the way up. I turned my stereo off felt a little scared so I ran to the opposite end of the house then right in front of me appeared this black shadow figure, it had no face, you couldn't see through it. It scared me I screamed then it was gone. I wasn't drinking or on any drugs. I know the spiritual world is real. I believe what I saw was an evil spirit. I have recently picked up EVP'S while recording youtube vids, check my ch out at

6 years ago

I have seen ghosts and I do believe in the supernatural. However, they make their presence then they disappear. A sprinkle of holy water and a prayer gets them going...

6 years ago

I was watching the part when the house was "supposedly" haunted and the little girl was doing her homework. When the "alleged" ghost was moving her chair whilst she was sitting in it, she wasn't freaked out or anything. A trick perhaps? Any normal person would freak out if that really happened.

Whats Your Name
Whats Your Name
8 years ago

Why are there no High defnition photos of ghosts ....And how come i have never seen a ghost witness who is a doctor or scientists .....

One thing all of the witness have in common and the investigators is that they all think ghosts are real they are all superstitious....

So that statement on its own should tell people that its bullshit there are no ghosts only people who are superstitious or Skeptics

9 years ago

What about the people who I know, who have seen a ghost?After my Dad died, a workman saw a ghost that looked like him, in our garage.He described him to my Mum, she recognised him.My mother also said that a poltergeist had lived in the flat under their house , many years ago.Her sister had died when she was 17, they believed it was her .Doors would open by themselves, and a vase of flowers was strewn around the room.Also, my mother in law has seen the ghost of her father in her house,when she was young..And recently, my sister in law, staying at her deceased mother's house, saw her ghost, in her blue nightie, clear as day.What about that?How are you going to discredit them?They are just everyday decent people,descibing what they saw.

patricia mchugh
patricia mchugh
10 years ago

soo good..........................

Carlos Young
Carlos Young
11 years ago

11Xbadalice I love your comment but you yourself don't mention whether it's worth watching or not. I recommend it, not the best I've seen but it's alright.

11 years ago

Why are all the comments on every page a bunch of want to be brains, bashing want to be brains? Can you simply say, the doc is worth watching or not? That would be refreshing.

11 years ago

yes there is spirits. i set my tape recorder several nights and i got some sounds and voices on my recorder i have a little girls on two seperate tapes.

11 years ago

Skeptics speak about science and quantum physics like they understand them, yet even some of the greatest and most prominent scientific minds of today admit that our understanding of the universe (maybe a multiverse) is really quite flimsy. It is just plain ignorant to dismiss the possible of paranormal activity without the proper knowledge to do so. Nathan calls it "pseudo nonsense" as opposed to "real science." Well, Nathan, if you have seen anything that's happened in the last ten years in the areas of technology, quantum physics, and astronomy, you would know that "real science" is changing all the time. Things that seemed like impossible nonsense to us 10 years ago are becoming tomorrow's reality. The more we find out, the less we know. Watch "Through the Wormhole" if you don't believe me.

After seeing evidence as compelling as this and seeing people still refusing to accept it, I can see that skeptics do not want "good, hard evidence" as many of them state. What they want is to be right. I feel sorry for them in a way, because many of them may never realize that reality is much more exciting and mysterious than they might think. It does piss me off, however, when they try to talk down to people who do understand the truly unknowable nature of some of these events. I understand that it is easy to simply hide behind one's pride and simply make unsubstantiated claims such as, "I can think of scientific explanations... for all of this" (Nathan, see below). Just realize how idiotic the rest of us think you are (note that Nathan did not offer a single scientific explanation for anything, nor have any of the other skeptics who just say that it isn't real).

If you think I'm off base, you can start by explaining the chair being moved away from the table repeatedly without help from the girl or her mother. I'd love to hear it.

11 years ago

These skeptics speak about science and the laws of quantum physics like they know what they're talking about, saying that they leave no room for paranormal, well... anything. How can you assume this if even the greatest minds of today admit that we don't know everything there is to know about science or quantum physics? Who are you to say what is or isn't possible, seeing that even now in this late year we continue to expand our view of the universe (potentially a multiverse)? "Nathan" calls it "pseudo nonsense" as opposed to "real science." Well, Nathan, if you've been paying attention to recent advances in astronomy, physics, and technology, you would know that "real" science is changing all the time, and the more we find out, the less we realize we really know, and the more modern technology seems like something we would have referred to as "nonsense" 10 years ago. So in the future, try to sound a little more open-minded and thus, less like an id**t.

To refuse to accept the possibility that things may exist in another realm, one that we may be able to interact with, is to dismiss the wildly mysterious nature of our world. This is just pure stubbornness. It's pretty clear by now that skeptics do not, in fact, want clear evidence to be presented in order to prove them wrong, as many of them say. They would just prefer to be right about what they've been saying. Even when clear evidence is presented, they would rather briskly dismiss it. While skeptics tend to have a "holier than thou" attitude towards believers of the paranormal, I just feel sorry for them. I, however, happen to know that the world is a much more exciting and mysterious place than the skeptics think it is, and I, for one, rejoice when someone actually manages to catch things on tape that are as chilling and convincing as these. Not to say that hoaxes don't exist - they definitely do, and the world is full of pretenders. But that doesn't mean NOTHING supernatural has EVER happened.

12 years ago

@LOLAWONKA Your reasoning is flawed. Take a communications,journalism, or just a basic Public Speaking course and you will see how your argument is a common fallacy used in debate. Just because example A may be true, does not mean example B or C are true, as they are independent of each other. You are also missing the fact that according to Einstein's theory, time travel may well be possible. I encourage everyone to read up on Einstein's writings on the Time-Space relationship.

Max Hacker
Max Hacker
12 years ago

the Quran haven't been modified, it's today just like it was before 1400 years. The earlier generations of the Muslims did not have the level of knowledge to appreciate these verses, but by time advancing they discover more and more, and there is until now "no mistake" that have been found in the Quran.
that's a small small example :
(" .... that mankind may observe justice; And We sent down (Nazala) iron, in which is (material for) mighty power, ...")
Nazala : in Arabic means 'to come down', that means that the Iron has been sent to earth ..
and the Physics proved that if we use all the Solar system energy we wont be able to create ONE iron atom.

-Try to read more informations about Quran before answering using your imagination and feelings.

Aida Lopez
Aida Lopez
12 years ago

with all do respects but it's close minded people like you that will never open the doors to anything new or creative to spew out,yes the possibilty of e.t,ghost,voodoo etc to be as real as the nose on your face but wait may be that your one of the many that views everything as explainable o.k have you ever felt anything that you couldn't quite explian well it's the same time can only tell the tales to the things that are not explained just yet.there was a time were flight was inpossible,the same with space exploration,even the little things we take for granted everyday the telephone t.v motor vehicles and allthe other things not yet made one day was considered just insainity.but to view the idea of it as not being possible at all is as to say you have no imagination cause with no explanation as to way your soooo sure and yet ask for proof just the same is saying i'm right and your wrong and thats just all to it.ok then the glass is half empty to you i see.possiblity is creativity like if seeing is believeing well believeing is seeing too. open your mind eye,the world have more untold secrets than the percentive of your brain that you don't use.oh and the possibilty of you takeing over the world and calling yourself queen universe yeah that's impossible maybe if you were more open mkinded with all due respect.but to each his own all i'm saying is thank the good lord that that thought never crossed our creators mind.plainly putting it possiblity come from creativity if you can believe then you can achieve it.the whole world watch while the trade center came crashing down and many in disbelief, but did it happen? yes it did. you feel me.the idea of these things exsisting is the same as the idea of us exsisting. do you believe in god?do you believe in the afterlife?do you believe in hell?the same formular that makes it possible for you to be able to believe that is the same formular that gives you the answers to the thing you question or sould i say fear.this world holds more untold secrets than the percentage of the brain that you have yet to use.may be that none of it is true but the same go's for us.i don't know.. but i can't be as so bold as to say that they don't just because as important as i think i am i can't be more important as the idea of me the idea that made me..not saying i believe in it all but i believe none the less.

12 years ago

If you can prove the existence of ghosts, then you can prove the existence of almost anything here that hasn't been proven (fairies, elves, aliens, god). If one is possible, then the others also have to be possible. And if we live in a world of inifinite proven possibilities, then magic, voodoo, karma are also possible. And if those are possible, then eternal youth, immortality, time travel are also possible. And if all that is possible, then what's stopping me from taking over the world and calling myself Queen Universe?
If A then B. If B then C. Etc, etc, etc. No speculation. None of it is possible, which is why people have to work to make a living, raise a family, you can become famous but you'll grow old and die anyways.

Tracey Lynn Delgado
Tracey Lynn Delgado
12 years ago

Everyone is mentioning the little boy holding money, since we're making observations, I noticed he was wearing a jacket. Maybe he wanted to go to the store and get some candy or whatever it is kids his age buy and asked for some dough...chew on that for a bit. He's holding money, doesn't mean he's been bribed.

John Christopher McDonald
John Christopher McDonald
12 years ago

I consider myself one of the modern folks, with no religion, forwardthinking, constantly logic-checking everything. Ghost phenomena is one thing I believe is a great Unknown. It's simply too speculative as to whether the person/s was/were involved or not in my opinion. If anyone has reasoning to these phenomena I'm glad to hear it...

Risa Ha
Risa Ha
12 years ago

Islam and science fit together, one does not contradict the other.
You should look up in the Quran and see how many true scientific facts there are in there and you'll know. Its amazing.

12 years ago

the boy has money in his hand when he is asked if the picture of a man is the one he has seen! 29:33! pathetic!

12 years ago

however, most of the stuff on this is somewhat cheesy

12 years ago

i agree that hawking and physics and our universe is facinating and mindblowing because its real. i'd like to point out that with string theory and the discovery of anti matter and new discoveries about the fabric of space and time and so on that the greatest physicists are now theorising that its probable that there are an infinite number of dimensions and realities and pluralities beyond what we can see, hear taste touch and feel, etc. perhaps, since our ever expanding knowledge of the universe is just drop in the universe of knowledge yet to discover, that the idea of 'ghosts' and residual energies and such are really not that fantastic. in fact, in the grand scheme of the universe and beyond, they seem really quite mundane. i wouldnt be surprised if sometime in the near future there will be discoveries and understandings that legitimize the so called 'paranormal' as normal, and fit them nicely with the laws of physics that we are still discovering. just a thought... scientists in france, i think just pushed a piece of matter faster than the speed of light, which according to einstein, is the speed limit of the universe. we know next to nothing about the realities around us.
12 years ago

@ 34:10 those orbs look a lot like the Nasa STS mission UFO's. They might be an alien species that we just do not know about yet...

Reina Avila
Reina Avila
12 years ago

I enjoyed this film. Pretty darn good photgraphic evidence, in my opinion.

Crow Zerox
Crow Zerox
12 years ago

for those that dont believe in this stuff you cant be forced to believe it and if you think its all bad news to encounter something your wrong but my belief is shaman so spirits and ghosts and such are pretty common ive seen many things experienced many things but not all are bad

12 years ago

Got to laugh you all watched it those of you and it seems most who think it's crap. It may be but ya all watched it all the way through got to laugh out lould!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raj Mukherjee
Raj Mukherjee
13 years ago

this one is realy very scary and interesting

13 years ago

I like justin quin when he's asked ''is this the ghost u saw'' to which he gives a very definate yes while hold a few dollars in his hand lmao

13 years ago

I like the girl that is doing her homework while a ghost is shaking the chair she is sitting on.

13 years ago

I can think of scientific explanations or paranormal explanations for all of this.
I think I will go with the scientific explanations...
@ff1 put it perfectly.
Real science is far more interesting than pseudo nonsense.

13 years ago

Quite interesting. Since a few have shared a story I'll share one of mine. I grew up in Connecticut and lived there for a number of years. I don't anymore. Well it was in the early 1990's my brother and i traveled about 45 min to 1 hr north to a place called Dudley town, CT. It's just a bunch of foundations now and has been for a number of years. We parked the car we drove up in about 75 feet from the chain that prevented you from driving on the trail ahead at the end of the road. I heard that you can't do this any more. The trail is an offshoot of the Appalacian trail network.. When we got out of the car we saw a black dog on the other side of the chain. I stand about 5' 7" and the dog would come up to my waist. It darted off on our approach. They were doing forest management , by cutting down some overgrowth trees, by the time we got to said area we should have seen the dog somewhere yet we didn't. Well we had rain the night before and the ground was slightly muddy enough so a dog of this size should have left some paw prints. There was none to be found. One unusual thing is we found some ruins we haven't seen before(WE both have been there before seperately on different occasions) and in one of the foundations we found a canine skeleton.

Unzar Jones
Unzar Jones
13 years ago

The fascinating side of physics may be stranger than fiction but it has not been proven to be any more real than ghosts because most of it remains theory.

13 years ago

If you want to experience something stranger that ghosts, demons and magic, Read a book by Steven Hawkings or watch a documentatry on astrophysics and quantum physics. The best part of phsyics is that it is stranger than fiction and its "Real".

13 years ago

Loved it! keep them coming!

No Name Please
No Name Please
13 years ago

Before I start watching this documentary I would also like to share my experience with you all. I am not sure If ghost are there or not. I have not seen them lately ! Or anything like that. Though my mother used to do planchit, which is also called Oujia board or something like that in west. She recently told us how dangerous it was and one experience changed her life. She used to do this with a room mate of her when they were preparing to become nurses in the hospital campus hostel ( Bad place to call spirits when there is a big govt. hospital nearby ).

Eventually after a bad experience and also after watching the popular movie Exorcist they never left the method. But for them it used to work. I asked her method many times and she simply refused to tell me. She used to say that it can takes hours and it needs a peaceful place, mind and strong concentration. I don't have any of it. It worked. It helped them in many ways, the more it helped the more they did it and got into trouble.

Any ways.

I was 11 years old when I started seeing some black images. I had some troubles at night. I used to have these night terror attacks but it was not just this. There was something else also for which I took medicine for 3 years and at the age of 16 I got fine. We used to live in a small house. I just remember that I used to see 1 small black image and 2 black images of kids. This used to happen at the same time at night or around that night. They used to pass from the hall to my dads room. I remember once my mom told me that she was attacked by something when she was in the bath room. That thing had long hair, she was a female. She kind of jumped on the back of my mom and was trying to grab her neck by her arms and fold her legs on her waist to take her on the floor. This thing scared me to hell. I don't want any thing like this happen to me.. lol

There was another family also. The same thing happened to the lady in that family too. They were Christan's and they did everything according to their religion to get rid of it. She shared her story with my mom but my mom never told her that that she was also attacked in the same way. Though my mom was relaxed that she was not hallucinating. She knew that these things exist and she have experienced all these in the past clearly.

We got to know that the location our apartments were build was a Muslim cemetery. There are some experiences and I don't know how true they are. Why I doubt? Because I am 21 years old now. I was small. I can not believe what I did not see or experienced. I am old enough to understand things and yes If I will see something now then I can for sure say that spirits exist.

One more thing I want to share with you guys. My great grandfather was in the British Indian Army. He died shortly after he came back from middle east, back to India. My mother once asked a spirit about him. I don't know whom spirit it was because I mother told me that she used to send back the spirits of unknown people back by saying that they are not the one they are looking for. Any ways.. So this spirit told my mother that he ( my great grandfather ) is born in China. The spirit told my mom the province, city, street address and even the house number. I don't know.. Well I for sure believe my mom. She is a honest lady and I know she can not ever lie. I am a Hindu and in our religion we believe that there is life after death and ghost and demons were once on this earth and they are in some or the other form.

Believing in Ghost is your choice. I personally don't believe in things I don't see or have to seen. I don't have any will to see them too. ;-)

Now I will watch the documentary. Thanks for reading and sorry for my English. I am trying to improve it.

13 years ago

Forgive me,it was at 29:30

13 years ago

Did anyone notice the little boy who claim to see the dead holding money at around 29:55.( as if receiving for the right RESPONSE) entertaining doc. though.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Very good video. Still watching. I "decide"/OR guess that this is partly fake. Since I heard the scream from the man. That part might need a little more proof.

13 years ago

I have changed my opinion about many things as I've become more knowledgeable concerning "mysteries of the universe," however, this stuff has hoax written all over it! Smoke and mirrors!
I have witnessed UFOs and other head scratching phenomenon, but just cannot allow myself to entertain the idea of dead humans revealing themselves for what ever reason. The power of suggestion is Extremely POWERFUL!!! We can all be led to believe anything and or talk ourselves into anything, although,it is a great possibility that we just become worm food. Nevertheless, I truly do not know!!! Kinda exciting right!!!

13 years ago


i can't see the doc. :/

13 years ago

@Oli, who's to say what is fake, though. Think about it for a moment. Every experience you have, be it feeling a rough surface with your finger to the sound of the ocean you hear, is all broken down to electrical signals processed by the brain. I know it sounds "Matrixy", but these are real thoughts that real physicists have.

There is one documentary, "Time Trip", that touches on this subject. It is at the end of the documentary where he speaks about this idea.

The whole point of my spiel above was to ask you this: What if you are experiencing a lifelike computer simulation so real, you wouldn't even know it?

I know, "What does that have to do with ghosts, spooks, and beasties?" Well, a lot actually. In such a "reality" anything could be programmed to happen in a realistic fashion.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: Who's to say what you see, touch, taste, smell, or hear is real? Am I even writing this response? I think I am, but is there an actual recipient or only the illusion of a recipient?

13 years ago

Those videos are so easy to fake. ofc they are fake. Who in their right mind believes this load of b@##$%&*.

Jacob Woods
Jacob Woods
13 years ago

This was a very convincing documentary. However it is the same things over and over again. Mists, faces, moving chairs, and spirits attached to children. I still am a skeptic to these simply because chairs can be moved by humans and humans can be edited out of the video. I am sure it has been done before. But it is very frightening considering the people seemed like they were telling the truth. But you need to wonder about their other ambitions.

13 years ago


The rude comments are not from me.

Anyway, please explain why you came to this particular topic in the first?
Are there not more sophisticated subjects more deserving of your attention?
Please tell us what we should know; obviously we are missing something extraordinary.

13 years ago

I seen the "insight" of your little sisters c*nt after i drilled your mothers ass for a few hours last night!!

Unzar Jones
Unzar Jones
13 years ago

Sounds made up, much like your delusion of insight.

13 years ago

i gave your mother some "psychobabble" all over her face last night!!

Unzar Jones
Unzar Jones
13 years ago

Neither do you. It's called psychobabble.