Ranked: The 20 Most Populous Cities in the World
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Ranked: The Most Populous Cities in the World



most populous cities

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Ranked: The Most Populous Cities in the World

More than half of the world’s population currently lives in cities—and as time goes on, it’s clear that more urban dwellers will find themselves living in megacities.

Megacities are defined as urban areas with a population of more than 10 million people. This means that the world’s top 20 most populous cities are all megacities.

This visualization, using data from Macrotrends, shows the 20 most populous cities in the world.

Rapid Urbanization

Today, more than 80% of people in higher income countries find themselves living in urban areas, and in upper-middle income countries the number lies between 50-80%.

Rural-to-urban migration is an increasingly relevant trend in the 21st century. Prospects of better job opportunities and higher wages, along with shifts from agrarian to industrial and service-based economies, are causing mass movement to cities.

How much have the world’s five most populous cities grown in just the last decade?

RankCity 2010 Population 2020 Population Percentage Change
#1🇯🇵 Tokyo36,834,00037,393,000+1.5%
#2🇮🇳 Delhi21,935,00030,291,000+38.1%
#3🇨🇳 Shanghai19,980,00027,058,000+35.4%
#4🇧🇷 São Paulo19,660,00022,043,000+12.1%
#5🇲🇽 Mexico City 20,132,00021,782,000+8.2%

While Tokyo only gained 559,000 people between 2010 and 2020, Delhi gained over 8 million people in the same time frame.

Shanghai grew by over 7 million people. Meanwhile, São Paulo grew by more than 2 million, and Mexico City gained just over 1.6 million people.

Interestingly, Mexico City placed third on the top largest cities list in 2010, but has since experienced slower growth compared to its competitors, Shanghai and São Paulo.

The Most Populous Cities Today

While Tokyo is the world’s most populous city with 37,393,000 people, this number is leveling out due to declining birth rates and an aging population.

Indian and Chinese cities, on the other hand, will continue to grow rapidly in the coming years. In fact, it’s expected that Delhi’s population could surpass Tokyo’s by 2028.

Here’s a closer look at the top 20 most populous cities.

1🇯🇵 Tokyo37,393,000
2🇮🇳 Delhi30,291,000
3🇨🇳 Shanghai27,058,000
4🇧🇷 São Paulo22,043,000
5🇲🇽 Mexico City21,782,000
6🇧🇩 Dhaka21,006,000
7🇪🇬 Cairo20,901,000
8🇨🇳 Beijing20,463,000
9🇮🇳 Mumbai20,411,000
10🇯🇵 Osaka19,165,000
11🇺🇸 New York City18,804,000
12🇵🇰 Karachi16,094,000
13🇨🇳 Chongqing15,872,000
14🇹🇷 Istanbul15,190,000
15🇦🇷 Buenos Aires15,154,000
16🇮🇳 Kolkata14,850,000
17🇳🇬 Lagos14,368,000
18🇨🇩 Kinshasa14,342,000
19🇵🇭 Manila13,923,000
20🇨🇳 Tianjin13,580,000

By 2035, two new cities are expected to crack the top 20 list. Specifically, it’s projected that Bangalore (India) and Lahore (Pakistan) will boot out Tianjin and Buenos Aires. In addition, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chennai are all expected to meet the megacity definition by 2035.

Urban growth will continue mainly in Asia and Africa, as some cities in regions such as Europe actually begin to shrink in population due to aging citizens and declining birth rates. Since 2012, deaths in the EU have actually been outpacing births—and in 2019, there were 4.7 million deaths compared to 4.2 million births, though net migration kept population numbers from falling.

Life in the City

While there are certainly downsides to mass urbanization, like pollution and overcrowding, the upsides clearly outweigh the negatives for most people. Convenience, better jobs, easier access to social services, and higher wages are among the many reasons people are likely to continue to move to cities, even in the post-COVID era.

With the emergence of smart and green cities, the quality of life for many urban dwellers will likely continue to improve, and more large urban areas will morph into megacities.

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Which Countries Have the Most and Least Women in the Workforce?

More women in the workforce can indicate a shift towards women having more economic opportunities and facing fewer barriers to working outside the home.



A cropped map and ranking of countries with the highest and lowest percentage of women in the workforce.

Countries With the Most and Least Women in the Workforce

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

This map shows the top and bottom 10 countries by the percentage of their women population (aged 15+) in the labor force. This is also called the female workforce participation rate.

Data for this graphic is sourced from the World Bank, which aggregates International Labour Organization estimates from 2023.

ℹ️ A country’s labor force includes people aged 15+ who are working or actively looking for work in exchange for pay, profit, or shared production. Unpaid workers, family caretakers, students, and military personnel (depending on the country) may be excluded from this count.

Ranked: Countries By Rate of Women in the Workforce

Madagascar, Burundi, and Mozambique have some of the highest women workforce participation rates in the world (near 80%).

Here’s a full ranking of countries by their female workforce participation rate.

RankCountryFemale Labor
Force Participation
Rate (2023)
1🇲🇬 Madagascar83%
2🇸🇧 Solomon Islands83%
3🇧🇮 Burundi79%
4🇲🇿 Mozambique78%
5🇹🇿 Tanzania77%
6🇪🇹 Ethiopia75%
7🇦🇴 Angola73%
8🇱🇷 Liberia72%
9🇰🇪 Kenya72%
10🇲🇩 Moldova72%
11🇪🇷 Eritrea71%
12🇸🇸 South Sudan70%
13🇮🇸 Iceland70%
14🇰🇵 North Korea70%
15🇰🇭 Cambodia70%
16🇻🇳 Viet Nam69%
17🇳🇿 New Zealand68%
18🇺🇬 Uganda68%
19🇦🇿 Azerbaijan67%
20🇨🇲 Cameroon67%
21🇨🇩 Congo67%
22🇵🇪 Peru66%
23🇧🇸 Bahamas65%
24🇬🇭 Ghana65%
25🇧🇹 Bhutan65%
26🇶🇦 Qatar64%
27🇲🇼 Malawi64%
28🇨🇫 Central African Republic63%
29🇸🇪 Sweden63%
30🇰🇿 Kazakhstan63%
31🇲🇴 Macao63%
32🇨🇩 DRC63%
33🇱🇨 St. Lucia63%
34🇳🇪 Niger62%
35🇳🇴 Norway62%
36🇳🇱 Netherlands62%
37🇸🇬 Singapore62%
38🇦🇺 Australia62%
39🇯🇲 Jamaica61%
40🇨🇭 Switzerland61%
41🇨🇦 Canada61%
42🇪🇪 Estonia61%
43🇹🇱 Timor-Leste61%
44🇭🇹 Haiti61%
45🇮🇱 Israel61%
46🇻🇺 Vanuatu61%
47🇨🇳 China61%
48🇿🇼 Zimbabwe60%
49🇨🇾 Cyprus60%
50🇧🇴 Bolivia60%
51🇧🇼 Botswana60%
52🇮🇪 Ireland60%
53🇩🇰 Denmark60%
54🇵🇾 Paraguay60%
55🇧🇾 Belarus59%
56🇹🇭 Thailand59%
57🇧🇧 Barbados59%
58🇬🇧 UK58%
59🇱🇺 Luxembourg58%
60🇫🇮 Finland58%
61🇧🇫 Burkina Faso58%
62🇱🇸 Lesotho58%
63🇱🇹 Lithuania57%
64🇲🇹 Malta57%
65🇦🇹 Austria57%
66🇧🇯 Benin57%
67🇨🇮 Cote d'Ivoire57%
68🇺🇸 U.S.57%
69🇩🇪 Germany56%
70🇬🇲 Gambia56%
71🇬🇺 Guam56%
72🇸🇰 Slovakia56%
73🇹🇬 Togo56%
74🇦🇲 Armenia56%
75🇱🇦 Laos56%
76🇰🇷 South Korea56%
77🇳🇦 Namibia56%
78🇺🇾 Uruguay56%
79🇱🇻 Latvia56%
80🇧🇳 Brunei55%
81🇦🇪 UAE55%
82🇵🇹 Portugal55%
83🇷🇼 Rwanda55%
84🇻🇨 St. Vincent & the Grenadines55%
85🇯🇵 Japan55%
86🇷🇺 Russia55%
87🇬🇪 Georgia54%
88🇭🇺 Hungary54%
89🇸🇮 Slovenia54%
90🇰🇬 Kyrgyz Republic54%
91🇮🇩 Indonesia53%
92🇪🇨 Ecuador53%
93🇧🇷 Brazil53%
94🇦🇱 Albania53%
95🇫🇷 France53%
96🇲🇳 Mongolia53%
97🇳🇨 New Caledonia53%
98🇪🇸 Spain53%
99🇿🇦 South Africa52%
100🇭🇰 Hong Kong52%
101🇳🇬 Nigeria52%
102🇿🇲 Zambia52%
103🇨🇿 Czechia52%
104🇨🇱 Chile52%
105🇩🇴 Dominican Republic52%
106🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea52%
107🇲🇾 Malaysia52%
108🇲🇱 Mali52%
109🇵🇱 Poland52%
110🇸🇱 Sierra Leone52%
111🇨🇴 Colombia51%
112🇨🇻 Cabo Verde51%
113🇬🇬 Channel Islands51%
114🇷🇸 Serbia51%
115🇦🇷 Argentina51%
116🇧🇪 Belgium51%
117🇵🇦 Panama50%
118🇧🇿 Belize50%
119🇧🇬 Bulgaria50%
120🇭🇳 Honduras50%
121🇵🇫 French Polynesia49%
122🇲🇪 Montenegro49%
123🇳🇮 Nicaragua49%
124🇹🇲 Turkmenistan49%
125🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau49%
126🇹🇩 Chad49%
127🇭🇷 Croatia48%
128🇰🇼 Kuwait48%
129🇸🇿 Eswatini47%
130🇵🇭 Philippines47%
131🇲🇽 Mexico47%
132🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea46%
133🇸🇻 El Salvador46%
134🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago46%
135🇬🇷 Greece45%
136🇻🇮 U.S. Virgin Islands45%
137🇨🇷 Costa Rica45%
138🇸🇷 Suriname45%
139🇧🇭 Bahrain44%
140🇲🇺 Mauritius43%
141🇹🇴 Tonga43%
142🇲🇻 Maldives43%
143🇲🇰 North Macedonia43%
144🇬🇳 Guinea42%
145🇷🇴 Romania42%
146🇨🇺 Cuba42%
147🇲🇲 Myanmar42%
148🇼🇸 Samoa41%
149🇮🇹 Italy41%
150🇬🇹 Guatemala41%
151🇧🇦 Bosnia & Herzegovina41%
152🇬🇦 Gabon40%
153🇺🇿 Uzbekistan40%
154🇬🇾 Guyana40%
155🇻🇪 Venezuela39%
156🇫🇯 Fiji39%
157🇸🇹 Sao Tome & Principe38%
158🇸🇳 Senegal38%
159🇧🇩 Bangladesh37%
160🇹🇷 Türkiye35%
161🇱🇾 Libya35%
162🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia35%
163🇰🇲 Comoros33%
164🇮🇳 India33%
165🇱🇰 Sri Lanka32%
166🇴🇲 Oman32%
167🇵🇷 Puerto Rico32%
168🇹🇯 Tajikistan32%
169🇳🇵 Nepal29%
170🇸🇩 Sudan28%
171🇱🇧 Lebanon28%
172🇹🇳 Tunisia27%
173🇲🇷 Mauritania26%
174🇵🇰 Pakistan25%
175🇸🇴 Somalia21%
176🇲🇦 Morocco20%
177🇩🇯 Djibouti19%
178🇩🇿 Algeria17%
179🇪🇬 Egypt17%
180🇸🇾 Syria14%
181🇯🇴 Jordan14%
182🇮🇷 Iran14%
183🇮🇶 Iraq11%
184🇾🇪 Yemen5%
185🇦🇫 Afghanistan5%

Note: Figures rounded and based on International Labour Organization’s estimates as of 2023.

On the other hand, Afghanistan and Yemen are currently estimated to have the lowest percentage of working-aged women in their workforce at 5%.

By glancing through the bottom 20, it’s apparent that countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia exhibit notably lower rates of women in the workforce.

As Our World in Data points out, female labor force participation peaks in some of the richest and poorest countries in the world. But is lowest in countries with average national incomes.

More people in the workforce can contribute to economic growth and productivity. As women make up roughly half the population, their participation can be a major driver of economic expansion.

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